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USN I I I I \ I I I I I]
First Semes ter B.E./B .Tech. Degre e Exami nation , .Jan.If ch. 2023
Appli ed Phys ics for CSE Strea m
Ma x. Marks : I 00
Time: 3 hrs .
Not,i: I. 1l11s11•er 1111y FIVE / 11 11 q11e.ttio 11 .r, cf111().~i111: ONf~/11ll 1111esti"11 /mm each

1. VTU Formula /f1111d /Jook iJ permitted .

3. M: 1\lllrk'i , L: 8/nnm 's le vel C· Co11ne 011tco111eJ. -
' M L C
1 Module
laser with the 8 L2 COi
Q.l Explain the construction and working of a semiconductor
help or energy level diagram .
optical 7 L2 COi
b. \Vh:11 is refractive index profile? Discuss three different types of
fib res based on modes of propagation and refractive index profil e. - -
I- - --

- -- - 30' when kept in air. Find the 5 L3

c. The angle of accept,m cc of an optical fibre is
angle of acceptance when it is in a medium of refractive index 1.33 .
on for 8 L2 COi
Q.2 a. · Deline acceptance angle and numerical aperture . Derive an expressi
numerical aperture in terms of refractive indices of core, cladding and
equilibrium 7 L2 COi
b. Derive an expression for energy density for a system in thermal
in terms of Einstein's co-effici ent.
order 5 LJ C05
c. In a diffraction grating experiment the laser light undergoe s second 5
diffraction for difli·action angle I .48'. The grating constant is 5.08 x I 0- m
and the distance between-the grating and the source is 80 cm , find the wave
length of LASER light.
Modulc -2
Assumin g the time independ ent Schrodinger's wave equation discuss the 9 L2 CO2
Q.3 a.
solution for a pa11iclc in one dimensional potential well of infinite height
and hence obtain the normalized wave equation .
b. State and explain Heisenberg uncertainty principle . Show that an electron 7 L2 CO2
doesn't exists inside the nucleus. I

c. Compute the deBroglic wavelength for a neutron moving with

one tenth ~ L3 C<, :!'
part of velocity of light. Given the mass of the neutron is 1.67 4 x I 0-: kg.
ent wave equation in one dimension . 9 L2 CO2
"· Setup Schrodinger time independ
b. Deline phase velocity and group velocity. Deri ve an expression for De 7 L2 CO2
Broglie wavelength ufan electron .
C. An electron has a speed of I 00 111/s. The inherent uncertainit y in its 4 L3 CO2
measurement is 0.005%. Calculate lh<: curn:sponding unccrtainit v in the
measurement of the position. ·
Module 3
Q.5 Expl ain the Pauli malric<:s and appl y Pauli matrices on the state IO) nnd I!) . 9 L2
"· CO! I

h. Differenti ate between classical and quantum computing. (i L2 CO2

- -
~ --
Explain the Hadam ard gnle. Show that the lladamard gate is unitar ,v. 5
L2 coz-1 I

Io f2
BPI!\ SI02

- -. - ----- -. -
Q.6 a. : A Linc:1r operato r -- - -
·x· 011crall'; ..;uci11ha1 x1n) I1) and :Ii 1.2 ('():!
I •
Xj 1) -lo). l-'lnd the
. matn:-.. rcpn.·scnt:11 ion of· X · .
. , _. - - -
b. Describ e the ,, of CNOT gate llll'lllioning ils matrix rqlf'l'~CJ1l:tlin11 1) 1.2 CO2
, and truth tahk.
- - -- --
c. Expl:lin the represen tation of qubit using Bloch sphere. (, 1.2
-- - - · - . - - -•·-

Q.7 a. Enumer ate the failures

i\ lodu le
l,r "
classical free ckc1ro11 theory and discuss the
-- - -
, success of qu:mtum free electron theory of metals .
- -- -
b. Expbin DC a_n~ t\~ Josephs on effect~ and mention any two applicat
ions of 7 L2 COJ
. supcrco11..tuct1v1ty 111 quantum computi
C. ; Find the tempera ture at which there is 1% probability that u state with
an s I..J COJ
i energy 0.5 cV above the Fermi l'ncrgy is occupied. I

Q.S a. IExplain Mcissne r's
tempera ture. ·
effect and the variation of critical lie Id with 8 L,2 COJ

ture 7 L2 COJ
b. \ Define Fenni factor. Discuss the variation of Fermi factor with tempera
and energy.
c. The critical tempera ture of Nb is 9. 15 K. At zero Kelvin. the critical field
is s L3 COJ
0.196T. Calculat e the critical field at 8 K.
Modul c-S
out. 8 1,2 CO.f
Q .9 a. I Discuss timing in Linear motion. Uniform motion, Slow in and Slow
7 L2 CO-t
b. 1 Describe Jumping and parts of jumping in animation.
c. A slowing-in object in an animation has a first frame
distance 0 .5 m and 5 L3 cos
first slow in frame 0.35 111. Calculat e the base distance and the number or
frames in sequenc e.
suitable example . 8 L2 CO-t
Q.10 a. 111ustrate the odd rule and odd rule multiplier with -- --
7 L2 CO-t
b. Discuss modelin g the probability for proton decay.
ting through optical 5 L3 cos
c. In an optical fibre experiment the Laser light propaga
fibre cable of 1.5 111, made a spot diamete r of 8 mm on the screen. The
distance between the end of the optical fibre cable and the screen is 3.4 cm.
Calculat e the angle of contact and numeric al ape11urc of given optical librc .

2 of2

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@~ @:G~mM
USN l _l I I
.- . _ IJ--_-·1_ J J_ l_J BPIIYSl02 /20 2
First/Sec ond Semeste r 8 · E.... /B •Tech. Dc~rcc Examina ti 011, .J II uc/.J uly202 .1
Physics for CSE Stream
Time : 3 hrs. M ;1x. Mark ., I 1/! J
Note: I. A11s11•fr a11y FIVE fi II •. , . . ,
2 srrc, F I lJIIC.~flon.,, ~lwo.w,g ONf: fit/I (fllt!.\"{1()11 from each "'"""'''·
• .' or11111h, l/111ul Book ,.,; 11em11tted.
~- M : Marks, L: Bloom's le,•e/, C: Cour.rn outcomes.
· Co 11 sra 11 ts: Spt•c•,I of l.i~l,t C = 3 x ltf'mA, /Jnll:11u1111 co11.\I. K = J.Jlf x U/ 1/K,
Planck•.,· cu11st h = 6.625 >< IO--"JS, Ac·ct•lcmt/011 ,111,• tt1 ,:rm1it11,: = '),lfmll,
of <'l,·ctro11 Ill = 9.1 )( 1(['11 Kg
lfl(I S.\" .
Modulr ·-·,- -- - . - .- f MI L I ('
Q.l :l. ~crive an e_xprcssion for energy density inter~1s of Einstein < cocll icicnt~ IO u I co,
111 Laser action.

~ b. Explain types of optical fibers.

--- -
6 L2 COi
1 -
c. The ratio of population inversion of two energy levels is 1.059 x I 0· !/. find 4 L3 COi
the wavelength of Light emitted by spontaneous emissions at 330K .

OR -
-C Oi
Q.2 a. Derive an expression for Numerical aperture in an optical fiber. H L2

b. Discuss construction and working of semiconductor dio<lc Laser with 8 L2 COi

energy level diagram. I
c. The angle of acceptance of an optical fiber is 30°, when kept in air. Find the 4 L3 COi
angle of acceptance when it is in a medium of refractive index 1.33.
I - J

Q.3 a. What is wave packet? Give physical significance and properties of wave 8 L2 I C~l
function? Define group velocity.
- - - -·
8 L2 CO2
b. State and explain Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle. Give its physical
significance. Show that electron cannot exist inside the nucleus.
L3 CO2 ,
c. A particle of mass 0.5meV/cL has kinetic energy I OOeV. Find its de Broglie 4
wavelength, where 'C' is the velocity of light. I

- - a. Derive an expression for Schrodinger's Time independent equation
one 8 L2 c:02 l
dimensional form.
time 8 L2 CO2
b. Obtain the expression for energy eigen values using Sehrodinge r's
independent equation.
4 L3 CO2
c. In a measurement of position and velocity of an electron moving with a
its position
speed of 6 x I0 m/s, calculate highest uccurucy with which

could be determined. if the inherent error in the measun.:ment of its velocity

is 0.0 I% for the spt:cd stated.
I - _ _!

..... - -- - I ol' 2

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BPIIV S 102 / 202

Mod11lt· .l
()5 :1. l·: xpla i11 :-- 111 ,: k q11h11 g:11 c and 1111il1 iph.: q11h it J!,:ll c wi th cx:11np lt.: ·f;;-r ·c;i c: h 8 1.2 co 2
h. I ) i,rns:-. ( 'N< >T gate a11d it~ op<.:r:i1 i11n 011 fn 11 r dilTcrL:111 111pw .., t;itL:<, . ' 1.2 co2

l' •
- 1
1.3 co2
( i i\' L'.ll ,\
') provl'. thal A I A. I I

] _ _j
-· ·-
ll, l•: l11 cid11te 1he differences hctwL:cn dass ical computing · and Qu-; ntum f 8 I L2 C O2
h. Discuss thl' working 01'1~ ha ~:c gate Jllcntio ning its matrix rcprcsc~~ io n amf ---1
8 L2 I CO2
lnith tnhk . i 1

-- - ----- -- --~ - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --
c. Find the inner product of stntes 11) and IO)and draw conclu sionon the 4 / LJ-f C02
- -·-- - - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - --'--'--- I ~--I --
- Modulc-4
(J .7 a. Distinguish between Type - I and Type - II super conductors. 8 ! 1.2 lI CO 3
h. Discu~s-"ilic effect of temperature and impurity on electrical res istivity of 8 t- 1,2 co 3
conductors nnd hence explain for superconductors.
c. In a diffraction grating experiment the laser light undergoes second order 4 L3 co s l
diffraction, if the distance between screen and grating is 20cm, and average I

distance of 2'"1 order spot 2.7cm grating constant I x I o·5 m, calculate the I
wavelength of laser light.
Q.R a. Explain B.C.S theory of superconductivity. 7 L2 CO

l>. Define Fermi energy level. Discuss various energy states by the electrons at 8 L2 CO I 1
T = 0 K and T > 0 Kon the basis of fermifactor. I
c. Calculate the acceptance angle and numerical aperture of gi ven optical fiber 5 L2 CO
having diameter of spot is 2.6cm and distance between screen and opt ical
fiber 3.0cm.
1 - ----'-- - ' - - - - - - - - - - -- ---:-:--:--- - -- - - - -- - - - -- ---l.-..-L_ _ ~_ -
Q.9 a. Elucidate the importance of size and scale and weight and strength m
s I 1.2 · co ➔

h. I
Discuss modeling probability of proton decay. 8 j L2 ('()~ 1
c. The numb~r of_rart!cle_s en.1itted ~er second by a random radioactive source [ 4 - · LJ 1
has a Poisson s d1stnbut1on with A. = 4 . Calculate the probability of
P(X = 0) and P(X = I)
~---'---'-- - --
OR - 7

Q.10 a. Discuss timing in Linear motion, uniform motion, show in and flow out.
I 8 1 L2 C0-4
features -::-r-;~- -.-;:-:---;-;--:-;- -:-----::::-~
l>. Discuss salient of Normal distribution using Bell -cur\'es
- -. - -- -i---
8 I-, - c
04 I •- I

c. A s lowing in object in an animntion has a first frame di stance 0.5m and fir st I
4 L3
--c -o ➔
~low in frame 0.35m. Culculatc the base distance and the number of frame s
m scqt_tc_n__c_c._- - - - -- - -- -.:;:-.;-~-; ---- - - - - - - -- - . L I

• ~ * •• J_ .-
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Scon n~ wllh Com Sconner

I BM~,~
llSN ' [ Tl'1-rl11-r-1-rl-.1~1-..-,- 1 BPIIYSI02/202

Fir st /Second Semester B.E./8.Tcch. Degree Exnminalion, Nov./llcc. 202.3

Applied Physics for CSE Stream
Time: 3 hrs. Ma:x . M:1rk s : I 00
Note: l. rlll.\Wcr any FIVE.full q11estiom,, dwosi11,: ONE.(111/ q11estio11 from each module.
2. VTU For11111/11 l/0111/ /Jook ix pl'rmille<l
3. ,\I : 1\/ark,· , L: IJ/00111 '.,· /e1·,•l, C: Course outcomes.
-t Phy!,ical co11sla11tJ·: Pftt11!. '.,· co11sla11I, It = 6. 625 x / (f 11 J-S,· Spee!<! of li,:'11, c = J x I rl 111s · 1.-
Mass of electro 11, 111 = 9.1 x l(f"11 kg; Cliarr:e of electro 11, e = J. 6 x I fl" C; !Joft:,ma1111
co11.,·t,111I, k = 1.38 x 10-n JK 1,· Acce/eralion d11e In gravity, g = IJ. H ,,,_,.·1•

Module I M L C
Q.1 ~,. Obtain the expression for energy density or radiation under thermal 09 L2 COi
equilibrium condition interms of Einstein's co-clTicienl.
- C.
Explain the different types of optical fibers with suitable diagrams.
:\n optical lihcr of length 2 km has input power or 200 mW, which emerges
out with power of 160 mW. Calculate the attenuation co-cmcient of the
Q.2 a. Describe the construction, principle and working of a semiconductor 07 L2 COi
L/\SER with neat diagrams.
b. Deline numerical aperture am.l acceptance angle. Obtain an expression for 08 L2 COi
numerical aperture intcrms of refractive indices of core, cladding and
surroundin,g medium.
c. In diffraction grating experiment the LASER light undergoes first order 05 L3 cos
diffraction with diffracting angle 23.86°. The grating constant is
1.66 x I 0-0 m·' . Calculate the wavelength of LASER source.
Q.3 a. State Heisenberg's uncertainty principle . Using this principle, prove that 08 L2 CO2
the electron docs not exists inside the nucleus.
b. Set up one dimensional time-independent Schrodinger wave equation. 08 L2 CO2
c. An electron is bound in one dimensional infinite potential well of width 04 L3 CO2
0.12 nm. rind the energy value and de-Broglie wavelength in first excited
QA a. State and explain de-Broglie's hypothesis and derive the expression for 06 L2 CO2
de-Broglie wavelength by analogy.
h. Derive the expression for energy eigcn functions and eigcn values for a 10 L2 CO2
particle in one dimensional infinite potential well.
e. Estimate the potential difference through which an electron is needed Lo be 0-1 L3 CO2

accelerated so that its de-Oroglie wavelength becomes equal lo 20 /\.

Q.S a. Define single and two qubits. Explain the block sphere representation of 08 L2 CO2
h. Explain the controlled NOT gate (CNOT gate) with four different input 08 L2 CO2
states with the truth table.
- c. Show that S - gate can be formed by connecting two T - gates in series. 04 L3 CO2

I of2

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BPf fYS I02 /2()2

· ~. n·1scus s th e opera11·or1 s o( Pauli" s matr in:~ on

\; ~c ntio n th l:" Pa u r·I s m.i1r1ce 1.2 ( () 2
I Q.6 I a.
0 > and I > state s. '" CO2
i E: plain 1i1c o perati ons o f pha se gate IS -enta galej n irh ' 0 > and I > ~rate, 06 l.2
! h.
ix re pres tion .
I "111_1 truth ta ble . :'vlen tion its matr I.J CO 2
X I >= 0 >. 0-J
c. 1 \ I inea r opcr ~lor
1 X opcrat_es such that X I O > = I J > and
ator X.
r- 111d the matri x repre sentation of the oper
Module 4 COJ
I ISoftJ and Type II [I lard ] supe r 08 L2
l Q.7 I a. \\'hat is i\ lciss ner effect ? bpla in Type

co nduc tors. 08 L2 COJ

variation of Fermi facto r "irh
\\'ha t is Fermi fact or'? Discuss the
lem pcra lurc and encr g v. 0-J LJ COJ
field of 0.0217 Tat 2K . If the '
c. Supe rcon duct ing tin has a critical magnetic
transition for tin is 3.7K. find the :
critical temp eratu re for superconducting
critical ma c nctic field at 3K.
I Q.8 a. I Defi ne critic al temperature and critical magnetic field
. Explain briefl) BCS 08
theo rv of superconductivity. '
08 L2 I C OJ
free electron theory and mention th e
b. Enumerate the failures of classical


, assum ptions of quantum free electron thco
I C. The Fermi level in pota ssium is 2.1 eV. Wha t is the energy of the ener gy 0-J I L3

I occupation at 300 K is 0.98 ?

I , level for which the probabilit v ofMod ule- 5
mult ipliers with suitable exam ples . 08 I L2 I CO- ' ,
rule with odd rule
Q.9 I a. I Explain the odd 07 L2 I CO.J I
mass function \\·ith exam ple.
I b. ' Ex plain Poisson distribution and probabilit v 0.5m and jum p 05 I LJ I CO.J I
the push height is
/ c. 11n case of animating a jump,
ht and push acceleration . I
I ma!mification is 5. Calculate the jump heig
diagrams . I 08 L2 I CO- '
1 I
I Q. l O I a. I Discuss slow in and slow out with neat and discuss the determination of the / 07 / L2 I CO- ' ,
b. / Write a note on Monte-C arlo meth od
Value of itI usin ° Monte - Carlo method
ln an optical fiber expe rime nt the LAS ER light prop agat ing
through optical 05 LJ cos ,
n. When the d ism nee bet \\'een
made a spot diameter of 21 mm on the scree
calculate the acce ptan ce angle
the end of the fiber and the screen is 31 mm,
and numerical aperture. I


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Scanneod wilh C3rnS cannt! f

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