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DC Machine Numerical

1. A 4 pole DC shunt generator with a field resistance of 100 Ω and an armature resistance of 1Ω
has 378 wave connected conductors in its armature. The flux per pole is 0.02 wb . If a total
resistance of 10 Ω is connected across the armature terminals and the generator is driven at
1000 RPM . Calculate the power absorbed by the load.


No. of poles (P) = 4

Field winding resistance (R f ) = 100 Ω

Armature winding resistance (R a ) = 1Ω

Since, the armature winding is wave wounded, the number of parallel path ( A) = 2

Flux per pole ( ϕ ) = 0.02 wb

Armature speed (N ) = 1000 RPM

Load resistance (R L ) = 10 Ω



R f = 100 Ω Ea R a = 1Ω Vt R L = 10 Ω

The induced emf in the generator is given by:

Z Nϕ P 378 × 1000 × 0.02 4

Ea = × = × = 252 V
60 A 60 2

Since, the field winding and load are in parallel. The equivalent resistance as seen across the
armature is:

R f × R L 100 × 10
R eq = = = 9.09Ω
Rf + RL 100 + 10

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R a = 1Ω
R f = 100 Ω Vt R L = 10 Ω


The equivalent resistance (R eq ) is in series with the armature resistance (R a ). So, the armature
current is given by:

Ea 252
Ia = = = 24.97 A
R eq + R a 9.09 + 1

The current through the load can be calculate using current divider rule, which is given by:

Rf 100
IL = × Ia = × 24.97 = 22.70 A
Rf + R L 100 + 10

Now, the power absorbed by the load is:

2 2
P L = I L × R L = (22.70) × 10 = 5154.13 W = 5.15 kW

2. A 220 V DC shunt motor has an armature winding resistance of 0.08 Ω and field winding of
100 Ω. Calculate the starting current drawn by the motor with normal input voltage applied to
the motor. If the starting current is to be reduced by 80 % , calculate the value of starting
resistance to be connected in series with the armature with input voltage reduced by 10 % .


Supply Voltage (V S ) = 220 V

Armature winding resistance (R a ) = 0.08 Ω

Field winding resistance (R f ) = 100 Ω

Case I:Without starting resistance

When rated voltage is applied to the a stationary motor, there is no back emf and the armature
current is determined only by supplied voltage and the armature winding resistance. The starting
current is given by:

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S V S V S 220 220
I S = If + Ia = + = + = 2.2 + 2750 = 2752.2 A
Rf Ra 100 0.08

S Ia

R a = 0.08 Ω
R f = 100 Ω VS
R f = 100 Ω R a = 0.08 Ω V S

Ea = 0

Case I:With starting resistance

I f , limit I S , limit

I a , limit

R starting

R f = 100 Ω V S , limit
R a = 0.08 Ω

Ea = 0

Starting current limit ( I S ,limit ) = (100−80) % of I S = × 2752.2 = 550.44 A

Starting voltage limit ( V S ,limit ) = (100−10)% of V S = × 220 = 198 V

V S ,limit 198
The, field current is ( I f ,limit ) = = = 1.98 A
Rf 100

The armature current is ( I a ,limit ) = I S ,limit − I f , limit = 550.44 − 1.98 = 548.46 A

V S ,limit 198
Total armature resistance during startup (R) = = = 0.361 Ω
I a ,limit 548.46

Starting resistance connected in series with armature circuit is given by:

R starting = 0.361 − 0.08 = 0.281Ω

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3. A 200 V DC series motor draws full-load line current of 38 A at the rotated speed of 600 RPM .
The motor has armature resistance of 0.4 Ω and the series field resistance is 0.2 Ω find:

a) The speed of the motor when load current drops to 19 A .

⇒ Answer: 1277 RPM

b) The speed on removal of load when the motor takes only 1 A from the supply.

⇒ Answer: 25656 RPM

4. A 220 V , DC series motor draws 100 A current and runs at 1200 RPM . What is the value of the
armature resistance required to run the motor at 800 RPM while keeping the load torque
constant. The armature winding resistance and field winding resistance of the motor is 0.2 Ω and
0.05 Ω respectively.


Supply voltage (V S ) = 220 V

Load current (I L ) = 100 A

Initial rotor speed (N 1 ) = 1200 RPM

Armature winding resistance (R a ) =0.2Ω

Field winding resistance (R f ) =0.05 Ω

R f = 0.05Ω I a = I f = I L = 100 A
R f = 0.05Ω I a = I f = I L = 100 A

R a = 0.2 Ω
E1 R a = 0.2 Ω 220 V 220 V


Before reducing the speed,

For a DC series motor, the back emf is given by

E 1 = V S − I a ( R f + R a ) = 220 − 100 ( 0.05 + 0.2 ) = 195 V

We require, a series resistance is to be added in series with the armature circuit to reduce the
speed of the motor, with load torque constant.

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The torque equation of the motor is given by:

T = Ka ϕ Ia

In a motor, ϕ is directly proportional to field current and in a series motor field current is equal
to the armature current. So, the relation between torque and armature current is:
T ∝ Ia

Since, the load is operating with constant torque, the armature current will also be constant.

Back emf of a motor is given by:

Ea = K a ' ϕ N

In a motor, ϕ is directly proportional to field current and in a series motor field current is equal
to the armature current, so the relation of back emf in a series motor can also be written as:

Ea ∝ I a N

Since, the armature current is same for constant torque, the above expression can be modified

Ea ∝ N

R f = 0.05Ω Ia

R required
220 V


If new emf and speed is represented as E 2 and N 2, respectively. The old and new speed
condition can be related as:

E1 N 1
= and
E2 N 2

N2 800
E2 = × E1 = × 195 = 130 V
N1 1200

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E 2 = V S − I a ( R f + R required )


V S − E2 220 − 130
R required = − Rf = − 0.05 = 0.85 Ω
Ia 100

The value of the armature resistance required to run the motor at 800 RPM while keeping the
load torque constant is 0.85 Ω

5. A 500 V DC series motor runs at 500 RPM and takes 60 A . The resistance of the field and the
armature are 0.3 Ω and 0.2 Ω respectively. Calculate the value of the resistance to be shunted
with the series field in order that speed be increased to 600 RPM , if the load torque is assumed
to be constant. Saturation may be neglected.

⇒ Answer: 0.687 Ω

6. A 200 V series motor takes current of 100 A and runs at 100 RPM . The total resistance of the
motor is 0.1 Ω and the field is unsaturated. Calculate:

a) Percentage change in torque and speed if the load is so changed that the motor current is
50 A .

⇒ Answer: −75 % and 105.26 %

b) Motor current and speed if the torque is halved.

⇒ Answer: 70.71 A and 143.60 RPM

7. A 200 V DC shunt motor drives a centrifugal pump where constant torque is required. The
motor draws a current of 50 A when running at 1000 RPM . What value of resistance must be
inserted in the armature circuit to reduce the speed to 800 RPM at constant torque? Given that
armature winding resistance, R a = 0.1 Ω and field winding resistance, R f = 100 Ω.


Supply voltage (V S ) = 200 V

Armature winding resistance (R a ) = 0.1 Ω

Field winding resistance (R f ) = 100 Ω

Before adding resistance,

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Load current (I L 1 ) = 50 A

V S 200
Field current ( I f ) = = =2 A
Rf 100

Armature current ( I a 1 ) = I L1 − I f = 50 − 2 = 48 A

Back EMF ( E1 ) = V S − I a 1 R a = 200 − 48 × 0.1 = 195.2 V

Rotor speed (N 1 ) = 1000 RPM

If I L1 = 50 A
If I L1 = 50 A
I a1
I a1

R a = 0.1 Ω
R f = 100 Ω 200 V
R f = 100 Ω E1 200 V
R a = 0.1 Ω

We know, back emf of a motor is given by:

Ea = K a ' ϕ N

And, torque equation is given by:

T = Ka ϕ Ia

In a motor, ϕ is directly proportional to field current and in a shunt motor field current is
constant once the supply voltage is fixed. So, in a shunt motor we can deduce following

E a ∝ N and T ∝ I a

Further, it is given that the torque is constant, so:

T 1 I a1
= =1 i.e. I a1 = I a 2
T 2 I a2

So, the armature current remains unchanged.

After adding resistance,

Armature current ( I a 2 ) = I a 1 = 48 A

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Rotor speed (N 2 ) = 800 RPM

If I L2

I a2

R add

R f = 100 Ω 200 V
R a = 0.1 Ω


Back emf and speed relation gives us:

E1 N 1
E2 N 2


N2 800
E2 = × E1 = × 195.2 = 156.16 V
N1 1000


E 2 = V S − I a 2 ( R a + Radd )


V S −E 2 200−156.16
R add = − Ra = − 0.1 = 0.813 Ω
Ia2 48

The value of the resistance that must be inserted in the armature circuit to reduce the rotor speed
from 1000 RPM to 800 RPM at a constant torque is 0.813 Ω.

8. A 240 V DC shunt motor has armature resistance of 0.4 Ω and field winding resistance of 120 Ω.
It runs at 1500 RPM and draws a current of 5 A with certain load on its shaft. A resistance of
0.1 Ω is connected in series with the armature winding and the load on the shaft is reduced by
20 % , calculate the new speed of the motor.

⇒ Answer: 1500 RPM

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9. A 230 V DC shunt motor takes an armature current of 20 A , on a particular load. The armature
circuit resistance is 0.5 Ω. Find the resistance required in series with the armature to reduce the
speed by 50 % if:

a) The load torque is constant.

⇒ Answer: 5.5 Ω

b) The load torque is proportional to the square of the speed.

⇒ Answer: 23.5 Ω

10. A 230 V , DC shunt motor takes 5 A at no load. The resistance of the armature and field winding
are 0.25 Ω and 115 Ω respectively. If the motor is loaded so as to carry 40 A , determine:

a) Iron and frictional losses

b) Efficiency


Supply voltage (V S ) = 230 V

No load current (I NL ) = 5 A

Armature winding resistance (R a ) = 0.25 Ω

Field winding resistance (R f ) = 115 Ω

V S 230
Field current (I f ) = = =2A
Rf 115

At no load,

Input power (P NL) = V S × I NL = 230 × 5 = 1150 W

No load armature current (I a , NL) = I NL − I f = 5 − 2 = 3 A

2 2
No load copper loss (P Cu, NL ) = I 2a , NL R a + I 2f R f = ( 3 ) 0.25 + ( 2 ) 115 = 462.25 W

Iron and frictional losses (P i , f ) =P NL − P Cu, NL =1150 − 462.25 = 687.75 W

Here, the iron and frictional losses are constant and is independent on the load current.

For loaded condition,

Load Current (I L ) = 40 A

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Input power (P in ) = V S × I L = 230 × 40 = 9200W = 9.2 kW

Armature current for loaded condition (I a ) = I L − I f = 40 − 2 = 38 A

Copper loss for loaded condition is given by:

2 2
P Cu = I 2a Ra + I 2f R f = ( 38 ) 0.25 + ( 2 ) 115 = 821 W

Total losses (P loss) = P i ,f + PCu = 687.75 + 821 = 1508.75 W

Efficiency of the motor is given by:

Losses Ploss 1508.75

η =1− =1− =1− = 0.836
Input Pin 9200

∴ The efficiency of the motor is 83.6 %.

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