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: Chemie -

Nobelpreis geht au zwei

Genforscherinnen p 229
ex. .


Ladies and
gentlemen ,
esteemed participants of this virtual
youth forum ,

today have the to share with of the

revolutionary scientific archivements
privledge you
one most in

human history ,
the CRISPR method

CRISPR or Clustered Regulary Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats ,

is a
groundbreaking gene-editing
technology allows scientists to
percisely modify . This method
DNA sequences has immense potential

in various fields , from medicine to

agriculture .

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 was awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and
Jennifer Doudna for
their remarkable contributions to the development of CRISPR
. Their collaborative work unlocked the door

offering unprecedented
treat and
gene editing , opportunities to genetic disorders

reshape the future of medicine


Charpentier Dondna's dedication ingeility have pared the way for

and and a new era in
genetics ,

to As the
allowing us
contemplate possibilities oucr deemed .
unimagineable we deepen into

world of CRISPR , let us celebrate the profound impact of these two brilliant scientiste on

the created in the field of science and innovation

progress .

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