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THE ARGENTINE invasion of the Falklands commenced at 4.30am on 2nd April 1982 as Commandos from the Special Forces unit Buzo Tactico,
spearheaded the junta’s operation to seize the islands. The capture of UK sovereign territory changed the national mood in Britain as the country stood
united in anger at the South American aggression.

THE arrival of Argentine scrap dealers at South Georgia had sounded alarm bells in Downing Street. Diplomatic efforts to resolve the situation with
Buenos Aires were now a priority. The junta claimed it was all a misunderstanding and London initially accepted the junta’s explanation, that the group
were innocent workers simply dismantling old iron whaling buildings as part of an agreed contract.

ARGENTINA erupted into celebration on 2nd April 1982 as the junta relished in the jubilation of their military success in seizing the Falkland Islands.
The public danced in the streets and flew national flags from taxis and buildings as a wave national excitement swept across the country. Buenos Aires
had not fought a war for more than 100 years. Morale was high and the economic problems were forgotten, at least for the short-term.

THE ROYAL NAVY was now on a war footing. Days before the Argentine invasion at a crisis meeting in Downing Street Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher
asked what military response could be generated if the Argentines did invade. The Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Sir Henry Leach, advised them that
‘Britain could and should send a task force if the islands are invaded’. The day before the invasion Admiral Sir Henry Leach attended another meeting at
which Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asked how long it would take to respond. He replied that the fleet would be ready within days and the aircraft
carriers HMS Hermes and HMS Invincible would head the force.

THE BRITISH military was now on the move, bound for the Falklands. Argentina had accused the UK of colonial rule, taken their claim to the United
Nations and invaded the Falklands. Now as Argentine troops massed on the islands, they had renamed Las Malvinas and did not expect the UK to
respond. Now a major force was heading to remove them – Britain was about to strike back.

THE BRITISH Task Force was now poised in the South Atlantic as commanders finalised their plans to launch the planned amphibious assault and
remove the Argentines from the islands. The junta’s air force continued to be a major threat and as the battle group assembled it would create a major
target opportunity for the enemy.



London believed Argentine President Leopoldo

Galtieri, was unlikely to resort to combat. Picture
AG/DPL Argentine Commandos were the first ashore into Port Stanley. Picture Charles Menzies/DPL

a severe recession gripped the country. Argentina that the UK was not giving was based on the pretext of removing a
Interest rates and unemployment soared, any priority to security in the region. derelict whaling station which had been
there was rioting in the streets and food Now was the time to strike. For decades, agreed in an earlier contract. In December
prices were at an all-time high. He needed ministers in London had failed to resolve 1981, the ice breaker ARA Almirante Iriza
to pull the country together and find a the Falklands issue and instead had given had called at South Georgia to assess the
way to save his political future. Previously, Buenos Aires hope that they could secure work. Then in 1982, the scrap workers
there had been a period of diplomatic sovereignty through negotiation. For had arrived aboard the 5,000-tonne
stability in which Argentina was given Downing street their political game of transport ship ARA Bahía Buen Suceso,
trade access to the Falklands, but since posturing and promises had failed – now they stepped ashore but instead of
seizing power the junta was desperate to the situation was about to get very ugly. removing the whaling station they raised
settle growing domestic unrest. Capturing On 19th March 1982, a group of the Argentine flag. At the time, a British
the Falklands would boost national pride Argentine scrap metal workers landed Antarctic Survey (BAS) team was the
and the announcement by London in 1981 ashore at Leith Harbour in South Georgia, only British presence at Leith and the
of major cuts to the Royal Navy, including an island which is part of the British BAS leader, Trefor Edwards, informed
the ice patrol ship HMS Endurance, based Falklands dependency and sits 800 miles London about the Argentine presence.
in the South Atlantic, sent a signal to south-east of the main islands. Their visit The Foreign Office requested that Edwards
pass a message to the commander of
the Argentine ship, Captain Briatore,
directing him to remove the flag, stop
any activity and put to sea. The Governor
of the Falkland Islands, Rex Hunt, who
was based in Port Stanley had also been
informed of events in South Georgia.
After consulting London, Hunt ordered
the ice patrol ship HMS Endurance, which
had just arrived in the Falklands, to head
for South Georgia with a party of 22 Royal
Marine Commandos embarked. It was
a distance of 800 miles and would take
several days, by which time Downing
Street hoped the unwelcome guests would
have packed their bags and gone. The
political pressure in London was now
rising, but still ministers failed to grasp
the political aspirations of the military
junta in Buenos Aires.
Argentine commanders were now just
weeks away from ordering a top-secret ➽
The scrap workers had arrived aboard the 5,000-tonne transport ship ARA Bahía Buen Suceso. Picture AG/DPL

Aerial picture of Port Stanley. Picture David Reynolds/DPL


Left: In December
1981, the ice breaker
ARA Almirante Iriza
had called at South
Georgia. Picture AG/
Right: Foreign office
minister Richard Luce
MP made a statement
to the House of
Commons on South
Georgia. Picture UK

operation to mount an amphibious assault and did not want to believe that the junta matter up with the Argentine authorities
on the islands. Prime Minister Margaret would invade. In reflection, military in Buenos Aires and the Argentine
Thatcher and her cabinet were concerned commanders later thought that the embassy in London and, following our
at the arrival of the Argentines in South Argentine scrap dealers in South Georgia approach, the ship and most of the
Georgia, but not convinced that the scrap was simply a military distraction to ensure personnel left on 21st March. However,
dealers were connected to anything more that HMS Endurance would be diverted to the base commander has reported
serious. Politicians now made telephone the region, removing any British maritime that a small number of men and some
calls to counterparts in Washington in a capability to oppose the Argentine force. equipment remain. We are therefore
bid to find out what American intelligence But Galtieri had underestimated the making arrangements to ensure their early
could advise through their sources. But British resolve. departure.” In response to a question from
the Americans had very little to report, On 23rd March 1982, the junior foreign Labour’s Denis Healy, Mr Luce added:
they had left the monitoring of intelligence office minister Richard Luce MP made a “Yes, for a short period the Argentine flag
in the South Atlantic to the Brits. US brief statement to the House of Commons was planted. It has now been removed.
diplomats sought to offer political support, about developments in South Georgia. We are making arrangements to ensure
but they too did not believe that the junta He said: “We were informed on 20th that those who remain at Leith harbour
would use military force in the South March by the commander of the British will not do so for very much longer.” But
Atlantic. They dismissed any suggestion Antarctic survey base at Grytviken on the UK government was keen to avoid
of an invasion. The Foreign Secretary, South Georgia that a party of Argentines conflict, not least because just a year
Lord Peter Carrington, was coming had landed at Leith harbour. The base earlier in 1981 the then defence secretary
under increased political pressure about commander informed the Argentine John Nott had approved widespread
Argentina’s intent – which he could not party that its presence was illegal as it reductions across the Royal Navy.
answer. London had failed to identify the had not obtained his prior authority for At the time, Britain and Europe were
increasing activity in the South Atlantic the landing. We immediately took the feeling the impact of the recession,
which was biting hard. In January 1982,
unemployment in the UK hit three
million, for the first time since the 1930s.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was
constantly given a rough ride by the then
leader of the opposition, Michael Foot
and plans to cut naval assets gave the
opposition plenty of political ammunition.
Amid a wider spending review, the then
defence secretary John Nott was now
directed to make savings.
The Nott Review focussed on the
international context of a Soviet build up
and the domestic perspective of a severe
economic downturn amid the requirement
to control public spending. It was agreed
that the UK would purchase the American
Trident missile systems to replace Polaris
and maintain the nuclear deterrent,
which the Royal Navy’s submarine force
would continue to carry. But the pending
South Georgia had a reputation as a haven for wild birds. Picture BAS/DPL Nott plan was set to inflict serious
equipment cuts to the armed forces and in dispute between Britain and Argentina The UN recommendation was not what
particular the fleet. Nott’s proposal would over the Falkland Islands and recognised London wanted; any negotiation would
leave a future fleet with no carriers, no that the case of the Falklands is framed give legitimacy to Argentina’s claim of
amphibious assault ships and included in a colonial situation. It added that sovereignty. But the Falkland Islands were
the retirement of HMS Endurance, the this should be taken into consideration, not top of the Foreign Office’s concerns.
ice patrol ship known as the red plum. adding that a previously passed resolution In 1964, Britain was engaged in a counter-
The defence secretary’s announcement called for the goal of eliminating all forms insurgency operation in Aden and Brunei,
had sent a message that the UK fleet was of colonialism. Finally, the UN called on while the Cold War focussed the minds of
downsizing and removing the Falklands the UK and Argentina to find a peaceful ministers and Army commanders.
guard ship, HMS Endurance, leaving conclusion, while taking into account the In September 1964, islanders had been
almost no presence in the islands. interest of the inhabitants of the islands. shocked when an Argentine pilot landed
In the 1960s, the Argentines had been Politicians in Argentina were delighted his Cessna plane on the Stanley racecourse
encouraged by the UK’s decolonisation that the UN recognised their claim. and erected his national flag. The
of African countries. In 1964, the government in Buenos Aires apologised,
administration of President Arturo but in response, the UK Ministry of
Umberto Illia, had observed the handover Defence sent the then ice patrol ship
of sovereignty from the UK monarch to a HMS Protector to the Falklands in 1965
new Republican administration in what and landed a party of Royal Marines,
had been Rhodesia. Ministers in Buenos about 32 in number. The majority of the
Aires believed the UK had colonised the group left at the end of the year leaving
Falklands and should therefore hand them a small group of Argentine activists to
back. They took their claim for sovereignty believe that all the marines had left – they
of the Falklands to the United Nations and hadn’t. In 1966, a military coup in Buenos
on 16th December 1965, the UN General Aires ousted President Illia and a junta
Assembly voted to pass resolution 2065. It of military commanders ran the country
recognised the existence of a sovereignty for the next four years. Talks with ➽

The UK defence budget in 1981 was focussed

on the purchase of the American Trident
missile systems. Picture US/DPL


The Argentine destroyer ARA Almirante Storni which fired on the Shackleton. Picture DPL

guarantee support for military action Political stalemate now followed and Aires government. He was accompanied
against the Falklands. But again, it was the islanders made their opinion very by two members of the Falklands islands
declined. Anaya was furious. Keen to keep clear through the island’s legislative council – they wanted all negotiations
his cohorts happy, Videla was persuaded council – they wanted a freeze on all to be frozen, they offered no room for
to approve landing a force of 50 personnel negotiations with Buenos Aires. In May manoeuvre – and there was no further
on Southern Thule – one of three British 1979, Margaret Thatcher was elected progress to be made. The Falklands policy
sovereign areas in the Sandwich islands Prime Minister. She appointed Lord was now in shreds.
east of the Falklands. Michael Carrington to head the Foreign Now in late 1981, John Nott’s pending
In November 1976, the unit from the Office and John Nott as defence secretary. defence review was about to send a clear
Argentine Air Force landed on Thule and Among her other appointments was message to Argentina that the UK was
built a military base including a weather Nichols Ridley as a junior foreign office reducing its commitment in the South
station. They erected the Argentine flag minister. He was eager to impress and Atlantic. To the dismay of the Royal Navy,
and re-named the island Corbeta Uruguay. resolve the Falklands issue. His plan was the planned spending cuts included the
A month later, London discovered the based on securing a leaseback deal with retirement, with no replacement, of the ice
incursion and protested to Buenos Aires. Argentina which would provide security patrol ship HMS Endurance. As if to add
The government deployed a nuclear for the islanders and maintain political insult to injury, a new British Nationality
submarine, HMS Dreadnaught and two relations with Buenos Aires happy. His Bill was now proposed, which by default
frigates, HMS Phoebe and HMS Alacrity, plans raised concerns in Downing Street also included fourth-generation settlers in
as well as the support ships RFA Resurgent and in November 1980, Ridley returned colonies such as Gibraltar and the Falklands.
and RFA Olwen, to deter any threat to to the Falklands to seek support for the But while an amendment did include
the Falklands, but ruled out direct action leaseback option. On return, in December Gibraltar more than 800 Falkland islanders
against the force on Thule. The occupation he presented his plans to the House of did not qualify – they were furious.
of Thule was leaked to the public in Commons, but he was savaged by MPs (This was amended in 1983 to grant full
1979 and the junta’s forces remained who opposed his proposals. The initiative citizenship to all islanders). In Argentina,
on Southern Thule until six days after was sunk. In 1981, Argentina was working the junta had monitored the bill closely
the war in 1982 had ended. On 20 June hard to rebuild relations with the United and believed that London was shaping the
1982, Royal Marines landed on Thule in States as Washington aimed to increase ground to stand back from the Falklands.
a mission codenamed Operation Keyhole its influence in South America. In Spring The islanders had a similar opinion and
and captured the Argentines who failed to 1981, Nicholas Ridley travelled to New the Nationality Bill convinced many that
put up any resistance. York to meet representatives of the Buenos Downing Street had cast them aside. ➽
On 30th June 1981, the House
of Lords debated the dispute over
sovereignty. Lord Buxton of Alsa asked
the Government whether they would
be holding further discussions with the
Argentine Government concerning the
Falkland Islands. He said: “The situation
over the Falkland Islands is getting more
serious, not so much as a result of this
Government’s initiative, which I support,
but as a result of traditional British
indifference and the apparent disposition
to wash our hands of the problem as soon
as possible. Practically at no time that I
know of have Her Majesty’s Government
ever shown a tendency towards firmness
and flag-waving. We are all well aware,
and it has often been pointed out in this
House – for instance, last December and
last February – that a resolution of the
dispute with Argentina must be found,
in one form or another, or the British “I am disturbed by what has come to
community will ultimately face economic light in the recent Statement on defence Above: Argentine soldiers in Port Stanley.
collapse. cuts. It is reported that this country’s
“The need for a settlement is not based only presence in the Antarctic, HMS Right: The Falklands were sparsely
on the Argentine claim to sovereignty. Endurance, is to be withdrawn in 1982. populated with small hamlets at Darwin,
There was no great problem before the All that would remain in that event Goose Green and the largest population
coming of jet air travel. In the old days, would be the two British Antarctic being in Stanley. Picture David Reynolds/
communications between Britain and the Survey vessels, which are also being DPL
Falkland Islands were by sea and vessels subjected to cuts of paltry proportions,
went to and fro without being obliged to but on such a marginal basis any cuts
call at any particular country en route. will have critical consequences. A serious who have been there for four or five
But today, the only regular connection prospect arises for the Falklanders over generations. There is no other case in
with the Falklands is by small jets of the the British Nationality Bill. It is argued what remains of British possessions
Argentine Air-force seating 40 passengers that any special measures provided for overseas that could be compromised
and flying now only once a week. This the Falklands could have knock-on by the Falklands. Either we must
flies between an airport in the far south effects for places like Hong Kong. That ensure that the Falkland Islands remain
of Argentina at Comodoro Rivadavia and is manifestly absurd because there is no British forever, or the handful of our
Port Stanley, and this is the only regular comparison. There are no indigenous compatriots must have full British
communication between the Falkland natives in the Falklands – only 1,800 citizenship. We cannot have it both ways.
Islands and the outside world. dyed-in-the-wool British citizens We cannot deny them full citizenship

Argentine Pucara aircraft were produced in the country and played a major role in Falklands. Picture AG/DPL

Right: Cap badge of the Royal Marines – just a small detachment was based on the Falklands.


and at the same time be wet about health. Social unrest continued and the the junta and more importantly himself.
their future. I should be grateful for an military junta appointed Horacio Tomas In late 1981, he saw his opportunity;
assurance from the Minister on that Liendo, who lasted one month before secret plans were now being drawn up.
point because without it I feel that we being replaced by interim President The only British opposition was the ice
must in due course table an amendment Carlos Lacoste. He then served three patrol ship HMS Endurance. The arrival
to the Nationality Bill to protect the weeks before the junta-appointed the of scrap dealers had called the ship away.
future of the islanders”. This was made in former Army General Leopoldo Galtieri Now in late March, the Falklands were
1983. as a permanent head. His regime was exposed with just a few lightly armed
Since 1976, Argentina had been run accused of directing a ‘dirty war’ against Royal Marines stationed on the islands
by President Jorge Rafael Videla and his groups who opposed his government as a defence force. Striking now would
military junta, then in March 1981, Videla with claims of murder, corruption and guarantee success. Galtieri’s gamble was
handed power to naval officer Roberto people going missing. Galtieri needed that he could bring his country together
Eduardo Viola who only served for a few a solution to turn the economy around, and remain in office. The political conflict
months before standing down due to ill stop the rioting and generate support for was about to erupt. ■

After the landing on Thule, the UK deployed HMS Phoebe (pictured), the nuclear submarine and frigate HMS Alacrity. Picture Royal Navy


ARA Piedrabuena, a former US Navy Allen M Summer-class destroyer in service
The Argentine Type 42 destroyer ARA Hercules. Picture AG/DPL with Argentine forces in 1982. Picture AG/DPL

The nearest UK air support to the Falklands was a small RAF unit of four Harriers from 1417 Squadron unit based in Belize. Picture RAF

more than 800 miles from the Falklands Previously, it had been governed as part they were overwhelmed. The Argentine
in the middle of the Southern Atlantic. of the Falkland Islands Dependencies. force suspected that the British had landed
Historically, the island had been a base for Argentina claimed South Georgia in 1927 marines in the area around Grytviken.
whale fishing – but while this had ended – and claimed the South Sandwich Islands On 3 April, Captain Astiz the Argentine
several buildings remained around Leith. in 1938. In 1976, Argentine military force commander in Grytviken sent out
The British Antarctic Survey visited the forces had landed on Thule island in the a repeating radio message around South
island every year. The United Kingdom Sandwich islands and renamed it Corbeta Georgia urging the marines to surrender.
claimed sovereignty over South Georgia Uruguay. In March 1982 they were still Astiz stated that the British in Port Stanley
in 1775 and the South Sandwich Islands there. had surrendered the day before and the
in 1908. The territory of ‘South Georgia Royal Marine Lt Keith Mills briefed his Argentine forces were now in control.
and the South Sandwich Islands’ was later men to shoot only in self-defence, not Several hours later, the corvette ARA
formed in 1985 three years after the war. endanger life and avoid surrender unless Guerrico approached the harbour ➽

the islands was codenamed Operation

Rosario and saw the deployment of a Above: The
significant part of Argentina’s Navy. Argentine ship
Planners formed three task groups which ARA Bathia
would include destroyers and the Navy’s Paraiso which
only aircraft carrier and her protection was involved in
force, the landing ships and their escorts events at South
– a separate task force had been directed Georgia. Picture
to South Georgia. The carrier group, Task Royal Navy
Force 20, was spearheaded by the carrier
ARA Veinticinco de Mayo, which acted Right: ARA
as flagship, her escorts included the ARA Guerrico a
Comodoro Py, a Gearing-class destroyer, Drummond-class
as well as three ageing former US Navy corvette. Picture
Allen M Sumner-class destroyers; ARA AG/DPL
Comodoro Segui, ARA Hipólito Bouchard
and ARA Piedrabuena. In addition, the Below: Map of
fleet tanker ARA Punta Médanos sailed South Georgia
with the force.
The carrier had undergone a refit in
1981, when she received an update to her
radar, arresting gear, steam catapult and
the port side angled deck was enhanced

with an enlarged sponson. These upgrades

aimed to enable the carrier to operate the
Super Etendard strike aircraft purchased
from France. But during testing, the
catapult had difficulties launching the
aircraft. Instead, in the short term, her
immediate strike air-wing was limited to
the A-4Q Skyhawks. The 19,900-tonne
carrier gave the Argentines the ability
to deliver to secure the airspace above
the Falklands, which would be vital in
winning any war.
The second group Task Force 40
included the British designed and built
Type 42 destroyers ARA Santisima
Trinidad, the flagship, and her sister ship
ARA Hercules. The force also included
the landing ships ARA Cabo San Antonio
and ARA De Soto County as well as the
corvettes ARA Granville and Drummond,
the ice breaker ARA Almirante Irizar, the
supply ship ARA Isla de los Estados and
the submarine ARA Sante Fe. A diesel- The Argentines also had two German major NATO power – it was not trained
powered boat she had been a former US Type 209 conventional powered or equipped for such a mission. The
Navy submarine and had served in the submarines, which they named the Salta- Argentine Fleet Air Arm only had two
1950s as USS Catfish. In addition, the class – named ARA Salta and ARA San tanker aircraft to serve the whole air force
corvette ARA Guerrico and the Antarctic Louis. A third, former US submarine, and navy, and its fighter-bomber Mirage
survey ship ARA Bahia Paraiso were named the Santa Fe was also on service. 111s and IAI Daggers were not equipped
assigned to operation in South Georgia. After the carrier, the Argentine fleet’s for aerial refuelling. Their operational
The ARA Guerrico had limped away from biggest vessel was the former US Navy strategy had been focussed on a conflict
South Georgia after a fierce engagement Brooklyn-class light cruiser now in service with Chile resulting from the Beagle
with the small Royal Marine force. as the ARA General Belgrano. After the border dispute. Argentina’s fleet of A-4
The junta’s naval force also included a initial assault on the Falklands, the plan Skyhawk attack jets was in very poor
number of merchant vessels to ferry fuel, was that Belgrano would sail south of condition.
equipment and munitions to the islands. the Falklands and spearhead a new Task The arms embargo placed by the United
In addition, the Argentines recruited Force, codenamed TF79.2, while the States in 1976, due to the ‘Dirty War’ of
a number of ‘spy’ trawlers who sat off carrier group remained north as TF79.1. torture and mis-treatment of innocent
the Falklands listening and collating The Drummond corvettes sat to the civilians had cut the supply of spare
information. One of them, the Narwal, was north east as TF 79.4, there was no doubt parts and left most aircraft unusable.
attacked by a Harrier during the conflict Argentina’s force was significant and The small air arm of the Argentine Navy
and later captured by Royal Marines. highly capable. was in the middle of the transition from
Other included the Constanza, Invierno, The Argentine Air Force had never the A-4Q Skyhawk to the new Super
Captain Canepa, Maria Luisa, Usurbil, Mar considered the possibility of waging a Etendard. Only five of the Etendard’s
Azul and the cargo vessel Rio de la Plata. long-range naval air campaign against a anti-ship Exocet missiles, purchased ➽
Right: Super Étendard fighter aircraft. These
aircraft carried the Exocet missile. Picture

Below right:Argentine purchased 39

Dagger fighters from Israel in 1978. Picture

Bottom right: The Exocet AM-39

anti-ship missile as carried by the Argentine
Super Étendard warplanes during the
Falkland War.

from France, had been delivered at the

time of the conflict, at which point an
arms embargo prevented the delivery
of further shipments. Additionally, the
programming contract to link the missiles
to interact with the Etendard’s computers
had not been completed by French
engineers when the conflict broke out in
1982. France, being an ally of the United
Kingdom, recalled all technicians, which
left Argentine scientists and electronic
engineers to figure out a way to configure
the missiles to the plane’s combat control
Navy pilots, particularly those of the 3rd
Naval Fighters Squadron flying A-4Qs
were the only ones trained in bombing
warships. Air Force pilots trained during
April against the two Argentine Type 42
destroyers, identical to those of the British
Fleet. According to Argentine naval officers,
all the exercises resulted in the planes
being shot down, causing concern to the
High Command. The Argentines were now
bound for the Falklands and only hours
away from landing their troops. Governor
Rex Hunt had warned islanders and the
Royal Marines had deployed around
Stanley. But the British troops were facing
a hopeless task as they faced thousands of
enemy troops who were preparing to drive
ashore in armoured vehicles.
Called the LVTP7 (Landing Vehicle
Track), the vehicle first entered service with
the US Marine Corps in the early 1970s.
Weighing in at 26 tons and able to carry 25
marines, Argentina bought dozens in the
1970s. The next 24 hours of activity would
cast a shadow of shame and humiliation
over the UK. Galtieri was now confident
that his gamble had paid off. But despite
catching Downing street off guard, he and
his cohorts in the junta had underestimated
the response of Mrs Thatcher and in
particular the Royal Navy and the UK’s
armed forces. The junta enjoyed their
victory, but it was to be short-lived. ■
Rosario ARGENTINA erupted into celebration on 2 April 1982, as the junta relished in
the jubilation of their military success in seizing the Falkland Islands. The public
danced in the streets and flew national flags from taxis and buildings as a wave
of national excitement swept across the country. Buenos Aires had not fought a
war for more than 100 years. Morale was high and the economic problems were
forgotten, at the least for the short-term.


Argentine troops pictured shortly after arriving in the Falklands.

Left: The 2,300 tonne Santa Fe, a Balao-class sub, had been purchased from the
United States in 1971. Picture AG/DPL

which was obstructed with barbed wire. A further section was placed on Murray the enemy. The ship using visual lookouts
Norman deployed four sections, one Heights behind Government House and her radar, mounted two patrols, the
with two machine guns at Hooker’s Point to provide warning of any Argentines first sailing just before 3am did not pick
which would cover one of the approaches approaching from the south. An up on anything, but the second journey at
to the airfield. Then to the west of them, Observation Post (OP) was also set up on 5am identified ships coming from the east
near the airfield, another section was Sapper Hill in the form of a lone marine and more ships heading towards Yorke
placed – armed with a machine gun and – he was equipped with a motorcycle for Bay.
an 84mm Carl Gustav anti-tank weapon. a quick getaway. The headquarters group At 0330hrs. Forrest confirmed that
They were also equipped with several remained at Government House, with warships were manoeuvring off Cape
66mm light anti-tank missiles. A third Major Noott, ensuring the Governor was Pembroke. At 0430hrs. The OP on Sapper
section was positioned nearby close to an safe. Norman planned to place himself Hill reported helicopter activity near
air navigation beacon. The task for these at Look-out Rocks, on the edge of the Mullet Creek. The Argentine Special
sections was to delay the enemy for as town to the southeast so he could direct Forces, the Buzo Tactico, had landed
long as possible before withdrawing back the troops on the ground. In addition, to the south-west of Stanley, near Port
to Government House. the motor vessel Forrest set out to sea on Harriet. Major Norman had realised he
On the other side of Stanley, a fourth a surveillance mission to monitor the needed to get back to Government House.
section, also armed with an 84mm Carl waters off Port William to the north. The He had expected an attack from the north-
Gustav, was poised ready to engage enemy vessel was owned by the Falkland Islands east, but instead, they had approached
landing craft or shipping which tried to government and had been used frequently from the south and marched straight
get through the narrow entrance to the by the Royal Marines to transit them on towards Moody Brook barracks. Norman
harbour. They had a Gemini inflatable security patrols around the Falklands. On had been caught off-guard. He managed
boat so they could make a dash for it along the night of the invasion, the ship was to get back to Government House, but
the coastline back to Government House. ordered to sea to try and locate any sign of two of his sections did not have time to ➽

President Galtieri visiting his troops in the

Falklands. Picture DPL

Right: Argentine troops using a field kitchen.

Picture AG/DPL



Above: The Argentine aircraft carrier ARA Right: Royal Navy nuclear submarines
Veinticinco de Mayo. Picture DPL were now in the South Atlantic. Picture Guy
Below: Argentine aircrew enjoy their
moment of victory and pose with a Bottom: Royal Marines taken prisoner are
captured Union Jack flag. Picture AG flown to the Argentine – but they were soon to
return as part of J Company 42 Commando.

landing craft trying to pass through the

narrows into the harbour and fired their
84mm Carl Gustav at the ship. Its round is
understood to have seriously damaged the
craft and killed a number of Argentines.
The section radioed the headquarters at
Government House and reported several
major warships off the coast. But they
lost radio contact and were now on their
own. They then used a small inflatable
to escape, remaining undetected for four
To the east of Stanley, more Amtracs
were now coming ashore, they were
carrying elements of the 2nd Marine
Infantry Battalion and deployed from the
tank landing ship ARA Cabo San Antonio
at Yorke Bay. They were being watched
by a section of Royal Marines under the
command of Lieutenant Bill Trollope. The
column of vehicles now drove along the
airport road towards Stanley, with three
Amtracs in the front. It was almost 7.15am Small but intense actions were now to withdraw to Government House,
as they moved along the road they were widespread, as the marines slowly fell meeting up with Corporal David Carr’s
engaged by a section of Royal Marines back to Government House as ordered. section along the way. But as they moved
armed with the 84mm Carl Gustav and Some of the sections could not make through the edges of the town, they came
66mm LAW rockets – at a range of about it due to being under heavy fire. The under fire at every street corner and
200 to 250 metres. The first three missiles, headquarters was under continuous attack it was eventually so heavy they had to
two 84mm and one 66mm, missed. Then a from Buzo Tactico commandos, who abandon their plan. Corporals Geordie
66mm fired by Marine Mark Gibbs hit the repeatedly tried to storm the building. Gill and Terry Pares, both snipers, both
passenger compartment of the first vehicle The Marines were in confident if anxious armed with L42 rifles had engaged and
and an 84mm fired by marines George mood and carried on the fight. The killed a number of the attackers. The two
Brown and Danny Betts hit the front of Argentines had now surrounded the men acted as a team with one spotting
the Amtrac. Both rounds exploded and building and the marines were under targets and the other firing. The firing
no fire was received from that vehicle. The fire from three directions. The Governor, continued as more Argentines arrived at
remaining five Amtracs which were about Rex Hunt, learned by telephone that Government House. Governor Rex Hunt
600 metres away deployed their troops the enemy force was advancing in telephoned Radio Stanley, where Patrick
and opened fire. The marines engaged large numbers and would soon be at Watts had been broadcasting throughout
them with machine-gun fire from the Government House and they would the invasion, and told him that he thought
GPMG team, SLRs from the section and soon be overwhelmed. Corporal Lou there were as many as 200 Argentines
sniper Sergeant Ernie Shepherd, armed Armour, who commanded ‘One Section’, now at Government House. The building
with an L42. They then threw a smoke was positioned at Hookers Point when was peppered with bullet holes as
grenade and leap-frogged back with heavy the invasion began. Shortly after the Amtracs and armoured vehicles were now
incoming fire now directed at them. attack on Moody Brook, he was ordered advancing on the Governor’s location. ➽

Before deploying the marines underwent live firing training with machine guns The British marines based in the Falklands took part in regular training
and rifles. Picture FDPL exercises. Picture DPL

The Royal Marines at Government advised Governor Hunt that the Royal troops were ashore. The British marines had
saw the approaching Amtracs. Sailors Marines and the governor could break now fired 6,450 small-arms rounds and 12
from HMS Endurance, who had remained out to the countryside and set up a ‘seat of rockets – Governor Hunt was now thinking
in Stanley when the ship sailed for South government’ elsewhere. By now Argentine about his options. He had previously served
Georgia, began to shred and burn official forces heavily outnumbered the small Royal as Consul-General at the British Embassy in
documents. Major Norman had earlier Marine detachment – close to 2,000 enemy Saigon in January and was there at the time

Brigadier Thompson picture with his planning staff at Stonehouse barracks, headquarters of 3 Commando Brigade. Picture DPL


of the fall of South Vietnam in 1975, he had told him to surrender adding there was training to surrender, but his good sense
seen at first hand the savages of war. He no alternative, he was surrounded by told him that there was no real alternative.
knew the marines could not defeat the more than 2,000 troops who were now As Gary Noott accompanied Busser to
huge Argentine force and he did not want on the Malvinas and more were landing. tend the wounded around Government
to see any of his marines killed. It was a hard decision for Governor Hunt House, Mike told his radio operator to
They wanted to fight to the end, but to make, but he told Norman to stop instruct all sections to down arms and
Hunt, he decided to stop. Shortly after firing, an order which was not welcomed wait to be collected.”
9.30am he agreed to speak with the by the marines. Hunt later said: “With a The captured Royal Marines were loaded
Argentine naval commander Admiral heavy heart, I turned to Mike and told into a C-130 Hercules and flown to
Carlos Busser. He told Busser: “You have him to give the order to lay down arms. Comodoro Rivadavia and then transferred
landed unlawfully on British territory, and I could not bring myself to use the word to a Uruguay airliner and flown to the
I order you to remove yourself and your ‘surrender’. Mike’s face was a mixture of UK. Governor Hunt and his wife were
troops forthwith.” The Argentine relief and anguish: it was not part of his flown in a separate aircraft. Back in the ➽

Above: British Special

Forces were now preparing
to leave the UK – they would
spearhead operations in the
Falklands. Picture DPL

Left: Argentine Special

Forces troops had been
trained with other South
American nations. Before the
war. Picture AG/DPL

Right: HMS Hermes and

HMS Broadsword on the
way to the Falklands. Picture
Royal Navy



Before the invasion Argentine marines had recently taken part in exercises Buenos Aires had purchased the Amtracs from the US government.
where they tested their Amtracs. Picture AG/DPL Picture AG/DPL

UK, the marines and sailors were treated calling on the governments of Argentina already on their way, elements of the UK’s
to a heroes’ welcome when they landed and the United Kingdom to seek a special forces were preparing to head to
on 5 April, at RAF Brize Norton. As diplomatic solution to the situation and to the South Atlantic and the RAF and Fleet
they drank tea at the RAF airfield, they refrain from further military action. Air Arm were drawing up plans for the
received the news that raised their morale. Meanwhile in the UK at 3 Commando air component of the force. They would
Those that wanted to would be issued new Brigade in Plymouth, planning was join the carriers HMS Hermes and HMS
clothing and would be heading back to the underway for a major operational Invincible which would head the battle
Falklands. deployment. A Royal Navy task force was group. As the naval force sailed, the RAF
On 3 April 1982, the United Nations being prepared and in London, military made the first strike against the Argentine.
Security Council passed Resolution 502 staff were drawing up a list of commercial They flew a Vulcan bomber to Stanley to hit
demanding an immediate withdrawal of ships that could be requisitioned to support the airfield. It was the first of seven raids.
all Argentine forces from the islands and the Task Force. Nuclear submarines were The Empire was about to strike back. ■

The Argentine marines had taken part in amphibious exercises before the April invasion, but they had little experience. Picture DPL


Royal Navy nuclear power
submarines were now heading for
the South Atlantic. Picture DPL
The aircraft carrier HMS Hermes on
its way to the Falklands. Picture RN

THE ROYAL NAVY was now on a war footing. Days before the Argentine invasion
at a crisis meeting in Downing Street, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asked
what military response could be generated if the Argentines did invade. The
Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Sir Henry Leach, advised them that ‘Britain
could and should send a task force if the islands are invaded’. The day before
the invasion Admiral Sir Henry Leach attended another meeting at which
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher asked how long it would take to respond. He
replied that the fleet would be ready within days and the aircraft carriers HMS
Hermes and HMS Invincible would head the force.

ronically, just months earlier John being prepared for war. The military, in As daylight dawned on 2 April 1982, the
Nott, the defence secretary, had particular the Navy, were quietly furious triumphant Argentine force celebrated
listed these two carriers, along- with Nott and his planned cuts, the fleet in and around Port Stanley, they took
with the amphibious assault ships was now fighting for its future. On the souvenir pictures of themselves and after
HMS Fearless and HMS Intrepid, for day the Argentines invaded, the Admiral’s they had secured Government House,
withdrawal from the fleet as part of office had sent a warning order to the the airfield and the harbour, Argentine
government cost-cutting plans drawn fleet raising their readiness for operations. commanders focussed on establishing
up in the 1981 review. In February 1982, Later in the day, after a subdued meeting their force. Troops tore down signs
the Australian government had agreed in Downing Street, Admiral Leach ordered at Stanley airfield and replaced them
to buy HMS Invincible for £175 million. a further signal to be sent it was clear and with ones proclaiming the ‘Malvinas
Now having escaped being sold or sent direct, it said: ‘The task force is to be made airport’. Air controllers took over the air
to the scrapyard, these warships were ready and sailed.’ traffic control centre, command and ➽

communications units were located on the pods or could be fitted with 7.62 machine and Puma helicopters were pictured
airfield and a massive logistics operation guns. The Pucaras, were not fast but they at the airfield. Within days, Argentine
commenced to bring in more troops and were ideal to support ground forces and commanders pushed an air group,
equipment. Pucara ground attack aircraft provide forward reconnaissance missions. consisting of Pucaras, a Sky-van and a
flew in, four arriving on the day of the In addition, air force commanders Turbo Mentor, to Pebble Island. A second
invasion and another eight landing six deployed C-130 Hercules transport airbase was established at Goose Green
days later. These Argentine-made aircraft aircraft to Stanley and a Shorts Sky-van again with Pucaras. Aircraft at these bases
were ideal for the Falklands, their short in the aero-medical role. The Argentine presented a direct threat to the task force
take-off and landing capability suited the Navy also deployed a Grumman S02 and potentially any UK invasion force.
small airfields at Pebble island and Goose Tracker to mount anti-submarine warfare In addition, an infantry force of more
Green where some would be based. They operations. Fokker F-27 passenger aircraft than 1,000 troops was deployed to Goose
carried unguided bombs and 2.75in rocket flew in troops and Chinook, Sikorsky Green, while other troops deployed to

Argentine personnel remove signs at the airport and erect new ones proclaiming Malvinas aerodrome. Picture AG/DPL


Pebble Island. Reinforcing the Falkland’s
was a challenge after the UK announced
the Maritime Exclusion Zone. Civilian
cargo vessels were requisitioned to ferry
equipment, aviation and vehicle fuel, food,
ammunition and additional weapons.
The ships hired included the Rio Cincel,
Rio Caraarana, Formosa , Córdoba, Bahía
Buen, Isla de Los Estafos, Yehuín and the
Mar del Norte.
After events at South Georgia, Downing
Street had already taken contingency
action and deployed the support ship RFA
Fort Austin to support the ice patrol ship in the South Atlantic. Admiral Leach now
HMS Endurance in the South Atlantic. sent a signal to Woodward ordering him Above: Argentine forces
The tanker RFA Appleleaf was directed to to ‘co-ordinate his task group and prepare pictured at the airport.
Gibraltar to collect additional stores then covertly to go south’. His force included Picture AG/DPL
head south. The first of three nuclear- HMS Broadsword, HMS Brilliant, HMS
powered submarines had sailed and two Battleaxe, HMS Active as well as the four Opposite: The carrier
others were about to leave within weeks Leander-class frigates HMS Dido, HMS HMS Invincible which
HMS Splendid, HMS Spartan and HMS Aurora, HMS Euryalus and HMS Ariadne. joined HMS Hermes as
Conqueror would soon be in the waters He could not take all of them as they the two Harrier platforms.
around the Falklands. By chance more were short on stores. Woodward and his Picture RN/DPL
than a dozen, Royal Navy warships of staff selected seven warships, based on
the First Flotilla were in the Atlantic capability and headed south. This advance
taking part in routine manoeuvres called force included the County-class destroyers Below: Two Super
Exercise Spring Train. The Flag Officer HMS Antrim, HMS Glamorgan, the Type Étendard fighter aircraft
of the flotilla, Rear Admiral Woodward, 42 air defence destroyers HMS Coventry, which were the platforms
was based aboard HMS Antrim and had HMS Glasgow, HMS Sheffield, the Type for the Exocet. Picture
received a signal from Admiral Leach 21 frigate HMS Arrow and the Type 22 AG/DPL
warning him of the deteriorating situation HMS Brilliant. The remaining ships, ➽


responsibility for the intelligence failures.
He was replaced by Francis Pym. Left: The Type
In the early hours of 2 April 1982, 21 Amazon-class
Major General Jeremy Moore received were among the
a telephone call informing him that the initial ships who
Argentines were about to mount an armed deployed to the
invasion. Moore could not believe what he South Atlantic.
was hearing. In disbelief, he dressed and David Reynolds/
made his way to the brigade headquarters DPL
in Plymouth. Brigadier Julian Thompson
headed for the same location. Many staff Below: F4-9B
officers were away planning for a future – The Leander-
NATO exercise and with the available staff class frigate HMS
officers, an initial plan was made while Euryalus. Picture
the remainder of the headquarters officers AG/DPL
were ordered to get back as quickly as
possible. The brigade was now put at
immediate readiness to move. At Bickleigh
barracks on the edge of Dartmoor, Lt Col
Nick Vaux was due to be driven to the
airport for a flight to America. Instead he
was driven to the meeting with Moore and
General Moore was a dedicated marine
he had joined the Corps in 1947. His
father had served in the Army and Major
General Moore had fought against the
EOKA in Cyprus, led a famous attack
against insurgents at Limbang in Borneo
and was awarded a bar to a Military
Cross won earlier. He later commanded
in Northern Ireland and even served as
an instructor at Army’s Royal Military ➽



A Harrier lifts off the carrier

HMS Invincible. Picture RN.


Left: The Type 22 frigate HMS Broadsword which carried the Sea Wolf system.
Picture RN

Bottom: The Royal Navy assault ship HMS Fearless. Picture DPL

Below: The County-class destroyer HMS Glamorgan. Picture AG/DPL

Academy Sandhurst. After commanding administration’. The Argentines had now Commando Brigade, briefed his senior
3 Commando Brigade and having been secured South Georgia, the Royal Marines officers at Stonehouse barracks in
promoted to Major General he was on the that had fought back under command of Plymouth on the task ahead of them. It
verge of retirement when Lt Gen Sir Stuart Lt Mills were now shipped to Stanley and was Easter weekend and the majority of
Pringle, the Commandant General of the onwards to the UK. Buenos Aires was marines serving with Plymouth based
Royal Marines, was seriously injured in a now pouring soldiers into Stanley by air, 3 Commando Brigade were on leave.
bomb attack by the IRA. Moore had stood helicopters were arriving to airlift troops Units received urgent signals to recall
in for him and in 1982 was now asked to to Goose Green, Darwin, Fox Bay and their personnel. At railway stations, signs
head the Joint force planning team that Port Howard. The enemy’s Special Forces were erected asking soldiers to contact
would re-take the Falklands. now pushed further forward across the their units and in Plymouth, home of
On Saturday 3 April, the Prime Minister island searching for any missing marines the Royal Marines, hundreds abandoned
held another meeting of her key cabinet from the force based on the Falklands. their weekend and returned to base. At
ministers and made her objective clear; On Sunday 4 April, Brigadier Julian Northwood in Middlesex, the home of
‘to see the islands returned to British Thompson, the commander of 3 the military’s operational headquarters ➽


The Royal Navy assault ships HMS Fearless
and HMS Intrepid known as Landing
Platform Dock (LPDs spearheaded the
assault force. Picture Guy Channing/DPL


planning staff alerted RAF, Army and Alacrity, HMS Antelope, the Type 22
Right: British troops additional naval units to be ready to HMS Broadsword and Type 12 frigate
train aboard the SS deploy. In London, John Nott now had his HMS Yarmouth. They were bound for
Canberra as they head solution. If an amphibious landing on the the British territory of Ascension Island
for the Falklands. Falklands became necessary, 3 Commando situated 1,000 miles off the west African
Picture DPL Brigade would be the force for the job. coast and 4,400 miles from the UK. The
It was an opportunity the Royal Marines island – halfway between the UK and the
Below: A Landing gladly accepted. On Monday 5 April Falkland Islands – was the perfect staging
ship, assault ship 1982, through an incredible amount of post for the military build-up. Within days
and carrier pictured effort, the carriers HMS Hermes and of the carrier group departing, Brigadier
at Ascension Island. HMS Invincible left Portsmouth. They Thompson flew out and joined the assault
Picture DPL were joined by the assault ship HMS ship HMS Fearless and began planning.
Fearless and the Type 21 frigates HMS Thompson was an intense marine, he had


an eye for the smallest detail and was a from the unit’s reconnaissance troop, as as Ships Taken up from Trade (STUFT).
fitness fanatic who led from the front. He well as medics and signallers. He was Cargo vessels, tankers and even ocean
had a reputation for always supporting also assigned a naval gunfire forward liners were now hired to get the troops
his men and they held him in great observation party from 148 Commando and the logistics sea tail to the Falklands.
esteem. His immediate aim was to get to Battery as well as elements of the SAS and Among them was the P&O flagship
Ascension where the force could pause for SBS. Canberra. In just a few days this huge
final training, re-grouping of stores and Many thought the Task Force would ocean liner was prepared for war by
equipment as they waited for the signal to be halted at Ascension and as the ships dockyard workers at Southampton. They
return to the UK or sail south on the final departed the UK, Prime Minister Thatcher laid protective flooring to protect delicate
journey. It was now agreed that Thompson had asked President Ronald Reagan to wooden dancing floors and built helidecks
would have two additional battalions negotiate with Buenos Aires with the aim big enough to carry Chinooks. On 9 April
under his command and the 2nd and 3rd of securing a ceasefire and the withdrawal having embarked almost 4,000 Royal
battalions the Parachute Regiment was of Argentine forces. Washington Marines and Paratroopers the Canberra,
assigned to join 3 Commando Brigade. In appointed Secretary of State Alexander nicknamed the ‘white whale’ sailed for
addition, artillery, engineer and logistics Haig, a former Army General. He had Ascension.
formations within the brigade were now embarked on a series of talks. His shuttle Devonport dockyard in Plymouth was
preparing to deploy. diplomacy would see him flying between now tasked with conversion work for
In London, Admiral Sir John Fieldhouse the United Nations, London, Buenos commercial vessels taken up from trade.
had directed that South Georgia must Aires and Washington. But there was little The Atlantic Causeway, Atlantic Conveyor,
be retaken and Brigadier Thompson had progress. Argentina was not going to stand Contender Bezant and Astronomer would
selected, Major Guy Sheridan a mountain down. be ferrying food, ammunition and stores
warfare officer, to head the operation. His Meanwhile, back in the UK, the Ministry as well as helicopters and additional
was assigned M Company, 42 Commando of Defence had been busy requisitioning Harrier jump het aircraft. North Sea oil
RM, along with a number of specialists commercial vessels in a process known rig support ships were hired, trawlers ➽

would become minesweepers, civilian been undergoing overhaul were being

Above: British troops take part in tankers as well as almost a dozen ferries made ready for operations. The Leander
training at Ascension Island. Picture DPL to transport more troops and equipment. class frigate HMS Minerva had entered
These included the Norland, the Tor Plymouth on 2 April flying her paying-off
Below: The carrier HMS Eagle which Caledonia, Nordic Ferry, Baltic Ferry. pennant to indicate retirement from the
could carry more fighter aircraft but had The liner Uganda was hired as a hospital fleet. Several weeks later after a quick refit,
been axed in previous defence cuts. ship and the survey vessels Hecla, Hydra the warship was heading for the Falklands
Picture DPL and Hecla became casualty ferrying to join the Task Force. The Royal Fleet
ships. Finally, as planners looked to Auxiliary, the specialist support force
Below right: The carrier HMS Ark Royal possibly expand the ground force if which replenishes warships with food and
which would have offered huge capability the war expanded, plans were made fuel at sea, was now preparing its entire
but instead was axed. Picture. Picture to hire Britain’s most luxurious cruise fleet for sea. Several RFA ships had been
Royal Navy liner, Queen Elizabeth 11. At the same among the first to deploy. Now Stromness,
time, Royal Navy warships that had Regent, Resources, Fort Grange, Fort


Austin, Bayleaf, Tidespring, Olna, Tidepool,
Pearleaf and Blue Rover were to join the
task force.
As the ships headed for Ascension,
Admiral Woodward and his command
team now reviewed the configuration
of the force and the threats they faced.
Intelligence was still limited and the
Admiral was under the impression that the
Argentine Air Force, although powerful,
had a limited capability to launch Exocet
missiles from their small number of Super
Etenard aircraft. Woodward had hoped for
a larger maritime exclusion zone to avoid
the Argentine aircraft carrier sitting on the
edge of the MEZ and launching aircraft to
attack and sink one of the carriers, HMS
Hermes or HMS Invincible. The retirement
of the Royal Navy’s fleet carriers in 1978
meant that the force had no airborne early
warning capability which was previously The Gannet was able to lift off and fly ahead of the carriers to warn of any inbound air threat. The lack of
carried by the Fairey Gannet plane and AEW was now a major concern. Picture RN
based on the carriers HMS Ark Royal and
HMS Eagle – both listed for retirement
in 1978. The Gannet was able to lift off
and fly ahead of the carriers to warn of
any inbound air threat. The lack of AEW
was now a major concern. The Admiral,
therefore, formed two key air defence
groups of Type 42 destroyers and Type
21 frigates to intercept any air threat.
The Type 42s were armed with Sea Dart
which was held in high esteem after a
missile from HMS Sheffield fired during
Exercise Spring Train hit a moving target The principal defence against inbound Argentine fighter aircraft would be the Harrier force. However, the
at 51,000 feet. The Sea Dart missiles Harrier was untested in combat. Picture DPL
travelled at 1,500mph. It was magnificent
against high altitude targets. But it was not
effective against targets at low level. The
only system the task force had to counter
low level fast attacking Argentines planes
was Sea Wolf and it was only fitted to two
ships in the force. The principal defence
against inbound Argentine fighter aircraft
would be the Harrier force. However, the
Harrier was untested in combat – it had
only entered service a couple of years
earlier, making its first landing at sea on
the carrier HMS Hermes in November
1978 in the Moray Firth. There were other
concerns such as the 965-surveillance
radar – used by most ships in the force
– which was a generation out of date.
Admiral Woodwood had to defeat the
Argentine Navy and Air Force before the
amphibious assault could begin. It was a
massive task.
On 11 April, the South Georgia force left
Ascension Island aboard HMS Antrim,
HMS Plymouth and RFA Tidespring
with an SBS unit on the submarine HMS
Conqueror. The South Georgia mission ➽ Inside the Royal Navy warships operations staff worked hard to plot and identify threats. Picture DPL


was codenamed Operation Paraquat. were able to re-arm and attack several sensitive paperwork. But Argentine Petty
The initial aim was to land special forces times. The last missile, believed to be from Officer Felix Artuso, a crewman of the
on South Georgia by helicopters from HMS Plymouth’s Wasp helicopter, caused Santa Fe, was shot dead after a marine
the support ship RFA Tidespring and the most damage and caused the Santa Fe thought he was going to scuttle the boat.
the destroyer HMS Antrim. But the plan to limp back to Grytviken. The Task Group Commander, Captain
had to be changed when both Wessex With the submarine alongside, Major Brian Young, aboard HMS Antrim, sent
helicopters ferrying the troops crashed Sheridan decided to seize the opportunity a signal to London after the capture
in bad weather on Fortuna Glacier. The to strike and ordered an assault. The naval of South Georgia. It read; “Be pleased
troops and aircrew were rescued by gunfire support party, a team of Royal to inform Her Majesty that the White
Antrim’s Wessex helicopter. The Type 22 Artillery forward observers, got airborne Ensign flies alongside the Union Jack in
class frigate HMS Brilliant, which carried in a Wasp helicopter and directed the guns South Georgia. God save the Queen.”
two Lynx helicopters, had been diverted of both HMS Antrim and HMS Plymouth Wildlife filmmaker Cindy Buxton and
to South Georgia after the loss of Antrim’s as they conducted a naval bombardment her assistant, who had been filming in
aircraft and arrived on the morning of 25 on the hills opposite Grytviken. A an isolated part of the island before the
April. scratch force was put together with invasion, were evacuated by a helicopter
Earlier on 9 April, the Argentine various forces onboard HMS Antrim. from the ice patrol ship HMS Endurance
submarine ARA Santa Fe, which had These included M company’s command on 30 April.
landed special forces off the Falklands element and mortar troop, a number of In London, news of the victory in South
on the night before the invasion, sailed SAS and SBS soldiers, as well as a team Georgia was welcomed with a sense of
for South Georgia with reinforcements of signallers – a total of 79 men. They relief and euphoria. No lives had been
to boost the garrison and arrived in flew ashore ready for a fierce firefight lost and the island was now back in
Grytviken on 24 April. As the submarine – but within 15 minutes the Argentine British control. On the steps of Downing
sailed a day later, on the 25 April, it was garrison collapsed and surrendered. A Street, Mrs Thatcher responded to media
caught on the surface and intercepted small number of Argentines along with questions with the comment: ’Just rejoice,
by a Wessex helicopter crew from Lt Cdr Alfredo Astiz surrendered the in that news and congratulate our force
HMS Antrim, as well as Lynx and Wasp following morning without a fight. The and the marines.’ It had also boosted
helicopters from Brilliant and HMS Argentine submarine was now alongside morale for the Task Force. Now the fleet
Plymouth supported the attack on the and the marines were keen to ensure was heading for the Falklands. The nuclear
Santa Fe. HMS Endurance was much that the crew did not scuttle it – in submarines were in position and the
closer to the action, her Wasp helicopters order that they could search it for any battle group was poised to begin direct ➽

But the plan had to be changed when both Wessex helicopters ferrying the troops crashed in bad weather on Fortuna Glacier. Picture Picture RN


Troops wait to fly ashore. Picture RN

A scratch force was put together with various forces onboard HMS Antrim. Picture RN


The Argentine submarine pictured at Grytviken. Picture DPL

The Argentine submarine alongside the damage caused by the Royal Navy helicopter attacks clearly visible. Picture DPL


ashington had made it clear Stanley threatened to change the dynamic which was codenamed Operation Black

W that while they supported the

UK, they could not get involved
in a conflict in the South Atlantic. There
of the conflict and give the enemy a
strategic advantage. In 1979, Argentina
had purchased 14 Super Étendards from
Buck. Politically this was a daring mission
that would strike fear into the heart of
the Argentine occupiers and possibly
had been hope that the United States France, after the United States put an arms encourage Buenos Aires to re-think its
would provide airborne early warning embargo in place and stopped defence position. For the military the mission was
planes, known as AWACS, but that sales to Argentina in protest at the so simply designed to prevent the junta’s
was not going to happen. However, called ‘dirty war’ – allegations of torture fighter aircraft operating from Stanley. It
President Reagan’s administration did and oppression by the government. was clear that short take off and landing
provide intelligence and on 9 April, the Between August and November1981 the aviation would still be able to function
Pentagon passed information to the UK first five Super Étendards arrived from from the airfield – but they were not the
that revealed Argentina was lengthening France, along with five anti-ship sea main threat. The Vulcan had also been
the runway at Stanley in order to skimming Exocet missiles. In the UK it listed for retirement in defence cuts and in
accommodate its fighter aircraft, such was unclear if the junta’s pilots had been early 1982 was due to be withdrawn from
as A-4 Skyhawks, Mirage, Dagger and able to train with the new aircraft and had service. It was the last of the V bombers
Super Étendards. This would give the the vital instruction to launch the Exocet, and had been assigned to NATO’s nuclear
junta the strategic advantage of being able many presumed they had little capability. operations. The range to the Falklands
to mount constant air strikes against the Meanwhile, Admiral Lewin was aware would require air-to-air refuelling a
task force. The Argentine Air Force only of the Argentine’s plans to expand the function the RAF had not carried for
had two tanker aircraft to serve the whole airfield. The Royal Navy had made the many years.
air force and navy. Its fighter bombers, first strike at South Georgia on 25 April In addition, the Vulcan pilots had not
the Mirage 111s and Daggers were not went the submarine Santa Fe was attacked taken part in any sort of conventional
fitted for air-to-air refuelling. Without an and captured during the battle to re-take exercise bombing for years. The
extended runway the aircraft would have the island. Now the RAF were called on Vulcan bombers were flown forward
to return to Argentina for fuel and re-arm to do what they do best. The Vulcan was to Ascension Island from where they
which would reduce their time around the the only aircraft with the capability and would mount the raids. To support the
Falklands. The upgrading of the airfield at was selected to carry out the mission, long-range operation, 14 Victor tankers
from RAF Marham were flown to the Two identically-armed Vulcans took off
Above: As the island, one of them being converted for for each mission, the second returning to
Royal Navy headed photo-reconnaissance. In mid-April base, without refuelling, if no problems
into the South three Vulcans from Numbers 44, 50 and arose with the first, or assuming the
Atlantic the time 101 Squadrons arrived at Wideawake main role if the first could not continue.
was running out airbase on Ascension Island. The plan Each aircraft carried a load of 21 general
for the Argentine’s was simple, the aircraft would fly to the purpose bombs, they contained 1,000lb
short stay on the Falklands, bomb the airfield at night and of explosive. They also carried three
Falklands. Picture then fly back having carried out, in most 1,000-gallon auxiliary fuel tanks in the
DPL cases, seven or more air-to-air refuelling bomb bay.
operations. The Argentines were known to The first attack took place on the night of
Left: The assault have Tigercat anti-aircraft missile systems 30 April – 1 May and took the Argentines
ships carried heavy in the Falklands and to avoid this threat and the rest of the world by total surprise.
and light landing the RAF fitted electronic countermeasures After the success at South Georgia the first
craft to put troops (ECM) to the Vulcans. Additional Vulcan attack was also another morale
and equipment navigation systems borrowed from the boost for the force heading south. The
ashore. Picture DPL VC-10 fleet were fitted to the aircraft to plan was for the Vulcan to fly across the
help navigate across the featureless seas. line of the runway at Stanley at about ➽

Above: The Argentine Air Force

operated the Mirage which would
have little time over the Falklands
without air-to-air refuelling. Picture

Left: The UK learnt that Argentina

was planning to lengthen the runway
at Stanley in order to accommodate its
fighter aircraft. Picture AG/DPL

Right: The RAF Vulcan aircraft which

mounted the bombing mission
codenamed Operation Blackbuck.
Picture DPL


35 degrees. The bomb release system was The Royal Navy’s nuclear submarines,
timed to drop sequentially from 10,000ft HMS Spartan, HMS Splendid and HMS
so that at least one bomb would land on Conqueror were already in the South
the runway. For the mission, two Vulcans Atlantic. HMS Courageous and HMS
took off from Ascension. Callsign XM598 Valiant were to join them as was the
was the lead with XM607 as the reserve conventionally powered sub HMS Onyx.
aircraft. Shortly after take-off, XM598, At this point, military commanders were
suffered a pressurisation failure (a rubber tightening the net on Argentina, but
seal on the ‘direct vision’ side window the lack of an airborne early warning
had perished) and was forced to return to capability was now a serious concern –
Ascension. XM607, captained by Flight enemy fighter aircraft could lift off from
Lieutenant Martin Withers, took over. the mainland and strike the task force. On
XM607 made the final approach at around 12 April 1982, the United Kingdom had
300ft above the sea before climbing to announced a Maritime Exclusion Zone
attack height. The attack took place at (MEZ) which covered a circle of radius
around 4am local time. XM607 then 200 nautical miles from the centre of the
climbed away from the airfield and headed Falkland Islands. Any Argentine warship
north to a planned rendezvous with a or naval auxiliary entering the MEZ was
Victor tanker some way off the coast of warned that it could be attacked. Then on
Rio de Janeiro. As it passed, the British 30 April a Total Exclusion Zone (TEZ)
task force pilots signalled the code word was declared by the United Kingdom –
‘super fuse’ indicating a successful attack. nobody could enter.
Its journey continued within range of the After the invasion, the Argentine Navy
South American coast to its rendezvous had re-configured its Task Groups into
with the tanker and then returned to three forces. The first was headed by the
Ascension. Northwood received the ‘super carrier ARA Vienticino de Mayo and two
fuse’ message by 8:30 and advised the Type 42 destroyers. The second group
MoD. The news of the bombing raid was included three Drummond-class corvettes
released and reported on the BBC World – each armed with Exocet missiles. On 26
Service before either the Vulcan or the April, the Argentine warship ARA General
last tanker arrived at Ascension. The stick Belgrano, a 12,000 tonne heavily armed
of 21, 1000lb bombs crossed the airfield, cruiser, sailed from Tierra del Fuego.
damaged the airport tower, scored a single Belgrano was joined by two destroyers,
direct hit in the centre of the runway ARA Piedra Buena and ARA Hipólito
and killed two Argentine personnel. Bouchard, together with the tanker Puero
However, it still remained operational for Rosales and formed a third group. On 29
the Argentine C-130 Hercules transport April, the ships were patrolling south of
aircraft. The bombs falling on either the Falklands patrolling an area near the
side of the runway caused slight damage Burdwood Bank. On 30 April, the Royal
to tented installations in the airfield Navy submarine HMS Conqueror detected
perimeter. The attack, the first of seven the Belgrano and continued to shadow
planned raids – five of which took place her. The following day, 1 May, Admiral
– had achieved its aim and disabled the Juan Lombardo ordered all Argentine
runway for use by Argentine fast jets. naval units to seek out the British task ➽


force around the Falklands and launch room. The explosion tore upward through Belgrano, it was already dark and the
a ‘massive attack’. Lombardo’s signal was two messes before finally ripping a weather had worsened, scattering the
intercepted by British Intelligence and 20-metre-long hole in the main deck. life rafts. Argentine and Chilean ships
the task force alerted. The Belgrano, was Later reports put the number of deaths rescued 772 men between 3 and 5 May.
a 44-year-old American-built warship in the area around the explosion at 275 In total, 323 crew members were reported
that had survived Pearl Harbor. She had men. After the torpedoes hit, the ship lost in the attack. After the war, questions
initially been commissioned into the US rapidly filled with smoke. The explosion were asked about the legitimacy of the
Navy in 1938 and named USS Phoenix. also damaged Belgrano’s electrical power attack especially as the Belgrano was
Then in 1951, the warship had been struck system, preventing her from putting out outside of the Exclusion Zone. The British
from service and sold to Argentina and a radio distress call. Though the forward government maintained that the Belgrano
renamed ARA General Belgrano – she bulkheads held, water was rushing in still represented a threat to the Task
was now the pride of the Argentine navy. through the hole created by the second Force and in this they were, to an extent,
The commander of the submarine HMS torpedo and could not be pumped out supported by the Belgrano’s captain. In
Conqueror, Commander Chris Wreford- because of the electrical power failure. It 2003, Hector Bonzo, the commander
Brown, had sought permission to attack the was later revealed that the the ship was of the Belgrano, said that although the
Belgrano. The threat from the cruiser was not at action stations and the Belgrano had Belgrano was sailing away from the
considered high and there was no question been sailing with the water-tight doors Exclusion Zone, it was not sailing to its
the cruiser could inflict serious damage on open. As the impact of the explosions port in Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, it was
the Royal Navy task force. Prime Minister took hold the ship began to list to port simply moving to another unspecified
Margaret Thatcher and her War Cabinet and was sinking. Almost 20 minutes position to await further orders – that
met and agreed to the request and approval after the attack, at 16:24, Captain Bonzo could have included attacking the Task
was given to sink the Belgrano. ordered the crew to abandon ship. Force. The naval commander of the Task
The commander of HMS Conqueror Inflatable life rafts were deployed, and Force, Admiral Sandy Woodward, made
was now given the go-ahead to attack. the evacuation began without panic. the point that the Belgrano and its escorts
At 15:57 (Falkland’s time) on 2 May, However, Belgrano’s two escort ships were more than capable of turning about
HMS Conqueror fired three torpedoes. were unaware of the submarine attack at speed and thus returning to a course
One struck the bow, a second torpedo due to poor communications. In the towards the Task Force. The sinking of the
struck about three-quarters of the way gloom and fading light they had not ‘General Belgrano’ sent a powerful message
along the ship, just outside the rear limit seen the distress rockets or lamp signals. to the military junta in Argentina. The
of the side armour plating. The torpedo The two ships continued on their course Belgrano incident was a turning point in
punched through the side of the ship westward. By the time the ships realised the war which resulted in the Argentine
before exploding in the aft machine that something had happened to General Naval effectively being confined to port ➽
in fear of the Royal Navy submarine
capability. The net was closing on the
junta, but in the days ahead Galtieri’s force
were to deliver a deadly show of force.
The Royal Navy task force had entered
the Total Exclusion Zone on 1 May. This
battle group consisted of 13 warships and
Admiral Woodward, who commanded
the force, sailed into the region with
a clear plan to secure and control the
air and naval battlespace before the
amphibious force moved forward. The
carriers sat 70 miles off Stanley when
launching aircraft, then moved further
away when the Harriers were recovered.
This allowed them to remain out of range
from Argentine fighter aircraft. The
Admiral and his staff had assigned roles
to the fleet’s warships in readiness for the
response they expected to face from the
enemy. The Harriers aboard HMS Hermes
would take on the attack role, while those
on HMS Invincible would focus on combat
air patrols to provide air cover for the
fleet. HMS Spartan sat inside the exclusion
zone, HMS Splendid was in a position
to the north west and HMS Conqueror
in the south west. An anti-submarine
group consisting of the Rothesay-class
The Atlantic Conveyor, being loaded with Chinook and Harriers. She was later sunk. Picture DPL frigate HMS Yarmouth and the Type 22

Harriers on the deck of the carrier Hermes, escorted by a Type 22 frigate, on their way to the South Atlantic.Picture RN.


The Argentine cruiser ARA Belgrano, which had been purchased from the US Navy. Picture AG/DPL

frigate HMS Brilliant hunted the two Before the amphibious assault could take Conqueror. Now the Harrier force went
elusive Type 209 Argentine submarines, place, the navy needed to control the into action. Lifting off at dawn on 2 May,
that were believed to be at sea. The Type airspace and dominate the sea around all 12 aircraft flew in low and fast. As they
42 destroyer HMS Glamorgan supported the islands. Admiral Woodward was neared land, three peeled off to attack
by the Type 21 frigates HMS Arrow and based aboard HMS Hermes, while the Goose Green, four headed for Stanley’s
HMS Alacrity provided a naval gunfire assault force commander, Commodore radar and anti-aircraft defence while
support capability. They would be required Michael Clapp, sat on HMS Fearless. Their the remainder bombed the airfield and
to steam within 12 miles of Stanley to ships were highly vulnerable to attack command centres. Both Navy and RAF
commenced their bombardment and their and needed to remain out of range of pilots feared the Mirage would win in a
first mission would be in daylight. the Argentine Air Force. The Argentines dogfight and planned to use their amazing
No senior naval officer would ever want had lost South Georgia, their submarine ability to accelerate, turn and decelerate to
to put a carrier to see without an airborne Santa Fe had been captured, the RAF evade the Mirages. As the bombardment
early warning capability, but that was had bombed Stanley and the cruiser by HMS Glamorgan, HMS Alacrity and
the situation the battle group now faced. ARA General Belgrano sunk by HMS HMS Arrow was complete four Mirages ➽

The Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships, tankers and supply vessels, were critical in keeping the task force replenished. Picture DPL



The Belgrano listing to port after being torpedoed by the Royal Navy submarine HMS Conqueror.
Picture AG/DPL

closed on the warships to target them in two, a third Mirage was shot down by an
the open sea. The aircraft dropped 1,000lb Argentine ground defence system ashore
bombs, which landed either side of HMS in Stanley. Then the anti-submarine group
Glamorgan. HMS Arrow received minor located two Argentine Canberra bombers
damage and HMS Alacrity’s helicopter on radar. Everyone feared an Exocet
was hit by machine gun fire from the attack and a Sea King deployed on anti-
shore. Harriers from HMS Invincible submarine operations fired chaff – used
chased the Mirages and expected a to deflect incoming missiles. A Harrier
dogfight. Having delivered their bombs, brought down one Canberra and the
the Argentines needed to fly back to second returned to the mainland.
the mainland in order not to run out of On 3 May, Lynx helicopters from
fuel. After dropping their munitions, the HMS Glasgow and HMS Coventry were
Mirages pulled away to race back to base. launched after a Sea King helicopter
The Harriers closed in and shot down from HMS Hermes came under fire from

two Argentine patrol boats, the Alferez

Sobral and the Comodoro Somellera. The
Lynx fired their Sea Skua, one patrol boat
sank, the other was seriously damaged.
The following morning, 4 May, began
with another Vulcan raid on the airfield
at 4.30am. Operational activity was now
increasing with regular Harrier combat
air patrols protecting the task force. The
risks were also rising. During a Harrier
raid on Goose Green on 4 May, a Harrier
was shot down, the first to be lost in the
war. The pilot Lieutenant Nick Taylor,
had joined the Royal Navy as a helicopter
pilot in the early 1970s and initially flew
Sea King helicopters. He later crossed to
fast-jets and in the spring of 1982, he had
just completed a Sea Harrier conversion
and joined 800 Squadron before deploying
to the Falklands. He was flying as part of
a three aircraft attack on the Goose Green
airstrip when he was hit by anti-aircraft
fire as he ran in to attack. The aircraft
exploded and hit the ground very close
to the airstrip. His body was recovered by
the residents of Goose Green and buried,
HMS Conqueror was the first submarine to sink a warship in action since the Second Word War. Picture DPL under Argentine supervision, with full
Harriers on Invincible would take
on the close air support role, while
those on Hermes would mount the
attack. Picture Guy Channing /DPL

military honours. Today, the site is fenced out how to programme the weapons – Glasgow and HMS Coventry on forward
off and marked with a headstone and after the French instruction package had anti-aircraft picket duty, 30 miles to the
tended by the residents of Goose Green been cancelled at the outbreak of the war. west of the main task force – their role to
who hold a service on the 4 May every High above the Super Étendards, a P-2 protect the carriers in the absence of an
year to remember his gallant action. Neptune maritime surveillance aircraft effective airborne early warning system.
Then late in the morning of the same was scanning the horizon for British naval Sheffield was the furthest west and nearest
day, news came that every member of targets. Below the fighters flew fast and to the incoming Super Étendards. The
the task force had dreaded hearing – the low level, at just 100 feet above the sea, and weather was calm and visibility very good.
Argentines had hit a warship. The ship listened for an update from the Neptune. It later transpired that HMS Sheffield’s
was quickly identified as HMS Sheffield. They were given the target positions radar operators had been experiencing
Early in the morning two Super Étendard and climbed but could not identify the difficulty in distinguishing the electronic
Argentine fighters lifted off from Rio objective. They gained altitude a second footprint of Mirage and Super Étendards.
Grande naval air base and refuelled at time again and located Sheffield on their When the two aircraft climbed to 120ft,
10am with an Argentine Air Force KC- radar. Having loaded the co-ordinates to check the target positions passed to
130 Hercules tanker. In the two weeks into their weapon systems and made last them by the Neptune the operations room
leading up to the attack, Argentinian minute checks both pilots launched an staff onboard HMS Glasgow spotted the
pilots had been practising tactics against AM39 Exocet. The Argentines claimed at incoming aircraft and immediately went
their own ships to perfect their targeting the time that they fired at a range of 30 to ‘actions stations’ sending an urgent
ability and deployment of Exocet. They miles from the target, but the Royal Navy message with the warning codeword
had trained with Argentina’s own Type 42 indicated that the Exocets were released at ‘handbrake’ to all task force ships –
destroyers of the same design as Sheffield, just six miles. Both aircraft returned to Rio warning of a potential inbound attack. But
and therefore knew the radar horizon, Grande by noon. They had been supported Sheffield had communications problems
detection distances, and reaction times by the KC-130 tanker, the Neptune and did not receive the message. Seconds
of the ship radar, as well as the optimal surveillance aircraft, two Daggers and a later the Exocets were launched by the
procedure to programme the Exocet Learjet 35 which acted as a decoy. Super Étendards. The Exocet that struck
missile for a successful attack mission. HMS Sheffield had been at defence HMS Sheffield impacted on the starboard
Argentine scientists had also worked watches and was operating with HMS side causing catastrophic damage. ➽

As soon as any aircraft lifted off, they Dart system was highly effective against
alerted the task Force. medium and high-altitude targets but the Above: The Type 42
The Royal Navy had ordered the Type fire control radars did not have the ability destroyer HMS Sheffield
42 destroyers in the early 1970s. In the to successfully track low-level targets. after being struck by an
1960s the then Labour government had The only exception were the new Type Exocet. Picture Royal
cancelled the future aircraft carriers 22 Broadsword frigates, armed with very Navy
project and with it the Type 82 Bristol- effective Sea Wolf. The sea-skimming
class destroyer. The Bristol-class was Exocet missile threat was well understood Above right: The Exocet
a 6,400-tonne warship designed as a and the RN possessed their own ship- sea skimming missile
specialist air defence escort for the launched Exocets. But in 1982, the entire which the Argentines
carriers. But just one ship was built, HMS Royal Navy fleet lacked effective Close in deployed from their
Bristol, before the contract was axed. Weapons Systems (CIWS). At Ascension Super Étendards. Picture
Instead, the Type 42 was proposed as a Island, the amphibious force had been David Reynolds/DPL
lighter and cheaper replacement, with arriving since mid-April. Assault ships
similar capabilities to the Type 82. HMS and landing vessels, as well as Ships Taken Above right: Royal Navy
Sheffield had entered service in 1975 up from Trade were now re-organised, air defence systems were
and was one of six Batch 1 destroyers troops were cross-decked and equipment significantly improved
ordered for the fleet (others included configured so that it was in the correct after the 1982 conflict.
HMS Birmingham, HMS Newcastle, order when offloaded in the Falklands. Picture DPL
HMS Coventry, HMS Glasgow and The Royal Marines and Paras were landed
HMS Cardiff). By early 1982, there were ashore to carry out fitness training and Right: The Royal Navy
eight Type 42s in service the additional carry out final weapon checks. The attack submarines now sat off
two being HMS Exeter and HMS on Sheffield had left the British Task the coast of southern
Southampton, both Batch 2 ships. Force in sombre mood. The Argentines Argentina to alert the
The Royal Navy’s Type 42 destroyer had had their chance to negotiate a task force when fighter
fleet had been designed and built to a peace settlement. Now there was now a aircraft lifted off. Picture
smaller budget resulting in a slightly small commitment to defeat the enemy on land, DPL
warships at 4,300 tonnes. The main Sea in the air and at sea. ■
Navy helicopter pilots flew
troops and equipment
ashore throughout the battle
for San Carlos. Picture DPL



The RAF Chinook ‘Bravo November’ – the only helicopter of its type to operate in the Falklands after two others were lost on the Atlantic Causeway. Picture John

THE BRITISH Task Force was now poised in the South Atlantic as
commanders finalised their plans to launch the planned amphibious
assault and remove the Argentines from the islands. The junta’s air force
continued to be a major threat and as the battle group assembled it
would create a major target opportunity for the enemy.

ssault ships, landing vessels and Commodore Michael Clapp, the naval This included artillery guns, light
warships were now about to move commander of the fleet’s amphibious armoured reconnaissance and all-terrain
into San Carlos Water – well within operations, and Brigadier Thompson who vehicles, a field hospital and establishing
range of the Mirage, Super Étendard and commanded 3 Commando Brigade, had a logistics base for rations, water and
Skyhawk fighter aircraft. Commanders meticulously planned the assault. The ammunition. The task force would land
knew their warships were exposed to two worked together and had selected troops at green, red and blue beaches
attack, but Admiral Sandy Woodward San Carlos for the landings. Thompson across San Carlos Water – all of which
faced a difficult dilemma if he waited until and his team had identified units, roles needed to be ferried ashore by landing
the Harrier force had won the air battle, and capabilities. It was Clapp’s job to get craft or flown in by helicopter. The
which could take several months, the South the troops and their equipment ashore Harrier would provide combat air patrols
Atlantic winter would start to bite. Bad in good order, then Thompson would throughout the landings to intercept any
weather would impact the land force, limit take over on land and execute the plan Argentine air strike, but the Harriers
the ability of helicopters to fly and delay the to march his troops to Stanley and could not be in the air all the time, they
vital logistics chain. The mission was to re- eject the Argentines. The assault plan needed to refuel and re-arm. Woodward
take the Falklands and Admiral Woodward was codenamed Operation Sutton and feared there would be more casualties.
opted to thrust forward with the assets at involved putting 4,500 troops ashore, as The battle for San Carlos was going to be
his disposal. well as hundreds of items of equipment. bloody. ➽

Brigadier Julian Thompson who headed 3

Commando Brigade during the Falklands War.
Picture DPL The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 11 was requisitioned for service as a troop carrier. Picture Cunard/DPL

Close-in weapons to fight air attacks were improved after the war. Picture RN/DPL



Additional Chinooks and Harriers on the Atlantic

Causeway which was sunk by an Exocet. Picture DPL

The presence of the Royal Navy submarines forced

Argentine commanders to order their fleet to port.
Picture DPL The Harrier was a vital weapon in the battle to control the skies over San Carlos. UK MoD


The assault ship’s internal
harbour allowed landing craft to
pick up troops inside and move
out to sea. Harry Steele/DPL

or starboard side of the ship into the from their 30mm radar cannons. The Sea Cat missiles based aboard the ships.
landing craft. Carrying weapons and a Argentine air force had been alerted about Harriers who had been in the skies
heavy bergen, backpack, taking the step the landings and launched Skyhawks and throughout the landings intercepted and
from a ship onto a bobbing landing craft Daggers bound for San Carlos. However, destroyed eight Argentine aircraft.
was a challenge. Other ships taken up Argentine high command at Stanley Late in the afternoon the air attacks
from trade such as the Norland and some believed the landing was a diversion, their increased. HMS Ardent and HMS
of the landing Ships Logistics (LSL) would view was that mounting such an operation Yarmouth had moved away from the main
have to wait or use a powered flat-bed at San Carlos was not feasible. At 1000hrs force in order to confuse the incoming
landing system called mexefloat. on the morning of 21 May, commanders pilots as the warships were now spread
Thompson wanted to get as much air- at Stanley ordered an Aermacchi MB-339 out. As the aircraft closed-in HMS Ardent’s
defence capability ashore as quickly as he jet to fly to San Carlos on a reconnaissance crew initiated the Sea Cat anti-aircraft
could with Rapier missile launchers and flight. As the Aermacchi lifted off, the missile system, but it failed to lock onto
air defence troops armed with Blowpipe first Argentine air force attacks on the the attacking planes who dropped two
among his priorities. These teams would task force were about to take place. bombs. Both exploded in the hangar
be vital in defending the beach-head Between 10am and 1800hrs a total of area, destroying the ship’s helicopter and
against Argentine air strikes. Engineers 17 strikes were made on HMS Antrim, blowing the Sea Cat launcher into the air.
were also needed ashore to deal with HMS Argonaut, HMS Broadsword, HMS A third bomb crashed through the stern,
any potential mine threat. The Brigadier Brilliant, HMS Ardent and HMS Antelope. damaging the machinery space, but the
also wanted to push Scimitar armoured As the waves of A-4 Skyhawks, Daggers bombs failed to explode. Power was now
reconnaissance vehicles ashore, these and Mirages swept in over the task force lost, the hangar was left in flames, and the
small tracked vehicles could provide they were targeted by Rapier and Blowpipe crew had suffered a number of casualties.
troops with a limited combat power air defence missiles on shore and naval The frigate was on fire, but was able to ➽
limp towards Port San Carlos. Then an
hour later five Skyhawks approached
and dropped numerous free-fall and
retarded gravity bombs – these contained
‘unwinding’ release fuses which when
fully unwound armed the bomb – some of
which hit the frigate. The dining hall was
shattered and communications between
the bridge and the ship control centre
were cut off, in addition, the ship lost
steering. Casualties increased and HMS
Ardent stopped in the shallow waters of
Grantham Sound. The ship was on fire
and listing forcing Commander Alan
West, later Admiral and First Sea Lord,
to give the order to abandon the ship.
HMS Yarmouth came alongside to take
off the injured and survivors who were
transferred to the liner SS Canberra. The
frigate continued to burn and sank the
following day, 22 members of the crew Sailors wore anti-flash hoods and gloves, carried
died in the attack. life jackets and respirators and had helmets close A Sea King lifts off the deck of HMS Hermes.
The atmosphere aboard the task to hand. Picture RN Picture DPL
force ships was now one of sheer
determination. The loss of both HMS deck it was freezing cold and to provide sleep was a luxury and sailors worked
Sheffield and HMS Ardent had stunned a little more protection against Skyhawk shifts in which they were at their action
the force. Those aboard the warships in strafing attacks sandbag walls were built. stations post for eight hours with four
San Carlos were permanently at actions Those who faced duty on the upper hours off. But the attacks continued. On
stations – a readiness in which sailors deck manning machine guns said it was 23 May, a second Type 21 frigate HMS
wore anti-flash hoods and gloves to terrifying to see the Argentines come in Antelope was hit. Antelope had been on
protect them from explosions, carried fast and low. Meals were taken either at air defence duty at the entrance to San
life-jackets around their waist and their work station or in the galley where Carlos Water protecting the beachhead
worn helmets when on deck. For those the chefs worked around the clock to feed when she came under attack by four
manning machine guns on the upper the crew. The high alert status meant that Argentine A-4B Skyhawks. ➽

Landing craft head for San Carlos as the amphibious assault gets under way. Picture DPL



Task Force landing ships and ferries come under attack as the first wave of Argentine air attacks took place. Picture DPL.

Naval personnel drive a rolling road ashore at San Carlos to allow vehicles to drive off the beach without any difficulty. Picture DPL


Harrier aircraft were constantly landing and taking off from the carriers. Picture DPL

The first pair of aircraft attacked from was damaged by small arms fire. A second the bombs was inaccessible because of
astern, with the flight leader breaking off pair of Skyhawks attacked minutes later wreckage; the other had been damaged
his attack after one of HMS Antelope’s dropping more bombs. Two unexploded and was thought to be in a particularly
Sea Cat missiles exploded under the port bombs now sat in the warship. After dangerous condition. Three attempts by
wing of the aircraft. The second aircraft initial damage control efforts, HMS the bomb disposal team to withdraw the
on this flight pressed home his attack and Antelope proceeded to more sheltered fuse by remote means failed. A fourth
dropped a 1,000-pound bomb which hit waters so that two bomb disposal experts attempt using a small explosive charge
HMS Antelope’s starboard side. The bomb could board the ships and attempt to detonated the bomb, killing Staff Sergeant
did not explode and the Argentine aircraft defuse the unexploded bombs. One of James Prescott instantly and severely ➽

Harrier aircraft operated around the clock to protect the naval battle group in Landing craft still bearing camouflage from exercises in Norway land troops at
San Carlos. Picture DPL San Carlos. Picture AFM/DPL


injuring Warrant Officer Phillips, the
other member of the bomb disposal team.
The ship was torn open from waterline
to funnel, with the blast starting major
fires in both engine rooms, which spread
very quickly. The starboard fire main was
fractured, the ship had lost all electrical
power, and the commanding officer,
Commander Nick Tobin, gave the order
to abandon ship. Tobin was the last person
to leave the ship; about five minutes after
his departure, the missile magazines
began exploding. Explosions continued
throughout the night. The following day
HMS Antelope was still afloat, but her keel
had broken and her superstructure melted
into a heap of twisted metal. Antelope
broke in half and sank that day.
On 24 May, the Argentines pressed
home their attack and attempted to
sink RFA Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad and
Sir Bedivere, but failed and four of the
inbound attack aircraft were shot down.
A day later, HMS Coventry a sister ship
to the Type 42 destroyer HMS Sheffield
was sunk while operating alongside HMS
Broadsword and HMS Argonaut. Both
ships were moving out of San Carlos Bay
to draw Argentine fighters away from the
main task force. HMS Argonaut and HMS
Brilliant were both damaged. Argentine
pilots had been flying low and fast to
avoid radar and air defence systems, but
when they dropped their bombs the slow
‘unwinding’ release of retarted bombs
did not have enough time for the fuse to
arm the bomb. Towards the end of the
conflict the Argentines solved the problem
Royal Artillery Rapier units were established ashore. Picture DPL by fitting improvised retarding devices
which reduced the ‘arming time of the
fuse’ and allowed the pilots to attack at
low-level. On the same day that HMS
Coventry was lost, the container ship
Atlantic Conveyor was hit. The ship which
had been requisitioned from trade was
carrying additional Chinook helicopters
and Harriers to the Falklands. She was was
hit by an Exocert missile fired by a Super
Étendard and sunk while positioned north
east of the Falklands.
Argentina’s military success had been
delivered by the air force. Having sunk
Type 42 destroyers, Type 21 frigates
and a major commercial vessel. Now
commanders pressed the air force to attack
a carrier. Their small number of Exocets
had been successful and the last one was
to be used to sink HMS Invincible. On 30
May, two Super Étendards, one carrying
Argentina’s last Exocet took off from
mainland Argentina escorted by four A-4
HMS Coventry, a Type 42 destroyer sinks after being attacked by Argentine fighter aircraft. Picture RN Skyhawks which each carried two 500lb ➽
HMS Ardent sinks off San Carlos. The warships are now an official war grave. Picture DPL

The landing ship RFA Sir Galahad on fire after being bombed. Picture DPL



The SS Canberra which was requisitioned for the war pictured off the Falklands. Picture DPL

bombs. Argentine intelligence staff had June, as the two ships were about to start land campaign followed until Argentine
been tracking the flight paths of Harriers unloading guardsmen at Port Pleasant, General Mario Menendez surrendered
and were convinced they knew the off Fitzroy, when both were attacked by to Major General Jeremy Moore on
location of the carrier. But as a standing three Skyhawks each loaded with three 14 June in Stanley. Then on 20 June, a
operational tactic Harrier pilots flew at 500lb retarding tail bombs. The landing group of Royal Marines then re-captured
low level when departing or returning ship Sir Galahad was hit by two or three South Sandwich Islands, which involved
the carrier, which had compromised the bombs and set alight. Sir Tristram was accepting the surrender of the Southern
Argentine analysis. The Super Étendard strafed and a 500lb bomb hit, but failed Thule garrison and declared hostilities
and Skyhawks were directed to a location to explode allowing crew to get off the over. Argentina had established Corbeta
40 miles south of the main body of British ship, before it later ignited. Sir Tristram Uruguay in 1976, but prior to 1982 the
warships and were located by HMS Exeter was extensively damaged but later United Kingdom had only contested the
and HMS Avenger. With the aircraft at recovered to the UK. The remains of the existence of the Argentine base through
high altitude Exeter’s Sea Dart system Galahad were later sunk off the Falklands diplomatic channels.
was able to engage and shoot down two and designated an official war grave. Back in the UK, task force sailors,
of the Skyhawk escorts. The attempt on In a separate incident, the frigate HMS marines and soldiers were greeted with
Invincible had been a failure. Plymouth faced an attack from Argentine huge crowds. The success of the naval task
The arrival of the Queen Elizabeth 11 Daggers from Rio Grande, which struck force was celebrated with parades and
group of ships in the South Atlantic with her with four 1,000-pound bombs. The parties across the UK. A special service
5 Infantry Brigade boosted the ground warship sustained severe damage, and was held to pay respect to those who
troops and allowed Major General five crewmen were injured. Although all made the ultimate sacrifice and Prime
Jeremy Moore to expedite his advance the bombs failed to explode. Plymouth Minister Thatcher visited the Falklands.
on Stanley. Among the arriving troops had one of the luckiest escapes of the As a result of her resolve to remove the
was the Welsh Guards who were tasked conflict. Argentines she had been dubbed the ‘Iron
to advance along a southern route to Admiral Woodward had achieved his Lady’ and wrote herself into history as
Port Stanley. Their commanders opted aim and kept the attacks away from the the first woman to lead a country to war
to leapfrog part of the march and move landing ships and allowed Major General since Elizabeth 1. The events of 1982 sent
troops by the landing ships RFA Sir Moore and his troops to hit land. With a global message of Britain’s capability to
Galahad and RFA Sir Tristram. On 8 the British troops on Falklands soil, a project military power. ■
HMS Antelope is assisted by another warship after being hit by Argentine bombs. Picture DPL

HMS Exeter fires a Sea Dart missile at Argentine aircraft flying at high altitude. Picture DPL


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