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Time: 60 minutes

The bar chart below shows shares of expenditures for five major categories in the United
States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan in the year 2009. Write a report for a
university lecturer describing the information below. Write at least 150 words.

The bar chart above illustrates the shares of expenditures for five major sections in four
countries in 2009. In general, the fingures are much different among 4 countries

It is apparent that the portion of housing expenditure among the five sections is almost the
highest except for Japan and the United States’ housing expenditure is the apex fingure of the chart with
the share of over 25%


Read the following extract about unemployment

Today, more school leavers have difficulty in finding jobs. In the UK, recent survey findings show that
one million people aged 16-25 are out of work, even though many of them have been looking for jobs
for a long time. Unemployment among young people is considered one of the most serious social

Discuss the effects of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest some solutions.

You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment,
Organization, Vocabulary, and Grammar.

Since works nowadays demand more than the past’s, the rate of jobless to young adults tends
to ascend. Its consequences gradually affect more and more society; however, still are there some
solutions to be taken to ease that problem. In this essay, I will discuss some of the effects as well as the
solutions so that we can be more fully aware of.

Increasing in unemployment among the young has led to serious effects on the world recently.
First and foremost, it causes stress-related diseases on jobless people. For example, if one can not get a
job, he will become worried about financial matters and finally end up in health problems. Beside, young
people with a long-lasting unemployment period face fewer opportunities, lower salary; as a result, they
will spend less and that lead to financial crisis. Also the unemployment of young adults causes the
burden on their parent or their partner, it is a reason why some children do not grow properly.

Due to these tremendous effects of jobless among the young, measures should be taken
seriously so that we can push back the matter. First possible solution may depends on the young
themselves, they have to learn more practical skills and apply for more activities in order to gain
experiences; therefore, their CV will look more impressive to the employer. In addition, the government
need to open more job institutes. From that, the young who can not attend higher education may learn
real things related to jobs, they can also apply for a job from the institute as well. The finally solution is
the care of family and schools, they should give them advices in which they interested. If this measure is
taken, the young will not lose their track in the field they choose.

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