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Mother to Son

Well, son, I’ll tell you: Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. It’s had tacks in it, and splinters, and boards torn
up, And places with no carpet on the floor — Bare. But all the time I’se been a-climbin’ on, and reachin’
landin’s, and turnin’ corners, and sometimes goin’ in the dark Where there ain’t been no light. So, boy, don’t
you turn back. Don’t you set down on the steps. ’cause you finds it’s kinder hard. Don’t you fall now — For
I’se still goin’, honey, I’se still climbin’, And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

To James
do you remember
how you won that last race how you flung
your body
at the start how your spikes ripped the
in the stretch how you catapulted
through the tape do you remember
don't you think I lurched with you? out
of those starting holes
don't you think my sinews tightened?
at those first few strides and when you
flew into the stretch
was not all my thrill of a thousand
in your blood at your final drive
through the finish line did not my shout
tell of the triumph and ecstasy
of victory live
as I have taught you to run boy it's a
short dash
dig your starting holes deep and firm
lurch out of them into the straight way
with all the power that is in you
look straight ahead to the finish line
think only of the goal
run straight run high run hard
save nothing and finish with an ecstatic
burst that carries you hurdling
through the tape to victory
1) Identify three word or phrases from the poem that describe the staircase?
Bare, dark, Torn up

2) What does the speaker tell her son NOT to do?

She told her son to never give up

1) What event does the speaker refer to at the poem’s start?

Winning the race

2) What goal does the speaker of the poem identify?


3) Which actions repeat throughout the poem?


Mother to Son To James

How is symbolism used The staircase symbolizes life The race symbolizes life
in the poem? What is and competition
the symbol?

What impression of life The staircase was hard to The race is competitive like
does this symbol climb like life it’s a constant life you have to be better
create?? What details grind, painful, tough and than others to win or
from the poem suggest confusing as the speaker said succeed you have to reach
this impression? it was dark, bare and had your goals as the reader
tacks, and splinters in it, it said think only of the goal
ain’t been no crystal stair run straight run high run

What does this symbol To never give up and always To always stay at the top
suggest how people stay climbing up even when and always try hard to
should live their lives? times are hard succeed

What is the theme of Never give up don’t back out To stay at the top and
the poem? What and always keep climbing always try hard to succeed
details from your even when times are hard with all strength and power
analysis of the author’s
use of symbolism
support this inference?
Danger! This Mission to Mars Could Bore You to Death! Summary

Right now 6 people are living in a geodesic dome on the slopes of a volcano in Hawaii
to simulate living in Mars. One of the biggest problems they’ll face on the real trip is chronic
boredom, because the trip is 8 months each way. Boredom is a normal factor of life for all
creatures alike, so they have to undergo 2 years of training against thousands of other
candidates so they can practice focusing and not getting severely affected be chronic bored
and its dangers. One way they counter this boredom is by getting busy with work having lots
of work to do can keep the busy or by celebrating a bunch of holidays traditional and invented
ones, another way is recreating characters and scenes from their favorite movies, these
methods are needed to counter chronic boredom.

1. Why are 6 people living in a geodesic dome on the slopes of a volcano in Hawaii?
They are testing themselves or simulating living on Mars

2. With our current technology, how long will a journey to Mars take?
8 months each way

3. According to scientists, what is one of the biggest threats to a manned Mars mission?
Boredom because the trip is long, boring and mentally challenging

Point of view describes the perspective from which a story is told.

 In first-person narration, the narrator is a person in the story, telling the story from their own
point of view. The narration usually utilizes the pronoun I (or we, if the narrator is speaking as
part of a group).

 In third-person narration, the narrator exists outside the events of the story, and
relates the actions of the characters by referring to their names or by the third-person
pronouns he, she, or they.
A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story.
 Character traits are a combination of the different qualities that define a character,
such as thoughts, feelings, personality, and the choices they make. In short, these
character traits make them who they are.

 Character’s motives are the emotions or goals that drive him or her to act in a
certain way.

 Character’s perspective is how he or she views and event based on his or her
experiences and emotions


1) lamented (expressed regret) /2) reproach (disapproval) /3) squabbling (fighting over small matters)
/4) indignity (feeling that one has been disrespected) /5) discordant (lacking harmony)

/6) devastated (destroyed, completely upset) /7) connects (joins together)

/8) influence (affect someone in an important way) /9) encouraged (inspired, offered support to)

/10) bond (a uniting connection, a link) /11) chronic (lasting for a long time or recurring often)

/12) stimulus (something that triggers an action or a reaction) /13) subconsciously (occurring without
someone’s full attention or awareness) /14) excruciatingly (painfully, miserably)

/15) monotony (sameness boredom) /16) catastrophic (disastrous)

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