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English model exam for grade 8 October /2013 E.



Time Allowed 60 minutes

Number of items 60

Section I. Reading Comprehension

Direction: - For questions 1-10, read the following passage carefully and answer the questions
below accordingly to the information given in the passage

It is bad to have food stuck between your teeth for long periods of time. This is because food
attracts germs which produce acid, and acid hurts your teeth and gums. Flossing helps to
remove the food that gets stuck between your teeth. This explains why flossing helps to keep
your mouth healthy, but some doctors say that flossing can be also good for your heart.

It may seem strange that something you do for your teeth can have any effect on your heart.
Doctors have come up with a few ideas about how flossing works to keep your heart healthy.
One idea is that the germs hurt your teeth can leave the mouth and travel into your blood.
Germs that get into the blood can then attack your heart. Another idea is based on the fact that
when there are too many germs in your mouth, the body tries to fight against these germs. For
some reason, the way the body fights these mouth germs may end up weakening the heart over

Not every doctor agrees about these ideas. Some doctors think that the link between good
flossing habits and good heart health is only a coincidence. A coincidence is the occurrence of
two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance. The incidence of these events is
completely random, as they do not admit of any reliable cause and effect relationship between
them. For example, every time I wash my car, it rains. This does not mean that when I wash my
car, I somehow change the weather. This is only a coincidence. Likewise, some doctors think
that people who have bad flossing habits just happen to also have heart problems, and people
who have good flossing habits just happen to have healthy hearts.

The theory that flossing your teeth helps to keep your heart healthy might not be true. But every
doctor agrees that flossing is a great way to keep your teeth healthy. So even if flossing does not
help your heart, it is sure to help your teeth. This is enough of a reason for everyone to floss their
teeth every day. Source: copyright read theory LLC

________1. According to the passage, which one of the following things that produce acid?
A. food B. germs C. good habits D. teeth
________2. Which one of the following sentence is correct about the passage?
A. Not only flossing but also acid helps us to keep our health.
B. Both flossing and acid are bad for our health.

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English model exam for grade 8 October /2013 E.C

C. Neither flossing nor acid helps us to keep our health.

D. Either flossing or acid helps us to keep our health.
_______3. According to the writer, ________ helps to remove the food that gets stuck between
our teeth.
A. Doctor B. germs C. flossing D. weather
________4. Which one of the following sentence is appropriate topic sentences for Paragraph 1?
A. Some doctors say that flossing can be also good for your heart.
B. It is bad to have food stuck between your teeth for long periods of time.
C. This is because food attracts germs which produce acid.
D. Acid hurts your teeth and gums.
________ 5. Do all doctors agree that flossing can be good for human heart?
A. Yes, they do C. No, they do
B. Yes, they don’t D. No, they don’t
_________6. The word “which” in line 2 paragraph 1 refers to _______
A. germs B. doctor C. food stuck D. acid
_________7. In paragraph “2” how many ideas come up in the doctors’ mind about how flossing works
to keep our heart healthy?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D.1
__________8. The word “attack” in line 4 paragraph 2 is the opposite in meaning as ____________
A. to hurt B. injure C. support D. destroy

_________ 9. The word “coincidence” in line 2 paragraph 3 is the same in meaning as ____________
A. variation B. different C. adaptation D. chance

_________10. The word “stuck” in line 1 paragraph 1 is the opposite in meaning as ____________
A. bound B. unstuck C. fastened D. attach

Section II. Grammar and usage

Questions:- 11- 30, choose the alternatives that best completes each of the
following sentences.
_________11. Does the policeman always __________ his uniform at office?
A. wears B. wear C. is wearing D. wore
_________12.According to Addis Ababa education bureau program, the ministry examination _______
next month.
A. Will start B. started C. starts D. has started
________13. My sister often carries many eggs and she walks ______________.
A. fluently B. careful C. slow D. carefully
________14. A monkey ___________ climb trees ______it ___________swim in the water.
A. Can/ but / can’t C. can/ both/and
B. Can’t/and /can D. can’t /but/ cann’t
________15. In the case of Corona Virus, we are in a difficult position. So, we ________ wear face mask.

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A. Should B. must C. ought not to D. mustn’t

________16. Tell me! Why __________ the school windows two weeks ago?

A. did he broke B. does he break C. did he break D. does he breaks

_________ 17. I am busy today. But when I get free time, we _______ this movie.
A. will watch B. will not watch C. are going to Watched D. have watched
_________18. While the girl was jumping the rope, the boy __________ football.
A. is playing B. play C. was playing D. played
________ 19. The mango trees were ____________ by the farmers.
A. Plant B. plants C. planting D. planted
_______ 20. Many people ________ sanitizer and alcohol after corona virus interred in our country.
A. has used B. had used C. have used D. use
_______21. All grade 8 students____________ their lesson since October 26, 2020.
A. have started B. has started C. started D. had started
_______22. Selam _____________ brother works in commercial bank of Ethiopia has many cars.
A. who B. whom C. which D. whose
______23. If I knew our teacher address, I _____________ you one by one.

A. will tell B. tell C. would tell D. would have told

________ 24. My mother was born ____________ November 16th .
A. On B. at C. in D. by
________ 25. The boys are clever students. They always help______________ mother and father.
A. them B. theirs C. their D. themselves
_______ 26. Alem ____________ modern pitcher three days ago.
A. draw B. drew C. draws D. is drawing
_______ 27. Listen! The women ________________ in the hospital.
A. are shouting B. are writing C. is shouting D. are walking
_______ 28. ____________ Belay nor his father ________ Axum.
A. Neither …. visit C. Neither …. visits
B. Either …. Visit D. Either …. Visits
_______ 29. _____________ he had gone to hospital, he was still sick.
A. Because B. therefor C. However D. Although

_______ 30. The people celebrate Christmas ______________

A. everyday B. every month C. every year D. every fortnight

Section III: Vocabulary

Question 31-35 choose the correct answer from the given four alternatives and write the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet.
_________ 31. Which one of the following word is attaching suffixes?
A. Comfortable B. Misunderstand C. dishonest D. unfair

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_________32. . The woman speaks English fluently. The underline word is _________
A. Adverb B. noun C. adjective D. verb

________33. How we can Segment the word “misunderstand”?

A. mis-un-derstand C. misun-derstand
B. Mis-understand D. mi-sun-derstand
________34. The old man has two modern ____________
A. Lorry B. lorries C. lottys D. lorryies
_______ 35. I must ____ the window. Because, there is a heavy wind.
A. cloth B. clothes C. close D. coat
Questions:- 36-38 find the word or phrases that is opposite in meaning as the underlined
part in each sentences.
___________36. All drivers may cause an accident if they drive carelessly.
A. Serious problem B. incident C. disaster D. appointment
___________37. Ethiopians are famous for their ancient buildings and hospitality.
A. Sociability B. helpfulness C. unfriendliness D. welcome
__________38. The government should support different equipment to poor people.
A. Contribute to B. undermine C. help D. assist

Section IV: Conversation

Question 39-48 are dialogues. Choose the correct answer from the given four alternatives
that complete the conversation
__________ 39. Beza: Tamru, this is Demeke, Emebet’s uncle.
Tamiru :________________________ Demeke.
Demeke : I am gland to meet you too.
A. Good morning C. I am gland to meet you
B. Nice to meet you. D. Thank you
___________40. X : Did they __________ their house last Friday?
Y: No, they didn’t.
A. decorate B. are decorating C. decorated D. have decorated
__________ 41. Teacher: ___________ holidays does your brother enjoy most?
Student: He enjoys Easter holidays.
A. Why B. where C. what D. which
__________ 42. A: The students are studying their lesson now.
A. So do I B. So am I C. So did I D. Neither am I
___________43. Tola: what ____________ Hagos do when the teacher ___________the story book?
Samuel: He broke the pencil when the teacher was reading the story book.
A. does/ was reading C. did/ was reading
B. has/ read D. is /was reading

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_________ 44. A:_____________________________________

B: It is quarter past four.
A. which one is your watch? C. It is half past three
B. Excuse me Madam, what time is it now? D. Do you have watch?

________45. Man: Is she beautiful girl?

Woman: Yes, She is a beautiful girl,___________ nobody wants to marry her.
A. because B. therefore C. yet D. and
________ 46. Student A: What is your father is going to do next month?
Student B: my father is going to _______________ trees.
A. Plant B. is planting C. planted D. was planted
_______47. The boy: Who broke the door?
The girl: _________________________
A. The door was broken by the man. C. The man breaks by the door.
B. The door is breaking by the man. D. The man broke by the door.

_______48. Director: The man said, “I have lived in Asosa.”

Teacher: The director said that_____________________.
A. he has lived in Asosa. C. he had lived in Asosa.
B. he is living in Asosa. D. I have lived in Asosa.

Section V: Jumbled world

Questions 49- 52 are word order, choose the correct sentences made from the jumbled
________49. is / dangerous animal/ Lion/ in the forest/ the most

A. The lion is most dangerous animal in the forest.

B. Lion is the most dangerous animal in the forest.
C. Dangerous animal in the forest is most lion.
D. Lion is dangerous animal in the forest most.
__________ 50. he / university /completes / If / secondary school/ he will join
A. If he will join university, he completes secondary school.
B. Completes secondary school, he will join If he university.
C. Secondary School If he completes, join university he will.
D. If he completes secondary school, he will join university.
___________51. The /often /fruit/ monkey/ eats
A. The monkey fruit often eats. C. The often eats fruit monkey.
B. The monkey eats often fruit. D. The monkey often eats fruit.
___________52. she /her brother/ ?/ meet/ When did
A. She meet when did her brother?
B. When did her she meet brother?
C. When did she meet her brother?
D. Her brother she meet when did?

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Section VI: Sentences Combination

Questions:- 53-55 choose the sentences which is the same or nearly the same in meaning as
the original sentences.
____________53. My Uncle, who lives in Addis Ababa, helped me.

A. I have only one uncle and he lives in Addis Ababa.

B. I have more than one uncle and he lives in Addis Ababa.
C. I have not any uncle who lives in Addis Ababa.
D. I have one uncle, but he doesn’t live in Addis Ababa.
____________54. If I were donkey, I would carry many things.
A. I did not donkey and I didn’t carry many things.
B. I was a donkey and I was carried many things.
C. I do not donkey and I don’t carry many things.
D. I will be a donkey when I will carry many things.
___________55. Lake langano is as deep as Lake Shala.
A. Lake Shala is not as deep as Lake langano.
B. Lake Shala is deeper than Lake langano.
C. Lake langano is deeper than Lake Shala.
D. Both Lake langano and Lake Shala.are deep.
SESCTION SEVEN; Mechanics / writing
Questions 56-60 are related to different types of writing. Read each of them very carefully and choose
the best answer from the four alternatives answers, A-D, given and write the letter of your choice on the
answer sheet.

___________ 56. Which one of the following sentence is wrongly punctuated?

A. What do you do every day? C. She lives in Canada.
B. I will pass the exam, if I study hard. D. Oh my God!

____________57. Which one of the following sentences has correct capitalization?

A. the said,”i will study english.”
B. Did you meet Uncle tomas.
C. Ethiopia is to the North of Kenya.
D. My sister alem is a frmer.
_____________ 58. Which one of the following sentence is correctly punctuated?
A. “Where are you going?” asked Tamiru.
B. Demoz’s, and gebeYehu’s classroom is locked.
C. We saw the following things: cats, oxen, goats, and, sheep.
D. He went, to dessie, woll?

_____________59. Which one of the following word is wrongly spelled?

A. direction B. clasroom C. Computer D. mobile

____________60. Which one of the following word is correctly segmented?

A. Fo-ot-ball B. P-ret-ty C. ta-b-le D. pho-to-gra-phy

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