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Writing a term paper on noise pollution can be a daunting task.

Not only does it require extensive

research and analysis, but you also have to present your findings in a clear and concise manner. Many
students find themselves overwhelmed and stressed when faced with this assignment.

But don't worry, you're not alone. Many students struggle with writing their term paper on noise
pollution. It's a complex topic that requires a deep understanding of environmental science, acoustics,
and public health. Plus, with the added pressure of deadlines and other academic assignments, it can
be challenging to find the time and energy to focus on this task.

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The Federal Highway Administration says that the level of highway traffic noise depends on the
volume of traffic, its speed, and the number of trucks it contains; increases in any of these factors
increase traffic noise. Playing of loudspeakers and horns around public places should be banned. As
the development and intelligence of humans increases, the needs of humans are processed by
machines. In conductive deafness sound-pressure waves never reach the cochlea, most often as a
consequence of a ruptured eardrum or a defect in the ossicles of the middle ear (Bugliarello, et al.,
1976). The three bones form a system of levers linked together, hammer pushing anvil, anvil-pushing
stirrup. If listeners feel they can control the noise source, the less likely the noise will be annoying.
4. If listeners believe that the noise is subject to third party control, including police, but control has
failed, they are more annoyed. 5. The inherent unpleasantness of the sound causes annoyance. Noise
pollution is caused mainly from transports such as cars and air planes, or factories and even noisy
people or animals. Noise pollution is no more only an urban problem because even in rural areas noise
from heavy machinery from industries or factories and farm implements have added to the problem.
The constant exposure to noise deteriorates the tender parts of the mid ear. There is a need to take
collective measures for minimizing the effects of noise pollution. Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai,
Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Lucknow and Chennai. It is more severe and widespread than ever before,
and it will continue to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth,
urbanization, and the associated growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly
mobile sources of noise. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and
Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Horns for the trucks, automobiles are the producers of noise on the roads. These
nature calamities produced a sound that will harm the environment. Other studies show that children
exposed to noise from elevated trains and highways at school also perform worse on standardized
reading tests than do students at the same schools in quieter classrooms. An article by rlinAe L. The
story starts as my brother Peter unlocked the front door after going ou. Pollution is often classed as
point source or nonpoint source pollution. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Unlike electromagnetic waves that easily travel through space through
electrical and magnetic fields, sound waves are caused due to vibration of matter. (Ron Kurtus,
2009). If they are in excess and go beyond the control of man or are misused by man they pollute
the environment and affect the personal and social health. Proper checking of machines in
households and industries can even reduce sound production. When jarring sounds with their rapid
vibrations strike the eardrum; the muscles twist the bones slightly, allowing the stirrup to rotate in a
different direction. Human health effects Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in
nature. The railway trains too leave their mark of sound all the way they travel. This could alter a
population's evolutionary trajectory by selecting traits, sapping resources normally devoted to other
activities and thus lead to profound genetic and evolutionary consequences. I had 5 days to complete
my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. OECD Global Forum on the Environment
dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. A combination of heat and light that emanates from the
sun creates radio activity if the ozone layer grows thin. Noise can have a detrimental effect on wild
animals, increasing the risk of death by. The threshold for human hearing is 0 dB sound intensity.
Conductive hearing loss can be minimized, even overcome by use of the familiar hearing aids. Noise,
if kept to a minimum does not affect an individual’s performance in a big way, but if the levels are
exceedingly high and continues for a long period, then it makes a person stressful, fatigued and
slows down performance to a great extent. Airports should be kept away from populated areas as
well as routes on airplanes should be such that covers least populated areas. Infectious Hypo dermal
and Haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV). Poor urban planning may give rise to noise pollution,
since side-by-side industrial and residential buildings can result in noise pollution in the residential
area. In this essay we are going to discuss about noise pollution from the aspect of physics and try to
investigate the impact it has on the human body. It also seems from a number of studies that
intermittent noise is more of a problem than noise of a similar intensity which is constant. It is a unit
for expressing the intensity of sound on a scale from zero (for the average least perceptible sound) to
about 130 for the average pain level. Light pollution, includes light trespass, over-illumination and
astronomical interference. Do you really need a leafblower, or would a rake work just as well, and
give you better exercise too. It is more severe and widespread than ever before, and it will continue
to increase in magnitude and severity because of population growth, urbanization, and the associated
growth in the use of increasingly powerful, varied, and highly mobile sources of noise. OECD
Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. The organ serves two
functions: converting mechanical energy to electrical and dispatching to the brain a coded version of
the original sound with information bout frequency, intensity, and timbre. The above groups will be
glad to help you in every way. A loud explosion in outer space would hardly be heard because of the
vacuum. If the five agents of nature are under control they are rather beneficial to an individual, a
society or a nation. The increase in pollution will lead to harm and form an unsafe environment. This
is the most common loss in teenagers today listening to loud rock music (Bugliarello, et al., 1976).
Page 9. Noise pollution often persists because only five to ten percent of people affected by noise
will lodge a formal complaint. The use of pressure horns should be discontinued and at the same time
people are prohibited from repeatedly playing the horn without any reason. The reason for this was
probably because that people are not aware of their legal right to be quiet or they do not know how
to register a complaint. With the increase in technology, humans started inventing new things and
these inventions produce noise or sound during the process. Legislation to reestablish ONCA will
probably be introduced in Congress soon; watch for and support the Quiet Communities Act of
1999, to be sponsored by Robert G. There are many sources of noise pollution found in our houses
and outside. Once there is a court order the police are bound to act, or face contempt of court.
OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. The elderly and
young children fall prey to this noise, as it is very annoying for them. When the amount of energy in
sound waves exceeds the requirement, then due to the spread of fuel waves, mental disturbance and
other diseases start to spread in all living beings. Noise Pollution pollutants are not material elements,
but rather waves that hinder naturally-arising waves of a same sort. Airplane noise can cause birds to
abandon their nests and young, and many species of whales run away from the low frequency noises
of ship engines and from high frequency sonar.
It elicits the same responses as a perceived physical threat would produce: it activates the nervous
system, causes the muscles to tense and the heart rate and respiratory rate to increase and prepares
the body to fight or to run away. The use of loudspeakers in programs like marriage engagements,
religious events, fairs, parties and the practice of DJ is also the main reason for noise pollution. (04)
Construction work:- Noise pollution increases due to the use of different machines and tools in
various construction works. (05) Fireworks:- Fireworks used on various occasions in our country are
also the main source of noise pollution. Being continuously under stress is something like sitting on
the edge of your chair or waiting for the other shoe to drop. Noise is directly related to man both in
creation and experience. The railway trains too leave their mark of sound all the way they travel. In
the following paper, the cause and effects of noise pollution will be presented in some detail. OECD
Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. However, the cause of
noise pollution is by humans in various ways. OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Noise pollution is more prominent in urban areas as compared to rural
areas. An impact of noise on wild animal life is the reduction of usable habitat that noisy. Some of
these studies are controversial and are contested by other researchers because so many variables such
as age, overall state of health, diet, smoking and drinking habits, socioeconomic factors, and other
sources of environmental and social stress must also be taken into account. With the increase in
technology, humans started inventing new things and these inventions produce noise or sound during
the process. It not only affect human beings but always can be fatal for them. Under the recently
enacted Environment Protection Act 1986, the Government does have the power to curb noise
pollution; rules have been framed for enforcing this aspect of the Act in 1989. Soil Profile Soil
Profile OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Other
sources include the noise in occupational settings or even the noise of simultaneous conversations.
The elderly and young children fall prey to this noise, as it is very annoying for them. The most
common is worn over the mastoid bond behind the pinna. When they start travelling with a speed
more than 331 m per second they cross the sound barrier making a quake like vibration in the
atmosphere. Noise pollution is majorly done by humans and their activities. Sound of higher intensity
than this is considered as noise pollution. As a result, local authorities should direct private vehicles
to be fitted with efficient exhaust silencers. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted
it to my tutor on time. Creative Writing - The door creaked open as the young boy stepped out but w.
Due to prolonged noise pollution, people do not develop neurotic mental disorder. When the amount
of energy in sound waves exceeds the requirement, then due to the spread of fuel waves, mental
disturbance and other diseases start to spread in all living beings. Remember that it is easier to
control this nuisance at the point of origin rather than after the damage has been done and the
incriminating evidence blows up. By the noise pollution, there is damage to the environment and
health issues for humans like eardrum problems. Similarly, the below Noise pollution Essay contains
the effects, causes, and some remedies for the reduction. Vehicle noise comes from the engine,
exhaust, and tires; faulty equipment, such as defective mufflers, increases vehicle noise, as does
having to climb a steep grade.
But these fireworks not only cause air pollution, as well as the intensity of the sound waves is also
so high, which gives rise to problems like noise pollution. (06) Other reasons:- The intensity of the
sound wave is also relatively higher than the conversations of people gathered on the occasion of
various social, religious, political rallies, organization of rallies, etc. But, some preventive measures
sure can be taken to control. The following discussion refers to sound levels that would be present
within 30 to 150 meters from a moderately busy highway. However, the noise with intensity or 85
dB or higher will lead to physiological and psychological adverse effects on the nervous system,
sleep, emotions, and performance. Damage caused by noise can range from bursting of eardrum,
permanent hearing loss (in a recent survey 80% of Traffic Police in Pune were found to be deaf),
cardiac and cardiovascular changes, stress, fatigue, lack of concentration, deterioration in motor and
psychomotor functions, nausea, disturbance of sleep, headaches, insomnia, and loss of appetite and
much other damage is caused. Airports should be kept away from populated areas as well as routes
on airplanes should be such that covers least populated areas. I think that noise pollution affects
mental health more as this also leads to higher rates of disobedience in young school children.
Pollution Air pollution from World War II production. It picks up sound waves and transmits them
through the skull to the cochlea. Noise Pollution comes from the undesirable behavior of the sound
that is generally dangerous for health. Explosive firecrackers with sounds should not be banned. The
police routinely issue lists of banned types of firecrackers. Working together, the bones amplify the
force of sound vibrations. Infectious Hypo dermal and Haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV).
Equally infected by noise are the areas by the side of a busy railway track. This is a great example of
profound research work. Effects of Noise Pollution Noise pollution causes psychological problems
and hearing problems for all living beings. Although these adjustments could be helpful towards
reduce noise pollution. Human health effects Noise health effects are both health and behavioral in
nature. But from the other resources, I’ve found that noise pollution is a type of energy pollution
made up of unwanted sounds. However, the cause of noise pollution is by humans in various ways.
Prolong exposure to noise could have a severe psychiatric effect on an individual. Os mapas e as
secoes verticais foram analisados considerando o uso e a ocupacao do solo. What is important is that
it can have a lasting impact. The consents, however, ought to include the terms of the notice to keep
noise pollution to the minimum. There is a significant need to move to a more prudent valuation of
acoustic pressure and its harmonization with international law. OECD Global Forum on the
Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. If there is an increase of 1 bel, the intensity
of the sound increases ten fold. Conductive hearing loss can be minimized, even overcome by use of
the familiar hearing aids. Home Alone. As I walked to my room I heard a strange rattling noise as if.
In the following paper, the cause and effects of noise pollution will be presented in some detail.
European Robins living in urban environments are more likely to sing at night in places with high
levels of noise pollution during the day, suggesting that they sing at night because it is quieter, and
their message can propagate through the environment more clearly. Many municipalities have used
the Illinois regulations as models on which to base their own ordinances, with some local laws being
more stringent and some less so. These devices are relatively new and have not been proven to be
fully effective, though. --You can use other sound-generating devices such as stereo systems, which
cover up some of the more disturbing sounds with more pleasurable ones. Noise is a disturbance to
the human environment that is escalating at such a high rate that it will become a major threat to the
quality of human lives. Noise pollution or noise disturbance is the disturbing or excessive noise that
may. A common form of noise pollution is from transportation, principally motor vehicles. Results
showed that due to the continual sounding of air craft, residents had increased level of hearing loss.
The local authorities should, therefore, implement measures to reduce noise pollution on a prioritized
basis depending on the harmful effects of the environmental pollution. But when even pleasant
sounds become too loud, they become unwanted noise. What is music to one is noise to another. 6.
Contextual sound. If the sound is appropriate for the activity it is in context. The entire assignment
was quite a great challenge for me, but not for the writer at GetEssay. However, the cause of noise
pollution is humans and their activities. Noise pollution is majorly done by humans and their
activities. High-speed rail emits far less ground, air, water, and noise pollution than aircraft do, and
the Environmental Law and Policy Center predicts that high-speed rail would pay for itself soon
after an initial infrastructure investment. Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules 2000 which
were to be implemented. FAA sponsored residential retrofit (insulation) programs initiated in the
1970s has also enjoyed success in reducing interior residential noise in thousands of residences across
the United States. Before the advent of automobiles horse carriages carried men and material. Over
two thirds of Earth's surface is covered by water; less than a third is taken up by land. This
unwanted sound can damage physiological and psychological health. The adverse effects of noise
pollution on humans can be divided into four categories. When noise to the people and the
surrounding environment adverse effects, the formation of the noise pollution. The unit of
measurement of the intensity of sound is the decibel. General Characteristics of sound in relation to
Noise pollution. He made laws for safe sleep so that the citizens there can take peaceful sleep. Noise
pollution has emerged as a serious problem due to rapidly increasing population, urbanization and
traffic and its ill-effects not only on humans but also on animals, birds and plants. To avoid such
damage it is imperative to keep away from loud sounds with heavy intensities and frequencies. Other
sources are car alarms, office equipment, factory machinery, construction work, grounds keeping
equipment, barking dogs, appliances, power tools, lighting hum, audio entertainment systems,
loudspeakers and noisy people. These unheard voices might be warnings, finding of prey, or
preparations of net-bubbling. Long Essay on Noise Pollution or Sound Pollution Noise Pollution
refers to an increase in the level of noise rather than the normal level.
It, in the long run fails to transmit sound impulses to the inner ear. Blood flow decreases, chances of
heart attack increase. There is no great difference whether noise-induced hearing loss is brought
about by outside e. However, depending on the machine the level of noise produced is either high or
low amount. Even where a municipality has an enforcement office, it may only be willing to issue
warnings, since taking offenders to court is expensive. In the 2007 issues the ten top nominees are
located in Azerbaijan, China, India, Peru, Russia, Ukraine and Zambia. This unwanted sound can
damage physiological and psychological health. When noise pollution is reduced, many health
problems such as stress and hearing loss would be also be reduced. Older males exposed to
significant occupational noise demonstrate significantly reduced hearing sensitivity than their non-
exposed peers, though differences in hearing sensitivity decrease with time and the two groups are
indistinguishable by age 79. Solutions to noise pollution are present which helps in the production of
noise or sounds. Many people are not aware of their legal right to quiet and do not know how to
register a complaint. In cities like New York and the capitals of European countries the noise
pollution comes from the sky too because of the high frequency of the aero planes. Pollution in Delhi
- Know Its Classification, Types, Causes. Airplanes, Ships, Trains had a part in noise pollution.
OECD Global Forum on the Environment dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su. Noise pollution
has become a growing concern for human health as well as for the environment. Business continuity
planning certification programs manuscript writing paper free. They sometimes help in enhancing
production and are used in many industrial sectors. Airplanes, Trains, Ships, Trucks, etc are also the
sources. That is how the thundering cloud deafens people when the thunder reaches the earth. Noise
Pollution Standards:- According to a report of the World Health Organization, the noise in the
surrounding environment should not exceed 35 decibels during sleep and the daytime noise should
not exceed 45 decibels. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone. Chronic
exposure to noise may cause noise-induced hearing loss. Infectious Hypo dermal and Haematopoietic
necrosis virus (IHHNV). Essay on Noise Pollution For All Exams Health problems (side effects) due
to noise pollution Noise pollution is a slow death messenger. Noise pollution can cause annoyance
and aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other
harmful effects. In the bad news department, though, the language in the park overflights bills has
been largely incorporated into S.545 and H.R.1000, the Federal Aviation Administration
Authorization Act of 1999 and the Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century,
respectively. Although these adjustments could be helpful towards reduce noise pollution. It can
result in mood problems and adversely affect job performance. (See our section on insomnia for more
information on the effects of disturbed sleep and steps to take to improve insomnia.) Several research
studies suggest that noise can cause high blood pressure. OECD Global Forum on the Environment
dedicated to Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Su.

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