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Exploiting this spell to full effect in the maze of rules of D&D took hold of my creative process and would

not let go until this document was created.

My first draft

Invisible Obsessive
A thesis on the D&D spell Unseen Servant

By Arthur Pearson

In practice, the Dungeons and Dragons game rules are open to interpretation by individuals. As
such, the purpose of this piece is to produce a list of concievable activities doable by the paradoxical
Unseen Servant spell.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Part 1: Literature Review
Chapter 1: Chainmail
Chapter 2: Original D&D (Blue book)
Chapter 3: Basic D&D (Red book)
Chapter 4: AD&D 1st ed
Chapter 5: AD&D 2nd ed
Chapter 6: D&D 3.0, 3.5, and Pathfinder
Chapter 7: 4e
Chapter 8: Sage Advice
Part 2: Detailed Dissection of the 3rd edition spell description, the new Pathfinder description, and
Sage Advice.
Chapter 1: Basic read-through
Chapter 2: Tackling the Skills
Part 3: Conclusions: List of possible uses for an Unseen Servant
Part 4: Alternate spell description, plus new Monster, traits, and equipment
The Dungeons and Dragons spell Unseen Servant cannot attack or be attacked, yet can move
and manipulate objects. With clever application, an object manipulated by a nigh invulnerable force can
be powerful, yet this is a weak 1st level spell.

As Pathfinder is virtually the same and 4e is watered down rubbish, the focus of this piece is to
explore how to use this spell properly in the D&D 3.5 edition game, published in 2004.

Part 1:
Literature Review
In which I reprint the spell Unseen Servant in all basic versions of the game

Chapter 1: Chainmail: (1)

*Spell does not exist
No levels. Wizards can move terrain, as a high level wizard: lightning bolts and fireballs, conjuring

Chapter 2: Original D&D (Blue book): (2)

*Spell does not exist

Simmular spell: 1st lev Hold Portal (Magically close and lock a door. Door can be re-opened)

Chapter 3: Basic D&D (Red book):(3)

*Spell does not exist
Simmular spell: 1st lev Floating Disc carry 500 lb

Chapter 4: AD&D 1st ed: (4)

Unseen Servant (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 1
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting time: 1 segment
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/level
Saving throw: None
Area of Effect: 3" radius of spell caster

Explanation/Description: The unseen servant is a non-visable valet, a butler to step and fetch, open
doors and hold chairs, as well as to clean and mend. The spell creates a force which is not strong, but
which obeys the command of the magic-user. It can carry only light-weight items --- a maximum of 200
gold pieces weight suspended, twice that amount moving across a relatively frction-free surface such as
a smooth stone or woodfloor. It can only open nomral doors, drawers, lids, etc. The unseen servant
cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it is a force rather than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or
eliminated after taking 6 hit points of magical damage. The material components of the spell are a piece
of string and a bit of wood.

Notes on changes from 1st to 2nd edition:

*Range 0 eliminated
*Area of effect: same radius, different trms
*Remove "valet" and "butler" terminology, add "Shapeless" -> to eliminate dressing up the US as
an actual person
*Weight moved: Same weight, different terms
*Becomes "Area effect damage" rather than "Spell damage"

Chapter 5: AD&D 2nd ed (5)

Unseen Servant
Level: 1
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1
Duration: 1 hr + 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 30' radius
Saving Throw: None

The Unseen Servant is a non-visible, mindless, and shapeless force, used to step and fetch, open
unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as to clean and mend. It is not strong, but unfailingly obeys the
command of the wizard. It can carry out only one activity at a time and can move only light-weight items,
carry a maximum of 20 poudns ,or push or pull 40 pounds across a smoth surface. It can only open
small doors, drawers, lids, etc. The Unseen Servant cannot fight, nor can it be killed, as it a force rather
than a creature. It can be magically dispelled, or elimiated after receiving 6 points of damage from
area-effect spells, breath weapons, or similar attacks. If the caster attemtps to send it beyond the allowed
radius, the spell ends immediately.
The material components of the spell are a piece of string and a bit of wood.

Wizards Spell Compendium additional notes:

The Unseen Servant does not have any senses or powers of reason. It is incapable of any action except
following its instructions to the letter. Thus, while it can be sent to the bottom of a pool to grab whatever
objects it encounters, it cannot be directed to grab any gems or coins it might find.

A permenant unseen servant always hovers within 30' of the caster. If destroyed, it reforms in 2d10
Notes on changes from AD&D 2nd ed to D&D 3rd ed:
*Add the "Creation" subschool to conjuration class
*Expand duration from 1hr+10 min/ level to 1 hr/level
*Expand radius from flat 30' to 25'+5'/2 levels
*Called "invisible" rather than "non-visible"
*Use "run and fetch" rather than "step and fetch"
*Push or pull from 40lb to 100 lb
*Loses the "a force rather than a creature"
*Eliminate the "can be magically dispelled" - excess verbiage?
*Eliminate "breath weapons, or similar attacks"
*Add movement rate, in stead of just radius of effect
*No mention of the "Unseen Servant does not have any senses or powers of reason".

Chapter 6: D&D 3.0, 3.5, and Pathfinder: (6)

Unseen Servant
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 [Pathfinder: Summoner 1, witch 1]
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One invisible, mindless, shapeless servant
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs simple tasks at your
command. It can run and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and mend.
The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same activity over and over again
if told to do so as long as you remain within range. It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the
like. It has an effective Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds). It can trigger
traps and such, but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate certain pressure
plates and other devices. It can’t perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than 10 or
that requires a check using a skill that can’t be used untrained. Its speed is 15 feet. [Pathfinder: Its base
speed is 15 feet]

The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll. It cannot be killed, but it dissipates
if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks. (It gets no saves against attacks.) If you attempt to send
it beyond the spell’s range (measured from your current position), the servant ceases to exist.

Material Component
A piece of string and a bit of wood.

Notes on advances from 3rd edition to 4e:

Becomes a Ritual, allowing non-magic users to create these things... expensively.
From a Conjuration(Creation) spell to a Creation ritual -> Craft potion, disenchant, enchant
In stead of an action, it takes 10 minutes to cast (usual with rituals and utility spells)
Lasts all day
Material component: 20gp per casting plus 25gp focus
Explicitly mentions it as a Medium invisible force.
Loses the "shapeless" terminology
Upgrade move to caster's speed
Loses "Perform any untrained skill DC 10 or lower", adding "Making Camp" to its list of things it
can do
Lift upgrade from 20lb. to 100lb.
Adds "Never tires"
Range expanded to flat 100' from you
More generic "Does not occupy any space"
More generic "Cannot attack or be attacked"
Loses the "skills of DC 10 or less" terminology
May make any number of servants, as long as you can pay the cost for the extra people

Chapter 7: 4e: (7)

Unseen Servant Ritual
Level: 1
Category: Creation
Time: 10 minutes
Duration: Until your next extended rest or until you dismiss the servant
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Component Cost: 20 gp, plus a focus worth at least 25 gp
Market Price: 50 gp

You conjure a Medium unseen servant of invisible force. It obeys your commands, moves at your speed,
can lift up to 100 pounds, and performs basic functions and repetitive tasks, such as cleaning, making
camp, and moving, holding, or carrying objects.

An unseen servant never tires. It cannot move more than 20 squares from your space. It does not occupy
any space and cannot attack or be attacked. Each unseen servant you currently control doubles the
component cost to create the next.

Focus: A ceramic hand. The person who holds this focus is empowered to command any unseen
servants summoned with it. If the focus is broken or not in anyone’s possession for a minute or longer,
all unseen servants bound to it disappear

Chapter 8: Sage Advice

Sage Advice Dragon Magazine 154 (1st ed AD&D) (8)

Can unseen servants fly? How fast do they move?
Unseen servants may move in all three dimensions at rate of 12" subject to the spell's 3" radius. Thus, a
servant can move along with its caster at normal walking speeds.

Sage Advice Dragon Magazine 301 (3rd ed D&D) (9)

Can the servant you create with the unseen servant spell fly? Can it only move along the ground? Does
the servant trigger attacks of opportunity when it moves?
Though an unseen servant does not have a fly speed, the caster can nevertheless direct the servant to
go anywhere within the spell's range (including up or down), provided that the servant does not pass
through a solid barrier to get there and that the caster has line of effect to the servant at the beginning of
its movement for the turn. As noted in the previous question, the servant's movement does not trigger
attacks of opportunity (and the servant is not subject to melee attacks in any case).

Can an unseen servant run? Is it subject to encumbrance?

THough the spell description mentions "running and fetching," an unseen servant cannot use the run
action. An unseen servant has a Strength score, and it is subject to the encumbrance rules. It moves its
full speed of 15 feet only when carrying a load of 6 pounds or less. If carrying 7 to 20 pounds its speed is
10 feet. It also moves at a speed of 10 feet when dragging 7 to 100 pounds. Because it has a Strength
of 2, it can lift as much as 40 pounds (double its heavy load), and can move 5 feet each round
(staggering) when doing so. Note that an unseen servant must move along the ground when dragging
something, but it can move in three dimensions when carrying anything it can lift.

How much space does an unseen servant take up? Does it block a space or provide cover?
An unseen servant is a shapeless force. It takes up no space (but as a spell effect it cannot pass barriers)
and does not provide cover. It does not block attacks or magical effects, and it does not prevent
movement through the space where it is located. When an unseen servant spell is cast, however, you
do need to keep track of its location, because the spell ends if the caster goes out of range. You'll also
need to know the servant's location to know how long it takes the servant to carry something to the
caster, and, since area-effect spells can destroy the servant, you'll need to know its location to know if
an area-effect spell harms it.

Sage Advice Dragon Magazine 302 (3rd ed D&D) (10)

What sorts of tasks can an unseen servant do? Does it have any skills? Can it hold a curtain or rope
rigid? Is there a limit to the number of objects the servant can carry?
In general, an unseen servant can do anything a human with a strength score of 2 could do (but
remember that it can move in 3 dimensions). The servant has no mind and no skills of its own. If left to
operate on its own, it can perform very simple actions while holding a conversation (sweeping the floor,
darning a sock, flipping the pages of a book, picking up objects, and so on).
The servant has no ability to make judgements when left to operate on its own. For example, if left alone
after being directed to pick up objects, it cannot select specific objects to pick up, although it can be
instructed to pick up objects of a certain size or weight. Thus, you could tell it to pick up all the
Fine-sized objects the weight of a coin from the floor in a room, but but you couldn't tell it to pick up all
the coins and gems from the floor. The servant can pick up only coins or gems, but only if you direct the
servant to each coin or gem. To do that you must see the coins or gems or know exactly where they are,
even then you must concentrate on the servant to have it perform so precisely.
A servant cannot perform any complex task, even if you concentrate on the servant. The servant cannot
perform any task that requires a trained skill check or an untrained check with a difficulty level higher
than 10.
Although the servant can hold anything that it is strong enough to lift, it can only hold a rigid a flexible
object up to 6 feet in length (such as a rope or curtain).
An unseen servant can carry any number of objects at once, so long as the total weight does not exceed
its carrying capacity. The servant can only manipulate two of these objects at a time. For example, a
servant could carry a broom, dustpan, mop, and bucket at once, but it could only use two of these at the
same time.

Part 2:
Detailed Dissection of the 3rd edition spell
description, the new Pathfinder description,
and Sage Advice.
Chapter 1: Basic read-through

Conjuration (Creation)
--- Something is created. It has limited autonomy, separate from its creator.
--- As a semi-autonomous conuration, after commanded, US may leave line of effect to its creator, as long
as it doesn't go beyond the range. (i.e., it may go around a corner, as long as it doesn't go furthur than
its range)
--- Occupies a square, assuming a 5'x5' square (see force, below)
--- Cannot be summoned mid-air (general Conjuration rule)
--- Same spell effect as
Lev 0- Acid Splash
Lev 1- Grease (magical way of transporting and creating nonmagical grease)
Lev 1- Mage Armor (Force spell) - invisible but tangible, works vs incorporeal
Lev 1- Obscuring Mist - poor man's invisibility, as it makes everyone blind
Lev 1- Tenser's Floating Disc (Evocation[Force]) effect: 100 lb/level carry. Same duration, same
wt at first lev (100 lb), same range (25'+5/lev)
Lev 2- Acid Arrow
Lev 2- Fog Clud
Lev 2- Web - duration
Lev 2- Glitterdust (outlines invisible)
Lev 3- Phantom Steed - 1 hour/level - quasi-real
Lev 3- Sepia Snake Sigil - Permenant until discharged
Lev 3- Sleet Storm [cold] - sleet, objects
Lev 3- Stinking cloud - duration
Lev 5- Cloudkill
Lev 5- Major Creation - limited duration
Lev 5- Wall of Stone - permenant/instant
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1
--- More powerful than lev 0 Mage hand or Prestidigitation
--- About as powerful as Obscuring Mist and Tenser's Floating Disc
--- Less powerful than lev 2 Levitation and Invisibility.
Components: V, S, M [Pathfinder: A piece of string and a bit of wood.]
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
--- Extends to all 3 dimensions, up or down.
--- Possible house rule: may cast US on an area, and have its range stay from there, allowing you to have
an US clean something while you're away.
--- See Ceases to exist, below.
Effect: One invisible,
--- About as powerful at concealment as Obscuring Mist, which does not fool tremmorsense, but does
fools darkvis...
--- Is not able to make items it picks up invsible (compare to lev 2 Invisibility)
--- When it carries an object, the object remains visible. This allows everyone to know what square the
US is in, even though the US can't be targeted. The object it holds, however, is fair game...
--- Mindless subtrait: No Intelligence score ("Int -"), and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms,
compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), No skills or feats
--- Misleading term to replace the terms "valet" or "butler" in previous editions. Merely meant to indicate it
has no particular shape. It's a Medium blob.
--- Reiterating the autonomonous nature
--- While an autonomous Effect, US is still linked to its creator. (see below)
Duration: 1 hour/level
--- May be assinged the task "stand in one spot, holding a sign" and the sign would say "If this sign falls,
kill the hostage."
Saving Throw: None
--- Cannot be Willed away, or resist it with Fortitude, or dodge out of the way with a Reflex save.
Spell Resistance: No
--- Unable to affect other creatures directly, but, like Telekenises, can drop a weight on an enemy's

An unseen servant is an invisible, mindless, shapeless force that performs

simple tasks at your command. It can run
--- See "Its speed is 15 feet" section, below.
and fetch things, open unstuck doors, and hold chairs, as well as clean and
--- US has 2 hands. People with only 1 hand are sometimes unable to do certain activities
The servant can perform only one activity at a time, but it repeats the same
activity over and over again if told to do so as long as you remain within
(see ceases to exist section, below.)
It can open only normal doors, drawers, lids, and the like. It has an effective
Strength score of 2 (so it can lift 20 pounds or drag 100 pounds).
--- Carts and other wheeled conveyances divide wt by 4, so 400lb (weight of cart + load) can be pulled by
an US.
It can trigger traps and such,
--- It can touch physical objects and manipulate mechanical effects by pulling levers and twiting dials
but it can exert only 20 pounds of force, which is not enough to activate
certain pressure plates and other devices.

It can’t perform any task that requires a skill check with a DC higher than
10 or that requires a check using a skill that can’t be used untrained.
(See Chapter 2: Tackling Skills)

[Pathfinder: This servant cannot fly, climb, or even swim (though it can walk
on water). ]
--- See Sage advice section on movement types, below.
Its speed is 15 feet. [Pathfinder: Its base speed is 15 feet]
--- See Sage advice on movement rates and encumbrance , below.

The servant cannot attack in any way; it is never allowed an attack roll.
--- Exception: Dropping an item is one of its stated abilities, overriding this rule. It is not an attack to drop
a vial of acid from above a square, or even in your own square.
Danger in allowing the exception: If your DM says the 5' drop breaks and activates the acid, the
next time you fall for any reason, your acid vials will all blow up on you.
--- Exception: cut (Sunder) thread with the scissors weapon is part of one of US's stated abilities "To
Danger in allowing the exception: Invisible invulnerable enemy Unseen Servants trying (poorly)
to sunder unattended objects every round... digging a hole in the wall? Breaking down a door?
--- Exception: Coup de Grace small game is part of the skill "Craft: Cooking"
Danger in allowing the exception: Invulnerable enemy killing your character
--- Exception: Handing an object to the caster is a touch attack on his hand
Danger in allowing the exception: Invulnerable enemy smearing your PC with contact poison
--- Exception: As it is not attacking if a character enters its space: it's defending.
Danger in allowing the exception: Invulnerable enemy blocking your charge
--- OR you could just say the Unseen Servant checks the Three Laws of Robotics before executing any

It cannot be killed,
--- As an invisible Medium Force Effect, it is a blob of spell energy. Takes up no space, does not provide
cover, does not black attacks or magical effects, does not prevent movement through the space where it
is located. It's uber-insubstantial, as even magic weapons do not circumvent this.
--- 4th ed shortens this to "cannot be attacked"
but it dissipates
--- Terminology issue here: It's not a creature, so it can't be killed.
if it takes 6 points of damage from area attacks.
--- The spell energy that binds US's forces together is vulnerable to area damage. That doesn't mean it
has any mass or physical form: it just means that one type of energy (damaging) cancels out this type of
energy (unseen servant spell force energy)
(It gets no saves against attacks.)
--- For an otherwise physically invulerable thing, It's important that something can take it down other than
a targeted dispel magic. Even if it can't attack, it's still there, and still a distraction.
If you attempt to send it beyond the spell’s range (measured from your
current position), the servant ceases to exist.
--- Ceases to Exist
--- Combined with above where it states US continues to work "as long as you stay within range."
--- Opinion: It doesn't *say* what happens if YOU leave its "range," but the implication is the US ceases to
exist. However, telling the US to follow the caster, every time he moves is too much upkeep. When the
caster begins to leave the area where an unseen servant is working, it should invoke Asimov's 3rd law of
robotics to preserve itself: Drop what it's doing, and do everything it can to catch up to the caster (move
15' twice per round.) I would even allow a 3 round grace period where the caster becomes aware he's
leaving his US behind and can slow himself down to let it catch up before it dissipates.

Material Component
A piece of string and a bit of wood.
--- If you use an anti-invisibility method to make out the shape of an Unseen Servant, I'd maybe say it'd
look like a block of wood with 2 ropey hand/arms (per the material component)
Sage Advice Dragon Magazine 154 (1st ed AD&D)
Can unseen servants fly? How fast do they move?
Unseen servants may move in all three dimensions at rate of 12" subject to
the spell's 3" radius. Thus, a servant can move along with its caster at
normal walking speeds.

Sage Advice Dragon Magazine 301 (3rd ed D&D)

Can the servant you create with the unseen servant spell fly? Can it only
move along the ground? Does the servant trigger attacks of opportunity
when it moves?
Though an unseen servant does not have a fly speed, the caster can
nevertheless direct the servant to go anywhere within the spell's range
(including up or down), provided that the servant does not pass through a
solid barrier to get there and that the caster has line of effect to the
servant at the beginning of its movement for the turn. As noted in the
previous question, the servant's movement does not trigger attacks of
opportunity (and the servant is not subject to melee attacks in any case).
--- Movement types
--- Official DnD 3.5: it can fly. Official Pathfinder (above): it can't fly, climb, or swim, but can walk on water.
--- Nowhere in its previous incarnations does it state its movement type, or even movement rate.
--- Opinion: It's a force effect. Mage hand (0 lev) can fly anywhere it wants and grab something. Levitate
can lift 400 lb. It should fly.

Can an unseen servant run? Is it subject to encumbrance?

Though the spell description mentions "running and fetching," an unseen
servant cannot use the run action. An unseen servant has a Strength
score, and it is subject to the encumbrance rules. It moves its full speed of
15 feet only when carrying a load of 6 pounds or less. If carrying 7 to 20
pounds its speed is 10 feet. It also moves at a speed of 10 feet when
dragging 7 to 100 pounds. Because it has a Strength of 2, it can lift as
much as 40 pounds (double its heavy load), and can move 5 feet each
round (staggering) when doing so. Note that an unseen servant must move
along the ground when dragging something, but it can move in three
dimensions when carrying anything it can lift.
--- Note: Elsewhere, Skip mentions that while dragging things over your max encumbracne (20lbs in this
case), you move as if you were AT your max encumbrance, not "staggering," which jives with what he
said here.]
--- Movement rates and encumbrance
--- Official DnD 3.5: US is burdened by carried items.
--- This makes sense, as all editions describing the Strength score mentions "drag" as a possible
maneuver for creatures with a Str score.
--- Note: may cart (wt/4) 24lbs at full speed (light), 25-80lbs at 10' (med & heavy), and drag a cart of
81-400lb. (Still at med/heavy 10' speed when dragging)
How much space does an unseen servant take up? Does it block a space
or provide cover?
An unseen servant is a shapeless force. It takes up no space (but as a
spell effect it cannot pass barriers) and does not provide cover. It does not
block attacks or magical effects, and it does not prevent movement through
the space where it is located. When an unseen servant spell is cast,
however, you do need to keep track of its location, because the spell ends
if the caster goes out of range. You'll also need to know the servant's
location to know how long it takes the servant to carry something to the
caster, and, since area-effect spells can destroy the servant, you'll need to
know its location to know if an area-effect spell harms it.
--- Emphasizing the "Cannot be attacked" part of the spell description. You can't target an exploding
fireball, so you also can't target an Unseen Servant
--- If you equate "spell effect" to "line of effect", then a "spell effect" can pass through a 1'+ diameter hole
--- Furthur evidence pointing to it being a spell effect blob of force that acts as a Medium creature

Sage Advice Dragon Magazine 302 (3rd ed D&D)

What sorts of tasks can an unseen servant do? Does it have any skills?
Can it hold a curtain or rope rigid? Is there a limit to the number of objects
the servant can carry?
In general, an unseen servant can do anything a human with a strength
score of 2 could do (but remember that it can move in 3 dimensions). The
servant has no mind and no skills of its own. If left to operate on its own, it
can perform very simple actions while holding a conversation (sweeping
the floor, darning a sock, flipping the pages of a book, picking up objects,
and so on). The servant has no ability to make judgements when left to
operate on its own. For example, if left alone after being directed to pick
up objects, it cannot select specific objects to pick up, although it can be
instructed to pick up objects of a certain size or weight. Thus, you could
tell it to pick up all the Fine-sized objects the weight of a coin from the
floor in a room, but but you couldn't tell it to pick up all the coins and gems
from the floor. The servant can pick up only coins or gems, but only if you
direct the servant to each coin or gem. To do that you must see the coins
or gems or know exactly where they are, even then you must concentrate
on the servant to have it perform so precisely.
--- Describing and emphasizing the "Mindless" attribute.
--- Can pick up objects of a certain size or weight, but NO specific objects.
- Contradicts the spell description. Without the ability to make ANY judgements of its own, an
Unseen Servant would be unable to "sweep the floor:" It could sweep in exactly 1 spot over and over
again, or sweep in a certain direction. (Eventually being stopped by a wall or winding up outside the
caster's area and winking out of existence. Useless.)
--- Cannot see. You must direct the US to do an activity, and then allow it to repeat over and over again.
- Contradicts the original spell: If it can't see, it can't mend. If you have to stare and spend
move-equivalent actions every single round to make it sew a patch on a pair of breeches, then it is NOT
a useful spell for mending.
--- CONCLUSION: US is a Mindless, sightless thing, ONLY able to do physical-related skills, with the
following exceptions:
- navigating an area (in order to clean it with a broom)
- The "craft" skill (but only to mend objects.)
- being able to tell the general shape and weight of an object
A servant cannot perform any complex task, even if you concentrate on
the servant. The servant cannot perform any task that requires a trained
skill check or an untrained check with a difficulty level higher than 10.
(See Chapter 2: Tackling Skills)
Although the servant can hold anything that it is strong enough to lift, it can
only hold a rigid a flexible object up to 6 feet in length (such as a rope or
--- Furthur evidence of an US acts as a Medium creature with 2 hands.
An unseen servant can carry any number of objects at once, so long as the
total weight does not exceed its carrying capacity. The servant can only
manipulate two of these objects at a time. For example, a servant could
carry a broom, dustpan, mop, and bucket at once, but it could only use
two of these at the same time.
--- Furthur evidence of an US acts as a Medium blob of spell energy

--- As a spell, since it is unstated, "Direct or Redirect a Spell" defaults to a move-equivalent action that
does not provoke AOOs, and needs line of effect to the spell/US

Chapter 2: Tackling the Skills


The written material does not say that an Unseen Servant may skip skill check rolls.
It does not say the US automatically "takes 10" or "takes 20" in stead of rolling.
It does not provide the US's skill ranks
It does not provide the US's ability scores other than Str 2 and Int - (mindless).
It does not say it must roll skill checks at all

Out of the 4 editions the spell exists in, this "do untrained skills" thing is ONLY in 3rd edition. It
wasn't part of the original design of the spell. It is the most contradictory part of this whole exercize. The
implications of being able to have an Unseen Servant go out and "Gather Information" (an untrained cha
skill) clearly contradicts the fact that Unseen Servant is mindless.

The simplest way to handle this is to disallow it, as it isn't part of the original intentions of the

The most true-to-original-spell way to handle this is to say that an Unseen Servant gets a
automatic "10" in any skill roll, is able to do any Str or Dex skill, and is unable to do any int, wis, or
Charisma skills except Craft (specificly stated in the spell description) and Perform (Repeating the same
sequence of beats over and over again is perfect for an US, and useful, too)

The most complex way to handle it would be to write this document.

Detailed assumptions

Ability Scores and base determining which spells US can do?

*Minimal approach: Str 2, Dex -, Con -, Int -, Wis -, Cha - (Can do only Str skills)
*As an animated object: Str 2, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 (Can do all but con and Int skills)
*An otherwise normal stat block: Str 2, Dex 10, Con 10, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10.
*Ignore all - US can execute ANY skill [Assumed]
Ability Modifiers
*Use all modifiers, treating "-" abilities as -5
*Ignore modifiers [Assumed]
Skill ranks
Final choice on valid skills US can use
*Based on ability scores (see previous section)
*Only Str related skills
*Only Dex or Str related skills, as it is mindless construct [Assumed]
*Only Dex, Con, or Str related skills, as it is mindless
*One of previous options, plus Craft (mend) and certain Perform skills [Assumed]
*All skills usable (US can speak, think, socialize (dully), and has extensive autonomy: Gather
Skill checks
*Treat all results as 10 [Assumed]
*Treat as normal character, but taking 10 whenever possible, taking 20 if given enough time,
rolling and modifying for stats
Circumstance modifiers
*All work
*Only regular, mundane modifiers (magical effects, such as Bull's Strength do not affect)
-If any modifiers work, only modifiers to reduce DC can expand what an US can do (armor DC
10+ac mod)
*None work
US aiding another
*Allowed normally [Assumed]
*Allowed only in checks that allow character to take 10
*Allowed only for specific cases
*Not allowed

List of skills, DCs, and Aid Another, regardless of above choices

- Appraise (int): Banned: mindless
DC 12 is lowest
Aid Another: Yes
Ability implied: A DC 10 to simply identify an object? can ID what an object is without help from
the caster.
- Balance (dex) DC 10: 7-12 inches wide DC 10: Running over Uneven flagstone, newn stone
floor, sloped or angled floor
Aid Another: Yes
Ability implied: US has weight, touches the ground, and needs to right itself over rough terrain
- Bluff (cha): Banned: mindless
Ability implied: An US can decieve (poorly). US has some sort of reasoning autonomy to make
something up
Aid Another: Yes
Possible uses:
*This toy puppet I am holding is actually alive
*I am an invisble monster that may attack you with the visible sword I'm holding (Unseen servant
carrying sword in threatening fasion)
Note: "I am an invisible something holding a sharp sword" is not a bluff, if the Unseen servant
actually *is* holding a sharp sword. The bluff comes in convincing a creature that you're about to attack
with it.
- Climb(str):
DC 0: A slope too steep to walk up, or a knotted rope with a wall to brace against
DC 5: a rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a rope trick rope
DC 10: A surface with ledges to hold onto and stand on, such as a aship's rigging or very rough
Aid another: Yes.
- Concentration (con)
DC 10: vigorous motion( on a moving mount, a bouncy wagon, a small boat in brough water,
belowdesk in a storm-tossed ship)
DC 5: weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet
DC 10: weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or dibris
Auto lose concentration if hit with damage. (DC 11+), entangled, violent motion
Aid Another: No?
Ability implied: US needs to focus to do tasks.
- Craft (int) Banned: mindless
Specificly states in description can "mend:" UNBANNED
DC 5: "Very Simple:" Wooden Spoon -> Create at 6cp/hour, mend 31cp/hour
DC 10: "Typical:" Metal Pot, Tattoo -> Create at 12cp/hour, mend 62cp/hour
Ability implied: NO OTHER EXAMPLES FOR Very Simple OR Typical EXIST. Everything else
described (weapons, armor) are too high a DC for US to handle.
I would house rule that you can repair or create poor quality (-1 to hit and damge) simple
weapons at DC 10, and poor quality armor (-1 to AC) at DC 8+AC modifier.
- Diplomacy (cha): Banned: mindless
DCs 5 or lower: maintain or worsen an NPC's attitude
Ability implied: US can speak and reason with others
Aid another: Yes. (Using the unseen servant to help make others more comfortable, supplying
pillows or fanning like a servant)
- Disguise (cha): Banned: mindless
Banned: Invisible blob of force spell energy cannot wear clothing or makeup.
Opposed skill: creates some sort of disguise from available materials.
Aid another: Yes (hold a mirror)
- Escape Artist (dex):
DC 10: As a Medium force effect, it may "squeeze" through a space as small as 2.5'x2.5'x2.5'
Aid another: Yes. As long as the US can grab the PC. A "swallowed whole" character would
beyond an Unseen Servant's help. May push or pull a character to assist it squeezing, as long as the US
can squeeze through the space too...
- Forgery (int): Banned: mindless
Opposed roll. A skill check of 10 won't fool many. Could be used to photocopy, poorly.
Aid Another: No
Ability implied: US can see flat writing or pictures
- Gather info (cha): Banned: mindless
DC 10 and a few gp: Gerneral idea of city's major news items
Aid another: No.
Implied ability: Ability to speak
- Heal (wis): Banned: mindless
No DC 10 results.
Aid another: Yes.
- Hide (dex):
Opposed check. Invisible, so result of 30 if moving or 50 if standing still (skill check of 10 +20, or
Aid another: Yes, if the US holds up an opaque sheet.
- Intimidate (cha): Banned: mindless
Opposed check. Skill result check of 10. May have to Bluff to first get the opponents to believe
there's an actual threat.
Aid another: Yes. An invisible ally (the unseen servant holding a sword) might be intimidating.
- Jump (str):
DC 10: 10 feet (long jump, must run)
DC 8: 1 foot standing still, 2 feet with a 20' running start
Aid another: Yes
Implied ability: A medium character has an 8' vertical reach standing on the ground...
- Listen (wis): Banned: mindless
DC 10 listen checks:
*A battle from 200 feet away
*A battle through a door 150 feet away
*A battle through two doors 100 feet away
*A battle through 3 doors 100 feet away
*A battle through a stone door 50 feet away
*People talking 100 feet away
*People talking through a door 50 feet away
*People talking right next to you(5' away), and you can understand what they're saying, assuming
you know the language.
*A person in medium armor walking at a slow pace 50' away
Aid Another: no
Implied Ability: An Unseen servant can understand language, if they're less than 10' away...
- Move Silently (Dex):
Opposed Check.
A check result of 10 won't fool too many people...
Aid another: No
Implied ability: While moving, the Unseen Servant makes noise it has to cover up for
- Perform (cha): Banned: mindless
Perform can be repeating the same actions over and over again, especially for an
accompanyment: UNBANNED
DC 10: routine performance. Essentially begging. 1d10 cp/day (8 hours)
Aid another: Yes. A steady drum beat is accompanyment.
Implied ability: again, another nod toward saying the US can speak, blow wind instruments, sing
even! ... poorly...
- Ride (dex):
DC 5: Guide with knees
DC 10: fight with warhorse
Aid another: Yes. Holding reins, steadying the rider, etc.
Note: Just make sure to keep the US near the mount (US movement rate 15)
- Search (wis): Banned: mindless
DC 10: Ransack a chest full of junk to find a certain item
Aid another: No. Search is barred from benefitting from Aid Another
- Sense Motive (wis): Banned: mindless
Yes, but a skill check of 10 isn't going to see past much of anything.
Aid Another: No. Sense Motive is barred from benefitting from Aid Another
Implied ability: Furthur evidence of reasoning capabilities.
- Spot (wis): Banned: mindless
DC 10:
*A small person 60' away
*A medium person 100' away
*A medium person trying to hide right next to the US
*A Large creature 140' away
*A large creature trying to hide 40' away
*A huge creature 180' away
*A Huge creature trying to hide 80' away
*A gargantuan creature 220' away
*A gargantuan creature trying to hide 120' away
*A Colossal creature 260' away
*A colossal creature trying to hide 160' away
- Survival (wis): Banned: mindless
DC 10 only provides for the US, and the US can't "hunt", and it's a skill check per day (8 hours)
Aid another: Yes (carrying things, flushing game out by shaking a bush)
- Swim (Str):
Yes. But, US has auto move 15' regardless of environment
Aid another: Yes
- Use Rope (dex):
DC 10:
*Tie a knot
*Secure a grappling hook
*Bind a helpless character (getting a skill check result of 10, plus tying up modifier +10)
Aid another: Yes

Trained skills: Providing circumstance bonuses?

Knowledge based: BANNED

Decipher Script (int)
Disable Device (int)
Knowledge (int)
Spellcraft (int)

Creature based: BANNED

Use Magic Device (cha)

Otherwise physical skills:

Handle Animal (Cha)
*Lead a tamed animal around by a leash
*If trained to respond to a specific bell or sign like a flag being waved, US can trigger the trick
Open Lock (Dex)
*If a 1' diameter hole can be found or bored through a wall, send the US to the other side to
unlock the door
Profession (wis)
*Apothercary -assist in handling dangerous substances
*boater-provide a second set of hands
*bookkeeper-turn pages, put away books on high shelves
*brewer-stir a vat of hops
*cook-stir a pot
*farmer-provide an extra pair of hands
*fisher-provide a mobile net or guide the fishing line
*herbalist-Grind a pestle and mortar
*herder-wave a flag to scare sheep into line
*hunter-flush out game by wiggling a bush
*inkeeper-serve drinks
*lumberjack-Clear away brush
*miller-Haul small sacks of grain
*miner-push a 400lb cart of ore
*porter-carry an extra load
*rancher-snap a whip
*sailer-tote that barge, lift that sail
*stablehand-muck out stables
*tanner-handle dangerous chemicals
*woodcutter-tie up bundles of wood, haul a 400lb cart full of wood
Slight of Hand (Dex)
*distractions, distractions, distractions
Tumble (dex)
*I got nothing

Part 3:
List of possible uses for an Unseen Servant

In which I list what you can and cannot do with an Unseen Servant from most likely allowed in your
campaign to least likely allowed.

Open or close:
*open a door, drawer, lid, or simmular item
*an animal cage
*Open a treasure chest
*Taking the brunt of the trap, whatever it may be
*Close a door over and over again (cutting off the monsters as they come through a door)
*close book or roll up a scroll
*shut the hood on a lantern
*Lock a lock (with a key)
*Open a lock (with a key)
*If a 1' diameter hole can be found or bored through a wall, cast or send the US to the other side to unlock
the door

*Rub the lamp
*Scrape green slime off something
*clean (may designate an "area" to clean)
*Wash clothes
*laundry and ironing
*shine shoes (shoes not currently being worn)
*shine silverware
*sweep a chimney
*Polish armor (armor not currently being worn)

Moving things around:

*Lift and move any unattended object under 20lb
a foe's unattended and disarmed weapon,
Pick up MY disarmed weapon so I don't provoke AOO, then hand it to me
an unconcious foe's magic item
a shot arrow,
the enemy's standard,
rubble or caltrops from the floor
soak up oil with a rag
gather firewood
Lugging water buckets of hot water to fill a tub
food from the kitchen
other people's gold
keys for the jail you're stuck in
a healing potion to a hurt character
a pebble with Darkenss
or Silence cast on it,
a torch to light the room
pour a pint of oil on a square
Sow a square with caltrops
spread chalk dust or flour to help detect invisible creatures
Stack small boxes or kegs
a collection plate
Wait tables - delivering food
pour acid on a square (where there is an object)
Pour ink on a square (where there is a garment)
Pour water on a square (where there are plants)
pour a bucket of water on a square (where there is a fire)
Take water from a spring and pour it into a square inside the giant 5' wide cauldron over and over
a treasure chest (Up to 100lb)
100lb of rocks to a square to dump out and make it difficult terrain

Holding items:
*Hold a sign that says, "If the wizard who created me is taken more than 25ft away from me, this sign will
fall to the ground." Or as an indirect threat: "If this sign falls to the ground, kill the hostages." (As I have
been killed or dragged more than 25' away from this area)
*Hold a sign that says, "I am invisible"
*Hold a sword, and a sign that says, "I am an invisible something and I'm going to kill you."
*Hold a sign that says, "I am mindless"
*Hold a sign that says, "I will disappear in 1 hour"
*Heel with the caster, carrying or dragging its load
*Hold a sign that says, "You can't kill me"
*Hold an umbrella
*Hold a mirror

Carting around:
*Cart 400lb - cart 200lb. and treasure

Moving furniture:
*Knock over a table to help with cover
*Knock over normal furniture
*hold a chair for someone to sit in
*Pull a chair out from under someone about to sit
*Roll up a carpet
*dump over a chamber pot
*tug on random wall sconces or books in a shelf to desperately hope to trigger a secret door
*raise a ladder against a castle wall
*Hang curtains

Ignoring effects that affect living, corporeal creatures, but do not damage:
*Carry a rope to the burly fighter stuck in the poison cloud
*Fetch something from a smoke-filled room
*ignore entangling effects while moving... (aid another to escape?)
*ignore grease effects while moving... (aid another to balance?)
*carry the Stinkiest Thing Ever

*mend a wooden spoon (DC 5: "Very Simple:" Wooden Spoon mend 31cp/hour
*mend a metal pot or tattoo (DC 10: "Typical:" Metal Pot, Tattoo mend 62cp/hour
*Sharpen a sword

*Digging in loose soil (or making an earthen berm) per 5'X5'x5' or 2,000 lb area:
By hand: 20 minutes (100lb/minute)
With shovel: 10 minutes (200lb/minute)
*shovel snow
*rake leaves

Find traps:
*Lead the party, pressing against any tripwires
*Drag 100lb - rocks to set off a trap
*Cart 400lb - 200lbs in a 200lb cart to set off a trap
*throw a lever

Activate a trap and working mechanical effects:

*At silent command from its master, pull a certain lever to send a crushing block into a PC
*Reset a trap
*heat a fire with a bellows
*ignite a smokestick (concealment)
*strike a sunrod (light)
*Light a fire with a tindertwig
*use a magnifying glass to light a fire
*tip a merchant's scale one way or the other
*douse a candle
*toss and drag a fishing net
*row a boat
*Load a light crossbow (provoking AOO, but can only be stopped if "disarm" or "sunder" is used)
*fold a net
*Lower an anchor
*Raise an anchor (with a capstan)

*pick similar coins out of a pile

Bluffing with the US:

*Push a rock around on the ground, and caster says, "It's possessed! Run!"
*Push a toy around on the floor "It's my rat familiar, delivering a poison touch to you!"
*Carry a puppet and make it move in a lifelike fasion. "The puppet is alive!"
*Carry a skeleton held together with wires and make it move in a lifelike fasion. "Run! Skeleton!"
*Have it swing around a sword, provoking bad guys to try to attack the "invisible foe"
*Flourish nunchaku or other exotic weapon in a menacing display
*Carry a wickedly designed but completely impractical weapon
*place shoes behind a curtain and/or move it as if there were a person hiding there
*Shake underbrush to distract the enemy while the rest of the party sneaks the other way
*Carry a shield (no cover or AC benefit, just a different way to mark where an invsibile something is)
*Carry a flaming helmet (more distracting than just a floating dagger)

Messing with the enemy:

*Wave a sign back and forth that says, "I am tireless."
*Carry a candle in the same square as a monster, marking it for the other characters to attack
*Carry a sign near an anemy that says, "I'm not touching you. Is this bothering you?"

Blocking the Enemy:

*lift up a sheet attached to sticks to create a 10' wide, 8' tall sheet for 100% concealment (50% miss
chance) (6lb.)
*Carry a large flag or sheet on a stick to provide mobile soft cover for allies.
*Cart around a Mobile Wall (wheeled) to provide hard cover for allies

Other simple manipulations:

*Turn food on a spit
*stir a drink
*turn pages on a book
*cause a flag to billow as if wind were blowing
*wave a sheet like a ghost
*draw a chalk outline around a dead body
*Place a portable hole inside a bag of holding within 10' of an enemy
*Do ST checks at -4 (st 2): Try to unstick a door

*Act as a mobile valet
*In addition to everything else, carry a bright green feather to help mark where the US is
*Clean by collection - gather up all light debris like a vacuum

*Unroll string in a maze
*roll up string in a maze as you follow the string
*carry a piece of meat to lure a guard dog from its post

*Paint a fence
*pitch or tear down a tent
*braid a rope
*make a rubbing of mysterious glyphs
*make a snowman
*Fix a fence
*draw a message on a mirror in blood
*mark the way through the maze with chalk

Identifying illusions:
*move forward, holding a stick, until the stick hits (the possible illusion)"
*Test to see if any particular item is an illusion by trying to pick it up (mindless, so immune to illusions)
*Walk around in the flames for a few minutes, proving that they're illusions, and not actual area effect

*go into the next room and walk around the edges of the room while the wizard draws the map, detecting
where the US is at all times.
*Go into the next room and search around by touch and stopping while the wizard keeps track of the US

Sunder: (brute force Sunder)

*tear up a written message or contract
*tear pages out of a book
*pick the petals off a flower
*Knock over a tent pole

Perform (cha): [Assumed]

*Aid another: Beat a certain repeating rythm on drums, bells, chimes, or gong
*plink one or two notes in a certain repeating rythm on Harpsichord, fiddle, harp, lute, or mandolin.
*ring a bell
*Jingle chains like an archetypal ghost
*turn a noisemaker

Physical Skills for a flying Unseen Servant: [Assumed]

*Hide (dex): Opposed check - Invisible, so result of 30 if moving or 50 if standing still (skill check of 10
+20, or +40)
*Move Silently (Dex): Opposed Check - A check result of 10 won't fool too many people...
*Ride (dex): DC 5 - Guide with knees
*Ride (dex): DC 10 - Guide warhorse in battle. (Note: command Warhorse to attack is not ride: it's Handle
Animal (trained))
*Use Rope (dex): DC 10 - Tie a knot (create a knotted rope)
*Use Rope (dex): DC 10 - Secure a grappling hook
*Use Rope (dex): DC 10 - Bind a helpless character with a 20 (check result of 10, +10 tying up modifier)

*Provide a circumstance bonus to characters using Profession (wis)

-Apothercary -assist in handling dangerous substances
-boater-provide a second set of hands
-bookkeeper-turn pages, put away books on high shelves
-brewer-stir a vat of hops
-cook-stir a pot
-farmer-provide an extra pair of hands
-fisher-provide a mobile net or guide the fishing line
-herbalist-Grind a pestle and mortar
-herder-wave a flag to scare sheep into line
-hunter-flush out game by wiggling a bush
-inkeeper-serve drinks
-lumberjack-Clear away brush
-miller-Haul small sacks of grain
-miner-push a 400lb cart of ore
-porter-carry an extra load
-rancher-snap a whip
-sailer-tote that barge, lift that sail
-stablehand-muck out stables
-tanner-handle dangerous chemicals
-woodcutter-tie up bundles of wood, haul a 400lb cart full of wood

*Provide a distraction for a rogue using Slight of Hand (Dex) (too many examples, many already
covered above)
Aid Another on Physical Skills: [Assumed]
*Hide (dex) - Aid another: Yes, if the US holds up an opaque sheet.
*Use Rope (dex)

DM rulings: Fly/swim/sight [Assumed]

Fly/---/---*Carry a candle above a monster beyond its reach, marking it for the other characters to attack
---/swim/---*Retrieve any items it finds at the bottom of a pool of water
Fly/---/---*Secure a grappling hook at the top of a pit
Fly/---/---*Fetch any out-of-reach object up to 20lbs, or dislodge/drag up to 100lb above you.
Fly/---/---*Push that 51-100lb. statue over on top the square of a goblin 30' below
Fly/---/---*Push that 400lb. cart over the edge of the balcony abve onto the goblins near you
Fly/---/---*Carry a kite so that it flies against the wind
Fly/---/---*Deface a statue high above you
Fly/---/---*Write a message on a wall high above you
Fly/---/---*Carry up and flap the wings of a puppet
Fly/---/---*ignore pit traps, securing a grappling hook on the other side of a pit
Fly/---/---*pull down the fire escape
Fly/---/Sight*Fly up and point out (using a stick) where creatures are hiding behind low walls
Fly/---/Sight*Fly up and point to any creatures waiting around the pit you just dropped in
---/---/Sight*go into the next room and draw a crude map
---/---/Sight*Human wizard tells US to stand in the same space as the nearest enemy, allowing the wizard
to target the enemy even if blinded, in darkness, or in obscuring mist
---/---/Signt*guide a blind caster by the hand

DM ruling: involves targeting/touching living creatures: Helpless or willing creatures:

(See attacking helpless creatures, below)
*Cart 400lb - cart around the caster himself
*hold a horse's bridle
*guide a blind companion by the hand
Assist in Handle Animal (Cha)
*If trained to respond to a specific bell or sign like a flag being waved, US can trigger the
*Guide a familiar, mount, or animal companion by leash
*Walk the dog
*Lead a tamed animal around by a leash
*plant flowers
*Pick crops
*Wave a fan, blowing fresh air at a party member affected by a troglodite's musk
*Fetch and drag the halfling out of the poison cloud
*Tie a rope around the burly fighter stuck in the poison cloud so YOU can pull him out
*Fan a hot character
*Scrape green slime off someone
*Drag halfling below 0 hp in dire need of healing away from the battle
*Aid Another on Physical Skills:
*Balance (dex)
*Escape Artist (dex) - Aid another: As long as the US can grab the PC. A "swallowed whole"
character would beyond an Unseen Servant's help. May push or pull a character to assist it squeezing,
as long as the US can squeeze through the space too...
*Jump (str)
*Ride (dex): Aid another: Yes. Holding reins, steadying the rider, etc.
*Swim (Str)
*agitate a snake or other animal
*Milk a cow, goat, or other herd animal
*Shear a sheep
*Tie a note to a pidgeon's leg
*Unbuckle a saddle
*scratch a character's back
*Shave a character
*braid hair
*force-feed a potion down an unconcious and dying character's throat
*wake a sleeping character
*weed the garden
*groom a horse
*shaving (Valet)
*trim hedges
*mow the lawn

DM ruling: involves targeting nonliving objects

*Perform full round Sunder unattended objects every round (no attack roll, auto hit, -4 str modifier applies
to wpn dam)
*Cut a net to free a trapped character
*Throw splash weapons
*Fling books across a room (not targeting any square or creature)
*Uncork a bottle (butler)
*chop down a tree
*Skin or butcher a dead animal


*Deliberately send it someplace where Glitterdust or Faerie Fire is about to be cast to provide the bad
guys with another foe to hit (one which they can never destroy) (but spellcasters get an immediate DC
16 spellcraft check to ID it)
*Sow flower on squares to point out invisible creatures... then have US walk around in it, disturbing the
*Send US into water, making the water wiggle as the US moves through it
*sprinkle flour on the US, outlining the shapeless blob

================STOP ASSUMING THESE WILL WORK WITH YOUR DM:=================


*Carry a weapon and ignore Faerie Fire and Glitterdust, as it's a shapeless force, furthur confusing and
scaring the enemy spellcaster...
*Sow flower on squares to point out invisible creatures... then have US walk around in it carrying a sword,
but NOT disturbing the flour...
*Send US into water carrying a sword, making no disturbance in the water, implying the sword is
independantly animated

DM ruling: May cast Unseen Servant on an area rather than have it centered on the caster
*open and close a door over and over again or bang swords together to lure monsters in for a trap, or to
escape, running the other way


*write or copy text at the caster's command
*take dictation
*Wait tables - taking orders
*Send it to the next room to craft (crude map) of the next room
*Use its Darkvision and/or low-light vision and Spot to help alert party to foes

DM ruling: must command servant verbally

*Command it in your race's language in stead of common

DM ruling: Is Unseen Servant Earth-bound? Physical Skills - Defining an earthbound/non-flying

Unseen Servant:
*Balance (dex) DC 10: 7-12 inches wide
*Balance (dex) DC 10: Running over Uneven flagstone, newn stone floor, sloped or angled floor
*Climb(str): DC 0: A slope too steep to walk up, or a knotted rope with a wall to brace against
*Climb(str): DC 5: a rope with a wall to brace against, or a knotted rope, or a rope trick rope
*Climb(str): DC 10: A surface with ledges to hold onto and stand on, such as a aship's rigging or very
rough wall.
*Concentration (con): DC 10: vigorous motion( on a moving mount, a bouncy wagon, a small boat in
brough water, belowdesk in a storm-tossed ship)
*Concentration (con): DC 5: weather is a high wind carrying blinding rain or sleet
*Concentration (con): DC 10: weather is wind-driven hail, dust, or dibris
*Concentration (con): Auto lose concentration if hit with damage. (DC 11+), entangled, violent motion
*Escape Artist (dex): DC 10: As a Medium force effect, it may "squeeze" through a space as small as
*Jump (str): DC 10: 5 feet across (long jump, with no running start)
*Jump (str): DC 8: 1 foot up standing still
*Move Silently (Dex): Opposed Check. A check result of 10 won't fool too many people...
*Swim (Str): DC 10: Calm water.

DM Ruling: US is earth-bound. Physical disability implied:

*Balance (dex) US has weight, touches the ground, and needs to right itself over rough terrain
*Concentration (con): US needs to focus to do tasks.
*Escape Artist (dex): Fills a space the size of a Medium creature and needs to squeeze through smaller
*Jump (str): A medium character has an 8' vertical reach standing on the ground...
*Move Silently (Dex): While moving, the Unseen Servant makes noise it has to cover up for
*Swim (Str): US has a physical presence that is denser than water (like a human)


*Perform full round Coup De Grace on unconcious foes (No attack roll, auto crit, -4 str modifier applies to
wpn dam)
*force-feed a vial of acid to an unconcious and dying foe
*Perform full round Coup De Grace on helpless foes (No attack roll, auto crit, -4 str modifier applies to
wpn dam)

Aid Another:
*Appraise (int):
*Bluff (cha): An US can decieve (poorly)
*Craft (int)
*Diplomacy (cha): Aid another: Yes, but only able to do more harm than good!
*Disguise (cha):
*Forgery (int): Opposed roll. A skill check of 10 won't fool many. Could be used to photocopy, poorly.
*Heal (wis):
*Intimidate (cha): Aid another: Yes. An invisible ally (the unseen servant holding a sword) might be
*Perform (cha): DC 10: routine performance. Essentially begging. 1d10 cp/day (8 hours)
*Survival (wis): Yes (carrying things, flushing game out by shaking a bush)

MENTAL SKILLS - DC 10 or lower mind skills:

*Bluff (cha): An US can decieve (poorly) with a skill check of 10. (See bluff, above, for examples)
*Craft (int): DC 5: "Very Simple:" Wooden Spoon -> Create at 6cp/hour, mend 31cp/hour
*Craft (int): DC 10: "Typical:" Metal Pot, Tattoo -> Create at 12cp/hour, mend 62cp/hour
*Craft (int): NOTE: NO OTHER EXAMPLES FOR Very Simple OR Typical EXIST. Everything else
described (weapons, armor) are too high a DC for US to handle.
*Craft related (destroying/modifying nonliving objects)
*Build a makeshift wooden freestanding wall in an 40 minutes (according to the Stronghold
Builder's guidebook, a freestanding Wood Wall can be made for 57gp in materials, take 40 minutes, and
have the stats: 1 ft thick, hard 5, hp 120, break dc 26, climb dc 21)
*door repair
*peel vegetables
*scale fish
*pour acid on an object
*Pour ink on a a garment
*Water the plants
*pour a bucket of water on a fire
*Diplomacy (cha): DCs 5 or lower: maintain or ORSEN an NPC's attitude ONLY.
*Disguise (cha): Opposed skill: creates some sort of disguise from available materials.
*Gather info (cha): DC 10 and a few gp: Gerneral idea of city's major news items
*Intimidate (cha): Opposed check. Skill result check of 10. May have to Bluff to first get the opponents to
believe there's an actual threat.
*Listen (wis): DC 10 listen checks:
*A battle from 200 feet away
*A battle through a door 150 feet away
*A battle through two doors 100 feet away
*A battle through 3 doors 100 feet away
*A battle through a stone door 50 feet away
*People talking 100 feet away
*People talking through a door 50 feet away
*People talking right next to you(5' away), and you can understand what they're saying, assuming
you know the language.
*A person in medium armor walking at a slow pace 50' away
*Perform (cha): DC 10: routine performance. Essentially begging. 1d10 cp/day (8 hours)
*Search (wis): DC 10: Ransack a chest full of junk to find a certain item
*Sense Motive (wis): Opposed roll. On a prisoner and raise a sign if the guy's lying
*Spot (wis): DC 10:
*A small person 60' away
*A medium person 100' away
*A medium person trying to hide right next to the US
*A Large creature 140' away
*A large creature trying to hide 40' away
*A huge creature 180' away
*A Huge creature trying to hide 80' away
*A gargantuan creature 220' away
*A gargantuan creature trying to hide 120' away
*A Colossal creature 260' away
*A colossal creature trying to hide 160' away
*Survival (wis): DC 10 only provides for the US, and the US can't "hunt", and it's a skill check per day (8

MENTAL SKILLS - Ability implied:

*Appraise (int): Can ID what an object is (if not how MUCH it's worth) without help from the caster.
*Bluff (cha): An US can decieve (poorly) US has some sort of reasoning autonomy to make something up
*Craft (int): THE POWER OF CREATION ... crude creation...
*Diplomacy (cha): US can speak and reason with others
*Disguise (cha): able to wear clothes to appear as a coporeal creature
*Forgery (int): US can see flat writing or pictures
*Gather info (cha): Ability to speak
*Intimidate (cha): Unseen Servant can be intimidating
*Listen (wis): An Unseen servant can understand language, if they're less than 10' away...
*Perform (cha): Again, another nod toward saying the US can speak, blow wind instruments, sing even! ...
*Search (wis): US can see
*Sense Motive (wis): Furthur evidence of reasoning capabilities.
*Spot (wis): US can see and react to new situations

Disrupting active, hostile creatures:

*Disrupt a charge by resisting when opponent enters his square
*overrrun ghosts
*pull a rug from beneath someone (TRIP at -4)
*Bull rush or Overrun every round for a 6. Maybe a goblin will get pushed back, or tripped.

*Ignore less than 6 hp of damage from area attacks, automatically "regenerating" as the damage doesn't
pass the threshold for disrupting the spell
*Fetch the special key at the bottom of a pool of acid
*Retrieve the One Ring from the fires of Mount Doom


*Cast Darkness or Silence on the unseen servant and send it into the enemy ranks
*Burrow at 15' movement
*Make objects it picks up invsible by "hiding it in its cloak" per lev 2 invisibility description
*Disrupt non-area (ray or other targeting spells) effects passing through it
*Pick up ghostly objects

Part 4:
Alternate spell description, plus new
Monster, traits, and equipment
Unseen Servant
Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Brd 1, Sor/Wiz 1 [Pathfinder: Summoner 1, witch 1]
Components: V, S, M [Pathfinder: A piece of string and a bit of wood.]
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: One Unseen Servant
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell summons and Unseen Servant (see stats, below.) You may direct the unseen servant with a
move-equivalent action.

When cast, the servant is either tied to an area (a workshop where it cleans) or to the caster.

The servant is a simple construct from a distant plane of pacifism. Their former masters were destroyed.
They themselves are eager to serve anyone willing to summon them. However, since they are pacifists,
when given a command, they never attack to harm living things. An Unseen Servant can massage a
character, but is unable to choke a foe.

However, they are rather dim-witted, and can be easily fooled into assisting with the general harming of
others. Indirectly.

When tied to the caster, the Unseen Servant seeks to preserve itself, so that when the caster begins to
leave its area of effect, the servant will drop whatever it's doing to try to follow the caster. If still not within
the radius by the time 5 turns have passed, the unseen servant returns to its home plane.

Material Component
A piece of string and a bit of wood.


Unseen Servant
Medium Construct (Spell Effect)
Hit Dice: 1d10 (6 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: Fly 15' (perfect) (cannot run)
Armor Class: (Cannot be targeted)
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-4
Attack: None
Space/Reach: 5'X5' / 5'
Special attacks: Cannot Attack
Special Qualities: Accomplish Untrained Skill, Collecting, Construct traits, Darkvision 60', Fails Saves vs.
Area Attacks, Low-light vision, Physically Invisible, Spell Effect traits
Saves: (fails saves vs area effects)
Abilities: Str 2, Int -
Skills: None
Feats: None
Enviornment: Any
Organization: solitary
CR: 1/2 or - (cohort)
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral
Advancement: None

Unseen Servant CR 1/2 or - (cohort)
XP 10
N Medium Construct (Spell Effect)
Init +0; Senses Darkvision 60', Low-light vision

HP 6
Fails Saves vs. Area Attacks
Physically Invisible
Immune Construct traits, Spell Effect traits

Speed 15' fly (perfect)
Cannot Attack

Str 2, Int - (Mindless)
Languages: Same as caster
Accomplish Untrained Skill


Accomplish Untrained Skill (su)

By drawing on the caster's innate skills, Unseen Servant can execute simple skills. Automatically fails any
skill activity with a DC of 11 or higher, or any skill that is trained only.

*Balance (Dex) Aid Another: Yes
*Bluff (Cha) Aid another: Yes.
*Climb (Str) Aid another: Yes.
*Craft (Int) (See below)
*Disguise (Cha) Aid another: Yes.
*Escape Artist (Dex) DC 10: a space as small as 2.5'x2.5'x2.5' (Or, if treating it as a "spell effect", it can
automatically pass through any hole 1' diameter or larger)
*Escape Artist (Dex) Aid another: Yes. As long as the US can grab the PC. A "swallowed whole"
character would beyond an Unseen Servant's help. May push or pull a character to assist it squeezing,
as long as the US can squeeze through the space too...
*Heal (Wis) Aid another: Yes.
*Hide (Dex) Note: US is invisible.
*Hide (Dex) Aid another: Yes, if the US holds up an opaque sheet.
*Intimidate (Cha) Aid another: Yes. An invisible ally (the unseen servant) might be intimidating.
*Jump (Str) Aid another: Yes
*Move Silently (Dex) Auto (Spell effect)
*Perform (Cha) Yes. DC 10: routine performance. Essentially begging. 1d10 cp/day (8 hours)
*Perform (Cha) Aid another: Yes. A steady drum beat is accompanyment. Could also use harpsichord,
bells, chimes, gong, fiddle, harp, lute, or mandolin.
*Ride (Dex) DC 5: Guide with knees
*Ride (Dex) DC 10: fight with warhorse
*Ride (Dex) Aid another: Yes. Holding reins, steadying the rider, etc.
*Ride (Dex) NOTE: US is a spell effect, and cannot sit on a mount. It can issue directions, as above, but
must follow the mount at its own speed
*Search (Int) DC 10: Ransack a chest full of junk to find a certain item
*Spot (Wis) DC 10:
*A small person 60' away
*A medium person 100' away
*A medium person trying to hide right next to the US
*A Large creature 140' away
*A large creature trying to hide 40' away
*A huge creature 180' away
*A Huge creature trying to hide 80' away
*A gargantuan creature 220' away
*A gargantuan creature trying to hide 120' away
*A Colossal creature 260' away
*A colossal creature trying to hide 160' away
*Survival (Wis)
Aid another: Yes
*Swim (Str)
Aid another: Yes
*Use Rope (Dex) DC 10:
*Tie a knot
*Secure a grappling hook
*Bind a helpless character (getting a skill check result of 10, plus tying up modifier +10)
*Use Rope (Dex) Aid another: Yes

The only things an Unseen Servant could create would be Very Simple (DC 5) and Typical (DC 10) items.

Very Simple items can be created at a rate of 6cp/hour

Typical items can be created at the rate of 12cp/hour

"Very Simple" example: "Wooden Spoon"

"Typical" example: "Metal pot"

An Unseen Servant can, with the proper materials and tools, create 6 1cp wooden spoons, or 2 5sp iron
pots per hour.
Or a 1 gp (100cp) tattoo in 8 hours.

The DM may expand this definition to include other items.

Cannot Attack (Ex)

An Unseen Servant cannot execute any activity that involves targeting a hostile creature. Includes
Attacking, Aid Another, Bull Rush, Charge, Coup De Grace, Disarm, Feint, Grapple, Trip.

May perform the Sunder feat on nearby objects. It is prohibited from attacking helpless foes. The
Unseen Servant may only target neutral or friendly characters.

Any action requiring an attack roll will fail. Defending against Disarm fails: Any creature can disarm an
unseen servant of whatever it's wearing as long as the attacker can hit the object as if it were unattended
(AC based on size and assuming a Dex of 0 (-5 AC.)

Collection (Ex)
The Unseen Servant may act like a vacuum, collecting any number of objects inside its square. Carrying
capacity applies as normal. The Unseen Servant may only use 2 of these items at any one point in time.

Fails Saves vs Area effects(Ex)

An Unseen Servant takes full damage from and is not allowed to save versus effects area effects that
cause damage, including spell effects, immersion in acid or lava, and splash weapons.

Phyisically Invisible:(Su)
As the 2nd level spell Invisibility, but when picking up a visible object, a Physically Invisble creature
cannot "hide the object under a cloak, rendering it invisible as well."

As a Spell Effect, an Unseen Servant cannot wear clothing, but can be coated with flour, Faerie Fire, or
Glitterdust to render it visible, revealing either a medium shapeless blob.

The Unseen Servant disturbs the ground it "walks" on and the water it passes through. It has no scent. It
makes no vibrations when it moves, so it is undetectable by creatures with blindsight or tremmorsense.

Can be detected by a simple "detect magic" spell.

If observed in any way, anyone may make a Spellcraft check (DC 16) to identify the effect as an Unseen

Spell Effect (Su)

A spell effect takes up no space, but cannot go through solid objects. If there is 1' or wider hole in the
object, the spell effect can pass through. While occupying an appropriate space for its size, an Unseen
Servant does not "fill" that space any more than a fireball effect fills its area of effect. It does not block or
impede movement of friendly OR hostile characters. An Unseen Servant cannot be targeted by attacks.
If the square it occupies is targeted, targeted attacks simply fail. Area effects do normal damage.

If holding an object, the object may impede movement as hindering terrain or blocking terrain, subject to
DM approval.

May be disrupted by spell resistance and dispel magic effects, but not "counterspelling" unless the
counterspell is executing during the intial casting of the spell. The creature ceases to exist in areas
where magic is suppressed or negated.

Does not trigger traps or register under any detection spell as a creature.

When a spell effect is brought to 0 HP, it does not die. It is disrupted and ends, leaving no body. Spell
effects cannot be resurrected or raised. They may be brought back into existence with a Wish spell.

Despite being a Spell Effect, Unseen Servant is considered to be a Medium creature with 2 hands.

New items
Rickshaw (sane as Cart) 200lb., 15 gp, "Two-wheeled vehicle can be drawn by a single horse (or other
beast of burden). It comes with a harness." Cart or wagon speed: 2 miles per hour, 16 miles per day
Masterwork 1 person rickshaw: 100lb. 65 gp, same speed: 2 miles per hour, 16 miles per day
Masterwork Rickshaw: 150lb. 100 gp, 3-person rickshaw: 2 miles per hour, 16 miles per day
Masterwork Bicycle Rickshaw: 150lb., 3,500 gp, 3-person rickshaw, 4 miles per hour, 32 miles per day

Wheel grease: 1lb. 10 uses. 1 sp. Each use lasts 1 day or 32 miles. Change the pull weight from 1/4 to
Masterwork Wheel grease: 1 lb. 10 uses. 50 gp. Each use lasts 1 day or 32 miles. Change the pull
weight from 1/4 to 1/8
For a common rickshaw, a ST 10 human could cart around an average human at a Heavy load (20' move
rate, can't run)

Mobile Wall: 90lb. 300gp. Small cart with a tower shield attached. With a full-round action, may set up the
tower shield to provide total cover 5' wide along one edge of the square you're currently in.

Note: When dragging your max load up to x5 your max load, you move as if you were at Max Load. (two
different Sage Advice notes)

1. TSR 2008 Chainmail, 3rd Edition (black & white reprint) 1974
2. TSR 2001 Dungeons & Dragons (blue book) 1974
3. TSR 1011 Dungeons And Dragons Boxed Set 1: Basic Rules (Red book) 1981
4. TSR 2010 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1st edition) Player's Handbook 1977
5. TSR 2177 (AD&D 2nd edition) Wizard's Spell Compendium Volume 4 1998
6. WOC 11550 Player's Handbook (3.0 edition) 2000
7. 4e SRD online. 4e (c) 2008
8. Dragon Magazine 154 2-1999
9. Dragon Magazine 301 11-2002
10. Dragon Magazine 302 12-2002

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