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Task 1: How Much Do I Know.

Curso Inglés A1



Programa académico

Número de grupo

Nombre del tutor


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia



Task 1: How Much Do I Know

1.1. Actualizar el perfil en el aula incluyendo una foto reciente, correo

electrónico e información de contacto.

1.2. Agenda del curso, revise la agenda y organice las actividades del aula
a través de la creación de una agenda propia en Google Calendar o la
agenda de su computador o Outlook.
1.3. Entornos: Revisar los entornos, tome pantallazos de cada uno y describa lo
que se encuentra en cada uno. Asimismo, envíe un mensaje de saludo a su
tutor por el correo interno del curso y tome captura de pantalla.

In these, we find the tools that facilitate our learning.

In the first module called "Initial Information," we find the course agenda and
presentation, informative forums, schedules for synchronous meetings, and
information about field trips.

In the second module named "Learning," we can find the content and bibliographic
references for each unit. We can also find discussion forums for each guide or unit,
divided into sections.
In the third module titled "Evaluaction," we encounter the final quizzes of the
course and the spaces where we can submit the work completed.

Mensaje de saludo al tutor

1.4. E-book: ingrese al E-book desde el enlace en el entorno de aprendizaje y

describa los objetivos de cada módulo.

Módulo 1 Use simple present with verb to be- Identify nationalities and languages
Módulo 2 Ask and answer questions with to be and Wh-words - Use time
Módulo 3 Describe where people and places are - Improve the pronunciation of
specific words in the lesson - Use prepositions of place
Módulo 4 Talk about places - Express possession
Módulo 5 Use Wh questions with present progressive -Ask for possessions -
Connect actions in progress
Módulo 6 Ask about the time -Ask and answer questions about daily routines
Módulo 7 Ask for and give reasons: Why / Why not? - Identify word formation:
Stem, affixes. Plurals in nouns
Módulo 8 Ask for and give reasons: Why / Why not? - Identify word formation:
Stem, affixes. Plurals in nouns
Módulo 9 Talk about the past -Talk about famous people and important events in
the past -Use comparative and superlative adjectives
Módulo 10 Talk about the past (continuous form) - Talk and ask about food
preferences - Describe simple récipes
Módulo 11 Talk about past activities in progress- Use time expressions
Módulo 12 Express ability - Order food in a restaurant -Express desires and
preferences: would
Some of the tips given in the module are:
 Keep a journal to jot down English words, starting with one or two daily, and
then progressing to writing sentences.
 Another option is to practice tongue twisters to work on pronunciation.
 Other suggestions include watching TV series or listening to songs in
 Lastly, learn to identify the sounds that require more practice.
1.5. Teams: Tome captura de pantalla del grupo de Teams creado por su
ETAPA 2 - How much do I Know?

2.1. Desarrolle el ejercicio de lectura que aparece en el

formulario a continuación, responda a las preguntas con la
opción que considere correcta en y comparta captura de
pantalla de la calificación obtenida en el foro.

Enlace del formulario:

2.2. Escriba su párrafo de introducción (40 palabras) y comparta

en el documento a entregar.

I am George, I am 27 years old. I am Colombian, from Tamalameque. I

am a technologist in agricultural production. I live and work in

I am a student of Agronomy, and my favorite subject is English. In my

free time, I play soccer. It helps me relax.

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