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Department Of Data Science

Price and output determination under

perfect competition.

Perfect competition refers to a market situation where there are a large

number of buyers and sellers dealing in homogenous products.

In perfect competition, sellers and buyers are fully aware about the
current market price of a product. Therefore, none of them sell or buy at
a higher rate. As a result, the same price prevails in the market under
perfect competition.

Under perfect competition, the buyers and sellers cannot influence the
market price by increasing or decreasing their purchases or output,
respectively. The market price of products in perfect competition is
determined by the industry. This implies that in perfect competition, the
market price of products is determined by taking into account two
market forces, namely market demand and market supply.

Figure-1 represents the Figure-2 shows the Figure-3 shows the

demand curve under supply curve under equilibrium under
perfect competition: perfect competition: perfect competition:

Guided By - Deshpande Sir M15 Anuj Jmadade

Department Of Data Science

Phases of Business Cycle with brief

description of each phase

What is the business cycle?

The business cycle is the increases and decreases in the economy over time. Factors such as
trade, interest rates, investments and production costs can all influence the business cycle.
Most financial professionals and organizations measure the business cycle primarily by the
increases and decreases in the gross domestic product (GDP) and the influences of trade and
production costs. Over time, the entire business cycle represents the low and high points in
the economy.

four phases of the business cycle

Expansion Peak
Expansion refers to the increase in The peak phase follows the expansion
economic factors such as income, in a business cycle. The peak of the
supply and demand. During this stage, business cycle is the instance right
there is an increase in consumer before key economic indicators start to
confidence. As a result, people spend fall. At this time, prices are at their
more money and pay their debts more highest, and the economy can
comfortably. Many companies grow "overheat," meaning businesses can no
and thrive in this stage. longer satisfy consumer demands.

Contraction Trough
The contraction phase follows the peak The trough phase follows the
stage. The business cycle's contraction contraction phase and ends before
stage results from businesses another expansion phase. During this
decreasing and regulating from the stage, supply and demand decline
previous peak. During this stage, significantly, and employees do not have
business owners focus on finding ways nearly as many materials. It's common
to improve their financial situation. for companies to lay off employees or
close in the trough phase.

Guided By - Deshpande Sir M15 Anuj Jmadade

Department Of Data Science

Principles of Management

Planning Organizing Staffing

5 Principles of

Unity of Command Controlling

Unity of Command

This principle states that that should be a clear chain of command in the
organization. The employees should be clear on whose instructions to follow.
According to Fayol, an employee should receive orders from only one manager. If
an employee works under two or more managers, then authority, discipline, and
stability are threatened. Moreover, this will cause a breakdown in management
structure and cause employees to burn out

Example: If in a company, an employee has been given a task to finish within 3 to 4 hours as
ordered by their immediate superior. But the head of the department asks them to deliver
the task within 1 hour. In this case, no unity of command can create confusion and pressure
in the workplace.

Guided By - Deshpande Sir M15 Anuj Jmadade

Department Of Data Science

Promotion Mix

Promotion Mix Definition

Promotion mix refers to the combination of

promotional tools or elements that a company
uses to communicate and persuade its target
audience about the benefits of its products or
services. It involves a strategic blend of various
promotional methods to achieve marketing
objectives, enhance brand awareness, and
stimulate customer demand.

Definition: Paid, non-personal communication through Digital/Online Marketing:
various media to promote a product, service, or idea. Definition: Utilizing online channels and platforms to
Example: Television commercials, print advertisements, promote products or services, including social media,
online banners. content marketing, and search engine optimization
Personal Selling: Example: Social media campaigns, content creation,
Definition: Direct, interpersonal communication Google AdWords.
between a sales representative and a potential buyer to
persuade them to make a purchase. Personal Appearance and Endorsements:
Example: Sales presentations, one-on-one meetings. Definition: Using personalities, celebrities, or experts to
endorse or represent a product or brand.
Sales Promotion: Example: Celebrity endorsements, influencer marketing.
Definition: Short-term incentives or activities designed
to encourage the purchase of a product or service. Point of Purchase (POP) Displays:
Example: Coupons, discounts, contests, free samples. Definition: Visual and promotional materials displayed at
the point of sale to attract attention and encourage
impulse buying.
Public Relations (PR):
Example: In-store displays, product packaging.
Definition: Building and maintaining positive
relationships between an organization and its public,
Trade Shows and Exhibitions:
including customers, investors, and the general public.
Definition: Events where companies showcase their
Example: Press releases, media events, sponsorships.
products or services to potential customers, partners,
and industry professionals.
Direct Marketing:
Example: Industry conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions.
Definition: Communicating directly with consumers to
generate a response or transaction, often using
Word of Mouth:
targeted and personalized methods.
Definition: Informal communication between individuals
Example: Email marketing, direct mail, telemarketing.
about a product, service, or brand, often based on
personal experiences.

Guided By - Deshpande Sir M15 Anuj Jmadade

Department Of Data Science

Sources of Financing

Bootstrapping in the startup context refers to the process of launching and growing a business
without external help or capital. It involves starting from the ground up, using personal savings
and/or existing resources instead of relying on investors or loans. Bootstrapping often involves
creative problem solving and finding creative ways to get things done without spending a lot of

Bootstrapping is founding and running a company using only personal finances or operating
This form of financing allows the entrepreneur to maintain more control, but it also can
increase financial strain.
Owners can bootstrap by cutting costs, personally financing operations, cutting back
operations, or looking for other creative short-term financing solutions.
The term also refers to a method of building the yield curve for certain bonds.
GoPro, Facebook, and Amazon are examples of companies with humble beginnings and
bootstrapped starts.

Guided By - Deshpande Sir M15 Anuj Jmadade

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