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The Wave
Chapter summary

Chapter I:
Laurie Saunders, the editor-in-chief of „The Gordon Grapevine“, had to cheer
up her best friend Amy Smith because of her French lesson with Mr. Gabondi,
the school’s most boring teacher. In another room Ben Ross, a young history
teacher, tried to fix a film projector, but because of his mechanical inability
David Collins, a running back in the football team and Laurie Sander’s
boyfriend, had to do it. In the beginning of the lesson Mr. Ross told his class
how important homework is.

Chapter II:
In the following history lesson Ben Ross showed a film to his class. It was about
World War 2, the concentration camps and the cruelty the Nazis treated the
Jewish population with. After the film the class discussed about this kind of
treatment and why nobody of the German population fought back or fled. After
the lesson Ben talked to Robert Billings, the class loser, about his grades and his
more successful brother, Jeff Billings.

Chapter III:
Laurie and David meet in the courtyard next to the cafeteria. Laurie is still
bothered by the film. Then Amy Smith and Brian Ammon appear and start a
discussion about who may take place at Laurie’s and David’s table. The
discussion ended with the conclusion that all four had to snuggle, if all four
wanted to sit there. And that’s what they did. Later Amy and Laurie sat in the
publications office and talked about the film and how it bothered them. Then
Carl Block, the investigate reporter of “The Grapevine”, and Alex Cooper, the
music reviewer came in, but they vanished quickly when Laurie asked them for
their assignments for the issue.

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Chapter IV:
When Ben Ross went home he immediately began to read lots of books about
the “Third Reich” and its dictator, Adolf Hitler. It drove him crazy that he
couldn’t give adequate answers to his students. So he sat down and read every
book he could get. When his wife, Christy Ross, came home, he was so stuck in
his work that Christy could not talk to him so she went to sleep.

Chapter V:
The next history lesson the students found three words on the blackboard:
STRENGTH THROUGH DISCIPLINE. As the question arose, what that meant,
Ross started a lecture about the teaching techniques of the Nazi-instructors.
After that they had to stand up and get back to their seats as quickly as possible.
They did it again and again and again and after 20 minutes it lasted only 16
seconds. In the end of the lesson they also knew how to answer questions
quickly and short. This evening Christy Ross was able to get Ben’s attention.
They talked about this project and the positive resonance the students gave.
Contemplative and interested Ben got into bed.

Chapter VI:
COMMUNITY. That was the motto of Ben’s experiment, now named as “The
Wave”. And it even flourished out of Ben’s history class. When David and Eric
sat in the gym after school, David talked about bringing the wave to the football
team. And as Brian, the first-string quarterback, and Deutsch, the second-string
quarterback, also began to fight, David began telling them about the project.
And all players were excited about this idea and ready to implement it.

Chapter VII:
In the evening after school Laurie and her parents sat in the kitchen to eat
dinner. After her dad talked almost the whole evening about golf, Laurie began
talking about their history class and the experiment they did, called the wave.
Laurie’s mother took it very seriously and was almost angry about that
experiment because it made the students become “robots”. The discussion lasted
the whole evening, but they came to nothing. The same evening Ben and Christy
talked about the wave, too. Ben became completely absorbed in his new job.
Christy warned him not to get too fanatic, but Ben didn’t listen.

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Chapter VIII:
At the way to school David and Laurie discussed about the reason Mr. Ross
founded this “organization”. Laurie told David her mother’s opinion but David
called her crazy. Meanwhile another word was added to the motto of The Wave:
Action. Like every time Ben Ross told a lecture about the deeper meaning of the
word. But there was something Ben thought about: almost every student was
like changed. This extreme enthusiasm made a totally new group out of his
class. Whatever, the task for today was to recruit new members. And that’s what
they already did. After the lesson the whole class sat in the cafeteria at one long
table and talked about the latest occurrences. Mr. Ross founded his very own
“GeStaPo”. And the only one who disliked this was Laurie…

Chapter IX:
Ben Ross noticed positive and negative results when he looked at the project.
But the best thing was that the recruiting of new members was more successful
than he had ever expected. David and Eric integrated the wave into the football
team successfully. That clique-story seemed to be gone. And wherever he asked
people about the wave he only heard positive statements. It was like a rebirth of
Same time in the “Grapevine”-office: the editorial meeting brought no results.
But some people told Laurie that lots of people want to know more about the
wave and because everyone accepted the suggestion they decided to make a
“The Wave” special. Later in the evening a discussion between Laurie and her
mother happened. Her mother told her that Robert Billings’ behavior was like he
joined a cult, the connection with the wave and in which kind of danger Robert
was. She still took it seriously and warned Laurie not to get too deep into that

Chapter X:
Principal Owens wanted to talk to Ben about the wave, that there are limits,
which have to be respected and that it worries him that the students might fall
behind or that they involve themselves too much. But Ben calmed him down and

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told him that he still has the control about that experiment. Finally they agreed
to pursue the experiment attentively.

Chapter XI:
The next day, when Laurie went to the publications office, she found a letter in
which stood that a senior wanted to recruit some juniors and when one junior
disagreed he tried to convince him with very strange methods. Meantime Robert
told Ben that he wants to be his body guard. Ben thought it goes a little too far,
but as he didn’t let up, Ben let Robert be his bodyguard.

Chapter XII:
When Laurie stood next to her locker because she didn’t want to go to the rally,
she saw Brian and Deutsch fighting. When she asked David about it he said the
fight was about the wave and the football team and that Deutsch wanted to steal
Brian’s position. Then a terrible verbal fight between them began. Laurie didn’t
want to go to the rally; David tried to tell her how important it is, but Laurie
began a discussion about the earnestness of the whole situation. The upshot was
that David broke up with Laurie. Later Laurie, Alex and Carl decided to arrange
a meeting of non- wave members to discuss about how it shall go on. Later in
her room her dad came in to talk about the wave and that a Jewish boy had
beaten up after school. Laurie told him that it has nothing to do with the wave,
but her father told her to be careful when it goes about the wave.

Chapter XIII:
When Laurie wanted to go to the football game Brad didn’t let her up before she
gave him the salute. But Laurie didn’t want to do it and they discussed for a
while. In the end he warned her that many people noticed that she were not at
the wave rally the day before.
On Sunday afternoon some of the staff of “The Grapevine” finished the special
issue about the wave.

Chapter XIV:
Laurie wanted to talk to Amy about the wave. She tried to get her out of it so she
wouldn’t get into trouble. But contrary to expectation Amy didn’t want to get

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out of it. She said the same what David told her when he broke with her. That
everyone’s equal.
When Ben wanted to get some water for his aspirin he heard Norm Schiller and
another man talking about the defeat of the football team and that the wave
might bring psychic motivation but nothing else. He also heard that many other
teachers doubt him. At that moment he began to doubt, too.

Chapter XV:
When Christy Ross went home in the afternoon, she wanted to get ben back to
reality, but Ben already almost gone up in this wave thing completely. He
understood what she wanted to tell him, but he thought they came so far and
when he stops the wave they’d all be confused and that he teaches the kids the
maybe most important lesson of their lives.
The Grapevine issue was a full success and they celebrated after school, so
Laurie stayed after the party to clean up. It was dark when she left. But she felt
like being traced so she ran out of school. David passed her on her way home to
convince her that the wave’s a good thing. But she went on, she resisted. That
made him so angry that he became violent. That was the moment when he
comprehended that things which make him do things like that can’t be right.
When Christy Ross came home she told Ben that the wave must end and when
he doesn’t end it Principal Owens will. After a short verbal exchange Ben saw
that she was right. First he only didn’t know how, but a plan began to grow in
his head. Then Laurie and David appeared and told him that the wave must end,
too. They explained him the social situation at school and then it was clear to
Ben that the wave was a success. He told them that he’ll end it the following day
but it’s really important that they don’t tell anyone what they talked about. Both
Laurie and David agreed and then they went home.

Chapter XVI:
The next day Principal Owens was beside himself with anger but when Ben told
him his plan he gave him the rest of the day to fix everything.
When Laurie and David went into class, they thought everything would be fine,
but when Ben talked about a national wave movement and its leader, who will
contact them, and when he threw them out of his class when they wanted to tell
the other students the truth, they felt like knocked out. They leaved school, went

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to a park and thought about the consequences of all that happened. Then Laurie
and David decided to go back to school to see that national leader.

Chapter XVII:
All wave members were in the auditorium, waiting to see that leader, and Ben
looked a last time at the discipline the students showed. The students were
excited, but when a picture of Adolf Hitler appeared on the screen and Ben told
them that there’s no leader, but he would be the best man for that job, they were
shocked. Now Ben told them one of his famous lectures about how far this thing
has gone and about the *Ähnlichkeit* of them and the Nazis. After it old friends
found together again.

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