Term Paper Diabetes

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Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to a complex and sensitive topic

like diabetes. As a student, you are expected to conduct extensive research, analyze data, and present
your findings in a well-written and structured paper. This can be overwhelming and time-consuming,
leaving you feeling stressed and unsure of where to start.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a complex condition that
requires a thorough understanding of its causes, symptoms, and treatment options. As a result,
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But it doesn’t mean you have to compromise, you just have to find the right balance between what
and how you eat. Answer: Diabetes can trigger coronary artery disease resulting in heart failure.
Question 4. Can diabetes cause kidney failure. The forum comprises the key stakeholders including
diabetes educators, general practitioners, monitoring agencies and health departments. Once I got the
completed paper, my last doubts were gone. Analyze how others completed same type of work to
create a masterpiece. Since mood swings are often a symptom, family members are often victims of
mood and emotional individuals. In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immunity system fuelled by a
genetic reason leads the immune response to attack the beta cells and destroy them, thereby
diminishing or almost inhibiting insulin production. Sherman Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Essentially
the same disease, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes share many different attributes as to when and how a
person is diagnosed and methods of treating the disease. It appears that the incidence of T1D in
youth is increasing in the U.S (American Diabetes Association, 2008). A follow up appointment will
be needed and you need to ask your doctor some questions. Archives of Ophthalmology. 113:333-
339. Retrieved March 13 2011 from. Some of these risks may include family history, environmental
factors, and the presence of damaging immune system cell autoantibodies, dietary factors and
geography. They face many complications that can lead to blindness, kidney damage, heart disease
and lower-limb amputation. A deficiency of insulin results in hyperglycemia. Type. Take note when
creating a diabetes plan, you should also consider the individual’s gender, weight, and activity level
as these can influence calorie needs. Complications can be seen in various circumstances; such as in
insulin resistance, glucotoxity, and lipotoxicity; these may be exhibited in times such as during post-
prandial blood glucose or preprandial blood glucose. The primary cause of diabetes type I is lack of
insulin production to counter elevation of glucose levels (Craft et al. Insulin helps glucose get into
your body's cells and that is how your body gets the energy it needs. Now add the hyperlink to this
free e-book in each of the chapters of ones own e-book. Additional data collected from five complete
genome scans have identified 18 other genomic intervals that may influence the risk of T1D. They
start the ad showing an older person hurting looking very miserable. Managing type 1 diabetes is a
rather complex process that requires observing daily care activities, solving occurring problems, and
making personal decisions. Conventional (standard) insulin treatment and intensive insulin treatment
are the two main types of insulin treatment plans. In advanced cases, the wound is offloaded and
weight bearing on the feet is reduced by using foot devices such as total contact cast, removable cast
walkers, wedge shoes, extra depth shoes etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that
there are over 177 million cases worldwide and this number will increase to at least 370 million by
2030 (Gad et al., 2003). Further, the disease is associated with a series of secondary health
complications. Both types of diabetes can cause severe complications by affecting other vital organs
of the body. Diabetes has also been listed as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States
of America back in 2010 with 234,051 death certificates listed down. You can begin by measuring
your food from one week to a month. Biochemical investigations performed included fasting and
post prandial blood sugar level, lipid profile and serum creatinine. The risk factors for Type-1
diabetes include hormonal imbalance, malnutrition, and viral infection of the pancreas.
In kidneys, prolonged and uncontrolled diabetes leads to diabetic nephropathy; this condition is
marked by progressive decrease in glomerular filtration rate and increased microalbuminemia. It is
generally agreed that at least part of the genetic susceptibility component of this disease is associated
with the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) located on chromosome 6. The usual symptoms to
identify whether if an individual is affected or not would be the Increased thirst and frequent
urination, Extreme hunger, Rapid weight loss, Fatigue, Blurred vision, Slow healing sores or frequent
infections, and in some cases Patches of dark velvety skin in the folds and creases of Subject’s
bodies — usually in the armpits and neck. This completes the pathological triad of the triad of
diabetes, polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia. These differ in the types and dose of insulin used and
the frequency of injections. In undiagnosed patients with diabetes that do not receive appropriate
treatment, it can provoke serious complications such as stroke, kidney failure and heart disease. The
alimentary canal digests food and breaks it down into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The Insulin
dependent diabetes strain -- accounts only for approximately 5 percent or less of diabetes in the U.
S. (Armstrong, C. 1990). People affected with Type 1 Diabetes like others affected with other
diabetes strains, have defective pancreas glands. Since the pancreas releases a very limited amount
of insulin (in some cases none at all) the glucose which is not assimilated is diverted to the
bloodstream to be excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. Digestion of carbohydrate affects the
blood glucose level in the body because they release glucose, which enters the blood stream.
Evidence based practice in diabetes involves the care of a diabetic foot. In this condition blood sugar
level is elevated because of improper functioning of the pancreas, as in Type-1, and insufficient
insulin, as in Type 2. Some individuals with diabetes mellitus lack quantifiable insulin, whereas
others, in spite of sufficient secretion of insulin, either do not produce it in a way that sustains normal
physiological processes, or have organs unresponsive to its impact (Bertera 33). Treatment and
management of complications caused by diabetes is complex and expensive; in extreme cases these
complications can even cause death of the patient. These rates increase with the time since proband
diagnosis; for example, concordance is 43% within 12 years of proband diagnosis, and 50% within
40 years. Diabetes results from the body not being able to produce enough glucose or the inability of
the body to use the insulin efficiently. Upon food consumption, the pancreas automatically produces
the right amount of insulin to move and synthesize glucose from the blood into the human cells. Let
us write or edit the research paper on your topic. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is caused due to
unhealthy lifestyle habits such as prolonged lack of proper sleep, excessive alcohol and tobacco
consumption, excessive consumption of junk food, and obesity, to name a few. Diabetes can be both
reversible as well as chronic. Since mood swings are often a symptom, family members are often
victims of mood and emotional individuals. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas are unable to produce
sufficient insulin. The beta cells of pancreas that is an organ located just below the stomach work to
produce insulin hormone. Insulin helps glucose get into your body's cells and that is how your body
gets the energy it needs. Don’t forget to also use the examples which you can download for free. It
has been found that a tightly controlled blood glucose level in patients with diabetes mellitus helps in
reducing various forms of associated microvascular and macrovascular complications that could be
seen in those patients (Gerich, 2005). Distinguish between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes by comparing
and contrasting their definitions, bodily effects, warning signs, target groups, and current treatments
in a table. On admission, Sarah does not have past medical history but genetically has diabetes and
heart disease. Some common symptoms are constant hunger, weight loss, increased thirst, and
urinating frequently. It became possible to treat all forms of diabetes since the development of insulin
in the year 1921, and the common form i.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. While I check this out as part of the
solution I make it a point eating foods that replenish my body with high octane fuel can be
considered great benefit for to me. The main difference between the first and second strain of
diabetes is that the first one occurs in the early phases of an individuals life, while the latter occurs
usually in the later stages. In this condition, the patient needs a steady influx of insulin in regular
insulin injections to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Wild, S et al. (2004). Global Prevalence of
Diabetes: Estimates for the year 2000 and. Once you get accustomed to the portions, you won’t need
to do calculated measurements any longer. N.J.M (eds.) ABC of Arterial and Venous Disease. (2nd
ed., pp: 31-36). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. The forum comprises the key
stakeholders including diabetes educators, general practitioners, monitoring agencies and health
departments. In a normal person, special pancreatic cells called the beta cells produce insulin.
Approximately one in every 400 to 600 children and adolescents currently has type 1 diabetes
(T1D). These factors are: Family history of diabetics, i.e if. This condition usually disappears after
delivery, but may continue in some women as Type-2 diabetes. If you force yourself on sticking to a
diet that you dread, that diet plan won’t last very long and you will unfortunately return to
consuming high-calorie and high-fat foods. Evidence for a genetic susceptibility to IDDM is shown
through family studies. It provides a retrospective review of the clinical incident and experience and
questions the reason for the actions done. Individuals with levels of glycemia that are intermediate
between normal levels and levels that are consistent with DM are categorized as being in a
prediabetic state and are at risk of developing DM later on (Champe, 2005). A nurse must prescribe
fiber rich foods for the patient from whole grains and green leafy vegetables because fiber helps in
digestion of other foods and for easy excretion of fecal matter. Prediabetes usually precedes the
onset of type 2 diabetes but can be corrected with proper diet and exercise. This type of therapy is
the administration of insulin shots or insulin realizing tablets to the patients. Conventional (standard)
insulin treatment and intensive insulin treatment are the two main types of insulin treatment plans. At
this stage, the individual is predisposed to having diabetes mellitus due to some factors called the
risk factors. The optimal treatment regimens involve nutritious diet and exercise, which allow the
patient to maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a large
gland behind the stomach. This thickly laminated anatomical chart is printed on premium glossy (200
g) UV resistant paper and comes with 2 sided lamination (75 micron). There are also arguments that
IDDM is not purely a genetic disorder; rather, it has been suggested that certain environmental
factors also play an important role and may trigger or accelerate autoimmune diseases in genetically
predisposed individuals. The annual rate of diagnosis of new cases of type 2 diabetes in America
remains at 798,000 Narayan et al, 2006. However, women with gestational Diabetes stand a risk of
suffering from Type 2 diabetes later on in their lives. Type 1 diabetes can either result from the
pancreas producing less insulin or the insulin from the pancreas being ineffective. Diabetes Mellitus
(DM) Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is characterized by persistent and variable hyperglycemia (high blood
glucose levels). Transcript levels of ADIPOQ were assessed in visceral adipose tissue samples, and
plasma adiponectin levels were estimated by qPCR and ELISA respectively.
In advanced stages of nephropathy, i.e. in ESRD, usually dialysis and kidney transplantation are
recommended. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. T1DM is increasing in incidence globally at a rate of about 3% per
year (Champe et al., 2005). Like all types of DM, T1DM is associated with increased risk for and a
high incidence of certain complications. Here are a couple valuable information regarding diabetes.
The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions. Hopefully, the said cure would
be found soon to relieve the millions suffering worldwide. It is a possibility for a human being to
actually be affected with this kind of disease without actually knowing it. To combat the effects of
this disease, the advisable things to do would be to watch or monitor the level of blood glucose,
proper exercise, good eating habits, and occasional insulin dosages. The role of insulin is to lower and
control blood sugar levels so they do not get too high. Nephropathy progresses slowly and is
characterized by high intraglomerular pressure caused by formation of high angiotensin-II (Burke
1997). I now see that eating belly will have me inside my best. Increased incidence of Alzheimer’s
disease is also associated with diabetes mellitus. This paper attempts to analyze the importance of
keeping and maintaining proper health records for diabetes patients in health institutions. Let us
write or edit the research paper on your topic. Hence, it causes the high blood glucose levels in the
body or hyperglycaemia. In Type 1 diabetes, the body’s immunity system fuelled by a genetic reason
leads the immune response to attack the beta cells and destroy them, thereby diminishing or almost
inhibiting insulin production. Adiponectin is an adipokine that is mostly secreted from adipose
tissues and has a significant role in the improvement of insulin resistant and type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM). Most diabetic patients suffer foot ulceration and the best care is to give proper education
on foot care. In this condition, the patient needs a steady influx of insulin in regular insulin injections
to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Individuals with levels of glycemia that are intermediate
between normal levels and levels that are consistent with DM are categorized as being in a
prediabetic state and are at risk of developing DM later on (Champe, 2005). Type 1 diabetes is
caused due to genetic disorder, whereas Type 2 diabetes is primarily a lifestyle disorder. Age of
proband diagnosis also seems to be a crucial factor: the concordance rate for twins of probands
diagnosed after age 24 was only 6%, whereas the co-twin of a proband diagnosed before age 5 has a
65% risk of developing diabetes. Clinical symptoms associated with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
include polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, increased hunger, decreased vision; in severe cases the
symptoms may progress to diabetic coma due to ketoacidosis (Diabetic Overview, 2008). The
causative factors for pancreatic dysfunction could be autoimmune reactions, genetic abnormalities or
even viral infection of the pancreas. Evidence for a genetic susceptibility to IDDM is shown through
family studies. The Insulin dependent diabetes strain -- accounts only for approximately 5 percent or
less of diabetes in the U. S. (Armstrong, C. 1990). People affected with Type 1 Diabetes like others
affected with other diabetes strains, have defective pancreas glands. For example, it has been
suggested that abnormalities in the apoptosis of ?-cells might lead to an autoimmune response. It
comes in a convenient poster size 50 x 67 cm (20x26'') and can be written on and wiped off with non
permanent markers. Some individuals with diabetes mellitus lack quantifiable insulin, whereas others,
in spite of sufficient secretion of insulin, either do not produce it in a way that sustains normal
physiological processes, or have organs unresponsive to its impact (Bertera 33).
I now see that eating belly will have me inside my best. The hope that the cure is on the verge of
being discovered still looms on the horizon. Since the pancreas releases a very limited amount of
insulin (in some cases none at all) the glucose which is not assimilated is diverted to the bloodstream
to be excreted by the kidneys in the form of urine. Dietary management focuses on accomplishing
the ideal body weight and helps to reduce the complications of diabetes. For most people, type 1
diabetes is a life-long disease that can be effectively managed with insulin. It is a possibility for a
human being to actually be affected with this kind of disease without actually knowing it. Diabetes
has also been listed as the seventh leading cause of death in the United States of America back in
2010 with 234,051 death certificates listed down. Thus, the patient has to undergo multiple Diabetes
Type 2 1. According to some researchers, diabetes is a silent pandemic and the fastest-growing
chronic disease in the entire of Australia. Intriguingly, the gender of the diabetic parent also seems to
contribute to disease transmission, with offspring of diabetic fathers being at a greater risk (about
9%) than those of diabetic mothers (about 3%). But rrnside your embarrassment you forgot to ask a
really essential question What precisely are hemorrhoids. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a
method of obtaining necessary approval and securing support for a proposal, description of
educational deficit of Type 2 Diabetes prevention, explanation of proposed solution and rationale,
review of literature to su. Clinical symptoms associated with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes include
polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, increased hunger, decreased vision; in severe cases the symptoms
may progress to diabetic coma due to ketoacidosis (Diabetic Overview, 2008). Individuals with
levels of glycemia that are intermediate between normal levels and levels that are consistent with DM
are categorized as being in a prediabetic state and are at risk of developing DM later on (Champe,
2005). According to King, Aubert and Herman 1998, in the year 2000 there were 150 million people
with type 2 diabetes worldwide, and this number is expected to double by 2025. Starvation of the
body cells off energy causes diabetes type 2. Inadequate oxygenation of the blood in the lungs
because of extrinsic reasons. The primary cause of diabetes type I is lack of insulin production to
counter elevation of glucose levels (Craft et al. There are also arguments that IDDM is not purely a
genetic disorder; rather, it has been suggested that certain environmental factors also play an
important role and may trigger or accelerate autoimmune diseases in genetically predisposed
individuals. Diabetes mellitus is a set of metabolic illnesses typified by high amounts of blood sugar
because of defects in the secretion of insulin, insulin functioning, or both.. Since the illness could be
asymptomatic for a number of years, it is approximated that numerous older people with diabetes are
not aware of their disease (Pompei 40). Answer: Diabetes can trigger coronary artery disease
resulting in heart failure. Question 4. Can diabetes cause kidney failure. Scientists nowadays are still
looking into the factors which may have caused insulin resistance. Regulation of glucose in the blood
is by its absorption into the body cells. Diabetes is a condition characterized by elevated blood sugar
levels, also known as hyperglycemia. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Diabetes
Overview. (2008). National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. NIDDK, NIH. NIH. Insulin
produced by the beta cells of Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas is responsible for regulating
glucose levels in the blood. Biochemical investigations performed included fasting and post prandial
blood sugar level, lipid profile and serum creatinine. Institution of a holistic nursing care is important
in reducing the amount of stress in diabetic patient. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge
for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay.
Gillespie K.M. (2006) Type 1 diabetes: pathogenesis and prevention. However, women with
gestational Diabetes stand a risk of suffering from Type 2 diabetes later on in their lives. This case-
control study was conducted on 300 subjects (150 T2DM and 150 healthy controls), aged between
25-75 years. Limits applied to the search were journals from 2000-2010, peer reviewed, research
articles and English language. Every year, about 650,000 people learn they have the disease. Findings
from empirical research are being analyzed and disseminated on a regular. After digestion, glucose
passes into the bloodstream, where it is used by the human cells for growth and energy. Most likely
T1D is caused by interactions between genetic and environmental factors. In spite of extensive
investigation, the exact cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to the onset of IDDM have yet
to be elucidated. In contrast, whole grains help reduce risk for type 2 diabetes. Dietary management
focuses on accomplishing the ideal body weight and helps to reduce the complications of diabetes.
The pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus in is related to the insulin hormone. This suggests a higher
genetic component for early onset IDDM vs. Metabolic syndrome is mostly associated with type 2
diabetes mellitus and caused by the pathophysiologic changes that occur during the course of this
disease. Diabetes Overview. (2008). National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. NIDDK, NIH.
NIH. This Metabolic disorder causes the body to lose its main source of fuel considering that the
blood contains large amounts of glucose (since diabetic people are usually obese people or people
who have large contents of glucose in their bodies). On admission, Sarah does not have past medical
history but genetically has diabetes and heart disease. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. It is a life threatening event that occurs commonly in Type-1
diabetes mellitus. Forty percent of individuals with T1D develop the disease before the age of 20
years. Dialysis is highly complicated and very expensive; it is also very cumbersome for the patients
and their families (Burke, 1997). On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is caused due to unhealthy
lifestyle habits such as prolonged lack of proper sleep, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption,
excessive consumption of junk food, and obesity, to name a few. We aimed to evaluate the
relationship between SNP rs266729 in promoter region of ADIPOQ gene with T2DM patients,
circulatory adiponectin levels and other clinical and anthropometric parameters in North Indian adult
population. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and
environmental factors such as obesity and lack of exercise appear to play roles. Inadequate
oxygenation of the blood in the lungs because of extrinsic reasons. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. A normal caloric intake is around
500Kcal, which is a normal range, but this may vary depending on the patient’s body ratio and
physical activity. The poster's 75 micron lamination ensures the chart does not curl up at the edges
and the UV treatment ensures the chart does not get a faded yellow color over time. These represent
the sorts of comments being made about Homeopathy.
Here are the essential components you should always incorporate when making your own general
action plan. This swift transition occurs in type 1 diabetes when. Some individuals with diabetes
mellitus lack quantifiable insulin, whereas others, in spite of sufficient secretion of insulin, either do
not produce it in a way that sustains normal physiological processes, or have organs unresponsive to
its impact (Bertera 33). Three kind of genotypes: wild type TT (470 bp), heterozygous type TG (470
bp, 336 bp, 134 bp) and homozygote mutant type GG (336 bp, 134 bp) were studied. Nephropathy
progresses slowly and is characterized by high intraglomerular pressure caused by formation of high
angiotensin-II (Burke 1997). Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are very common owing to genetic
factors, unhealthy life style, improper eating and inadequate physical activity. This condition, called
acanthosis nigricans, is a sign of insulin resistance (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2007). This anatomy chart is a
great diabetes teaching tool for a classroom or doctors office. This is also considered a milder type
of diabetes in comparison to type 1, but. DIABETES CARE. Vol: 27, No. 5, pp:1047-1033.
Retrieved March 8, 2011 from. It is a life threatening event that occurs commonly in Type-1 diabetes
mellitus. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetes is caused due to unhealthy lifestyle habits such as
prolonged lack of proper sleep, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption, excessive consumption
of junk food, and obesity, to name a few. Diet, exercise, pills and insulin injections can control it.
This condition usually gets reversed once the fetus is delivered. Inadequately regulated diabetes can
be the source of dangerous deterioration in an older individual and is manifested by functional
disability, muscle impairment, loss of weight, and fatigue. Hopefully, the said cure would be found
soon to relieve the millions suffering worldwide. Type-1 diabetes occurs when pancreas do not
produce the hormone, insulin. Maintaining glycemic control is accomplished by therapeutic use of
insulin and can prevent or minimize long-term microvascular complications of DM. It provides a
retrospective review of the clinical incident and experience and questions the reason for the actions
done. He named this condition diabainein later translated into the English term diabetes. This disease
commonly affects adults but recently there has been increase in the number of children being
infected with it Goldstein, 2013. Treatment and management of complications caused by diabetes is
complex and expensive; in extreme cases these complications can even cause death of the patient.
Burke, J.M. (1997). Approach to the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy. Prevention and treatment
of kidney-related complications involve bringing the blood glucose level to normal. Currently there is
no actual drug treatment for diabetes whatsoever but there exists drugs that are in use to manage the
disease progression. Evidence based practice in diabetes involves the care of a diabetic foot. The side
effects of immune-suppressive drugs can be very severe and even worse than the disease. The
alimentary canal digests food and breaks it down into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The caloric
intake of a patient already with diabetes first depends on the person’s physical activity and nutritional
status. The mechanisms responsible for the loss of GSIS are unknown.

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