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ane you see a vulture ..., i. FARIS inte etme SCN 70) AI isl is: these are disgusting, | ly, greedy creatures. 77 | SP aw UNIT GOALS WARM UP a In this unit, you will ... [SEKI watch part of Munir Virani's TED Talk. about endangered and threatened ‘Answer the questions with a partner. 4 Why do you think vultures are threatene * watch a TED Talk 2 What's your impression of vultures? Do y vultures, with Virani rado con CamScanner Pe Ru kee Indochinese box turtle pi Poca ers cos Pe A) Animals under iala=yel§ VOCABULARY Ty; Read the paragraph about Joel Sartore’s Photo Ark project. Complete the table with the words in bole. Joel Sartore's Photo Ark project started with endangered amphibians. Sartore wanted to do something to show these species to the world before they were gone forever. Soon, Sartore heard about other species in trouble—mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, insects. Now, he photographs. anything that will stay stil lang enough for him to take a photo. "ly turtles butterfies | owls sharks tigers crocodiles | ants flamingos | tuna pandas Work with a partner. Add one more animal to each of the categories in the table. © What animals do you know that are endangered? Discuss with a partner. | think most species of tigers are endangered. Yeah, | think you're right. 14 Escaneado con CamScanner LISTENING Moving people to action Listening for gist When you listen to something for the first time, just focus on the speaker's overall message. Listen again for more details A Watch photographer Joel Sartore talking about the Photo Ark. What does he mean when he talks about “moving people to action?” B [4B watch again. Complete the sentences with the words you hear. 1. ‘My goal is to get people to wake up and say ‘Whoa! That's 2 “I shoot __________ pictures a year, minimum.” 3 "Maybe __ are keepers.” tL Tele} C CRITICAL THINKING Evaluating Do you agree that photographs can “move people to action?” Discuss with a partner. SPEAKING Talking about endangered animals A [EE] What is the biggest threat to the Sumatran elephant? ‘A: Heyl Check out these elephants. B: Cool! Are they African elephants? ‘A: No, they'te Sumatran elephants. Oh, how awful. It says. here that they are facing extinction are endangered / could become extinct B: That's terrible. Does it say why? A: Um... it's mostly because people are cutting down the rain forest. But another reason is that people illegally hunt ilegal hunting / poaching and kill them, B: How many are there in the wild? remain / stil live Az Let's see ... between 2,400 and 2,800. B: ‘They're such beautiful animals. | really hope people can find a way to save them, help / protect vetnem B Practice the conversation with a partner. Practice again using the words on the right. © Work with a partner to make notes about an endangered animal. Join another pair and share your information, ESE Mountain gorilas live in Africa. “Yeah, and they're endangered because they're losing their habitat, 15 Escaneado con CamScanner ET] How we’re helping LANGUAGE FOCUS Discussing conservation status ‘A [IEE Read the information. Why do you think reindeer populatic RISKS OF EXTINCTION the International Union for Conservation of status of our world’s animal species. ions are healthy? Many animals are facing threats to their survival. Tl ‘Nature uses a scale to track the conserv Gritically Vinee 2) sue ic eee PR ete) octias iceBs Near concern threatened) Reindeer have a Polar bears are vulnerable | {Sumatran orangutans are in | [ Westfrican black rhinos healthy population due to climate change. great danger of extinction were declared extinct in of around Only around 20,000 due to habitat loss. 2011. The main cause was 3.8 milion, remain. Only 7,500 remain, B [3EEI Listen to an expert talk about three species of fish. Write the conservation status ‘of each one. 1 barracuda: 2 bigeyetuna; 3 silver trout: ¢ EER Watch and study the language in the chart. Describing events in the present Every year, the Arctic freezes and metts. Polar bears live in the Arctic. Polar bears hunt seals. Does a vulnerable species have any living individuals? Yes, it does. Does an extinct species have any living individuals? No, it doesn Our planet's temperature is rising. Polar bears are now losing their hunting grounds. These days, polar bear numbers are declining, 's the world's climate changing? Is the Earth's temperature falling? Why ar ¥y are polar bear numbers decreasing? Because it's harder for them to hunt seals. For more information on simple present and present continuous, ee Grammer Summary 1 on page 185. Escaneado con CamScanner D Match each question to the best response. 4. Do orangutans lve in Southeast Asia? © © Yes, it does. 2. Where do they spend most of their time? © © Yes, they do. 3 Are their numbers declining? ° © They're trying to protect the forests. 4 Whyare the numbers dropping? ° © They usually live in trees, 5 What are people doing to protect them? © © It's mainly because of habitat loss. 6 Does poaching threaten them, too? ° © Yes, they are E Circle the correct words. 4 The green sea turtle (gets /is getting) its name from the color of its skin. 2 On average, they (live/are living) up to 80 years. 3. Every year, they (lay/are laying) thousands of eggs on Florida's beaches, 4 Because of laws protecting their nesting sites, their numbers (rise/are rising). 5 The US. Fish and Wildlife Service (considers/is considering) changing their status from endangered to threatened. F E3EEA Complete the information with the correct form of the words in the box, Listen and check your answers. do have kill (not) hurt rise {not) want Every year, poachers '_______ over 1,000 rhinos in southern Africa. They hunt them for their hors because some people believe the horns 2____ special medicinal value. The Rhino Rescue Project °______ something about it. They are able to make the hom lose its value. But how? ‘They inject a poison into the horns of living animals. The poison *___ the rhino, but it makes the horn useless as medicine. Consumers « — horns that can make them feel sick. These actions are working. Rhino numbers ® — slowly. SPEAKING Protecting species A Work with a partner. What do you know about these two animal species? Bengal tigers kiwis B You are going to learn about these species. Student A: Turn to page 141. Student B: Tum to page 142 47 Escaneado con CamScanner 1 Protectors f animals VOCABULARY Types © latch each word in the box to its de bird fish insect mammal reptile fefinition. A Me amphibian ____ An animal that feeds its young with milk from the mother. _______ An animal that has feathers and can usually fly. 3 ______— Accold- blooded animal that lays eggs on land. 4 5 6 ‘Avery small animal that has six legs. An animal that first lives in water and can later breathe on land. An animal that cannot survive outside water. B Complete the sentences using the words in the box. bee frog penguin snake 1 I'ma bird, but | can't fly. 'm a great swimmer, though! I'm black and white. I'm a 2 I'm an amphibian. | have short front legs and long back legs. | usually live near water. | can hop and jump and swim. 'm a — 3 I'ma reptile. | have along body and strong muscles, but | have no arms or legs. I'm a ye I'm an insect. | get my food from flowers, and | use it to make honey. | ive in most parts of the world. Ima LISTENING Monarch butterflies A TSERT Listen. what is the talk mainly about? 3 Why monarch buttertes travel very long distances b the life cycle of the monarch butterfly © the problems faced by monarch butterflies Escaneado con CamScanner B [SEB Listen again. Circle the best answer. 4 Where do most monarch butterflies go for the winter? a Canada b California © Mexico 2 The monarch butterfly population began to deciine a in2016 b over 20 years ago within the last 20 years 3 Which of these is not a cause for the deciine in the monarch butterfly population? a_climate change b human activities © anincrease in predators 4 What is the monarch butterfly's conservation status now? a. near-threatened b threatened © endangered COMMUNICATION Talking about endangered animals ‘A. Complete the conversation. Number the sentences (1-7) in the correct order. Well, | guess my first question is, are giant tortoises an endangered species? 0h, no! That's not very many. I hope conservationists can find a way to protect them soon. Hey, 'm working on a paper about giant tortoises. Do you think you could help me out? Sure, how can | help? ‘Well, I'm not sure of the exact number, but | think there are only about 2,000 of them left. -~ea0oee Hmm... No, they aren't. But they are listed as vulnerable. e Really? So how many giant tortoises stil ive in the wild? B Complete the conversation using the information in the box. Many chimpanzees have died of disease, but the biggest threats to their survival are hunting and poaching. Their population has declined to around 170,000-300,000 in the wild, Status: ENDANGERED ‘A: What are you reading about? B: I'm reading about ‘_______. It says they're *__ ‘As That's terrible! Why? B: Well it's mostly because of How many are there lettin the wild? B: Only As They're amazing animals. | really hope we find a way to save them soon. Escaneado con CamScanner JAGE Focus Discussing conservation status LANGU: .s in the sentences below. ‘A Correct the mistakes teapot 4. These days, awareness of endangered species improves. idife populations decreases. 2 Still, many: of the world’s wil ‘ews: Giant panda numbers increase but polar bear numbers are deciine, 1g There's good news and bad n efforts. 4 Others are help in conservation rrimal making a difference to those fighting to protect it? 6 Does the conservation status of an ar 6 Is your government do anything to change the situation? [SIE circle the correct words to compiete the interview. Then listen and check your answers. ‘As What is the World Wildlife Fund? The World Wildlife Fund, or WWE, is an international organization. It ' (is protecting / protects) wildlife and the environment. Is the World Wildlife Fund ? (works / working on) projects in many countries? B: 2(Yes, it is / No, it isn’t). There are WWF projects in more than 100 countries. : Does the WWF “(get / getting) all its money from the government? No it doesn't. It (is getting / gets) some funding from governments, some from corporations, and most from public donations. LISTENING FOCUS Recognizing /s/ and /z/ sounds A. [AEE] Most piural words in English end with s. The letter s can be pronounced in different ways. Listen and repeat what you hear. /sI parents sleeps weeks books PI kids dogs days needs B FARE Listen. circle each sound that you hear. Tents a/s/ b/z/ 2 butterflies a/s/ b/z/ 3 cats a/s/ b/z/ 4 bees a/s/ b/z/ 5 pandas a/s/ biz 6 tigers a/s/ b/2/ © ESEEE Write each word under the correct heading. Then listen and check your answers. elephants eyes frogs hops monkeys penguins Escaneado con CamScanner

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