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J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech-2018-211561 on 5 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 6, 2019 by guest.

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What can public health do for the welfare state?

Occupational health could be an answer
Fernando G Benavides ‍ ‍ ,1,2 Consol Serra,1,2 George L Delclos1,3

Center for Research in Abstract role in protecting health and managing health
Occupational Health, Universitat Background The welfare state has a long history of inequalities during the periodic economic crises
Pompeu Fabra IMIM PSMar,
CIBER of Epidemiology and uncertain future. Nonetheless, health indicators of people that characterise capitalism. For instance, in Spain,
Public Health, Barcelona, Spain living in countries with a more universal and generous Regidor and colleagues7 found that all-cause
Departament of Epidemiology, welfare state remain better than those living under less mortality decreased more during the Great Reces-
Human Genetics and generous and more individualist welfare regimes. In this sion that began in 2008 than in immediately prior
Environmental Sciences, The periods, especially in low socioeconomic groups.
essay, we reflect on how occupational health, as part of
University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston public health, can contribute to the sustainability of the Although the authors argue that this decline could
School of Public Health, welfare state. be attributable to decreased exposure to risk factors
Houston, Texas, USA Methods Over the course of the political and social such as air pollution, traffic accidents, as well as to
Southwest Center for transformations of the State, from single guarantor of increasing physical activity, others note the rele-
Occupational and Environmental
Health, The University of security to assuming civil and social rights, the practice of vance of social protection benefits provided by the
Texas Health Science Center public health has added, to its original objectives related welfare state, such as pensions and unemployment
at Houston School of Public to the control of epidemics of contagious diseases, the benefits.8 Research on specific components of social
Health, Houston, Texas, USA promotion of health and the reduction of inequalities in protection systems has shown a positive effect of
health. In the context of the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable unemployment benefits in limiting the impacts of
Correspondence to Development Goals, there is a great opportunity to an economic recession on health. For example, in
Professor Fernando G
Benavides, Center for Research expand the welfare state through public health policies. a comparison of 23 European countries,9 those
in Occupational Health, Results On the other hand, the welfare state is only countries that provided unemployment benefits
Universitat Pompeu Fabra IMIM possible when persons are employed in the formal sector. with wage replacement approaching 100% of their
PSMar, CIBER of Epidemiology Through their taxes, workers and employers support the previous salary had a lower proportion (6%) of
and Public Health, Barcelona, people who suffered deterioration of their health
welfare state. Occupational health, by preventing injury
08003, Spain;
​fernando.​benavides@​upf.​edu and illness, and promoting the health of working people, between 2006 and 2009 than countries where
can contribute significantly to the existence of decent wage replacement was around 50% of the salary
Received 14 May 2019 work and a quality labour market. (11%). In another study of 30 developed coun-
Revised 6 September 2019 Conclusion The mission of occupational health is to tries grouped by type of welfare state from 1960
Accepted 17 September 2019
help people enjoy a healthy and prolonged working life, to 2012, there was a clear favourable gradient in
as a critical component of human well-being. the magnitude of the effect of unemployment on
suicide mortality between the Scandinavian coun-
tries (72% wage replacement)) and Central Europe
(71%) with respect to the Anglo-Saxon countries
Introduction (61%), Southern Europe (55%) and Eastern Europe
The history of the welfare state has long been char- (56%).10 In addition, more generous severance pay
acterised by an uncertain future. Since the 1980s, in the event of layoffs has been associated with
and from time to time, its death is announced.1 better health among both subsequently employed
Meanwhile, health indicators of populations living and unemployed persons.11 Similar results have
in countries with more universal and generous been observed in relation to the degree of coverage
welfare state benefits continue being better than and generosity of other types of welfare state
those who live in less generous and more individ- programmes, such as family support and pensions,
ualist welfare regimes.2 Comparing changes in life in relation to infant mortality and excess mortality
expectancy of the USA and 17 other countries rates among the elderly, respectively.12
with similar income levels from the Organisation In this context, given strong evidence of the posi-
for Economic Cooperation and Development, the tive effect of the welfare state on human health,
smallest increase in life expectancy, observed in the especially during periods of economic crisis, the
© Author(s) (or their USA with respect to the remaining countries, could question addressed in this essay is ‘What can public
employer(s)) 2019. No be mainly explained by the lesser generosity of its health do for the welfare state?’ or, alternatively,
commercial re-use. See rights welfare state.3 However, in terms of relative health, ‘How can public health contribute to the sustain-
and permissions. Published
the discussion remains open because inequalities ability of the welfare state?’
by BMJ.
persist and, in fact, can increase.4 5 This is likely
To cite: Benavides FG, due in part, in countries where the entire popula- Public health as part of the welfare state
Serra C, Delclos GL. J
tion receives benefits, to the fact that those who are Public health, probably even before it was called
Epidemiol Community Health
Epub ahead of print: [please in advantaged socioeconomic positions, with more public health, has always had the mission to protect
include Day Month Year]. power, benefit more.6 the health of the population, whether through
doi:10.1136/jech-2018- No less important than the role played by the provision of clean drinking water and sanitation
211561 welfare state during stable economic cycles is its in Roman times or by controlling the spread of
Benavides FG, et al. J Epidemiol Community Health 2019;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jech-2018-211561 1
J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech-2018-211561 on 5 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 6, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
and/or innovation. Schematically, public health acts as a hinge
between the healthcare system, mostly focused on diagnosis and
treatment of health conditions, and the different institutions and
policies that define the welfare state, focused on the promotion
and protection of health. Figure 1 summarises this conceptual
institutional role of public health, connecting the healthcare
system with the other components of the welfare state. Good
examples include the prohibition of smoking in public and work-
places, food safety, clean drinking water or wearing seat belts.
All of these policies and regulations are outside the healthcare
system; the responsibility for them depends on other administra-
tions of the welfare state. In summary, public health, as part of
the welfare state, provides leadership to these alliances between
different components of the State and civil society in what has
been called the ‘health in all policies’ strategy.17
Figure 1 Public health as a hinge between the healthcare system The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development goals,
and other components of the welfare state, and the specific role of currently the most serious attempt at global governance, has
occupational health between public health and social protection system. focused on the prerequisites of health, including poverty, justice
Source: adapted from Benavides.32 and climate change.18 Objective 3 relates to good health and
well-being, and Objective 10 to reducing inequalities, especially
in health; both are clearly under the purview of public health.
contagious disease in the Middle Ages through quarantines in
This may represent a great opportunity to expand the welfare
commerce.13 These measures were adopted by public adminis-
state through public health policies.
trations exercising—when necessary—their coercive power. As
This bidirectional relationship between the welfare state and
such, public health is a state institution and public health agen-
public health, despite many difficulties and large differences, is
cies (whose name may vary by country) exist worldwide, and
advancing in the right direction, as has been pointed out by Latin
their essential services are well defined.14
America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile), the Arab world (Morocco,
However, fewer than 100 years ago, the main role of public
Tunisia)19 and East Asia (Japan, South Korea).20 Fortunately,
health was to protect people and property. The ‘Stato’, mentioned
this seemingly beneficial relationship is not limited to Western
by Machiavelli in The Prince in 1513, has undergone profound
changes.15 The transition has been from a State as guarantor of
security (military, justice and general administrations), almost
exclusively favouring the interests of the powerful, to a State The role of occupational health
that, to the extent that it was democratised, began assuming Work, both paid and unpaid, is one of the main social determi-
public policies related to education, health or pensions, among nants of health and health inequalities.21 For Arendt,22 work is
others, to guarantee the civil and social rights of all citizens. As an elementary and consubstantial matter of the human condi-
the historian Judt has said, the 20th century was, especially in tion (homo faber), and a driver of human civilisation. However,
Europe, the century of the consolidation of the welfare state.16 in the context of our discussion, we should distinguish (see
Thus, in step with the socio-political transformation of the figure 2) among work, as any human effort to achieve a partic-
State, public health practice has expanded its role from one of ular purpose, job/occupation, as paid work, and employment,
controlling epidemics of contagious disease to the promotion as formal paid work with social rights. The existence of the
of health and reducing health inequalities. These objectives can welfare state is premised on persons being formally employed.
only be reached by collaborating with other institutions and Through their tax contributions and those of their employers,
services of the welfare state, such as housing, urban planning, workers provide for the financial underpinnings of the social
education, employment, social security, environment, research protection systems that make up the welfare state. These include
those directly related to workers (eg, pensions, unemployment
benefits, coverage for occupational illness and injury, sickness
absence and permanent disability), and the general public invest-
ments made in education, housing, transportation or research,
among others policies and programme.
The concept of decent work promulgated by the Interna-
tional Labour Organisation (ILO)23 is a key element for both
the welfare state and public health. Decent work has become a
universal human right, and refers to productive work, employ-
ment with rights, fair income, safe workplace, social protections
and worker participation. Decent work is also reflected in Objec-
tive 8 (productive and decent work) of the 2013 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.
Occupational health, through the prevention of injuries and
illnesses, and the promotion of the health of working people,
contributes significantly to the existence of decent work and a
quality labour market by improving working and employment
Figure 2 Practical definitions and relationships of work, occupation/ conditions. Thus, the mission of occupational health is to help
job and employment. Source adapted from Ruiz-Frutos.33 people enjoy a healthy and prolonged working life. Occupational
2 Benavides FG, et al. J Epidemiol Community Health 2019;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jech-2018-211561
J Epidemiol Community Health: first published as 10.1136/jech-2018-211561 on 5 October 2019. Downloaded from on October 6, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
health is contributing to reduce the great burden of work-related Subdirection General of Evaluation and Promotion of Research (Grants FIS PI
diseases. Recent estimates show that work-related morbidity, 17/00220 and PI14_00057), by the European Regional Development Fund-FEDER
and the CIBER in Epidemiology and Public Health-CIBERESP. Partial support for GLD
disability, both temporary and permanent, and mortality repre- was also provided by Grant No. T42OH008421 from the U.S. Centers for Disease
sent around 3.3% of the gross domestic product in the European Control and Prevention /NIOSH.
Union24 and that approximately 5% of the working population Competing interests None declared.
are on sick leave every day.25
Patient consent for publication Not required.
However, the application of occupational risk prevention
activities to improve safety (buildings, machines, tools, etc), Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
environment (climatic, pollutants, etc), ergonomics (move- Data availability statement There are no data in this work.
ments, loads, etc) and psychosocial (demands, control, support,
etc) conditions are largely internal to companies and often Fernando G Benavides http://​orcid.​org/​0000-​0003-​0747-​2660
complex to apply. This is the case of psychosocial risk factors,
and work-related stress, where the gap between policy and prac-
tice is especially remarkable.26 References
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4 Benavides FG, et al. J Epidemiol Community Health 2019;0:1–4. doi:10.1136/jech-2018-211561

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