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Terse Compliment

Meanings: to be rude, direct to the point Meanings: to say something nice to someone. To show your approval.

Synonyms: snappy, curt, blunt. Synonyms: praise, flattery, congratulate.

Nonentity Obstinate
Meaning: a person or thing that is unimportant.
Meaning: stuck in your ways, refusing to change an opinion.
Synonyms: nobody, insignificant
Synonyms: stubborn, adamant, awkward.
Arduous Ascent
Meaning: a difficult and tiring task. Meaning: rising or climbing up

Synonyms: demanding, exhausting strenuous.

Antonym: easy.

Variable Disperse
Meaning: not always the same, changes. Meaning: to spread out over a large area. To split up and go in different

Synonyms: scatter, separate.

Descend Amiable
Meaning: to move down. Lower Meaning: friendly, good-natured, sociable

Synonyms: affable, cordial, pleasant

Yearn Languid
Meaning: to long for something. Meaning: a tired, slow, lazy manner

Synonyms: covet, crave, desire. Synonyms: dreamy, lethargic

Initiate Arid
Meaning: start something, set something in order. Meaning: very dry. Very little or no moisture.

Synonyms: begin, commence, instigate Synonyms: parched, barren, desert

Imminent Penultimate
Meaning: something that is about to happen. Meaning: second from last. Last but one.
Synonym: impending, close, coming.
Protrude Tepid
Meaning: to stick out from something. Meaning: slightly warm.

Synonyms: stand-out, jut. Synonyms: lukewarm

Hoard Obsolete
Meaning: out of date, not used anymore because it has been improved
Meaning: to keep something to use in the future. To store something on.
Synonymn: collect, stash, accumulate. Synonyms: superseded, outdated
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Partial Words – Set 5

1. To start something to commence. INI_IATE

2. Something that is about to happen is … I_MINENT

3. Very, very dry AR_D

4. To lower or come down DES_END

5. Show approve, say something nice to someone C_MPLIME_T

6. Very sociable and friendly AMI_BLE

7. Not hot or cold. Slightly warm. T_PID

8. An out-of-date thing is ….. O_SOLETE

9. Collecting things for future HOA_D

10. Stuck in your ways. Will not change. OBS_INATE

11. Spread over a wide area DI_PERSE

12. Slow moving, lazy, lethargic manner LANG_ID

13. To climb up. To rise. AS_ENT

14. Rude and to-the-point TER_E

15. Changeable, not constant V_RIAB_E

16. To long or desire something Y_ARN

17. A difficult or tiring task is ARD_OUS

18. Second to last. P_NULTIM_TE

19. To stick out from something PROT_UDE

20. An unimportant person or thing N_NENTI_Y

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11+ Word Cloze Sentences-Week 2

Match the word meaning to the description given below: a great way to learn your new vocabulary is to use it in your school work.

porter currents isle amble pane renovated aisle beverage prior spendthrift
pursue bolster schedule currants audacious tenuous opulent ardent prominent brood

1. Sally loved eating juicy _______________________. You must be very careful when swimming in the sea due to strong _______________.
2. The hospital ______________________ looked through the window ____________________ and longed for the end of his shift.
3. After his long _________________ over the moors, Grandad enjoyed a lovely warm _____________________ in the café.
4. The run down, old house needed to be _______________________ but the landlord could not afford because his wife was a ____________.
5. The store detective decided to ____________________ the shoplifter down the supermarket __________________.
6. The wi-fi signal was so weak at home, so we bought an extender to _____________________ it.
7. ____________________ to attending her meeting, Emily checked to ensure she was on _______________________.
8. Rupert was a very tall man with spikey hair and a big _______________________ nose.
9. Lewis is an _________________________ fan of Huddersfield Town. He cannot believe they are in the Premier League.
10. The bank robber came up with an ______________________ plan to break into the safe.
11. The mother duck was careful to keep her eyes on all of her little __________________________.
12. The _________________ of Wight is situated in the English Channel close to Portsmouth.
13. The defence said the evidence linking their client to the crime was very ____________________. The Judge agreed, and defendant was
found not-guilt.
14. They walked through the __________________ palace and were shown to the princess.

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Shuffled Sentences Set 21

Rearrange the words in the following questions to make the longest possible sentence. One word
can not be used. Find this word.

an work you bilingual must as a be To interpreter,

to had said court say man the dictated the French what She in

ran The perimeter the field around children of the run

is Running exercise fast vigorous very slow

forecast The afternoon today this is precipitation yesterday for weather

“clouds is use like metaphor simile a are a wool” cotton of The

is “clouds wool” a simile Saying metaphor a are use cotton of

Ripper Victorian the murderer in Jack was a notorious times Tudor

antagonist Fred to an teacher not The a told be

been have playtime girls goading He the had at

Palace The residence London Buckingham in Edinburgh is Queen’s

lithe need strong to dancers be and Ballet too

being teacher dancer on a been very Sally Her complimented competent

science index glossary you refer to books need reading to often the When

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jokes makes inappropriate that made are person facetious often A

it group was past to He the the passed send graveyard eerie thought funny

day One hot cold may common eradicate the doctors

take these a task is laborious Learning very words

Talent great judges The acts the oust from Britain’s bad Got

equitable is to biscuits chocolate It and fair the only share fare

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Albert Einstein
Complete the following passage using the words from the word-bank below. Each word can only be
used once. When complete, ensure passage makes sense!!!!

vice-versa established emigrated speed citizen

degrees famous successful authority strict

Albert Einstein is a very ____________________ mathematician and physicist. He is famous for his
theories of special and general relativity. He determined that the laws of physics are the same for all
observers, and he showed that the _____________________ of light within a vacuum is the same no
matter the speed at which the observer travels.

He is probably best known for formulating the equation E=mc². In this equation, E stands for energy;
m stands for mass; and c stands for the speed of light (approx. 300,000,000 metres per second). The
equation (mass–energy equivalence) states that anything having mass has an equivalent amount
of energy and ________________________.

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, in 1879. The following year this family moved to Munich where
his father and uncle set up a small but not very __________________ electrical business. Albert was
not a child genius but claims that he did poorly at school are exaggerated. In 1894 his father’s
business failed and the family moved to Milan. His parents decided he should stay behind in Munich
to finish school. However, Albert did not like the school’s ____________________ rules and within a
few months he left to join his family in Italy. He completed his education in Zurich, graduating from
the prestigious Federal Polytechnical School (ETH) in 1900. He married Mileva Maric in 1903 and
they had a daughter and two sons; their marriage was dissolved in 1919 and in the same year he
married his cousin, Elsa Löwenthal, who died in 1936.

His argumentative nature and dislike of ______________________ did not endear him to the
professors at the ETH. None of them offered him the position of research assistant, which was the
normal route to an academic career. Two years later he finally managed to get a junior job at the
Swiss patent office in Bern. It was while he held this job in 1905 he wrote three papers that
__________________________ him as one of the world’s leading scientists. His work changed our
understanding of time, space, and reality itself.

Albert Einstein received honorary doctorate ____________________ in science, medicine and

philosophy from many European and American universities. During the 1920's he lectured in Europe,
America and the Far East. He gained numerous awards in recognition of his work.

Einstein did not like the politics of 1930’s Europe and in 1933 he _______________________ to
America to take the position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton. He became a United
States ________________________ in 1940 and retired from his post in 1945. Einstein’s biggest
regret is that his research paved the way for the development of nuclear weapons. He died on April
18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey.

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The Highwayman –
Three-Part Comprehension

THE wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,
The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas,
The road was a ribbon of moonlight over the purple moor,
And the highwayman came riding—
The highwayman came riding, up to the old inn-door.

He'd a French cocked-hat on his forehead, a bunch of lace at his chin,
A coat of the claret velvet, and breeches of brown doe-skin;
They fitted with never a wrinkle: his boots were up to the thigh!
And he rode with a jewelled twinkle,
His pistol butts a-twinkle,
His rapier hilt a-twinkle, under the jewelled sky.

Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard,
And he tapped with his whip on the shutters, but all was locked and barred;
He whistled a tune to the window, and who should be waiting there
But the landlord's black-eyed daughter,
Bess, the landlord's daughter,
Plaiting a dark red love-knot into her long black hair.

And dark in the dark old inn-yard a stable-wicket creaked
Where Tim the ostler listened; his face was white and peaked;
His eyes were hollows of madness, his hair like mouldy hay,
But he loved the landlord's daughter,
The landlord's red-lipped daughter,
Dumb as a dog he listened, and he heard the robber say—

“One kiss, my bonny sweetheart, I'm after a prize to-night,
But I shall be back with the yellow gold before the morning light;
Yet, if they press me sharply, and harry me through the day,
Then look for me by moonlight,
Watch for me by moonlight,
I'll come to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way.”

He rose upright in the stirrups; he scarce could reach her hand,
But she loosened her hair i' the casement! His face burnt like a brand
As the black cascade of perfume came tumbling over his breast;
And he kissed its waves in the moonlight,
(Oh, sweet, black waves in the moonlight!)
Then he tugged at his rein in the moonlight, and galloped away to the West.

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Comprehension Questions for ‘The Highwayman’ Verses I – VI

Circle the correct answer to the questions below

1. Which figurative language technique is used in the first verse?

a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Metaphor
d) Alliteration

2. Which word is not a synonym of torrent – used in the first verse?

a) Cascade
b) Deluge
c) Rush
d) Trickle

3. What colour is claret?

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Orange

4. What is the best description of ‘The Highway Man’s boots?’

a) Long
b) Black
c) Heeled
d) Heavy

5. What is a Highwayman?

a) A soldier
b) A robber
c) A rich gentleman
d) A jockey

6. What is an ‘Inn’?

a) A public house (pub)

b) A castle
c) A stable
d) A church

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7. Name another more common word for breeches?

a) Trousers
b) Boots
c) Shirt
d) Socks

8. Which literary technique is used in verse III line 1?

a) Alliteration
b) Personification
c) Simile
d) Metaphor

9. Why was the Highwayman trying to get into the ‘Inn’?

a) He wanted to rob it
b) He wanted a drink
c) He wanted to see Bess the landlord’s daughter
d) He needed a room for the night.

10. Why was Tim ‘the ostler’ angry?

a) Because Bess was his wife

b) Because he loved Bess
c) Because the ‘Highwayman’ had woken him up
d) Because his hair was like mouldy hay

11. Which of the following features of Bess ‘the landlord’s daughter’ is not
mentioned in the poem?

a) Her hair colour

b) Her hair length
c) Her eye colour
d) Her dress colour

12. In which direction did the ‘Highwayman’ set off at the end of Part 1?

a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

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Circular Sequences-Choose the correct pattern to complete the large diagram on

the left. Each diagram has two missing diagrams.


Question Question

1 2






Start here C C


Add a letter to spell a word D E F

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Question Question

6 7


1 6 6

9 7

4 2

3 5 3 5 3







Alphabet line for questions 10 and 11:

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12 x 12 Times Table Grid

3 6 8 4 10 9 5 7 12 2 1 11

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Multiplication (also known as the PRODUCT)

Objective: To be able to do short multiplication of whole numbers and decimals. Remember to round and estimate prior to calculation.

Find the product of 1) 2,975 and 7 2) 20.28 and 8 When multiplying decimal numbers:

Estimate 3,000 x 7 = 21,000 Estimate 20 x 8 = 160 1st Step: Remove decimals

2,975X 2028 X 2nd Step: Multiply the whole numbers

Always start from 7 8 3rd Step: Insert decimal point into answer. This
the right and carry. 20,825 162.24 can be done by using your estimate OR by
6 53 2 6 counting the number of digits to the right in the
original question and matching with the
Work Out (Don’t forget to estimate before doing calculation)
1. 3,658 x 5 2. 8,997 x 9 3. 54.36 x 7 4. 7.634 x 8
Estimate: Estimate: Estimate: Estimate:
Accurate calculation: Accurate calculation: Accurate calculation: Accurate calculation:

5. 675.45 x 4 6. 178,543 x 3 7. 0.6789 x 6 8. 8365.051 x 9

Estimate: Estimate: Estimate: Estimate:
Accurate calculation: Accurate calculation: Accurate calculation: Accurate calculation:

9. At the corner-shop Fab lollies cost £0.79 each. Aamilah wants to buy a lolly for all eight children in her group. How much does it cost?

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Week 5 Multiplication Practice.

Calculate the follow. Do not forget to estimate your answer first!

1. 3 2 9 6 X 7 2. 2 2 9 7 6 X 5
Estimate: Estimate:

3. 7 2 6 7 X 9 4. 1 7 5 . 5 6 X 7
Estimate: Estimate:

5. 4 3 6 X 9 6. 1 3 8 7 X 3
Estimate: Estimate:

7. 4 2 3 7 X 6 8. 3 9 2 X 7
Estimate: Estimate:

9. 5 . 2 5 X 7 10. 4 1 . 3 4 X 8
Estimate: Estimate:

11. 3 . 1 8 7 X 8 12. 0 . 8 9 X 4
Estimate: Estimate:

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Maths-Checklist 1-Place Value 7. Round 256 to the nearest ten.

1. Write 56,034 in words.

8. Round 3,544 to the nearest hundred.

9. Round 124,546 to the nearest thousand.

2. Write Seven-hundred and two thousand, one

hundred and three in numbers.

10. Round 3,876,205 to the nearest thousand.

3. Write 4,015,001 in words.

11. Round 245.543 to the nearest tenth.

12. Round 1.345 to the nearest hundredth.

4. Write Two million and sixty in numbers.

13. What is the sum of 345 and 56?

5. Order the following numbers from smallest to

14. Add 3.8 and 78.
654 6.543 66 65.43 6.6

Smallest Largest

15. What is the sum of 3.65 and 5.9?

6. Order the following numbers from smallest to

24.541 2,454 243.456 2.456 2,445.6

Smallest Largest

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16. Add 4,567 and 76.43.
24. Divide 956 by 100.

17. Subtract 65 from 147. 25. Multiply 3.56 by 1,000.

26. Divide 762 by 1,000.

18. What is the difference between 549 and

27. Divide 56.85 by 10.

19. What is the difference between 13 and -2?

28. What is 0.567 multiplied by 100?

20. What is the difference between 356 and 112?

29. ______________ x 5.6 = 560

21. What is the difference between 5 and minus

30. _____________ ÷ 1,000 = 3.650

22. What is the difference between 6.7 and -9.43?

23. What is 10 x 923?

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Question Type I
In each question you need to find the number that will complete the
calculation correctly.
Video Link -

For example
8 + 2 = 6 + ? (answer = 4) – both sides of the equation need to have
the same answer (a balanced equation)
The trickiest of these questions will require you to follow BIDMAS
rules – a special acronym – telling you the correct calculation order
you need to follow when solving equations.
INDICES (square or cubed etc)

Try these questions – Work each little bit out separately – making
jottings as you go – don’t try and keep all of the mental calculations
in your head – it’s very easy to get confused.
1. 42 + 6 = 54 - ? =

2. 93 x 7 = 545 + ? =

3. 624 + 432 = 297 + ? =

4. 6 x 4 + 13 – 2 = 9 x 2 + 6 + ? =

5. 1+100 ÷ 5 = 3 + 6 + ? =

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Verbal Reasoning Type J

In these questions one letter from the word on the left must be
moved into the word on the right to make two new words. The
letters must not be rearranged. Both of the new words created must
make sense.








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Partial Words – Set 5 ANSWERS

1. To start something to commence. INITIATE

2. Something that is about to happen is … IMMINENT

3. Very, very dry ARID

4. To lower or come down DESCEND

5. Show approve, say something nice to someone COMPLIMENT

6. Very sociable and friendly AMIABLE

7. Not hot or cold. Slightly warm. TEPID

8. An out-of-date thing is ….. OBSOLETE

9. Collecting things for future HOARD

10. Stuck in your ways. Will not change. OBSTINATE

11. Spread over a wide area DISPERSE

12. Slow moving, lazy, lethargic manner LANGUID

13. To climb up. To rise. ASCENT

14. Rude and to-the-point TERSE

15. Changeable, not constant VARIABLE

16. To long or desire something YEARN

17. A difficult or tiring task is ARDUOUS

18. Second to last. PENULTIMATE

19. To stick out from something PROTRUDE

20. An unimportant person or thing NONENTITY

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11+ Word Cloze Sentences-Week 2


1. Sally loved eating juicy ____currants__________. You must be very careful when swimming in the sea due to strong ___currents_______.
2. The hospital ______porter______________ looked through the window _______pane_____________ and longed for the end of his shift.
3. After his long ____amble_____________ over the moors, Grandad enjoyed a lovely warm ____beverage_______________ in the café.
4. The old house needed to be _____renovated________________ but the landlord could not afford because his wife was a __spendthrift___.
5. The store detective decided to ____pursue________________ the shoplifter down the supermarket _____aisle_____________.
6. The wi-fi signal was so weak at home, so we bought an extender to ____bolster_________________ it.
7. ______Prior_____________ to attending her meeting, Emily checked to ensure she was on ______schedule_________________.
8. Rupert was a very tall man with spikey hair and a big ___prominent___________________ nose.
9. Lewis is an _____ardent____________________ fan of Huddersfield Town. He cannot believe they are in the Premier League.
10. The bank robber came up with an _____audacious_________________ plan to break into the safe.
11. The mother duck was careful to keep her eyes on all of her little _______brood___________________.
12. The _____isle____________ of Wight is situated in the English Channel close to Portsmouth.
13. The defence said the evidence linking their client to the crime was very _______tenuous_____________. The Judge agreed, and defendant
was found not-guilt.
14. They walked through the _____opulent_____________ palace and were shown to the princess.

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Shuffled Sentences Set 21 Answers

1. A To work as an interpreter, you must be bilingual.

2. SAY She dictated to the court what the man had said in French. 3. RUN
The children ran around the perimeter of the field.
4. SLOW Running fast is very vigorous exercise.
5. Yesterday The weather forecast today is for precipitation this afternoon.
6. METAPHOR The “clouds are like cotton wool” is a use of a simile.
7. SIMILE Saying “clouds are cotton wool” is a use of a metaphor.
8. TUDOR Jack the Ripper was a notorious murderer in Victorian times.
9. A The teacher told Fred not to be an antagonist.
10. HAVE He had been goading the girls at playtime.
11. EDINBURGH The Queen’s residence in London is Buckingham Palace.
12. TOO Ballet dancers need to be strong and lithe.
13. BEEN Her teacher complemented Sally on being a very competent dancer.
14. INDEX. When reading science books you often need to refer to the glossary.
15. MADE A facetious person makes jokes that are often inappropriate.
16. PASSED He thought it was funny to send the group past the eerie graveyard.
17. HOT One day doctors may eradicate the common cold.
18. TAKE Learning these words is a very laborious task.
19. GREAT The judges oust the bad acts from Britain’s Got Talent.
20. FARE It is the only fair and equitable to share the chocolate biscuits.

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Albert Einstein Completed Passage.

Albert Einstein is a very famous mathematician and physicist. He is famous for his theories of
special and general relativity. He determined that the laws of physics are the same for all observers,
and he showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which
the observer travels.

He is probably best known for formulating the equation E=mc². In this equation, E stands for energy;
m stands for mass; and c stands for the speed of light (approx. 300,000,000 metres per second). The
equation (mass–energy equivalence) states that anything having mass has an equivalent amount
of energy and vice-versa.

Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, in 1879. The following year this family moved to Munich where
his father and uncle set up a small but not very successful electrical business. Albert was not a
child genius but claims that he did poorly at school are exaggerated. In 1894 his father’s business
failed and the family moved to Milan. His parents decided he should stay behind in Munich to finish
school. However, Albert did not like the school’s strict rules and within a few months he left to join
his family in Italy. He completed his education in Zurich, graduating from the prestigious Federal
Polytechnical School (ETH) in 1900. He married Mileva Maric in 1903 and they had a daughter and
two sons; their marriage was dissolved in 1919 and in the same year he married his cousin, Elsa

His argumentative nature and dislike of authority did not endear him to the professors at the ETH.
None of them offered him the position of research assistant, which was the normal route to an
academic career. Two years later he finally managed to get a junior job at the Swiss patent office in
Bern. It was while he held this job in 1905 he wrote three papers that established him as one of
the world’s leading scientists. His work changed our understanding of time, space, and reality itself.

Albert Einstein received honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine and philosophy from
many European and American universities. During the 1920's he lectured in Europe, America and the
Far East. He gained numerous awards in recognition of his work.

Einstein did not like the politics of 1930’s Europe and in 1933 he emigrated to America to take the
position of Professor of Theoretical Physics at Princeton. He became a United States citizen in 1940
and retired from his post in 1945. Einstein’s biggest regret is that his research paved the way for the
development of nuclear weapons. He died on April 18, 1955 at Princeton, New Jersey.

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Comprehension Questions for ‘The Highwayman’ Verses I – VI

Circle the correct answer to the questions below

1. Which figurative language technique is used in the first verse?

a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Metaphor
d) Alliteration

2. Which word is not a synonym of torrent – used in the first verse?

a) Cascade
b) Deluge
c) Rush
d) Trickle

3. What colour is claret?

a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Orange

4. What is the best description of ‘The Highway Man’s boots?’

a) Long
b) Black
c) Heeled
d) Heavy

5. What is a Highwayman?

a) A soldier
b) A robber
c) A rich gentleman
d) A jockey

6. What is an ‘Inn’?

a) A public house (pub)

b) A castle
c) A stable
d) A church

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7. Name another more common word for breeches?

a) Trousers
b) Boots
c) Shirt
d) Socks

8. Which literary technique is used in verse III line 1?

a) Alliteration
b) Personification
c) Simile
d) Metaphor

9. Why was the Highwayman trying to get into the ‘Inn’?

a) He wanted to rob it
b) He wanted a drink
c) He wanted to see Bess the landlord’s daughter
d) He needed a room for the night.

10. Why was Tim ‘the ostler’ angry?

a) Because Bess was his wife

b) Because he loved Bess
c) Because the ‘Highwayman’ had woken him up
d) Because his hair was like mouldy hay

11. Which of the following descriptions of Bess ‘the landlord’s daughter’ is not
mentioned in the poem?

a) Her hair colour

b) Her hair length
c) Her eye colour
d) Her dress colour

12. In which direction did the ‘Highwayman’ set off at the end of Part 1?

a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

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Circular Sequence – Answers

1. F Shading alternates. Starting at triangle, two of each shape. Add one side clockwise.
2. E

3. A Arrows are rotating 60° clockwise. Shading alternates.

4. D

5. E Starting at the C, letters spells CIRCLE in clockwise direction

6. B Shading alternates. Arrowhead is rotation 60°.

7. E

8. C Three sets of two tiles. Each pair add up to 7.

9. C Starting with A- using an alphabet line- count 3 letters

10. F

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Short Multiplication ANSWERS

1. 3,658 x 5 = 18,290 2. 8,997 x 9 = 80,973 3. 54.36 x 7 = 380.52 4. 7.634 x 8 = 61.072

5. 675.45 x 4 = 2,701.8 6. 178,543 x 3 = 535,629 7. 0.6789 x 6 = 4.0734 8. 8365.051 x 9 = 75,285.459

9. At the corner-shop Fab lollies cost £0.79 each. Aamilah wants to buy a lolly for all eight children in her group. How much does it cost? £6.32

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Week 5Multiplication Practice-ANSWERS.

Calculate the follow. Do not forget to estimate your answer first!

1. 3 2 9 6 X 7 2. 2 2 9 7 6 X 5
Estimate: 3000 x 7 = 21,000 Estimate: 23,000 x 5 = 115,000
3 2 9 6 2 2 9 7 6
7 5
2 3 0 7 2 1 1 4 8 8 0
2 6 4 1 4 3 3

3. 7 2 6 7 X 9 4. 1 7 5 . 5 6 X 7
Estimate: 7000 x 9 = 63,000 Estimate: 200 x 7 = 1,400
7 2 6 7 1 7 5 5 6
9 7
6 5 4 0 3 1 2 2 8 9 2
2 6 6 5 3 3 4
1 2 2 8 . 9 2 decimal
point back
5. 4 3 6 X 9 6. 1 3 8 7 X 3
Estimate: 400 x 9 = 3,600 Estimate: 1400 x 3 = 4,200
4 3 6 1 3 8 7
9 3
3 9 2 4 4 1 6 1
3 5 1 2 2

7. 4 2 3 7 X 6 8. 3 9 2 X 7
Estimate: 4200 x 6 =25,200 Estimate: 400 x 7 = 2,800
4 2 3 7 3 9 2
6 7
2 5 4 2 2 2 7 4 4
1 2 4 6 1

9. 5 . 2 5 X 7 10. 4 1 . 3 4 X 8
Estimate: 5 x 7 =35 Estimate: 40 x 8 = 320
5 2 5 4 1 3 4
7 8
3 6 7 5 3 3 0 7 2
1 3 Add 1 2 3 Add
3 6 . 7 5 decimal 3 3 0 . 7 2 decimal
point back point back
11. 3 . 1 8 7 X 8 12. 0 . 8 9 X 4
Estimate: 3 x 8 = 24 Estimate: 1 x 4 = 4
3 1 8 7 8 9
8 4
2 5 4 9 6 3 5 6
1 6 5 Add 3 Add
2 5 . 4 9 6 decimal 3 . 5 6 decimal
point back point back

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Maths-Checklist 1-Place Value ANSWERS 7. Round 256 to the nearest ten.


1. Write 56,034 in words.

Fifty-six thousand and thirty-four. 8. Round 3,544 to the nearest hundred.


9. Round 124,546 to the nearest thousand.

2. Write Seven-hundred and two thousand, one 125,000

hundred and three in numbers.

10. Round 3,876,205 to the nearest thousand.


3. Write 4,015,001 in words.

11. Round 245.543 to the nearest tenth.
Four million, fifteen-thousand and one.

12. Round 1.345 to the nearest hundredth.

4. Write Two million and sixty in numbers.

13. What is the sum of 345 and 56?

Sum = add

5. Order the following numbers from smallest to
14. Add 3.8 and 78.
654 6.543 66 65.43 6.6

6.543 6.6 65.43 66 654 81.8

Smallest Largest

15. What is the sum of 3.65 and 5.9?

6. Order the following numbers from smallest to 9.55

24.541 2,454 243.456 2.456 2,445.6

2.456 24.541 243.456 2,445.6 2,454

Smallest Largest

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16. Add 4,567 and 76.43.
24. Divide 956 by 100.


17. Subtract 65 from 147. 25. Multiply 3.56 by 1,000.



26. Divide 762 by 1,000.

18. What is the difference between 549 and

27. Divide 56.85 by 10.

19. What is the difference between 13 and -2?

Think number line: -2 0 15

Add 13 and 2
28. What is 0.567 multiplied by 100?

20. What is the difference between 356 and 112?


29. ______100________ x 5.6 = 560

Inverse operation
21. What is the difference between 5 and minus

Think number line: -6 0 5

Add 6 and 5

11 30. ______3,650_______ ÷ 1,000 = 3.650

Inverse operation

22. What is the difference between 6.7 and -9.43?

Think number line: -9.43 0 6.7

Add 6.7 and 9.43


23. What is 10 x 923?

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Try these questions – Work each little bit out separately – making
jottings as you go – don’t try and keep all of the mental calculations
in your head – it’s very easy to get confused.
1. 42 + 6 = 54 - ? = 6 (both sides should equal 48)

2. 93 x 7 = 545 + ? = 106 (both sides should equal 651)

3. 624 + 432 = 297 + ? = 759 (both sides should equal 1,056)

4. 6 x 4 + 13 – 2 = 9 x 2 + 6 + ? = 11 (both sides should equal 35)

5. 1+100 ÷ 5 = 3 + 6 + ? = 12 (both sides should equal 21)

For number 5 we need to use the BIDMAS order of operations. As

division (D) comes before addition (A) in the acronym, we must do
100÷5, before we add the 1.

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