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\ | tall LEARN and SPEAK LITHUANIAN @ The Lithuanian ABC Aa Aq Bb al can be long a nesi leng bé| both lips ore or short qiuclas, mamq pressed together atsipragau, ada batas, butas ~y cé Dd Ee ee! tif dé | non-aspirated | can be long in English diena, daiktas ‘or short éekas eglé, bet Eé Ff Gg Si] Weeler to pioneunces ET We ueperteeth gé| always Comiethy ston wih jivond cre onthe lower lip. —_pionou open yourmou'h mere filmes, fotoaparatas gaminti, grazus gélé, sesé i] short i nosiné | long i ilgoji | lon: turi, gal stot, pil tyleti, myles ka | non-aspirated el lo: kas, katé In En Lietuva, lapas mama, m Oo Pp Rr ol canbe pé | non-aspir er | the tip of the tongue es | as /s/ ‘or short prafau, popi is behind the upper teeth: in Engl ‘opera, bosas it is a vibrating sound sakyti, saule rytas, rozé ey ss Tt Uu Uu e? | os /s/ té | non-aspirated ul short u nosing | long in English turéti, taip upé, graZus broliy, televizoriy Suo, Salis =- _ Xe Uu Vv Zz Zz wilgoii | long vé | the upper teeth zé | as /z/ 26 Las /a/ aéid, kinas are on the lower lip in English in English vakaras, vaza zebros, zy18 Cec €é | as /ts/ in English cittina, colis Ee e nosiné | long egle, Zole Hh ha | as /h/ in English himnas, herbas Jj jot | as ji! in English in the word yo iis, ji Nn en Las /n/ in English amas, noriu Ss Main Grammatical Categories If you [ust start learning Lithuanian, you may not be sure about some grammar terms. What you can find below, is the main concepts used in this book and their short explanations. GENDER NUMBER + Masculine - to refer to a male + Singular - to refer to one (eg. studenras) object or person (eg, studentas) + Feminine - to refer to a female + Plural - to refer to more (eg. studente) than one object or person leg. studentai The most important meanings of cases NOMINATIVE + Performer/doer of the action GENITIVE + Object + With some verbs + With negattive verbs followed by a direct object + Indeterminate quantity (an equivalent of some” in English) + Numbers above 9 and other words of quantity + Possession (whose?) + Feature DATIVE + With some verbs + Addressee ACCUSATIVE +A direct object + Time INSTRUMENTAL + With certain reflexive verbs + Means of transport « Means of doing something LOCATIVE Location VOCATIVE Address form Vytautas dirbe. Noriu kavos. Laukiu drauges Neturiu brolio. Pirkau vaisiy. Degimt eury; daug kavos Brolio automobilis Laimés valanda Padéjau sesei. Pirkau drouge! dovang Mégstu pieng. Savaitgalj einu j king. Diiaugivosi pavasariu. Vaziuoja autobusu. Valgo Saukstu. Susitinkame kavingje. Pauliau, einam j kavine NOUNS + Masculine or feminine (eg. studentas, studenté) + Singular or plural (eg. studentas, studentai) « Have cases (e.g. studentas, studento, studentui..) + Abstract le.g. meilé) or concrete (eg. stalas) + Proper (eg. Lietuva) or common (ea. lietuvis) NUMERALS From 1 to 9: + Masculine (e.g. vienas, du) + Feminine (e.g. viena, dvi) + Have all cases, depending ‘on the noun leg. viena sesé, Vienos sesés, vienq sese) From tt to 19: + Don't have gender + Are followed by genitive (eg vienuolika draugy, penkiolika parductuviy) + Have all cases (eg, vienuolikos, penkiolikoje) Tens (10, 20, 30, + Don't have gender + Are followed by genitive (e.g. degimt draugy, dvidegimt parduotuviy) + Don't have cases Cardinal numerals (e.9. vienas, du, penki, degimi Ordinal numerals (eg. pirmas, antras, penktas, degimtas) ADJECTIVES «Match with nouns in gender, number and case +Can be masculine (eg. geras, Zalias), feminine (e.g. grazi, jdomi| and neuter (eg. Salta, puiku). [Neuter adjectives are not followed by nouns) +Have degrees of comparison: positive dearee (e.g. skanus, Salta), comparative degree (e.g. skanesnis, Saltesné) and superlative degree (e.g. skaniausias, Saléiausial. VERBS Present tense (refers to general actions or actions happening at the moment! + A-type leg. kalba) + O-type (eg. valgo) «I-type (e.g. turi) Past tense (refers to the past): + E-type (eg. valgé) + O-type leg. kalbéjc) Future tense (refers to the future): + Eg. kalbés + The imperative mood is used to express orders and requests (eg. kalbék, ragykite + The subjunctive mood is used to speak about hypothetical situations, wishes or suggestions (e.g. noréciau, galégiau, pataréiou) PREFACE People decide to learn Lithuanian because of various reasons. Some of them come to work or study to Lithuania and want to adapt more to the local environment. Someone's partner or spouse is a Lithuanian. Somecne is of Lithuanian origin and aspires to learn at least some words in the language that their grandparents or great-grandparents were using. Someone just falls in love with the country or the language without any particular reason. No matter why you have decided to learn Lithuanian, speaking is a real challenge for most learners. Case endings, a free sentence structure compared to many other languages and sometimes pronunciation become a really hard nut to crack. However, it is not as difficult as it may seem from the first sight. Having at least @ limited knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, one can already communicate in a variety of situations and successfully function in a Lithuanian setting. That is what this book is aiming at to introduce you to the main grammar and vocabulary necessary for communication on basic everyday life topics and to help you apply this knowledge in communicative situations. The book consists of eight units dealing with real-life situations such as: getting acquainted, reaching an object in a city, ordering food, travelling, renting a flat, etc. Each unit is composed of three communicative situations related to the topic. Each situation varies in difficulty marked by the signs (AGYEY After completing all three levels of the unit, you will have the necessary knowledge to communicate in these formal and informal situations yourself. In addition to formal and informal dialogues, each unit includes either a reading or listening task, which also has a practical follow- up activity: writing a CV, a message or discussing advertisements and making choices. In this book, Grammar and Vocabulary Sections have been provided separately in case you would like to focus on or review only the dialogues, grammar or vocabulary, For example, if you feel quite comfortable with the words of the unit, you can try to remember them and only reproduce the dialogue(s). This flexibility is especially useful if you already have some knowledge of Lithuanian or want to review the unit and check yourself. If you are willing to practise more, you will find various additional exercises in the section More Practice. Here in some exercises you have to correct the mistakes. These sentences have been taken from the Lithuanian Learner Corpus compiled at Vytautas Magnus University. The eéfpus contains texts written by learners of Lithuanian, which means that the sentehcesicontain typical mistakes made by learners of Lithuanian as a foreign language, Understanding these typical mistakes may help you avoid them in the future. A\so, each unit is followed by a word list, while the English-Lithuanian and Lithuanian-English vocabularies, grammar tables as well as pronunciation exercises are provided at the end of the book. The book is adapted to studying in a group or individually. You will definitely have someone to practise with if you take Lithuanian language classes. However, if you learn Lithuanian by yourself, you will be able to use the recordings to imitate speaking with another person. You will also be able to check written exercises with the Answer Key. The book contains some texts for reading, which are real stories of real people who ‘were of are still studying Lithuanian, The exercises following the texts will help you assess yourself if you have understood people's stories, impressions or adventures correctly. In the book, you will find some signs: @ means that you can listen to the audio recarding of the dialogue or exercise; w explains some important Lithuanian language feature; | draws your attention to an important rule or exception: Go efers to a Grammar or Vocabulary Section, where you have more detailed explanations, examples and exercises; Sree en one te sina atee Una iene symbolically, the book consists of eight units. If you turn the number 8 onto its side, it becomes the sign of infinity. | do hope that this book is just the starting point for you to learn and speak Lithuanian and that lots of discoveries, fun and talks are waiting for you in the future no matter what country or part of the!world you live in. Sincerely yours Terese Uh GETTING ACQUAINTED GIVING THE BASIC INFORMATION UT YOURSELF AND OTHERS aL HOW ARE YOU? LABAS! KAIP SEKASI? ‘Y Koks jUsy vardas? @ Read and listen to the dialogue. ‘Koks jdsy telefono numeri BD i ypical feature of Lithuanian is to “Lithuanise" names by adding endings, typically -as for masculine (e.g. Alvaro - Alvaras), Feminine names don't change. 1. Go Study ways to say hello and goodbye in Lithuanian in the Vocabulary Section (p. 20-21). 2. ©@ Underline the verbs in the dialogue and fill in the missing forms. Listen and check. OE seacrsusizs Mes .esame. Tu esi Js .esate... Jis, ji jos. yra. © Go’ study more about the verb fo be (butil in the Grammar Section (p. 23-24). UNIT1 | HIT HOW ARE YOU? 13 @ complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb biti. Then make the sentences negative. 1. Ji YQ... Svede. 5. AS sonmmran POTtugale. 2. Mano vardas Jonas. 6. Jus... lietuviai 3. Artu studentas? 7, Mes a studentai. 4, Jie lenkai. 8. Mano pavardé ivirblyé. 3. © Go Study how to form nationality nouns in the Vocabulary Section Ip. 21). © Say two sentences about we In Lithuanian, it is yourself in Lithuanian. common to omit the verb to be e.g. Ji Svedé, Mes studentai) Eg. Mano vardas (yra) AS (esu) Kokia tavo / jusy tautybé? AS esu @Q Talk to at least two classmates kines / kine. and find out their nationalities. |» © Underline the nouns in the dialogue and write them in the correct column. Masculine nouns Feminine nouns | lendings -as, ~is, -ys, -us) (endings -a, -é) 3 Alvaras _.darbuotoia. All nouns in Lithuanian are either masculine or feminine. © Write whether the following nouns are masculine (m.) or feminine (F). 1. Lietuva. .f 6. kompiuteris 2 Ausra icine 7. tautybe 4 3. telefonas 8. panele 4. diena 9. televizorius $. Azerboidzanas 10. numeris 5. © 6 Nouns in Lithuanian can be singular or plural. Study the endings of singular and plural nouns in the Grammar Section (p. 25). © @ Underline the correct form of the noun (singular or plural). Sometimes both forms are possible. Listen and check. 1. AS esu suomis / suomiai. 5. Ar ji jGsy studenté japoneé / japonés? 2. Ar jie yra studentas / studentai? 6. Cia mano draugas / draugai. 3. Jos yra italé / italés. T. Mano draugai yra amerikietis / amerikieciai. 4, Mes nesame studentas /studentai. 8. Ar tu esi baltarusis / baltarusé? 6. © Go Study the numbers from 0 to 10 in the Vocabulary Section (p. 22). © Fill in the column about yourself. AS Mano draugas / draugé Vardos Pavarde Tautye Adresos Telefono numeris Elektroninis pastas @ Talk to your classmate in Lithuanian and fill in the column about him/her. Keep to the formal conversation style. When you finish, exchange roles and give the information about yourself. UNIT1 | HILHOW ARE You? = 15 2 Gerai kalbi lietuviskai @ Read and listen to the dialogue. Labas! A Saulius. Koks tavo vardas? - Labas! Mano vardas Kristina. ‘Malonu. Kaip sekasi gerai. O tau? Puikiail Tu nesi lietuvé, ar ne? AS esu studenté i8 Slovakijos, i8 Bratislavos. O i8 kur tu? ‘Agi, Siek tiek kalbu ir nablogai suprantu. Geras baras, ar ne? AG taip pat studentas, lietuvis ig Kauno. Tu gerai kalbi lietuviskai! Taip! © Eia mano draugai - Lina ir Lukas. \ Malonu susipazinti! ° A Bicone so Na question tag in Lithuanian. It’s the same w@ You can answer the question in beth positive and Kaip sekasi? by saying puikiai, gerai, negative sentences, neblogai, normaliai, Siaip sau In spoken language. nekaip, blogai etc it sounds ane? 1. Mark the statements true or false. Teiginys Taip Ne Kristin yro lietuvé. Kristine yro i Anglijos Saulius néra studentas, Kristino nekalba lietuviskai, Saulius yra i8 Kauno. Saulius, Lina ir Lukas yra draugai coRana 2. © Go The preposition ig (from) requires the genitive case. Study the genitive endings in the Grammar Section (p. 26-27). © @ complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns. Listen and check. 1, Alegas yra i ...Cekiios... (ekijal. 2 (Vilnius) yra Lietuvos sostiné. 3. Ar jos yra i8 (Madridas)? 4, Studenté yra iS (Nyderlandai), 5. Kur yra (Busanas)? 6, Mano draugai yra ig (islandija). 7. Ar [ds esate is (Tokijas|? 8. Kur yra {kavine)? 18 kur tu esi? 18 kur jus esate? AS esu is Albanijos. @ Talk to at least two classmates and find out where they are from. Tell the class. 3. © if you know the nationality, it's very easy to form the language spoken in this country: cross out the ending -as or -is and add -iSkai. Eg. lietuv-is + iSkai _lietuviskai Iv kietija, vokietis BUT vokiskai. © Make the correct languages from the following nationalities. 1. anglas -.... angliskei, 6. pranctzas - 2. latvis - 7. italas - 3. lenkas ~ 8. kinas - 4. Svedas - 9, ispanas - 5. japonas - 10. rusas - }b The first foreign language taught at schools You can also add in Lithuania is English, and the second one is adverbs gerai (welll, puikiai usually Russian, German or French. (very well] or Siek tiek (a bill. E.g. Angliskai ~ labai gerai, vokiskai - gerai, lietuvitkai ~ giek tiek. @ Finish this sentence about yourself. AS kalbu UNIT1 | HIT HOW ARE YOU? 17 4. © Go What is the difference between the verb forms kalbi and kalbu? Study the verb endings in the Grammar Section (p. 27). © Use the correct verb ending. 1. AS Biek tiek ...kalbu... (kalbéti, kalba) lietuviskai, 2. Kaip tu (kalbéti, kalba)? 3. Ar jas (suprasti, supranta) norvegigkai? 4. Mes gerai {kalbeti, kalba) angliskal ir rusiskai. 5. Ar jas (suprasti, supranta)? 6. Mari gerai {kalbeti, kalba) korajietiskai. 7. Atsipragcu, a8 (nesuprasti, nesupranta) 8. Artu {kalbéti, kalba) slovakiskai? ‘AS kalbu angliskai ir pronciizigkai. @ Talk to at least two classmates and find out what languages they can speak. Tell the class. Koip tu kalbi? / Koip jus kalbate? 5. © @ Make grammatically correct sentences in the dialogue below. Practise the dialogue with the audio or with your classmate. Student B: see p. 256. Studentas (-é) A Labas! Kaip sekasi? Puikiail Mano vardas, buti, Tomas. Malonu! |§ kur, tu, bati? AS, biti, 8, Anglija, i8, Londonas. Taip! Ar, tu, buti, studente? AS, kalbeti, angligkai, ispanigkai, suprasti, italiskai. © tu? roe AN Mano sakiniai © Get acquainted with at least two people in your group. Tell the whole group about them in Lithuanian. Use the phrases below to help you. dis / ji yra. (person's nome| yra is (person's name) (country in the genitive cese| yra | néra studentas / studente. (person's name) Jis / {1 kalba 6. © Go Study the new words in the Vocabulary Section (p. 23). © Look at the pictures and read the information below. Would the conversation between these people be formal or informal? Write the dialogues. ponas Smithas Megi Ramisvili Halimat Isayeva fanglas, i$ Liverpulio, {kartvele, i8 Tilisio, (ozerbaidzanieté, is Baku, versiininkas) studenté) studenté) panelé Sujin Kim Silvia Petersen ponas Juozas {korejieté, i$ Seulo, (Svede, 8 Stokholmo, (lietuvis, i§ Kauno) darbuotoja) studenté) @ Act out these situations with your classmate. 0) Mano draugai 1. @ Listen to the person describing her friends and fill in the blanks below. Vardas Berzina ravarde Lotvija Sais 2) Tautybe Taip Studentas [-€) 3 Kalbe 4, Supranta angliskai ir rusiskai 5 Vardas Biancas Pavarde 6 Salis italas Toutybs us Studenias (-2) 8. angliskai, italikai, lietuviskai Kolba 9. Supronta, 20 2. © Go’ In the phrases jos pavardé / jo vardas, possessive pronouns are used. Study them in the Grammar Section (p. 28). © Underline the correct pronoun. 1. AS/ Mano vardas Rio. 5. Koks [Gs / jdsy elektroninis pastas? 2. Jy / Jie tautyoé - turkai. 6. Jis / Jo pavarde - Kuznecovas. 3. Cia - mes / mésy draugai. 7. Cia - mano / af studentai. 4, Jos / Ji adresas - Gedimino gotve 5. 8. Jie / Jy telefono numeris - 8 37 52 199. © Look at the information above about Lina and Marcas. Describe them in Lithuanian. Eg, Jos vardas Lina, Jos pavarde Berzina. © Choose your friend's photo and don't show it to your classmates. They should ask you as many questions as they can in Lithuanian. Show the photo only when they don't have any more questions. Eg. Koks jo / jos vardas? Kokia jo / jos pavarde? IS kur jis / ji? 6o& VOCABULARY 1. © There are different ways to say hello in Lithuanian. Formal Informal Labas rytas! Labas! Laba dienal Sveikas! / Sveika! Labas vakaras! Labukas! UNIT 1 © there are different ways to say goodbye in Lithuanian. = HILHOW ARE YoU? = 24 Formal B5\ Informal Viso gero! j Iki (pasimatymo}! J Geros dienos! Viso! sudie! Atel names. Listen and repeat. @ There are different ways of forming nationality nouns from the country © @ Cross out -ija and add -as for masculine or -é for feminine. Masculine Feminine Masculine ia anglas ia ispanas Japon-ija japonas Slovak-ija slovakas lenk-ija lenkas © @ Cross out -as or -a and add ~ietis / -ieté. Masculine Feminine ‘Masculine Meksik-a meksikietis Kaned-a kanadietis Vietnam-as vietnamietis Koréj-a Tailand-as tailandietis © @ Cross out -a or -ija and add -is or -é. In this type, ther before -a and -ija e.g. Lietuy-a). Masculine Feminine Masculine Lieruv- lietuvis Vokiet-i vokietis Airija iris Suom-ija suomis Latv-ija latvis Feminine angle ispane japoné slovake lenké Feminine meksikieté kanadieté vieinamieté koréjieté tailandiete vmorr ine lietuve vokieté aire suomé latve 22 | These are the moin tendencies of forming nationalities. There may be some variation Nationalities and languages are © Form the nationality nouns from the following country names. 1. Estija - estas 2. Rusija - 3. Suomija - 4, Atméniia - 5. Ekvadoras ~ 6. Turkija - 7. Argentina - 8. Taivonas - 9. Kazachija - 10. Italija - 11. Australija — 12. Kipras ~ 1- vienas 2-du S- trys 4~ keturi 5 - penki 0-nulis © Talk to at least two classmates and find out their telephone numbers. Koks tavo / jusy telefono numeris? NOT capitalized © G@ Listen and repeat the numbers in Lithuanian. in Lithuanian. esté 6 - sei 7 - septyni i 8 - aStuoni ete 9 deryni mings 10 - desimt Mano telefono numeris +370 611 53 944. UNIT 1 | Hit HOW ARE You? 4. Look at the pictures and read the words. . After @ certain age, an unmarried woman is referred to as ponia, otherwise, you may sound rude. é6o&° GRAMMAR 1. © Iris important to know all three forms of the verbs. Third person present tense and third person past tense are used to conjugate the verbs. orl va Buvo : Ag su Mes esame (the infintivey (itd person (third person Tis (eel Sos) (ecune Present tense) —_past tense) dis, ji yra Jie, jos yra © Go Look at the pictures and study the differences in pronouns. Tu is the friendly/ informal form used when speaking to family or friends. dis is used when speaking to a group of people or as a polite/ formal form. B 24 Jie is used to Jos is used to tefer to a group refer to a group of men ora ‘of women. mixed group. @ To make the verb negative, we add the prefix ne-. If the verb starts with e, only add n-. NEBUTI NERA NEBUYO eee 2 r AS nesu Mes nesame (the infinitive) {third person [third person Tu nesi Jés nesate present tense] past tense) Jis, jj. néra_—_ Jie, jos néra © Use the correct pronoun. 1...Mes... esome ukrainiediai. 4. nesate studentai, ar ne? 2 yra koréjiete. 5. nesu graiké, esu ispané, 3.Ar esi vokieté? 6.Ar esame draugai? © Use the correct form of the verb biti (to be). 1,18 kur tu ...@8/..7 5. Mes studentai 2. Mes lietuviai 6. Ar jus is Alytaus? 3. Jie kroatai 7. Ar Tomas anglas? 4. AS kaunietis. 8. 18 kur Tonis ir Takehiras? @ Change the verbs in sentences 2-5 of part @ into the negative form. 2. @ The main form of the ni speak about one or plural joun is the nominative case. It can be singular if we if we speak about more than one person or object. To change from singular to plural, we change the ending. ri oO oO Y Masculine Feminine as -is ‘ys us a e Nom. 59. studentas lietuvis kambarys sinus mergina _ studenté Nom. pl. ai ‘lal ia iis -os és studentai _lietuviai kambariai sinds merginos — studentés © @ Change the nouns from singular to plural. Listen and check. draugas - ... draugai, gatve - universitetas ponas - darbuotoja — korejietis - panelé - ukrainietis - drauge - iris j i Swern -HMEwN| Some Lithuanian place names are plural leg. Trakai, Druskininkal. Some countries are also in the plural form (e.g. Jungtinés Amerikos Valstijos, Nyderlandai) euseRane When a noun ends in -tis e.g. amerikietis), ° to form the plural change the tto € (eg. amerikiecial. 11, auditorija - 12. numeris - 18, vengré - 14, tautybe ~ 18. ponia - 16. latvis - 17. baras - 18. tailandieté - @ Use either the singular or plural form of each noun. Sometimes both forms are correct. Ar tavo draugas yra.......italas..... (italas)? Jie yra (draugas) Mes esame (studentas). AS nesu (angle) Ar tu esi (lietuvis}? Jos yra mano draugés (latve). Ar jis esate (pranciizas)? Cia yra mano studentai \uzsienietis) 2% fe case. To change the case of the noun, take off nominative ending and add genitive ending. Co 2 Masculine Feminine Nom. sg. -as -is -ys -us -a 8 studentas lietuvis kambarys sinus mergina _studenté -o -io -io ~aus -o8 -és studento _lietuvio kambario sGnaus merginos — studentés -y 4 4 iy “iu iy studenty _lietuviy kambariy sunt merginy —_studendiy & To make it easier, remember your country or city (eg. Turkija nom.) - © @ Change the following @ _ Turkijos (gen; AS esu IS Turkijos). countries/cities into the You can also remember some genitive case. Listen and check. Lithuanian city that you know well (e.g. Vilnius (nom) - Vilniaus (gen.), 1. Ryga ~ ..Rygos Kaunas (nom) - Kauno (gen). 2. Varsuva - 3, Helsinkis ~ 4. Druskininkai - 5. Sidnéjus - 6. Nyderlandai - 11 Alytus - 7. Taivanas ~ 12. Trakai - 8. Arménija - 13. Rumunija - 9, Klaipeda - 14. Madridas - 10. Tokijos - 15. Rezekné - © Use the nominative or genitive case. AB esu 18. Kauno.. (Kaunas), 1 2. Ar jUs esate is (Australija)? } Some Lithuanian 3 (Viktorija) yra studenté. names have meanings. 4, José ir Maria yra is (Argentina). Eg. Saulé means the sun, 5. Mano (draugai) yra studental Ugné ~ a fire, Eglé - a fir, 6. Ar tu esi (Druskininkai)? Afuolas - an oak. 7. 18 kur yra (ponia Saule)? 8. Ugne yra is {Alytus). UNIT? | HILHOW ARE YOU? 27 @ The genitive case is used in street names or place names, and the noun is always in genitive. E.g. Vytauto prospektas: Vytauto (gen,) + prospektas (nom) Nepriklausomybés aiksté: Nepriklausomybés igen) + aiksié (nom) Savanoriyy prospektas: Savanoriy (gen) + prospektas inom.) In order to learn genitive, just read street names! © Form the place names from the two nouns. 1. Universitetas gatve Universiteto gatvé 2. Algirdas gatvé 3. Studentai skveras 4, Donelaitis gatve 5. Laisve aiksté 6. Mindaugas prospektas 7. Vienybé aiksté 8. Literatai gatve 4. © A-type verbs. In order to conjugate verbs, we need to know the form of the third person singular. This tells us which endings to use with different pronouns. The verbs of the same type take the same endings. kalbeti, kalba, kalbéjo AS kalbu Mes kalbame KALB& + ENDING Tu kalbi Jas kalbote Jis, ji kalba Jie, jos kalba The pronoun is often omitted leg. Ar (tu) kalbi angliskai”\. * Attach ne- to make the verbs negative (eg. nekalbu, nesuprantu). © Unde: AS kalba / kalbu angliskai. Jos truput] supranta / suprasti lietuvi8kai. Mes gerai kalbu / kalbame vokiskci Atsipragau, a8 nesupranta / nesuprantu. Ar {ds suprantate / supranti ispaniskoi? 7. AS nekalbeti / nekalbu vengriskai die puikiai kalbéti / kalba japoniskai. 8. Kaip tu kalbi / kalbéti? the correct verb form. oonune 28 AS mano (my) Tu tavo (your) Jis jo (his) Ji jos ther © Use the correct possessive pronoun. 1. ..JO... (jis) vardas Peteris. 5. 2. Cia (mes) draugé |lona. 6. 3. jes) draugai yra ig Cekijos. 7. 4Ar (jds| pavordé Mendezas? 8 MORE PRACTICE © Possessive pronouns indicate possession (e.g. mano draugé) masy [our) s jtisy (your) iy (their, masculine) iy (their, feminine) (il) vardas - Tamara jie) Salis - Graikija. (a8) draugai gerai kalba rusi8kai, {ji) tautybé - mongole. 1. © @ Match the country with its name in Lithuanian. Listen and check. Islandija Piety Koréja~—Bulgarija. = Ukraina—Vokietija Meksika — Norvegija Portugalija — Austrija UNITT | HITHOW ARE YOU? 29 © What is the nationality and how do people speak in the country? 1. ..austras,(-é),. Zz 3. 2. © Look at the pictures and write the nationality below (masculine or feminine]. 1. ..pranedzas 4 % 2. 6. 8 3. 6. 9 © Change the nouns in 2a into plural. 1. .prancazai, 4 7 UNIT1 | Hil HOW ARE YOU? 31 3. Ori Salis Tautybé Kaip kalba? Svedija Ispanija Danija Prancuzija Cekija Japonija Rusija Graikijo Malta Suomija in the missing words. Listen and check. Swmnemaawnn © Write down the neighbouring countries of your homeland in Lithuanian. What are the nationalities and the languages spoken in these countries? 4. @ Listen and write down the numerals that you hear. 4 6 Taikos prospektos 7. Geliy gatve 8. Vilniaus gatve 9. Marko telefono numeris 10. Emily telefono numeris OAwNS 5. Write the missing letters to make Lithuanian words. 1. LABAS TM. OU © KewBewoed 8. SL. uP SU 3. EK..LU FH RO ProKAS AL NM 10. P_A.C.21K 5. A.A..DE Te DReSoods ooNKoad 6. T.UT..B. 12. N..V_R.ITTA 32 6. Match the columns and make grammatically correct questions. 1 Koks esate? 2 Kokia 1. tavo vardas? 3 18 kur jas sekasi? 4 Kaip iis yra? 5 Artu jGsy pavarde? 6 Kas esi norvegas? 7. Which of these words are masculine (m.] and which are feminine (f)? 1. draugas = ....m. 2. gele 3. vardas — 4. baras - 5, studenté - 9. Vilnius - 6, universitetas ~ 10. auditorija - 7. Ponevéiys - Tl, pavardé - 8 tautybé - 12. pasas - 8. Change singular nouns inte plural and plural nouns into singular. 1. koréjieziai - ... koréjietis z 2. vardai - 8. 3. kambarys ~ 9 4, ponas - 10. 5. ponios - i 6, namas — 2 sinds ~ Rasa - studentas — numeris ~ kompiuteriai - panelé - 9. Use tu / tavo or jas / jdsy in the dialogues below. 1. Dastytoja: Koks vardas? Studenté: AS esu Marija. Déstytoja: I§ kur esate? Student 18 Lenkijos. 2. Direktorius: Laba diena, a3 esu Darbuotoja: Laba diena, labai malonu. 3. Marius: Labas, a8 Marius. Koks Lina: Labas, a Lina. Marius: Ar Lina: Ne, is Alytaus. esi 8 Kauno? naujas direktorius. vardas? UNIT 1 | HI! HOW ARE You? 10. Match the columns to make grammatically correct sentences. 1 AS esame i§ Osakos 2 Koks 1. esu lenkas. 3 Mes yra studentai 4 Jie jasy povarde? 5 Ar jus nera estés. 6 Jos tavo vardas? 7 Kokia esate drougai? 11. Write the words in the genitive case. Bwemnomnan Mano Salis yra ... AS esu id .. 1. Anglija _Angliios Honkongas Filipinai Urugvajus Albanijo Italija wi Nyderlandai Toivanas Slovenia Rumunija + © Form the place names from the two nouns. Gediminas prospektas ...Gediming_ prospektas Vilnius gatve Kormelitai gatve Vokiediai gatve Rotusé aikste Aukitai¢iai gatve Savanoriai prospektas Vienybe aikste Laisvé prospektas Nepriklausomybé aikste BemugeHmsana © What street or other place names do you know from the area that you live in? 33 34 13. Correct the mistakes. dis era i8 Italija. Jis.yra.i8..Italiios. Mano vardo yra Peras. Jy yra Prancuzye. Jis yrar Joponijas. Mano draugas yra i$ Japon Ji yre. mano draugas Kur yra banko? AS kalbu anglas. SPnynonesune SSELF EVALUATION In Lithuanian | know: Very well the names of countries, nationalities, languages the nominative case singular and plural the genitive case singular and plural conjugation of the verb bati conjugation of A-type verbs lean: Very well give the basic information about myself in a formal context get acquainted with @ person in an informal context tall cbout myself and my fiends Well Well A little A little acig adrasas aikste oir alus camerikiatis, -@ canglas, - or ag ‘astuoni ate aisiprasau auditorija baltarusis, -¢ bankas baras blogai biti, yra, buyo Ga darbuotojas, -a desimt devyni diena draugas, -6 du eleltroninis pastas estos, -€ gatve gele gerai geras gatos dienos WORD LIST thank you address square trish beer American English (nationality) a question word for Do you / are you ..? questions I eight bye (informal) somry / excuse me room/auditorium Belarusian (nationality bank bar bad to be, is/are, was/ were here employee ten nine day friend two e-mail Estonian |narionality) street flower well good have a nice day UNIT 1 iki (pasimatymo) ispanas, -€ italas, -@ + gen, japonas (-e) ils igs josy kaip Kaip sekasi? kalbéti, kalba, kalbejo kambarys kanadietis, -€ kartvelas, - sakartvelietis, -€ kas kaunietis, 6 kavine keturi kinas, -€ koks, kokia. kompitteris koréjielis, 8 kroatas, -€ laba diena labas labas rytas labas vataras labukas | HIT HOW ARE YOU? = 35 see you Sponish (nationality) Italian (nationality) from Japanese (nationality) he she they (masculine form) his her their (both masculine and feminine) you (formal/polite) your (formal/polite) how How are you? to speak room Canadian (nationality) Kartvelian/Georgian (nationality) who Kaunas resident café four Chinese (nationality) what computer Korean (nationality, Croatian (nationality) goed afternoon hello good morning good evening hi (informal 36 latvis, -€ lenkas, -€ libanietis, lietuvis, -€ maolonu (susipazintl mano meksikietis, -8 mergina mes minus mongolas, -é masy namas naujas ne neblogai nulis numeris panele pasas pavarde penki plus ponas ponia portugalas, -€ pranctizas, -é prospektas puikiai rytas rusas, -€ septyni slovakas, -é studentas, ~€ Latvian (nationality) Polish (nationality) Libanese (nationality) Lithuanian (nationality) pleased to meet you my Mexican girl we minus Mongolian our house new no not bad normally Norwegian (nationality) z2r0 number miss passport surname / last name five plus mister (Mr) missis (Mrs) Portuguese (nationality) French (nationality! street (one of the main streets) very well, great morning Russian (nationality) seven Slovakian (nattonality} student sudie sinus suomis, -€ suprasti, supronta, suprato sveikas, -a Salis Sei Siaip sou Biek tiek Svedas, -€ tailandietis, -€ taip taip pat tautybé tavo telefonas. telefono numeris televizorius trys trupull tu ukrainietis, -€ universitetas uisienietis, -€ vaikinas vakaras vardas vengras, -@ verslininkas, -6 vienas viso viso gero vokietis, -€ bye lo more religious way of saying goodbye) son Finnish (nationality) to understand hi (informa) country six so-so abit Swedish (nationality) Thai (nationality) yes also/too nationality your (informal) telephone telephone number TV set three abit you (informal Ukrainian (nationality) university foreigner guy/boy evening nome Hungarian (nationaiity) businessman} businesswoman one bye [informah goodbye German (nationality) dale MAN a es KUR SUSITINKAME? 1Y Kur yra muziejus? @ iRead/and listen ie the dialogue: brie + gen Laba di Laba dienal AtsipraSau, kur yra | fisipra’ Cia yra Laisvés aléja. Eikite tiesiai, Ciurlionio muziejus? prie fontano pasukite deginén ir eikite tiesiai. Kairéje yra Karo muziejus, o prie Karo muziejaus - Giurlionio muziejus. Geros dienos! " Labai aéiii! Geros dienos! * The name Aisté % Mikalojus Konstantinas ||“

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