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Marketing research in India is clearly at a point where it is set to become indispensable if the
liberalization of the economy and expansion of consumer choice, which has become palpable in
the recent years, is going to continue. With the opening of the Indian economy, the markets have
gradually become buyers' markets. In India, market research is essentially used as a reactive
tool, it is in the static stage; whereas, I feel that MR should serve as a proactive tool, helping
corporations optimize their functioning by bringing research into all marketing efforts, by
integrating it into the long and short term marketing strategies and by involving the operational
staff who actually carry out the work that can use informed research results. Market research
often ends up being used as an isolated tool that gives a narrow picture of the past without giving
a holistic view and an insight into the future.

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The need of the hour are MR professionals who are true managers - managers who have to
facilitate a radical change in the way market research is looked upon today; very often as an
activity done by a separate cell and an end in itself. I see myself, as an MR professional, using
research as an actionable tool, incorporating cutting edge methodologies, getting the needed
results while saving time and money. I want to turn it into a dynamic instrument, use it to feel the
pulse of the market, make probabilistic predictions abut the market through sophisticated tools
and ultimately get involved in product innovation and strategic planning.

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To achieve this, I would like to gain exposure to the latest practices adopted by the trend makers
in the field of market research and information systems. To this end, I would probably want to
work with a leading international market research firm that would enable me to help corporations
leverage their focus. I would like to bring this acquired expertise back to India, and use it to help
companies to grow in the stiffly competitive market. I see market research as a sensitive and
flexible instrument to be applied with insight, imagination and creativity.

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Working at Centennial Cotex and then later at NMC Corp as a part-time associate intern led me
to realize the importance of market research to a company. At Centennial Cotex, I was part of a
cross-functional team that helped the firm shift its focus to the handicraft market where such
coarse fabric was a good alternative. It is here that I gained wide exposure to the SPSS software
and other tools of research design. At NMC, I have worked as an efficient and effective
coordinator throughout research processes and work directly with numerous researchers on a
wide variety of projects. I have experience in research design, questionnaire development,
analysis, writing and interpreting results and a range of quantitative and qualitative methods. I am
proud to say that I am an enthusiastic individual with good people skills and enjoy working as a
team player in a multi-task environment across department lines and organizational levels.

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The ability to work in a fast paced setting with time sensitive jobs made my summer internship at
Pepsi a further step to learning. I was a part of a number of marketing promotions of the company
on a local scale. My project on customer research on a key stock keeping unit required consumer
profiling and a high degree of qualitative analysis through a study of buyer behavior using
research tools like focus group interviews and perceptual mapping. Based on this study, I have
planned and implemented marketing promotions to capture the home segment, within given
budget constraints. At Cadence, one of the leading pharmaceutical firms in India, I had carried
out a pre-launch survey based study for an antioxidant brand that helped the company identify its
target segments.

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Apart from these, working on various school projects has given me varied experience on the
basis of which I have decided that MR is where I would like to base my future. A career in MR
would give me an opportunity to work across boundaries of industry definitions with a number of
industries ranging from consumer goods to innovative communication and high tech markets

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I possess a broad-based management education. But, in order to attain what I am aiming for, I
believe that I require a sharply defined and focussed course in marketing research. The expertise
to analyze the marketing as well as the strategic problems faced by companies and implement
corresponding solutions is what I want. An international exposure coupled with the immense
opportunity in the Indian marketplace will help in breaking new ground in Indian marketing

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I want to attend University Of Maryland's Master of Marketing Research program for several
reasons. The focussed structure of the course will help me concentrate and work towards the
attainment of my career goals. The internship provided within the MMR course work would help
me gain exposure, insight, knowledge and hands-on experience with real time work environment.
I am impressed with the quality of education provided by the university in terms of the well-
structured curriculum and the recognized faculty. I look forward to shaping my career in the halls
of University Of Maryland.

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Review summary

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