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9/11/23, 5:48 PM Data Table

Recent Eruptions of Mountain Volcanoes (1750-present)

Year of Eruption​(beginning year)
Volcano State 1750- ​1800- 1850- 1900- 1950- ​2000-
Names Location 1799 1849 1899 1949 1999 present
Volcano 1 State 1 1792 1845 1871, 1881
Volcano 2 State 1 1752
Volcano 3 State 1 1842​, 1845 1855
Volcano 4 State 1 1804 1982
Volcano 5 State 2 1855, 1861, 1864
Volcano 6 State 2 1855
Volcano 7 State 3 1908
Volcano 8 State 3 1788 1857
Volcano 9 State 3 1852
Volcano 10 State 3 1916
Volcano 11 State 3 1855 1/1

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