Discipline Essay

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Discipline Essay 10 (1000 words)


The term ‘discipline’ refers to the conduct of a human being which is learnt through self-control
and habits of obedience to socially approved thoughts and actions. It indicates on a good
understanding of right conduct. It includes the socialization of behaviour, the manner of working
and living in co-operation and docility of individual interests to group interests. In the real sense,
discipline therefore provides prosperity and success for both individual and group welfare in a
democratic society.

Origin of Word – Discipline

The origin of the word “Discipline” is from the Latin word “Disciplina” which means
management, rule, education, practice, and training. The meaning of discipline is to create
punctuality in conduct and behaviour.

“Discipline” is the word which covers a vivid range of words- punctuality, control, self-restraint
etc. Literally, discipline is a mode of certain rules and regulations in life. It is a method of self-
control. This control is not imposed upon the individual. It must come from within. Hence,
discipline is a congenital response to authority in an obedient manner.

Modern Concept of Discipline

According to modern thinkers the meaning of discipline is large and wide. In modern days, the
objectives of education are to develop sociability in child to improve her/his nature and
behaviour. The internal and external discipline should be developed in every individual for the
development of physical, mental, social and ethical values in their life. They will grow as true and
responsible citizen of their nation.

Modern concept of discipline, self-discipline and social disciplines, are emphasised particularly
on the conduct. The great educationist John Dewey says “According to maximum modern
thoughts, the meaning of discipline is to prepare children for life in a democratic society, to
provide help to human in achieving knowledge, strength, habits, interest and ideas which are
presumed for the up-gradation of self, his organisation and the whole of the society”.

Importance of Discipline

Discipline is very much important in life of a human being. In absence of discipline man can’t
employ the powers bestowed by the nature. Through discipline we can achieve power and
through this power become capable of developing our natural tendencies with personal view

The great thinker and philosopher, Aristotle once said, “A nation is not built by its mountains and
trees, for withstanding it is built by the character of its citizens”. This statement is seemed true in
this context. When the citizen of a country will follow discipline they will be able to lead their
nation on the path of progress and prosperity.

A disciplined person can inculcate good character, sociability, righteousness, punctuality in his
words and actions. Now it is obvious that for the progress of the society and the nation, discipline
keeps much importance.
Necessity of Discipline

 In Intellectual life

Discipline is proportionally compulsory for intellectual life. This intellect must function under a
strict control. For example, if a man is unable to concentrate on any one topic, he can’t learn
anything. But a man who accepts discipline in an intellectual sense, he is sure and certain to
achieve her/his desired objective.

 In spiritual life

Discipline is necessary for our spiritual life too. The spiritual activities are guided by a system
which is termed as religion. There, a person is abide by the rules of the religion that she/he
follows. She/he has to follow all the rule and regulation of her/his religion in a disciplined way.
Festivals are celebrated on a fix day and fix season. A person follows the fixtures and does the
usual in a disciplined manner.

 In military

Discipline is the supreme priority in the military life, especially in the battlefields. The order of
the commanding officer has to be obeyed, without thinking of its consequences. For the soldiers
who march to the battlefield, the motto is:

“There’s not to reason why, There’s not to make reply, There’s only to do and die”.

 In schools

At school we follow the order of our principal and teachers; because discipline always shows the
road to success. In schools, there is a fixed time-table. A student enters, studies, and leaves for
the home accordingly. She/he has to complete the stipulated task in the time provided and follow
the given instructions. There she/he learns the value of time and the rules of life in a strict

 At home

A well disciplined family is always honoured in the society. As we know family is the first
university in human life. So discipline must be trade on heels. We learn many things from the
elders of our family. We see how responsible our parents are. They do their work in time. Father
goes for office or his business establishment on a fixed time and mother is busy in completing her
household chores to keep the home tidy and preparation of meals according to the needs of every
member on usual time.

 In the society

At public places a disciplined person is always admired. A person, who reaches on time, is
appreciated by the people. Paying bills on time, waiting for her/his turn in queues, and to follow
the traffic rules are also good traits for an individual.

 In personal life
True discipline lies in a conscious and natural docility of self to the achievement of some higher
goals. A person must abide herself/himself in a fixed routine. It can’t be compared to slavery.
First it may appear painful but if it is followed for some days, it will become a habit.

Advantages of Discipline

Having a disciplined life has loads of advantages in one’s personal, social and professional life.
Some of the advantages of discipline are stated below-

1) Better Control of your own life

When you chose discipline as a way of life, your life gets more composed and meaningful. By
practicing discipline, you get full control over your own senses and desires and the strength to
wave off the insignificant ones.

2) Infuses Confidence

Discipline makes you more confident and progressive towards the goal you have chosen. If you
regularly strive to achieve the objective in a disciplined way, you will become confident in
moving closer to the said objective every day. If you lead a disciplined life, not only you get
confident but also others will confide in you.

3) Social Admiration

A person leading a disciplined life is always admired and trusted by the friends and family.
People tend to like persons who are composed and disciplined. They set an example for the other
to follow and get inspired.

4) Stability in Life

Discipline keeps you more stable in life and you feel more in control as never before. Discipline
infuses confidence making you adapt a positive attitude and success in life. You deliver skills and
earn money making you financially stable.

5) Helps you Stay Fit

Discipline help keeping you mentally and physically fit by keeping you away from temptations
and diversions. It also induces zeal to exercise regularly and follow a strict disciplinarian diet in
order to keep you fit and healthy. You religiously follow the schedule you have drafted for sports
activities, exercise, etc.

6) Transforms you into an Achiever

With discipline, you get self-confidence and grit to succeed. You are transformed into a person
who has goals and a well-structured path to achieve them. You know where to go and how to
reach there. All in all, you are in full control of your life and destiny.


Discipline keeps a great importance in the life of a human being. It brings order in our life and
helps in many aspects to achieve certain goals and objectives. It inculcates many qualities in life
such as better understanding, tolerance, punctuality, responsibility; and boosts the moral values in
the life of an individual. When we peep into our past; we see that only those civilizations had
survived long who followed discipline.

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