Session Zero Discussion 3

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● Player Vs Player - Is tension between characters allowed?

What about arguments between

characters? Is combat between two or more PCs allowed? What happens when character tension
finally breaks out into violence between those two characters? Is it allowed only if the DM
approves? Does the whole table have to approve the PvP? What is your stance on PvP as a DM?
A: Player vs Player is frowned upon, but certain situations could occur that would merit
actions against your fellow adventurers. Mind Control spells exist in the game after all.

● PC Secrets - Are players allowed to keep in-game secrets from other players? Are characters
allowed to keep in-game secrets from other characters? If so, who decides what secrets are
allowed? Is this sort of thing left up to the players? Is it only the privilege of the DM?
A: Absolutely! Secrets are allowed in the game, just let the DM in on it as well.

● Player Expectations, Types, Goals & Diversity - What happens when one player's expectations
ruin the fun of another player? Does every player at your table need to be there for the same
reasons as every other player? Is it ok that Tim is only here for the sweet loots & EXP, while Ann
is just here to 'kill shit.’ Maybe Steve has brought a completely min/maxed PC to the table and
poor Billy is just here to hang out with his friends & have pizza. DMs you may want to discuss
with each player at the table, why they are here & what they hope to get out of the game & how
you as a DM can meet those hopes & expectations. If for some reason you can not, discuss that
with the player & offer what you can do instead. After you have, you may want to reinforce that
you are all there to have fun, but have different ideas of what fun is.
A: Everyone’s Fun is valid as long as they dont interfere with the running of the game.
We're all here to play a game and have some fun, but please be respectful to everyone.

● Player Discomfort - Occasionally things may happen in-game that makes a player uncomfortable.
There may be times where everyone agrees about a particular topic in session-0, but when it
actually surfaces in-game, the player may find out that they in fact are NOT comfortable with it.
How are such things handled? Is there a time-out system? Does the DM call a break and this
becomes a table discussion? Is the player allowed to step out on the scene & come back after it
has passed? Does the DM use a RetCon to the story?
A: These situations merit a proper conversation between the Player and the DM and how to
proceed would be decided afterwards.
● PC and Player Problems - What happens when a PC’s action becomes a problem within your
campaign? What if a player crosses a line or overindulges in a particular roleplay that becomes
harmful to the safe space established by your campaign? What if a player of a Self-Righteous

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