Matth N. Erejer (Bsed - Math 1)

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Matth N.

Erejer BSED- MATH 1 CWTS 1 - F

REFLECTION : Make a reflection on the health symposium conducted last February 24, 2024

Going back to the last orientation on February 24 which is the Health Symposium at
NWSSU- Socio Cultural stage, it was quite an eventful experience. The orientation kicked off
with a discussion about the Republic Act Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002, specifically Section
5 Article II. This law aims to prevent and address drug abuse, which is a major concern in our
society. The Republic Act Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002, especially Section 5 Article II, is
an important law in the Philippines that helps fight drug abuse. It focuses on preventing drug
abuse and helping those who are struggling with addiction to get better.

For example, this year in the Philippines, police are working hard to catch people involved in
illegal drugs. They want to stop drug traffickers and break up groups selling drugs. These
actions are part of the law's efforts to eliminate drug problems and make our communities safer.
By following this law, the Philippines is trying to tackle the issues caused by drug abuse and
create a healthier and safer place for everyone.

Next after that discussion, we had the privilege of hearing from Dr. Cesar T. Sabecio, who
spoke about Substance Abuse Awareness. He really opened our eyes to the harsh reality of
substance abuse and its impact on individuals and communities. It was a wake-up call for all of
us. Dr. Sabecio shared valuable insights on how to identify and prevent drug abuse. After the
previous session, we had the privilege of listening to Dr. Cesar T. Sabecio talk about Substance
Abuse Awareness. It was really eye-opening and made us realize how much of an impact
substance abuse can have on people and communities. Dr. Sabecio shared some valuable
insights on how to recognize and prevent drug abuse, which left us feeling empowered and
ready to make a difference.

During his talk, Dr. Sabecio made us understand that substance abuse is a real issue that
affects people around us. It's not something that only happens to certain types of people.
Something like that stood out to me was about a person who started experimenting with drugs
out of curiosity. They didn't realize how dangerous it could be, and their life quickly spiraled out
of control. It made me realize how easily someone can get trapped in substance abuse. Dr.
Sabecio gave us practical advice on how to identify and prevent drug abuse. He stressed the
importance of getting help early and having support systems in place. It made us feel like we
have the power to make a difference, both in our own lives and in the lives of others.

I learned that substance abuse is a complex issue that needs to be addressed from different
angles. It's not just about individual choices, but also about creating a supportive environment
that encourages healthy decisions. I realized that prevention is crucial, and it starts with raising
awareness, educating others, and showing empathy and understanding. Through this, Dr.
Sabecio's talk was a wake-up call for all of us. It made us realize the importance of addressing
substance abuse and the role we can play in prevention. After hearing those things , I feel
inspired to take action and be an advocate for substance abuse prevention in my community.

Following that, we had Dr. Ellery D. Daguman, who talked about Oral Health Awareness. It
was really interesting and made me realize how to maintain good oral health. Dr. Daguman
explained the consequences of neglecting our teeth, like toothaches and other health issues.
She gave us practical tips on how to keep our teeth and gums healthy.

Dr. Daguman's talk made me understand that oral health is something we shouldn't ignore. If
we don't take care of our teeth and gums, we can end up with cavities, gum problems, and even
more serious health problems. It was a reminder for me to prioritize my oral hygiene routine.

During the presentation, Dr. Daguman shared helpful advice on how to maintain good oral
health. She emphasized the importance of brushing our teeth at least twice a day, using
toothpaste with fluoride, and flossing regularly. She also encouraged us to visit the dentist
regularly to catch any issues early. These simple habits can make a big difference in keeping
our teeth and gums healthy.

I realized that our oral health is connected to our overall well-being. Taking care of our teeth
and gums isn't just about having a nice smile; it's about keeping ourselves healthy. After hearing
that, I finally got more motivated to take better care of my oral health and share this knowledge
with others.

The symposium itself had a few setbacks . Some students arrived late, and even a few
minutes before the orientation started, some of the CWTS students rushed in. Despite the initial
chaos, we managed to start the Symposium and make the most of the day.

Through the Health Symposium, I learned so much about the importance of taking care of
our health. It was truly eye-opening and gave me valuable insights into preventing drug abuse
and maintaining good oral health. The symposium served as a powerful reminder of the
significance of looking after ourselves and our community. Attending this event was a wonderful
opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and be inspired to take a more proactive approach
in promoting health and well-being. I am incredibly grateful for the experience and the valuable
lessons I gained from it.

In conclusion, the Health Symposium was a really memorable event that taught me a lot. It
showed me how important it is to tackle drug abuse and take care of our teeth. I'm grateful for
the experience and excited to use what I've learned to make a positive difference in my own life
and the lives of others.

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