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Title of article: Natural Disasters

Topic: How To Overcome Natural Disasters

Source: (

An extreme and unexpected phenomenon known as a natural

What? disaster can seriously harm the environment property, and
(Definition) human life. For examples Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Floods,
Landslides, Hurricanes, Tornadoes are a few instance of natural
disasters. Natural disasters frequently have terrible effects,
including the loss of life, financial losses and significant
environmental harm. knowing that the many kinds of natural
disasters will help you prepare for them and take proactive
The main steps? Preparedness and Planning:
 Develop and set into action comprehensive strategies for
disaster preparedness at the governmental, community, and
individual levels.
 Learn as much as you can about the particular incidents of
nature that usually strike your area.
 Make a list of emergency contacts, including neighborhood
watch groups, relatives, and law enforcement and make sure
everyone in your home receives a copy.

Why? For lots of compelling reasons, it is important for people to stay

(important/benefits) alert and knowledgeable about natural disasters :
(Relevant) Element of Early Notice and Safety:
Content 1  Typically, there is little to notice before a natural disaster.
Individuals and communities who are aware and informed
can get early warnings and notifications, allowing them
precious time to take the required preparations, evacuate as
needed, and seek safety. The risk of death or serious injury
can be drastically reduced by taking quick action.
(Relevant) Element of Respect for Nature:
Content 2  Being aware of natural disasters helps us to maintain our
respect for the strength and unpredictable nature. To reduce
the possibility of disasters, it will promotes eco-friendly
behaviors and responsibility toward the environment.
(Relevant) Element of Learning From The Past:
Content 3  By being alert, society can make improvements to disaster
management procedures, technical requirements, and public
policy by taking lessons from the past.

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