ARKIA White Paper

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A single living cell represents life, standard, we can bring some order
and that cell is a compartment out of chaos. The problem is, once
containing biochemical processes. one working definition has been
The cell theory developed in 1837- created, a previously unknown
1838 by Rudolph Virchow, Theodor plant, animal or futuristic AI may
Schwann, Matthias Schleiden, appear and defy the definition. 1
Robert Hooke and other prominent
scientists states that all living Inter-twisted along with the units
things are composed of cells, and and complex comprehension of life
the cell is the basic unit of life. lies essential principles. Daniel E.
However, that does not define life, Koshland defines these principles
only it's dominion. Perhaps the as seven pillars. These pillars are as
most compelling reason it is follows: program, improvisation,
difficult to define life is the lack of compartmentalization, energy,
objective measuring tools. All of regeneration, adaptability and
our human methods for defining seclusion.
the undefinable (science,
philosophy, religion, metaphysics, 2 The first pillar of life is a
etc.) are self-limiting. Unlike other PROGRAM. By program we mean
living organisms, human beings an organized plan that describes
seem to be driven to quantify and both the ingredients themselves
categorize the world around them. and the kinetics of the interactions
If we can describe a phenomenon among ingredients as the living
such as "life" to an agreeable system persists through time.

1. "Cell Theory | National Geographic Society." 20 Aug. 2020,

Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

2. "The Seven Pillars of Life." Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.


For the living systems we observe environmental challenges that are

on Earth, this program is to be faced.
implemented by the DNA that
encodes the genes of Earth's The third of the pillars of life is
organisms and that is replicated COMPARTMENTALIZATION. All
from generation to generation, the organisms that we consider
with slight changes but always with living are confined to a limited
the overall plan intact. The genes volume, surrounded by a surface
in turn encode for chemicals—the that we call a membrane or skin
proteins, nucleic acids, etc.—that that keeps the ingredients in a
carry out the reactions in living defined volume and keeps
systems. It is in the DNA that the deleterious chemicals—toxic or
program is summarized and diluting—on the outside.
maintained for life on Earth. Moreover, as organisms become
large, they are divided into smaller
The second pillar of life is compartments, which we call cells
IMPROVISATION. Because a living (or organs, that is, groups of cells),
system will inevitably be a small in order to centralize and
fraction of the larger universe in specialize certain functions within
which it lives, it will not be able to the larger organism. The reason for
control all the changes and compartmentalization is that life
vicissitudes of its environment, so depends on the reaction kinetics of
it must have some way to change its ingredients, the substrates and
its program. If, for example, a warm catalysts (enzymes) of the living
period changes to an ice age so system. Those kinetics depend on
that the program is less effective, the concentrations of the
the system will need to change its ingredients. Simple dilution of the
program to survive. In our current contents of a cell kills it because of
living systems, such changes can be the decrease in concentration of
achieved by a process of mutation the contents, even though all the
plus selection that allows programs chemicals remain as active as
to be optimized for new before dilution. So a container is

essential to maintain the friction), there must be a

concentrations and arrangement of compensation to keep the system
the interior of the living organism going and that compensation
and to provide protection from the requires a continuous source of
outside. energy. The major source of energy
in Earth's biosphere is the Sun—
The fourth pillar of life is ENERGY. although life on Earth gets a little
Life as we know it involves energy from other sources such as
movement—of chemicals, of the the internal heat of the Earth—so
body, of components of the body— the system can continue
and a system with net movement indefinitely by cleverly recycling
cannot be in equilibrium. It must be chemicals as long as it has the
an open and, in this case, added energy of the Sun to
metabolizing system. Many compensate for its entropy
chemical reactions are going on changes.
inside the cell, and molecules are
coming in from the outer The fifth pillar is REGENERATION.
environment—O2, CO2, metals, Because a metabolizing system
etc. The organism's system is composed of catalysts (enzymes)
parsimonious; many of the and chemicals (metabolites) in a
chemicals are recycled multiple container is constantly reacting, it
times in an organism's lifetime will inevitably be associated with
(CO2, for example, is consumed in some thermodynamic losses.
photosynthesis and then produced Because those losses will
by oxidation in the system), but eventually change the kinetics of
originally they enter the living the program adversely, there must
system from the outside, so be a plan to compensate for those
thermodynamicists call this an losses, that is, a regeneration
open system. Because of the many system. One such regeneration
reactions and the fact that there is system is the diffusion or active
some gain of entropy (the transport of chemicals into the
mechanical analogy would be living organism. For example, CO2

and its products replace the losses regeneration in the short run
inevitable in chemical reactions. becomes a larger loss overall for all
Another system for regeneration is the processes in the long run,
the constant resynthesis of the adding up to what we call aging. So
constituents of the living system living systems, at least the ones we
that are subject to wear and tear. know, use a clever trick to perfect
For example, the heart muscle of a the regeneration process—that is,
normal human beats 60 times a they start over. Starting over can
minute—3600 times an hour, be a cell dividing, in the case of
1,314,000 times a year, 91,980,000 Escherichia coli, or the birth of an
times a lifetime 3. No man-made infant for Homo sapiens. By
material has been found that would beginning a new generation, the
not fatigue and collapse under such infant starts from scratch, and all
use, which is why artificial hearts the chemical ingredients,
have such a short utilization span. programs, and other constituents

The living system, however, go back to the beginning to correct

continually resynthesizes and the inevitable decline of a
replaces its heart muscle proteins continuously functioning
as they suffer degradation; the metabolizing system.
body does the same for other
constituents—its lung sacs, kidney The sixth pillar is ADAPTABILITY.
proteins, brain synapses, etc. Improvisation is a form of
adaptability, but is too slow for
This is not the only way the living many of the environmental hazards
system regenerates. The constant that a living organism must face.
resynthesis of its proteins and For example, a human that puts a
body constituents is not quite hand into a fire has a painful
perfect, so the small loss for each experience that might be selected

3. The Nature of Life.",+the+heart+muscle+of+a+normal+human
=hTV3hRsDHg&sig=ACfU3U2XeJOjL14kNEfPAips7z8KVDAgzQ&hl=en. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

4. "Infant - newborn development: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia." 6 Mar. 2019,

Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

against in evolution—but the whereas adaptability (pillar

individual needs to withdraw his number 6) is a behavioral response
hand from the fire immediately to that is part of the program. Just as
live appropriately thereafter. That these two necessities are handled
behavioral response to pain is by different mechanisms in our
essential to survival and is a Earth-bound system, I believe they
fundamental response of living will be different concepts handled
systems that we call feedback. Our by different mechanisms in any
bodies respond to depletion of newly devised or newly discovered
nutrients (energy supplies) with system.
hunger, which causes us to seek
new food, and our feedback then Finally, and far from the least, is
prevents our eating to an excess of the seventh pillar, SECLUSION. By
nutrients (that is, beyond satiety) seclusion, in this context, I mean
by losing appetite and eating less. 5 something rather like privacy in
Walking long distances on bare the social world of our universe. It
feet leads to calluses on one's feet is essential for a metabolizing
or the acquisition of shoes to system with many reactions going
protect them. These behavioral on at the same time, to prevent the
manifestations of adaptability are chemicals in pathway 1
a development of feedback and (A →B→C→D for example) from
feedforward responses at the being metabolized by the catalysts
molecular level and are responses of pathway 2 (R →S→T→U). Our
of living systems that allow living system does this by a crucial
survival in quickly changing property of life—the specificity of
environments. Adaptability could enzymes that work only on the
arguably include improvisation molecules for which they were
(pillar number 2), but designed and are not confused by
improvisation is a mechanism to collisions with miscellaneous
change the fundamental program, molecules from other pathways. In

5. "Appetite and energy balancing - ScienceDirect." 1 Oct. 2016,

Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

a sense this property is like

insulating an electrically
conducting wire so it isn't short-
circuited by contact with another
wire. The seclusion of the
biological system is not absolute. It
can be interrupted by feedback and
feedforward messages, but only
messages that have specifically
arranged conduits can be received.
There is also specificity in DNA and
RNA interactions. It is this
seclusion of pathways that allows
thousands of reactions to occur
with high efficiency in the tiny
volumes of a living cell, while
simultaneously receiving selective
signals that ensure an appropriate
response to environmental

without human input. The program

THE FULL replicated decades of AI research
DISCLOSURE ON in a matter of days, and its
designers think that one day, it
could discover new approaches to
INTELLIGENCE AI. Quoc Le, a computer scientist at
Google, and colleagues developed
a program called AutoML-Zero
that could develop AI programs

Artificial intelligence by definition with effectively zero human input,

is the intelligence exhibited by using only basic mathematical

machines. The definition of life in concepts a high school student

biological terms is the condition would know. In a cardinal way, we
that distinguishes organisms from can say that artificial intelligence
inorganic matter where the does grow, but does it biologically?
distinguishing criteria are the If we look at the definition for
capacity for growth, reproduction, growth of a living thing, it means to
functional activity, and continual undergo natural development by
change preceding death. 6 increasing in size and changing
physically or the progress to
Does artificial intelligence "grow"? maturity. All living organisms
Indeed, we can program a machine undergo growth. Even though at
learning program to grow.Artificial the simplest level, cells are a series
intelligence (AI) is evolving— of chemical processes, cells are a
literally. Researchers have created very complicated set of chemical
software that borrows concepts processes that are still not fully
from Darwinian evolution, understood by scientists across the
including “survival of the fittest,” world. Every cell has genetic
to build AI programs that improve material that can be replicated,
generation after generation excised, used for RNA, proteins,

6. "Is AI living or non-living? - Artificial Intelligence Stack Exchange."

Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

and that is subject to epigenetic scientific terms (and the correct

regulation. Does artificial interpretation), artificial
intelligence undergo the same intelligence is not living. Artificial
process of cell division? No. If we intelligence can be seen to be
wanted to, we could write a similar to viruses which are
program that undergoes a simple considered to be acellular and
for-loop (print i from 1 to 100), essential to life but not living.
replicates itself at a certain point Viruses are encapsulated DNA and
(i=50) to produce the same RNA that undergo processes of
program perhaps with some growth, reproduction, and
variation that will execute itself, functionality but because they lack
and terminates (dies) at the end of the ability to undergo the cell
the for loop. The program, by an division cycle, are considered non-
extremely loose definition living. At the very basis of the
supported by philosophy but not scientific definition of life is the
by biology, lives. However, in cell replication cycle. Artificial

intelligence and viruses are not

able to undergo the cell cycle. THREE KINDS OF
Viruses need to infect other cells in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE

order to reproduce but do not have NARROW,

their own, autonomous cycle. At GENERAL AND
the end of the day, if you can argue HUMAN-AI
that viruses are alive, you can
argue that artificial intelligence is
alive as well. For the scientific
definition of life, artificial
At a very high level, artificial
intelligence must undergo the
intelligence can be split into two
process of cell division and
broad types: narrow AI and general
replication. Even though artificial
AI. Narrow AI is what we see all
intelligence can mimic and help
around us in computers today:
sustain life, no artificial
intelligent systems that have been
intelligence process is truly alive.
taught or have learned how to
carry out specific tasks without
being explicitly programmed how
to do so.7 This type of machine
intelligence is evident in the
speech and language recognition of
the Siri virtual assistant on the
Apple iPhone, in the vision-
recognition systems on self-driving
cars, or in the recommendation
engines that suggest products you
might like based on what you
bought in the past. Unlike humans,
these systems can only learn or be
taught how to do defined tasks,

7. "What is AI? Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence ...." 11 Dec. 2020,
everything-you-need-to-know-about-artificial-intelligence/. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

which is why they are called the car's Autopilot system being
narrow AI. 8 There are a vast upgraded to "full self-driving" from
number of emerging applications the system's more limited assisted-
for narrow AI: interpreting video driving capabilities, with the Full
feeds from drones carrying out Self-Driving option only recently
visual inspections of infrastructure rolled out to a select group of
such as oil pipelines, organizing expert drivers as part of a beta
personal and business calendars, testing program. General AI is very
responding to simple customer- different, and is the type of
service queries, coordinating with adaptable intellect found in
other intelligent systems to carry humans, a flexible form of
out tasks like booking a hotel at a intelligence capable of learning
suitable time and location, helping how to carry out vastly different
radiologists to spot potential tasks, anything from haircutting to
tumors in X-rays, flagging building spreadsheets, or
inappropriate content online, reasoning about a wide variety of
detecting wear and tear in topics based on its accumulated
elevators from data gathered by experience. This is the sort of AI
IoT devices, generating a 3D model more commonly seen in movies,
of the world from satellite imagery, the likes of HAL in 2001 or Skynet
the list goes on and on. However, in The Terminator, but which
as much untapped potential as doesn't exist today – and AI
these systems have, sometimes experts are fiercely divided over
ambitions for the technology how soon it will become a reality.
outstrips reality. A case in point A survey conducted among four
are self-driving cars, which groups of experts in 2012/13 by AI
themselves are underpinned by AI- researchers Vincent C Müller and
powered systems such as computer philosopher Nick Bostrom
vision. Electric car company Tesla reported a 50% chance that
is lagging some way behind CEO Artificial General Intelligence
Elon Musk's original timeline for (AGI) would be developed between
8. "What is AI? Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence ...." 11 Dec. 2020,
everything-you-need-to-know-about-artificial-intelligence/. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

2040 and 2050, rising to 90% by them with experience at NASA and
2075. The group went even the ESA. Ever evolving, ever
further, predicting that so-called improving, Mars One is constantly
'superintelligence' which is defined working to reduce the risk of delay
as Human-ai by ARKIA Labs– and failure at every level. The
which Bostrom defines as "any global space economy reached a
intellect that greatly exceeds the value of 432 billion and by 2030
cognitive performance of humans it's looking to grow beyond $600
in virtually all domains of interest" billion.10 With Arkia working
– was expected some 30 years diligently to eradicate diseases, we
after the achievement of AGI. will be at the forefront of space
NASA is under presidential orders travel healthcare. According to
to land humans on Mars by 2033, KPMG’s most recent report,
and NASA-funded engineers are experts analyzed the key trends
studying a way to build potential behind this expected growth as
human habitats there by producing follows: humans will live, work and
bricks from pressurized Martian holiday in space. You’ll most likely
soil. The European Space Agency
know an astronaut or become one
has a long-term goal to send yourself, however space travel will
humans but has not yet built a be strictly prohibited to any
crewed spacecraft. The challenge is persons with contagious diseases
identifying the risks in every step or health problems. Space travel
of the ten year mission, from will be a collaborative global
astronaut selection through venture of infrastructure,
training, from launch to living on healthcare, and new basic
Mars. Mars One has incorporated necessities. Deep space
into its mission plan a detailed risk exploration will dominate the
analysis protocol, built by highly galaxy mining water from the
experienced individuals, some of Moon giving birth to the ability of
9. "NASA Sending HUMANS to MARS I Fact or Fiction? - YouTube." Accessed 3 Jun.

10. "Space Economy: The New Global Space Age | Morgan Stanley."
Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

growing food in space. Both to re-engineer human genetics to

industries require ARKIA Labs make long-term space travel and
workforce and solutions, and that even settlement on other worlds
could generate revenue of more possible. Arkia Labs aims to
than $1 trillion by 2040. ARKIA shorten that plan by half.
Labs solves the problem of Modifying the DNA of future
intergalactic space travel and astronauts through gene therapies
transhumanism. Humans cannot or gene editing to make them more
combat intense radiation without resistant to radiation and other
severe consequences. Studies have threats from long-term space
shown that space explorations on travel is an ambitious strategy. The
the Moon are associated with bottom line: If future humans do
substantial risks to astronauts of eventually make space home,
space radiation because of the chances are they'll need protection
chronic exposure to galactic that doesn't yet exist.
cosmic rays and sporadic solar
particle events. Our scientists are
hoping to alter human genetics to
make the body more resistant to
radiation by creating an innate
specialized shielding that will
protect them from harmful rays.
Some experiments using mice
suggest exposure to galactic
cosmic rays over a long period of
time could cause adverse cognitive
effects which will dangerously
affect space travel. Geneticist
Chris Mason — who was involved
with NASA research on the
biological effects of astronaut
Scott Kelly's 340 days in space --
has written about a 500-year plan

artificial intelligence (AI), each

EXPERTS healthcare organization has built
PREDICT THE its own data infrastructure to
POSSIBILITIES OF support its own needs, typically
involving on-premises computing
AI and storage. 12 Data is balkanized
along organizational boundaries,
severely constraining the ability to
provide services to patients across

Digital life is augmenting human a care continuum within one

capacities and disrupting eons-old organization or across

human activities. Code-driven organizations. This situation

systems have spread to more than evolved as individual organizations
half of the world’s inhabitants in had to buy and maintain the costly
ambient information and hardware and software required
connectivity, offering previously for healthcare, and has been
unimagined opportunities and reinforced by vendor lock-in, most
unprecedented threats. As notably in electronic medical
emerging algorithm-driven records (EMRs). With increasing
artificial intelligence (AI) continues cost pressure and policy
to spread, will people be better off imperatives to manage patients
than they are today? across and between care episodes,
Some 979 technology pioneers, the need to aggregate data across
innovators, developers, business and between departments within a
and policy leaders, researchers and healthcare organization and across
activists answered this question in disparate organizations has
a canvassing of experts conducted become apparent not only to
in the summer of 2018. In the 21st realize the promise of AI but also
Century, the age of big data and to improve the efficiency of
11. "Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humans | Pew Research Center." 10 Dec. 2018, Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

12. "The “inconvenient truth” about AI in healthcare | npj Digital Medicine." 16 Aug. 2019,
0155-4. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

existing data intensive tasks such populations around the world

as any population level include the global pandemic

segmentation and patient safety COVID-19 and SARS epidemic in

monitoring.The rapid explosion in Asia; the outbreak of avian flu in
AI has introduced the possibility of East Asia countries; the (H1N1)
using aggregated healthcare data swine flu; the catastrophic effects
to produce powerful models that of Hurricane Katrina that are still
can automate diagnosis and also ongoing and, the ever-pending
enable an increasingly precision threat of bioterrorism. We have
approach to medicine by tailoring practiced disease surveillance for
treatments and targeting decades and it continues to be an
resources with maximum indispensable approach for
effectiveness in a timely and detecting emerging disease
dynamic manner. outbreaks and epidemics. Early
knowledge of a disease outbreak
plays an important role in
improving response effectiveness.
Although traditional disease
AND surveillance often relies on time-
consuming laboratory diagnosis,
EMERGING and the reporting of notifiable
DISEASES diseases is often slow and
incomplete, a new breed of global
disease surveillance systems has
the potential to significantly speed
up detection of disease outbreaks.
In this time of increasing concern These new, computer-based
over the deadly and costly threats surveillance systems offer valuable
of infectious diseases, preparation and timely information to hospitals
for, early detection of, and timely as well as to state, local, and
response to emerging diseases and federal health officials. They often
epidemics outbreaks are a key rely on intelligent systems and

databases, infectious disease interconnectivity among disparate

informatics, and advanced analytic and geographically separated
techniques such as time-series sources of information to facilitate
analysis, text mining, agent-based a clear understanding of the
modeling, social-network analysis, evolving situation. This is
and disease modeling, important for event reporting,
visualization, and mapping. With strategic response planning, and
these new advances, public-health disaster victim tracking.
surveillance systems are capable of Information gained from
real-time or near real-time syndromic surveillance data can
detection of serious illnesses and also guide the planning,
potential exposure to agents of implementation, and evaluation of
bioterrorism, allowing for a rapid long-term programs to prevent and
public-health response. The basis control diseases, including
for modern global disease distribution of medication,
surveillance is the fact that specific vaccination plans, and allocation of
c diseases of interest can be resources. When the pandemic
monitored through various began in March 2020, it forced the
syndromic presentations that can immediate shutdown of thousands
be detected in a timely manner— of scientific laboratories
for example, through nurse calls, throughout the United States,
medication purchases, and school delaying progress against cancer,
or work absenteeism. In addition to Alzheimer’s, ALS, substance use
enabling early detection and disorders and existing and
reporting of monitored diseases, emerging threats that affect
syndromic surveillance also people worldwide.13 It stopped
provides a rich data repository and important work, and we lost
highly active communication significant progress in both
system for situation awareness and fundamental science and the
event characterization. Multiple advancement of basic discoveries
participants provide that benefit people everywhere.
13. "For future medical breakthroughs, we must rebuild research lost to ...." 27 Apr. 2021,
for-future-medical-breakthroughs-we-must-rebuild-research-lost-to-covid. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

This is where Arkia solves experts and this achievement has

problems. Arkia’s mission is to prompted increased investment in
ramp up the progress and AI drug discovery by a growing
possibilities of the AI and genome number of large pharmaceutical
editing industry. We give companies. AI is also being
researchers, doctors, and harnessed in other areas of
physicians propitious moments to medicine, such as the analysis of
advance their hard work. With medical images. AI has the power
multiple people looking at the to accelerate the process of
same information, the quality of reasoning across all available
that information will go up and biomedical data and information in
operational costs for the provider a systematic search for existing
and the users go down because and reemerging diseases.
there's less-chance of repetitive
work, fraud, abuse and lost work
time and since the quality goes up,
there should be a better
experience for society. In a AND
pandemic, speed is of the essence.
Although scientists managed to HUMAN
sequence the genetic code of the
new coronavirus and produce
diagnostic tests in record time,
developing drugs and vaccines
against the virus remains a long
haul. Vaccine development is an The next generation will be filled
arduous process that takes about with many types of body
10-15 years on average to augmentations, capabilities, and
accomplish. 14 However AI solved enhancements that will enable
the complex COVID 19 biological humans to be smarter, stronger,
puzzle more rapidly than human and more adaptable than we are
14. "Vaccine Development, Testing, and Regulation | History of Vaccines."
development-testing-and-regulation. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

today. In the future, Arkia expects Musk’s SpaceX, NASA, China and
the arrival of contact lenses that the United Arab Emirates all
will enhance the power of sight by launched missions to Mars. Right
taking pictures or video, now, missions to the Red Planet
translating languages, reading require a reusable rocket-and-
emotions that will allow us to spacecraft combo that is currently
communicate more effectively and being developed at various stages..
efficiently. 15 We will also see While many of these organizations,
increased use of implants ranging vessels and countries have made
from brain microchips and neural solid investments for the next 5-10
lace to mind-controlled prosthesis years, fewer companies are
and subdermal RFID chips that considering the revolutionary
allow users to unlock doors or convergence of technology,
computer passwords with the wave behavioral and societal changes,
of a hand. Arkia will lead the and medical advances to
industry by managing the most understand how they will unify to
powerful body augmentation that transform society. 16 This
will come from biological transformation will be messy,
augmentation such as genome complex, and sometimes scary, but
editing, advances in technology signals already point to a future of
that may allow us to select the humanity that will blur our
most intelligent embryos, and identities into “trans-humanism or
powerful CRISPR gene-editing Human-ai.” The science of trans-
technology which may one day give humanism; advocates for the
us the ability to eliminate all transformation of the human
heritable diseases. Arkia Labs is condition by developing and
strategizing future investments making widely available
and technologies such as artificial sophisticated technologies able to
intelligence, the internet of things, greatly modify or enhance human
and intergalactic travel. Elon intellect and physiology.”
15. "The Display of the Future Might Be in Your Contact Lens | WIRED." 16 Jan. 2020,
contact-lens/. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021

16. "The Investor Revolution - Harvard Business Review." Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

Arkia Labs has divided trans- editing industry. We expect the

humanism into 3 possibilities: global genome editing market size
to reach USD 8.1 billion by 2025,17
1. Removable cyborg extensions – according to a new report by
wherein the tools enhancing Grand View Research, Inc. Arkia
the individual can easily be put will lead the industry of securing
away at the end of use and tracking genomes based on the
2. Cyborg-humans – technologies global security of world citizens.
causing lasting, but not Arkia allows all persons to create a
irreversible transformation like trackable code to living and
prosthetic limbs, digital tattoos deceased genetic codons. The
and bionic implants tracking and distributing genetic
3. Technologies changing humans material is common and practical in
forever – genetic editing (such the medical field beginning with
as CRISPR) Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta’s cells
were the first immortal human
Arkia gives researchers, doctors, cells ever grown in culture. By
and physicians propitious moments understanding the Henrietta cells
to advance their hard work. With in healthy and diseased states, cell
multiple people looking at the biologists working in animal, plant
same information, the quality of and medical science were able to
that information should go up and develop new vaccines, more
operational costs for the provider effective medicines, and increased
and the users should go down knowledge and better
because there's less-chance of understanding of how all living
repetitive work and lost work time things live. Eventually it provided a
and since the quality goes up, there ‘health forecast’ by analysing a
should be a better experience for database of genetic and cell
society. Arkia’s mission is to information. These cells are
accelerate the progress and exceptional and essential to
possibilities of the AI and genome developing the polio vaccine. They
17. "Genome Editing Market Size Worth $19.4 Billion By 2028."
market. Accessed 3 Jun. 2021.

went up in the first space missions Starting on June, 15th, 2021,

to see what would happen to cells participants will have the ability to
in zero gravity. Many scientific contribute and receive “ARKIA”
landmarks have used her cells, Tokens in exchange for their ETH
including cloning, gene mapping by sending Etheruem to a
and in vitro fertilization. designated address. During the
ICO ArkTokens will be distributed
at an exchange rate of 1 token =
$0.005 equivalent in ETH and
offered before this date at a
ARKIA ICO discount in pre-sale. Purchasing
FUNDS AND “ARKIA” in the ICO will
automatically place you in the
FUTURE betaphase of our upcoming staking
EFFORTS wallet project.

Arkia’s ICO will be a capped sale

raising $18 million (18,000,000)
equivalent to ETH and/ or BTC
with whitelisted contribution caps.
Arkia will be issuing 100 million
(10,000,000,000) ERC20 tokens,
called “ARKIA”Tokens to create a
new Al healthcare ecosystem.
These tokens will be offered in a
Crowdsale to allow participants to
purchase “ARKIA”Tokens early as
well as contribute and support the
further development of Arkia Labs.


ARKIA will work in unity with other AI developing companies to fast track the mission of
improving gene editing. We will expand our offices to accommodate world-wide
communications with healthcare professionals. We will integrate BSC Tokenomics and
launch the publicly traded token. We will integrate Automatic LPs and RFI Static
Rewards for HODLERS.


We will expand the team by beginning a global quest of unique talents who are
interested in joining our medical and/or exploration team. Arkia Labs will create a list of
emerging infectious diseases that can hinder galactic travel. We will expand the team by
beginning a global quest of unique talents interested in international research efforts to
determine the enhancing the DNA sequence of our medical and/or exploration team.

Build on the lessons from Q2 to further scale up the discovered data. We will seek
partnership with the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and World Bank. Working alongside our investors we will begin creating a
fully transparent plan for creating effective cures. We will release our list to the public
along with deadlines for creating cures. We will build teams for the top listed diseases in
the world and begin working on cures. We will provide users and HODLers easy access
to Token through trusted wallets.

We will open our first global headquarters in Singapore and begin integrating all the
major medical research facilities worldwide. We will begin scouting the top medical
professionals in Singapore and begin hiring in the Singapore markets. We will begin trials
for our first cure, to be released publicly the following year. We will open our first charity
for expediting and delivering the cure to high risk areas. We will allocate funds to create
affordable cures and maintain production levels.



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