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Health Pschology quiz Q and A

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The term cognition refers to

Select one:
a. How people feel about things
b. Emotional perspectives
c. Psychological viewpoints
d. What people think and understand

The correct answer is: What people think and understand

Question 2
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Currently the major cause of illness is

Select one:
a. Care taken during childhood
b. Genetic or family background
c. Behavior or lifestyle
d. Work environments

The correct answer is: Behavior or lifestyle

Question 3
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Health psychology is linked to

Select one:
a. Behavioral medicine
b. The behavioral sciences
c. All of these
d. Clinical psychology

The correct answer is: All of these

Question 4
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According to Michell before quantification can happen it is first necessary to obtain evidence
that the relevant attribute is quantitative in ______

Select one:
a. status
b. stature
c. structure
d. studies

The correct answer is: structure

Question 5
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______ have some of the characteristics of paradigms (Kuhn 1970) as they refer to a
complete system of thinking about a field of inquiry

Select one:
a. Theories
b. Models
c. Frameworks
d. Pathways

The correct answer is: Frameworks

Question 6
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When findings are difficult to generalize to the world outside of the laboratory we say the
research is lacking in ______ validity

Select one:
a. economical
b. experimental
c. ecological
d. empirical

The correct answer is: ecological

Question 7
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The definition of illness includes

Select one:
a. Mental illness
b. All of these
c. Pregnancy
d. Physical disability

The correct answer is: Mental illness

Question 8
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Health as used in this class is best defined as

Select one:
a. Feelings of being young and carefree
b. The absence of illness or pain
c. A positive state of mental social and physical well being
d. A body condition with no risk of physical illness

The correct answer is: A positive state of mental social and physical well being

Question 9
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Emotion or affect refers to

Select one:
a. Personality
b. Social factors
c. How people feel about situations
d. What people think about situations

The correct answer is: How people feel about situations

Question 10
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According to the textbook a psychological approach in the absence of environmental change

is like ________

Select one:
a. an excellent idea
b. revolutionary and ingenious
c. whistling in the wind
d. a breath of fresh air

The correct answer is: whistling in the wind

Stress is best defined as a __________________

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Psychological reactions to some situation
c. Social relational and culturallybased reactions to some situation
d. All of these

The correct answer is: All of these

Question 2
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Many social and behavioral scientists refer to car wrecks and other kinds of accidents as

Select one:
a. Intentional injuries
b. Unintentional injuries
c. All of these
d. Events reflecting stress

The correct answer is: Unintentional injuries

Question 3
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The main function of the immune system is to

Select one:
a. Produce white blood cells
b. Produce red blood cells
c. Defend the body against injuries
d. Defend the body against pathogens

The correct answer is: Defend the body against pathogens

Question 4
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Researchers find that weak immune function is related to

Select one:
a. Both in women and men
b. Marital dissatisfaction
c. None of thee
d. Separation from a spouse

The correct answer is: Both in women and men

Question 5
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The most important factor in responding to stressors is

Select one:
a. The persons vulnerability
b. The persons perception
c. The persons health
d. The persons resources

The correct answer is: The persons perception

Question 6
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Walter Cannon introduced the idea of a reaction to stress that he called

Select one:
a. Post traumatic stress disorder
b. The Attack or Flee Andromeda Syndrome
c. Fightorflight Syndrome
d. General Adaptation Syndrome

The correct answer is: Fightorflight Syndrome

Question 7
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Suppression or weakening of our immune systems

Select one:
a. Is preferable following surgery
b. All of these
c. Stops infections before they can cause illness
d. Means the body is vulnerable to infection

The correct answer is: Means the body is vulnerable to infection

Question 8
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The relationship between stress and illness is described by saying

Select one:
a. Both of these
b. Stress results from illness and injury
c. None of these
d. Stress may cause illness and injury

The correct answer is: Both of these

Question 9
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When defining stress and stressors it may be said that

Select one:
a. Stressors are situations that cause stress
b. All of these
c. Stress is a condition of heightened alarm
d. Stress includes a reaction of the body to negative emotions

The correct answer is: All of these

Question 10
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The immune system helps protect the body against disease so scientists study the effect of
stress on

Select one:
a. A tendency to experience injuries of the musculoskeletal system
b. A tendency to frequent infections
c. Antibodies and natural killer cells
d. Both of these

The correct answer is: Both of these

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Which of the following has been implicated as a major factor affecting eating

Select one:
a. Lactase
b. Pepsin
c. Amylase
d. Laptin

The correct answer is: Laptin

Question 2
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Excessive alcohol use is

Select one:
a. the second leading preventable cause of death in the US
b. rare
c. the third leading preventable cause of death in the US
d. the leading preventable cause of death in the US

The correct answer is: the third leading preventable cause of death in the US

Question 3
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Select one:
a. Preferences are determined by experiences not genetics
b. Can act to reduce pain in children
c. May act as a pain reliever in adults
d. Is slowly released as a lasting source of energy

The correct answer is: Can act to reduce pain in children

Question 4
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When smokers stop smoking they may feel discomfort due to a change in blood gases
(more oxygen and less carbon monoxide) One solution to this is

Select one:
a. redefining smoking as an unpleasant experience
b. abruptly stopping smoking
c. using patches or gum
d. getting daily aerobic exercis

The correct answer is: getting daily aerobic exercis

Question 5
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Heavy drinking is defined as

Select one:
a. more than three drinks a day for men and more than one for women
b. more than four drink a day for men and women
c. more than two drinks a day for men and more than one for women
d. more than one drink a day for men and more than three for women

The correct answer is: more than two drinks a day for men and more than one for women

Question 6
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Question text

Outcomes of alcohol use and abuse include

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Birth defects and cancer of the breast
c. Both of these
d. Liver and brain cell damage

The correct answer is: Both of these

Question 7
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During pregnancy

Select one:
a. Both of these
b. None of these
c. Alcohol use can result in birth defects
d. Tobacco use can hinder fetal growth and development

The correct answer is: Both of these

Question 8
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Which nucleus within the hypothalamus controls the timing of sleep?

Select one:
a. Ventromedial
b. Paraventricular
c. Suprachiasmatic
d. Supraoptic

The correct answer is: Suprachiasmatic

Question 9
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Which of the following is not true regarding eating processes?

Select one:
a. Ghrelin activity may influence food cravings in the presence of stressors
b. Stressors may reduce the tendency to eat
c. Food selection is exclusively governed by physiological processes
d. Stressors may affect reward processes related to food

The correct answer is: Food selection is exclusively governed by physiological processes

Question 10
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Mechanical digestion includes

Select one:
a. Protein digestion with pepsin
b. Water and mineral reabsorption
c. Peristalsis which aids in the mixing of food
d. Protein digestion with hydrochloric acid

The correct answer is: Peristalsis which aids in the mixing of food

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Psychological aspects of pain include

Select one:
a. Beliefs and expectations
b. Pain thresholds
c. All of these
d. Pain tolerance

The correct answer is: All of these

Question 2
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C fiber cell bodies are located in the

Select one:
a. Vagus nerve
b. None of these
c. Dorsal root ganglia
d. Ventral root ganglia

The correct answer is: Dorsal root ganglia

Question 3
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C fibers release neuropeptides such as substance P CGRP and NO leading to dilation and
inflammation. This is called _____

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Afferent
c. Efferent
d. Both of these

The correct answer is: Efferent

Question 4
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Pain insensitivity syndrome is caused by a mutation of

Select one:
a. Sodium channels
b. Potassium channels
c. Glutamate receptors
d. GABA receptors

The correct answer is: Sodium channels

Question 5
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Spontaneous pain is called ____ and pain caused by innocuous stimuli is called ___________

Select one:
a. Hypoalgesia alladontic
b. Allodynia hyperalgesia
c. Hyperalgesia allodynia
d. Alladontic hypoalgesia

The correct answer is: Hyperalgesia allodynia

Question 6
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The Neuomatrix model of pain

Select one:
a. Denies what is believed about the gate control theory of pain
b. Both of these
c. Assumes pain is a unique experience regardless of the cause
d. Integrates the concept of stress from the Gate Control Theory

The correct answer is: Both of these

Question 7
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Pain perception can be modified by

Select one:
a. Emotions
b. Thoughts or cognitions
c. Social situations
d. All of these

The correct answer is: All of these

Question 8
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Touch crosses over at the ___ but pain crosses over at the ____

Select one:
a. Dorsal root ganglia medulla
b. Medulla spinal cord
c. Spinal cord thalamus
d. Thalamus cortex

The correct answer is: Medulla spinal cord

Question 9
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A process in which electrodes are placed on the skin near the site of pain and the area is
given a mild electrical shock is referred to as

Select one:
a. Biofeedback
b. Acupuncture
c. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
d. Electromagnetic therapy

The correct answer is: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Question 10
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Question text

Touch is mediated by

Select one:
a. Both of these
b. A beta
c. None of these
d. A alpha

The correct answer is: Both of these

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ECT is not useful in the treatment of

Select one:
a. Acute psychosis
b. Endogenous depression
c. Catatonic schizophrenia
d. Chronic schizophrenia

The correct answer is: Chronic schizophrenia

Question 2
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Question text

Dexamethasone suppression test can be used to diagnose:

Select one:
a. Phobia
b. Personality disorder
c. Schizophrenia
d. Depression

The correct answer is: Depression

Question 3
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Question text

Desensitization form of behaviors therapy for:

Select one:
a. Hypochondriacally neurosis
b. Depression
c. Anxiety neurosis
d. Phobic disorder

The correct answer is: Phobic disorder

Question 4
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Question text

Which of the following is true of ECT?

Select one:
a. Treatment of depression
b. All of these
c. Contraindicated in pregnancy
d. Require more than 180 volts

The correct answer is: Treatment of depression

Question 5
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In which of the following is behaviour therapy helpful:

Select one:
a. Schizophrenia
b. Personality disorders
c. Neurotic depression
d. Agoraphobia

The correct answer is: Agoraphobia

Question 6
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ECT causes

Select one:
a. None of these
b. Anterograde amnesia
c. Retrograde amnesia
d. Both of these

The correct answer is: Both of these

Question 7
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Absolute contraindication of ECT is:

Select one:
a. First trimester pregnancy
b. Raised intracranial tension
c. Third Trimester p. jgnancy
d. Second trimester pregnancy

The correct answer is: Raised intracranial tension

Question 8
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An absolute contraindication to ECT is:

Select one:
a. Brain tumour
b. Glaucoma
c. Aortic aneurysm
d. Myocardial disease

The correct answer is: Brain tumour

Question 9
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Cognitive therapy is useful for

Select one:
a. Schizophrenia
b. Mania
c. Depression
d. Paranoia

The correct answer is: Depression

Question 10
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Question text

Systemic desensitization is done in:

Select one:
a. Mania
b. Depression
c. Hypochondriasis
d. Phobia

The correct answer is: Phobia

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