Unit 3 Study Guide

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Muscular System - Ch.

10 Cardiovascular System - Ch 19-20

Skeletal Muscle Anatomy

1. Major function of skeletal muscle – locomotion, heat
2. Identify structure and function of major organelles of skeletal muscles
• Epi-, Peri-, endo- mysium, fasiculi
• Motor-end plate, sarcolemma, t-tubule, sarcoplasmic reticulum, sarcomere, Troponin, tropomyosin,
actin, myosin, z-disc, myofibril,
• A-Band, I-Band
3. Identify the major steps leading to contraction (excitation-contraction) and how they happen
• i.e. – Neural stimulation (ACh), post-synaptic depol, AP, Ca2+ release, contraction etc
• Major steps of contraction and how it occurs:
i. cross-bridge formation (release of tropomyosin)
ii. powerstroke (ADP release)
iii. detachment (ATP binding)
iv. cocking (ATP → ADP + Pi)
4. Predict the outcome to contraction under different conditions
• Ex: drugs that block, enhance, etc
• Exhaustion, fatigue, ionic imbalance
5. Identify factors of contraction strength – how they work and what it means to vary them
• Muscle Types and what they mean
• Energy sources
• Explain characteristics of muscle types and why they have these characteristic
i. Mitochondria, glycosome, myofibril content
• Muscle stretch - optimal
• Motor units – large vs small and how it affects strength and control of contraction
• Twitch, tetanus, incomplete tetanus
6. Be able to use / identify muscle contraction classifications
• Isometric, Isotonic, concentric, eccentric

Smooth muscle
1. Major function of smooth muscle – peristalsis, surrounds internal tubular organs & glands
2. Identify major differences to skeletal and cardiac muscles
• Varicosities, Gap Junctions, No troponin, calmodulin, no striations, etc.
• Lack of fatigue

Cardiac Muscle - Cardiovascular

1. Major function of cardiac muscle – pump blood
2. Identify major differences / similarities to skeletal and smooth muscles
• Gap Junctions
• Lack of fatigue
• Additional steps of AP
3. Identify anatomical structures and function
• Chambers, valves, chordate tendinae
• SA & AV nodes, purkinjie fibers, bundle of His
• Pacemaker cells- function, how they generate APs
4. Route of blood
5. Innervation & effects of nervous system
• Sympathetic & parasympathetic
6. Chronotropic & Ionotropic agents
7. ECG readings
• Identify major features of the Sinus rhythm: PQRST and what they correspond to
• Lub-dup heart sounds
• Systole & Diastole
• Cardiac cycles – filling, isovolumetric contraction, ejection, isovolumetric relaxation
• Major arrythmias – heart problems: tachycardia, bradycardia
8. Pressure relationships
• Predict blood movement and valve opening/closing due to pressure differentials
9. Calculate HR, SV, CO
10. Identify factors affecting CO, SV & HR - Predict affect on CO, SV & HR if those factors are changed

Cardiovascular – Blood Vessels

1. Major functions of blood vessels – transport nutrients, wastes, heat, immunity
2. Identify major anatomical features and purposes
• Tunics of arteries and veins
• Single tunic of capillaries
3. Blood flow
• Predict affects due to blood pressure
• Predict affect on blood flow by alteration in resistance
• Major factors for resistance – viscosity, vessel length, vessel diameter/radius
4. Blood velocity: due to cross-sectional area
• Identify purposes for various flow rates: capillaries vs arteries & veins
5. Identify modes of transport in nutrient/waste exchange in capillaries
• Capillary types and relative exchange capabilities
6. Identify the function of lymph as it concerns blood circulation

1. Be able to explain the purpose and general functions of blood
• Transport – nutrients, wastes, hormones (and other signaling molecules)
• Regulation – Heat, pH, Volume
• Protection ‐ Hemostasis, Immunity
2. Be able to list the components of blood and their functions
• Formed elements vs plasma
• RBCS, WBCs, Platelets, Blood proteins (factors and complement)
3. Be able to identify progenitors of different cell types.
• Hemocytoblast, erythroblast, megakaryoblast, lymphoblast, monoblast, myeloblast
• Erythrocytes, platelets, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes
4. Describe lifecycle of RBCs and factors for erythropoiesis
• Role of EPO and causes for increase or decrease
• Requirements for erythropoiesis – vitamin B12, Iron
• Consequence of RBC (Hb) components for degradation
5. Describe or identify different anemias and their consequences
• Pernicious, thalassemia, polycythemia
6. Describe the general steps of Hemostasis and the components of blood that contribute to them
• Vascular spasm, plug formation, coagulation, repair, fibrinolysis
• Platelets, platelet secretions, factor proteins
• anti‐coagulants
• conditions for hemostasis
7. Problems with hemostasis
• thrombosis, embolism
• Describe or identify hemophilias and causes
• Lack of factor proteins – dietary vit K deficiency
• Genetic
8. Blood typing
• Understand how to blood type using antibodies and agglutination
• Given blood type, list antigens and antibodies
• Given blood types, determine blood compatibility

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