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A Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of College of Education
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies


June 2023

Approval Sheet

This research paper titled, Contract of Service Faculty: A Case Study of Pamantsan
ng Cabuyao prepared and submitted by Arañes, Hazel Jane, Barrinuevo, Kristine,
Costillas, Lore Ann, Javier, Camille,Lopez, Joy Ann, has been accepted and
approved as a final requirement for Student Research Program of the
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao.

Certified by:


Thesis Adviser Statistician/Data Analyst

Approved by:


Evaluator 1 Evaluator 2 Evaluator 3

Noted by:


Dean Director
College of Education Research and Development Department

Attachments: (1) Result of Language Software (2) Result of Plagiarism Software (3) Certificate of
Originality and Authenticity

This is to certify that this Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in
Mathematics Research entitled: “Contract of Service Faculty : A Case Study of
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao” prepared and submitted by Aranes Hazel Jane,
Barrinuevo Kristine, Costillas Lore Ann, Javier Camille, Lopez Joy Ann has
been edited by the undersigned.




ID# 2000078,2000559,2001232,2000029,2000882

Names of Students: Arañes, Hazel Jane D., Barrinuevo, Kristine C., Costillas, Lore Ann
S., Javier Camille P., Lopez, Joy Ann K.

Department: College of Education

Degree Program: Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies

Year: 2023



Adviser: MR. RONNEL CUERDO ______________

Printed Name Signature


The purpose of this phenomenological study is to explore and describe the lived
experiences of teachers under contract of service at University of Cabuyao (PnC). The
researchers would use purposive sampling to select participants who were working as
teacher under contract of service at the university. Data collection involve semi-structure
interviews, which will be audio recorded and transcribe verbatim. The data collected from
the interviews will be analyzed using a thematic analysis approach to characterize the
lived experiences of the said type of teachers. This study is also expected to provide
insights into both opportunities and challenges faced by University of Cabuyao’s teachers
who work in a contractual capacity. The in-depth understanding of the experiences of
these teachers, including their perceptions of job security, career development,
relationships with permanent faculty and staff, coping mechanisms, support from the

university administration, workload and compensation, involvement in decision-making

processes, impact on personal lives, and teaching and mentoring responsibilities towards
students will contribute to the existing literature on contractual teaching in higher education
and provide recommendations for improving the working conditions of the teachers under
contract of service.

One-on-one semi-structured interviews was used to generate rich data and

detailed descriptions. Through intensive analysis, there were ten themes categorized, for
the first central question, five themes have emerged: (1) Fixed Period, (2) Rresponsibility
and Duties, (3) Influence of choice, (4) Difficulties and Challenges, (5) Expectations.
Meanwhile, for the second central question there were also five themes emerged: (6)
Quality of Education, (7) Time-Management, (8) Relationships with colleagues, (9)
Passionate in Teaching, and (10) Promotion and Appreciation.

Results of the study revealed that some of the contractual teachers have the same
experience in the university. They have different backgrounds but have some things in
common, like how their work environment is healthy. It also emerged that all the
participants will work for what they earn and because it is their passion. Other participants
meet the needs or requirements step by step to become full permanent university

However, the participants enjoy their work, even though they are only contractual
workers. In addition, they are performing the same tasks as permanent employees at the
university. After all, according to some participants, they enjoy their jobs more because
they get to work with students. Recommendations offered contractual teachers,
administrator, administration, and future researcher to address the results of the study and
limitations for further research possibilities. Given that the contractual teachers have a
roles, responsibilities and challenges and revealed multiple perspective on their
experiences as contract of service teachers, the proposed recommendations should be
considered carefully.

Keywords: Contractual Teaching, Duties, Employees June 5,


Without the participation and cooperation of a sizable number of persons, whose
names cannot all be given, this research would not have been able to be completed. The
following people made significant contributions to the completion of this work, and we
would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to them.:

To our research instructor, Urayjan M. Borlaza for his unwavering assistance,

generosity, and tolerance during our research effort.

To our Panelists Prof Rycel Juco, Prof King Arnold Satsatin and
Prof.Shienna Marie Caparas, for providing the researchers guidance and constant
support, persistent advice, invaluable insights, and sincere patience.

To Human Resource Management, to help us to collect our data by agreeing to

get the list of our participants.

To our Validators, Prof Cherry Lynn Prof Mark Tuares and Prof Arson
Saclag, for contributing their time, knowledge, and expertise in the validation of the
research instrument as well as for refining this research.

To Prof. Ronnel P. Cuerdo,, who consented to be our advisor despite

having other academic and professional commitments. His wisdom, expertise, and
dedication to the highest standards served as an inspiration to and motivator for us.

To our Friends and Parents, who have always encouraged, supported,

and believed in us in all our endeavors, whether personal or professional.

Above all, thanks to the Great Almighty, the source of all knowledge and
wisdom, for his boundless love. We thank you.


This work is dedicated.

Our Almighty God,
for providing us with guidance, blessings, mental power,
strength, and skills, as well as a healthy life.
our loving parents,
who have always been a source of inspiration for us and
have never let us down when we felt like giving up,
and who continue to provide moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.
our brothers, sisters, friends, and classmates
who supported us to finish this study with their words of advice and encouragement.

We dedicated this to all of you.

Thank you and we love you.






TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................ ix


Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
Theoretical Framework ...................................................................... 3
Conceptual Framework ...................................................................... 5
Statement of the problem .................................................................. 6
Scope and Limitation ......................................................................... 7
Significance of the study .................................................................... 7
Definition of terms .............................................................................. 8


Literature Review ............................................................................... 10
Synthesis ........................................................................................... 16
Research Gaps .................................................................................. 17


Research Design ............................................................................... 19
Population and sampling ................................................................... 20

Research Instrument and its validity.................................................. 20

Research Locale ............................................................................... 21
Data Gathering Procedure ................................................................. 22
Ethical Consideration ......................................................................... 23
Treatment for Qualitative Data .......................................................... 24
Comparative Analysis ........................................................................ 26
Trustworthiness .................................................................................. 27




Summary of Findings ......................................................................... 68
Conclusions........................................................................................ 70
Recommendations ............................................................................. 72
Reflexivity Statement ........................................................................ 73
Literature Cited................................................................................... 74
APPENDICES ....................................................................................
Appendix A. Research Interview Protocol
Appendix B. Verbatim Transcriptions
Appendix C. Communication Letters


The lived experiences service teachers with the university's contract, particularly
regarding their working conditions, including their rights at work and current
circumstances. The large scale of different universities having contractual teachers may
also have different experiences inside the university on how they ensure the delivery of
quality education and how they handle and overcome challenges. Lived experiences
influence the development of teachers.

According to Tara Kini & Anne Podolsky (2018), Teachers' effectiveness

increases more when they teach in a supportive and collegial working environment and
amass knowledge in the same grade level, subject, or district. Teachers with more
experience assist—outstanding student learning for their colleagues, school, and
students. Of course, teacher effectiveness varies at each stage of the teaching career, so
only some inexperienced teachers are less effective, and only some experienced teachers
are more effective.

However, Nairuba Justine (2021) said contractual teachers perform good work and
do their best, namely by their qualifications and training, incentives and motivation, and
aspects of teachers determine primarily by their passion for teaching inside the
university/school they want to. Contractual teachers employed on a big scale by various.

Institutions have a variety of experiences inside the university, including how they
ensure the delivery of high-quality instruction and how they deal with and overcome
obstacles. Here are some of DO 49, s.2016 guidelines for hiring contractual Full-time and
Part-time teachers. Those who are given full-time contractual appointments shall receive
the total salary for the teaching rank for which they qualified, as well as a weekly teaching

load, which is 30 hours of teaching with an additional ten hours of work; thus, 40 hours of
work total to complete the required work hours to be spent inside or outside of school
premises. Compared to Part-time contractual teachers, they shall be paid half the salary
of the teaching rank for which they qualified and half of the regular weekly teaching load,
that is, 15 hours. The teaching load is increased by five hours for 20 hours of work to be
completed within or outside the school premises. Contractual appointments are limited to
one year but may be renewed yearly, based on performance, until the completion of the
project or specific work if the appointee's performance is below satisfactory or where the
funds have become insufficient or unavailable, the appointing officer/authority may
terminate the services of, or replace, the appointee after giving the latter a notice at least
30 days before the date of termination of appointment. The employment status should be
written as contractual or Part-time as appropriate.

Contractual teachers, on the other hand, do a fantastic job and give it their all
thanks to their credentials, training, rewards, motivation, and other factors, most notably
their passion for teaching at the university or school of their choice. It also represents a
person's experiences, options, and knowledge obtained as a result of those experiences,
decisions, and preferences. All the contract teachers we spoke with wished that their work
was only temporary and that they would eventually be promoted to public servant
instructors. These are two contract teachers' accounts of how they found jobs as teachers
and the steps they had to take to fulfill their dream of one day working for the government.
Some people derive meaning and purpose from their work. Employment. Our identities,
passions, and sense of self are frequently connected to our profession. Job security is
essential for various factors aside from a sense of identity. In line with the research, it aims
to know the lived experiences of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao instructors under a service


Critical Phenomenology combines elements of both critical theory and

phenomenology to provide a deeper understanding of social inequalities and power
dynamics as they are experienced by individuals. It recognizes that subjective experiences
are shaped by broader social, economic, and political forces, while also recognizing that
individuals actively interpret and make sense of their experiences.

Critical phenomenological analysis is a qualitative research method that involves

examining individuals' lived experiences and subjective interpretations to gain an
understanding of the essence of a particular phenomenon. This approach involves a
critical perspective that seeks to uncover the underlying power structures, social norms,
and cultural assumptions that shape the way individuals experience the world.

Critical phenomenology explores the mechanisms that underpin appearances as

well as those that form our lived experiences and the ways we interact with the outside
world. In general, these structures, such as heteronormativity, racialization, colonialism,
patriarchy, and normativity, do not manifest themselves; however, they impact the
relationships that exist between people, the environment, and the wider world. How we
perceive and comprehend our daily interactions and interactions with others is shaped and
constrained by our body schemas as well as the social, cultural, and institutional
institutions supported by the geomaterial of the planet. Yet, they are adaptable. Critical
phenomenology aims to change the world we live in as well as explain and comprehend
it. Incorporating critical race, Indigenous, feminist, and eco phenomenologist (Helen
Fielding, 2020)

Critical Phenomenology is a philosophical practice of reflecting on the

transcendental structures that make the lived experience of consciousness possible and
meaningful. It begins by bracketing the natural attitude, or the naive assumption that the
world exists apart from consciousness and “reducing” an everyday experience of the world
to the basic structures that constitute its meaning and coherence. The purpose of this

reduction is not to abstract from the complexity of ordinary experience but rather to lead
back (reducers) from an uncritical absorption in the world toward a rigorous understanding
of the conditions for the possibility of any world whatsoever (Gail W.

According to Daniel Liberto (2022), Contract is the study of how people and
organizations construct and develop legal agreements. It analyzes how parties with
conflicting interests build formal and informal contracts, even tenancy. Contract theory
draws upon principles of financial and economic behavior as different parties have
different incentives to perform or not perform actions. It is also useful for understanding
forward contracts, and other legal contracts and their provisions. It also includes an
understanding of letters of intent and memorandums of understanding.

Conceptual Framework

Contractual Teaching
in Pamantasan ng

A Thematic analysis of
Contractual of Service in

Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

The second component

The research will of triangular framework
examine the role will involve a
and experience of Imaginative variation
study to explore the
Contract of Service experience of teachers
teachers in under contractual
perceive life at the
Pamantasan ng University of Cabuyao
Triangulation Framework

This article presents an example that might help understand the structure and
concept of phenomenological research. In Our study, we accept the object of the
phenomena is the educational uses of contractual teaching in Pamantasan. The Subject
is Contractual teachers in different departments selected as participants for this example
study. Therefore. The example study can investigate how teachers under contractual
perceive life at the University of Cabuyao. In this example study, the act of experience,
which is the essence, will occur after Imaginative Variation.


This study aims to answer the following specific questions hovering around the
reality of teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao:
Central Question:
1. How do contractual teachers perceive life at the University of Cabuyao?
Collorary Questions:
1. How do these teachers describe their experiences at the University of Cabuyao?
2. What are their coping mechanisms in dealing with these experiences in the University
of Cabuyao?
3. From the findings, what recommendations could be provided to improve the working
conditions of teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao?
4. What themes emerge based on the share experiences of the participants?
This research study aims to know: lived experiences of faculty under contract of
service. This study was conducted at Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. The total number of
participants based on the list under contract of service from the HR Office is 41.
Participants were limited to five faculty members. The study was conducted during the
Academic Year 2022-2023.
This study conducted to analyze the lived experiences contractual teaching of
Instructors in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. The researcher intended to show the perception,
experiences and coping mechanism of contract of service faculty in Pamantasan ng
Cabuyao. Benefiting the study were the following:
Contract of Service Instructor. The research benefits the contact of service teachers
who working to share knowledge and ideas on what they can be.
Education Students. The research benefits students who want to become an educator
in the future. The researcher's study outcome benefits neither the present nor the future
educator. This research could serve as the foundation for a new learning theory.

Future Researcher. The outcome of this study is beneficial to the following researcher
who might become interested in the same topic. This paper focuses on this study and may
become another basis for a broader and more in-depth study of related topics.
PNC (Pamantasan ng Cabuyao). A school who been hiring a contract of service teachers
who give a chance shared their skills in teaching professions.
Human Resource Office. The researcher benefits HRO, who gave the list of COS in
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao as part of the study.

The terms listed below have been operationally defined for a clearer study understanding.
Epoche: is the method of explaining a phenomenon in terms of its own innate system of
meaning, while excluding prejudices and presumptions.
Colleague: A colleague is someone you work with at your job. When you are a teacher,
the other teachers are your colleagues.
Contract of service refers to the engagement of the services of an individual, private firm,
other government agency, non-governmental agency or international organization as
consultant, learning service provider or technical expert to undertake special project or job
within a specific period.
Human Resource: Accountable for carrying out employee processes, including hiring,
training, and vetting new hires.
Salary: A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly or biweekly basis but often
expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a
professional or white-collar worker.
School: An organization that provides teaching and learning students and teachers.
Teacher: A person who help students to acquire knowledge competence or virtue.
Workloads: A teacher's workload includes preparing lessons according to agreed
curricula, giving lessons and assessing pupil progress.



This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies both foreign and local
collected from different books, journals, articles, and other electronic sources from the
internet Contractual Teaching in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao.

Life of Worker under Contractual

According to Carolynn Bruce et al. (2023). Contractual employees are individuals

who receive a fixed fee to work for a specified time frame or on a certain project.
Companies may also refer to these types of employees as independent contractors,
contract workers, freelancers, or work-for-hire staffers. Companies often hire contractual
employees for Expertise in a particular field, such as writing or illustration. When
contractual employees work on short-term projects, pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or
when the project is completed. Contractual employees are often alternatives to hiring full-
time, long-term employees with the same Expertise. Instead of being company
employees, contractual employees are self-employed individuals with their own business,
whether it's a limited liability company, sole proprietorship, or limited liability partnership.
They often work for multiple companies at once to supplement their income. Public sector
workers are the lifeblood of public service, the cogs, and gears that move public
administration as it enables the realization of national development goals and larger social
transformation in communities.
In view of this concept, work in the public sector is supposed to be decent and
secure. However, in the recent thirty years, austerity-driven administrative reforms
sponsored by a neoliberal regime have changed the Philippine public administration in
ways that greatly affected, among others, public sector employment. One impact is an
increase in the number of nonregular workers, especially those employed under service
contracts (COS), work orders (JO), and third parties. 1 Making up more than 669,347 out

of roughly 1.7 million jobs in government (CSC, 2019a; CSC, 2019b), the COS and JO
personnel, coupled with an undocumented number of agency-hired laborers, are
recognized for filling gaps in perpetual job needs of government agencies without the
benefit of stability of tenure and social protection.
Despite the predominance of the Unfortunately, little is known about how public
policy structured and maintained precarious labor in the Philippine government. This paper
is a cursory attempt to assess civil service, procurement, budgeting, and taxes laws
connected to public sector employment and contracting out. It identifies precarious work
gaps and policy responses that bring about emerging threats to nonregular personnel in
government. The paper then finishes with prospects for change towards
Lagura and Logan (2018) did a study on the livelihood of job order street sweepers
in the city governments of Davao City. The survey concluded that the staff is struggling
because of poor salaries, uncertain jobs, and absence of benefits even though they are
prone to accidents and diseases because of the nature of their profession.
In a study done by Sambo (2018), it was found that service employee wage was
in conformity with the normal salary for government employees, yet they are not entitled
to any form of paid leaves, bonus, and incentives that is granted to normal employees. In
recent years there have been incentives and bonuses given to contract of service staff
and job orders. Under Administrative Order No. 20 (2019) of Malacañang Palace, a
gratuity pay not exceeding Three Thousand Pesos is paid to staff working as JO and COS
as appreciation and acknowledgment of their hard work. Also, COS and JO were granted
a premium payment that is up to twenty percent of their compensation but could be lower
depending on the funding of the government agency; however, payment still relies on the
contracting agency (Medenilla, 2020).
(McMichael, McNamara & Farboto, 2020) The Seasonal Worker Program (SWP)
in Australia makes investments in its participants' homes, towns, and communities in ways
that promote growth and climate change adaptation.

We find that labor migrants make investments (via funding, resources, and skills)
that contribute to the development and in-situ climate change adaptation, enabling
aspirations for a resilient future in their community of origin. Our findings are based on an
in-depth qualitative survey of 12 Solomon Islands SWP participants working on citrus
farms in the Mildura region of Australia. However, we contend that to fully enable
opportunities for transformative climate change adaptation, climate change considerations
should be formally integrated and mainstreamed into the SWP.
(Yeoh et al., 2020) The older generation of low-wage migrant domestic workers
hails from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Sri Lanka, and for twenty to thirty years, India
has resided and worked in Singapore. The most stringent type of visa used to enter
Singapore is called a "work permit," and it provides a 2-year contract that is both temporary
and renewable. Domestic workers who hold this visa must reside in the houses of their
employers, have one day off each week (or occasionally every two weeks or every month),
and are not permitted to bring their families with them to Singapore. Migrant domestic
workers are excluded from many areas of daily life structurally, socially, and physically.
(Zhijie Wu,2021) Every day, life in Japan is changing. People who worked in the
1990s could tell you how different working conditions were in Japan at the time. As a
foreign worker in Japan, many factors affect your daily life. Build your routine around your
job, where you live, and your interests. Your employment position, whether full-time, part-
time, or temporary, is also crucial. And keep in mind that you have days off to make full
use of! It takes time to integrate into Japanese society. Thus, you will need people to
support you. There are some things to think about. Transportation, linguistics, culture,
working conditions, and routine. Your survival is what is at stake! Moving to a new country
and immediately trying to succeed in a new job can be difficult.
Challenges in Contract of Service
The situation of contract workers is almost the same as that of contract workers in
the Philippines. The pay is low, there is no guarantee of legalization, and there are no
Bag (2018) investigated the working conditions of contract teachers in some.

state-run higher education institutions in India. The only exception is that licensed contract
teachers in India are entitled to paid maternity leave.
According to (Join Circular #2. 2020 COA and DBM), COS recruitment is limited to
consultants, learning providers, and/or other technical professionals who undertake a
specific project or assignment within a specified period. The project or contract is not part
of the agency's ordinary responsibility, or the expertise is not available to the agency, or it
is impractical or costly for the agency to directly undertake the services provided by an
individual or agency contractor. Takes Employment of JO workers are limited to urgent or
temporary work such as B. Removal of debris from roads, canals, waterways, etc. after
natural, man-made disasters, events. Other trades and crafts and manual labor are not
included in the normal work of government agencies, such as carpentry, plumbing,
painting, and electrical work under no circumstances should COS and JO staff be
compelled to perform duties that are part of the agency's existing regular staff job
description. COS and JO employees should not be used in positions that manage or
supervise full-time and career employees. The services of COS and JO personnel are not
subject to civil service laws, rules, and regulations and are, therefore, not government
services. They are not entitled to the following benefits that civil servants receive Holidays,
vacations, representative allowances, travel expenses, other bonuses, incentives, etc.
In the following years Yee (2018), it was reported that the number of contractual
workers in government agencies was still significantly increasing. On the other hand,
President Duterte administration had huge success in its battle against illegal
contractualization in the private sector as seen on the number of workers being regularized
in private companies (Lena, 2019). The government must also give attention to the
contractual workers in government agency and make ways to regularize this hundreds of
thousands of workers (Rubio, 2021) There is widespread concern that social inequalities
may persist if contract teachers are found to be less capable of delivering learning than
regular teachers (Teachers Task Force, 2019). In fact,

young, inexperienced, and often untrained contract teachers are the children who need
the most quality instruction.
Villena (2018) conducted a study analyzing work orders and contracts for
government service workers. From this, it can be concluded that the duties of the
employee belong to the core and regular duties of the institution.
Candelario, Tindowen, Mendezabal, Quilang (2020) study on organizational
commitment and job satisfaction among government employees. The respondents are
both regular and contractual employees. The study determined that the regular and
contractual employees are highly satisfied in their job because of their high commitment
to the organization, making workers’ commitment to the organization they are with a
significant factor that influences job satisfaction. who hired them.

Bag (2018) investigated the employment status of contract lecturers in higher

education institutions at government-supported designated universities in India. The
conditions for contract workers are almost the same as for outsourcing contracts in the
Philippines. Low wages, no promises to be regulated, no benefits. The only exception is
that licensed contract teachers in India are entitled to paid maternity leave.
The LAWASIA (2019), featured keynote addresses aimed at addressing issues
facing migrant workers. Rights of Migrant Workers and Obligations of Employers. The
purpose of this event was to share with participants how migrant labor is being managed
in various jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific region and what obstacles we see. This
commercial law update builds on conference keynotes to provide an overview of how
migrant labor is regulated in Fiji and the Pacific. Due to the time limit for keynotes, this
update expands on some of the topics mentioned during the conference keynotes. Fiji and
other Pacific Island governments face several challenges in managing migrant workers,
and these challenges are similar in other areas of regulation. First, there is the issue of
limited resources, and second, each Pacific Island is a unique constitutional state with
different laws and regulations. (James Sloan, 2019)

The researcher selected the deeper part of the study to comprehend and keep up
with through the content of analysis and developed the following investigations. The life of
workers under contractual, the experience of the workers, the challenges they face on the
job, and so on. The researcher implementation of an idea for this study which was
produced and synthesized.
The reviewed literature had been clearly emphasized and explained their experience
as a contractual it will also help the learners to be aware of what they're sacrificing in terms
of teaching, to give various respect, and discipline as a student. Life of workers under
contractual provides a discussion on various laws, rules and regulations that affects
process of hiring and selection and supervision of the above-mentioned class of workers.
( Villena, 2018 ) Is available in terms of contractual professionals with high levels of
skill are employees in the workforce. Non-professional and contract teachers, loosening
the standards for entry into the profession, and reducing the length of teacher training.
This, in turn, contributed to a certain de-professionalization of the occupation, ultimately
reducing its status and appeal’ (Tournier et al., 2019)
Bilgiç and Ekinci (2020) found that contract teachers had psychological, economic,
managerial, and social problems. And it explained their experiences as contractual.
Besides, the research reported that contract teachers had problems regarding unions,
personal rights, and group membership (belonging).
However, a working relationship is developed as the contractual employee integrates
or joins the organization. As evident from a number of studies, teaching has not remained
immune to the process of casualization (Cuervo and Chesters, 2019; Melville et al., 2019;
Rey et al., 2020; Stacey et al., 2022). During onboarding, continue throughout the contract
period to give employees the to adjust for recurring or infrequent interruptions functions or
organizational structures at work (2018 Caldwell & Peters).

Furthermore, understanding their skills and motivation who fight in their everyday
lives. Identifying the strategies effectiveness, based on experiences, may also improve
their skills and responsibilities as their passion for teaching and being an example for each
Research Gap’s

From the above review of related literature, the following gaps were determined.

Although the experience of contractual teachers has only been the subject of a few
studies, there is a lack of research on how the contractual teachers have few problems
experienced in the school they are teaching. There is a limitation about mental struggle
considering selected faculty/teachers under the contract of service. There is a limitation
about mental struggle on selected faculty/teachers considering pamantasan ng cabuyao
as the place we research.



This chapter includes the research design, population and sampling procedures,
description of the participants, instruments and its validation, data collection and
procedure, as well as the statistical tool and treatment.

Research Design

Qualitative-descriptive research design was the type of qualitative research

method that is use of the title " Contract of service faculty : a case study of Pamantasan
ng Cabuyao. According to Kumar (2011) A descriptive study attempts systematically to
describe a situation, problem, phenomenon, service, or programmed, or provides
information about, say, the living conditions of a community, or describes attitudes towards
an issue”. This research design aims to describe teachers lived experiences working
under a contract at Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao, a local public university in the Philippines.
The study would use interviews as the primary data collection method according to Pritha
Bhandari (2020) Data collection is a systematic process of gathering observations or
measurements to gain insights into teachers' subjective experiences in contractual
situations. This research aims to provide a rich and detailed description of the experiences
of these faculties as well as identify common themes and patterns that may help illuminate
the challenges and issues faced by this population. The study's results would be presented
in a thematic format, using quotes and examples to illustrate the themes that emerge from
the data and provide an in-depth understanding of the experiences of academics working
under contractual arrangements in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao.
Population And Sampling
The participants/population for this qualitative-descriptive study were the faculty
currently working under a Contract at Pamantasan ng Cabuyao (PNC),

a local public university in the Philippines. The population was limited to teachers in a
contractual work situation, as defined in the guidelines for hiring and firing teachers at
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. The sample size was determined using purposive sampling,
where participants are selected based on their ability to provide relevant and insightful
information about the research topic. The selection of participants would be based on the
criteria set out in the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria for participants
would be that they work at Pamantasan ng Cabuyao under contract of service. The
researcher has contacted potential participants and invite them to participate. Those who
meet the inclusion criteria and agree to participate waste selected as the participant for
the study.

Research Instrumuent and its Validity

The researchers followed the subsequent processes of creating the research

instrument for this qualitative-descriptive study. It involves several steps. First, the
researched questions would have been defined to guide the data collection process and
identify the data type that must be collected. In qualitative-descriptive research, in-depth
interviews were usually conducted to collect data, so the researched instrument would
have been designed to facilitate this data collection method. The device would include
open-ended questions encouraging participants to share their stories and provide detailed
accounts of their experiences. These questions should be straightforward to understand.

Before conducting the interviews, the research instrument has been tested pilot with
several participant/s to identify any potential questions or interview format issues. Based
on feedback received during the pilot test, the research instrument should be refined and
revised to ensure it is straightforward, easy to understand, and effectively captures the
participants' experiences.

Finally, the research instrument was described in the methodology section of the
research paper, including any modifications made during the pilot testing phase. The
validators of this research instrument are two contracts of service teachers and one person
in the HR department.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. The participants was

interviewed in the school or any comfortable place that the participants choose and
depending on the availability of time. The participants were interviewed face to face to
know the lived experience of teachers in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao under a contract of
service. The research was conducted during second semester 2022-2023

Data Gathering Procedure

The following data collection procedure was implemented to conduct in-depth

interviews with faculties working under a contract of service at the University of Cabuyao
(Pamantasan ng Cabuyao, PNC).

Firstly, a letter of request seeking approval from the university's Human Resources
was submitted. The letter would explain the purpose and scope of the study, the data
collection procedure, and the expected outcomes. It also highlights the potential benefits
of the study to the university and its stakeholders. After approval had been obtained,
potential participants were identified using a purposive sampling technique that targets
teachers currently employed under a contract of service at PNC. Informed consent will
then be obtained by explaining the study's purpose, the nature of the interview, and the
participant's rights as a research participant.

A consent form was distributed to participants. Sign if they agree to participate.

The interviews were scheduled at a convenient time and location for the participant and
held in a private and comfortable setting. The semi-structured interviews allowed for open-

ended and follow-up questions to probe for deeper understanding and clarification. All
interviews were recorded with the participant's consent, and any identifiable information
would kept confidential.

After the interview, the data was transcribed verbatim and validated by sending a
copy of the transcript to the participant for review and confirmation. This process was
repeated with additional participants until data saturation was reached, meaning no new
information or themes emerged from the interviews. The researchers ensured that ethical
considerations were addressed, that the data collected was valid, accurate, and
representative of the experiences of faculties in contractual work at PNC, and that the
study had the necessary approvals from the university administration.

Ethical Consideration

Informed consent was a critical ethical consideration in research involving human

participants. Participants were fully informed about the nature of the study, the risks and
benefits involved, and their right to withdraw from the study at any time. Written consent
was obtained from participants unless they were unable to provide written consent.

Anonymity and confidentiality were also important ethical considerations. The

researcher protected the anonymity and confidentiality of all participants in the study.
This meant that the researcher did not disclose any identifying information about
participants, such as their names, addresses, or contact information. The researcher
also took steps to protect the confidentiality of the data collected during the study, such
as storing the data in a secure location and using encryption software.

The right to withdraw was another important ethical consideration. Participants had
the right to withdraw from the study at any time. The researcher informed participants of
their right to withdraw, and they made it easy for participants to withdraw from the study if
they wished to do so.

Treatment for Qualitative Data

In-depth interviews with teachers working under contract of service at Pamantasan

ng Cabuyao (PNC) were conducted using semi-structured, allowing open-ended and
follow-up questions to probe for deeper understanding and clarification. The discussions
covered topics such as job security, working conditions, benefits, and the personal and
professional impact of the contract.

Thematic analysis. This technique involved identifying patterns or themes in the

findings that are appropriate for the research questions. The interview data has been
transcribed and thematically analyzed to determine key themes and patterns that emerged
from the data. These themes may be compared with existing literature on teachers'
experiences in other contexts. The result was reported in a descriptive and interpretive
way, using quotes from the interviews to support the analysis.

The study employed a qualitative approach. This approach seeks to answer

questions from the real world, gaining an in-depth understanding of human behavior and
the factors that influence it. The qualitative approach intends to make meanings out of text
and images, segmenting and taking apart the data, then putting it back together again
(Creswell & Creswell, 2018).

In the research approach, the following steps are considered in analyzing the data
gathered (Creswell, 2013, as cited by Alase, 2017)

Bracketing. Moustakas (1994), as cited by Marshall and Rossman (2016), explains

that the researchers’ preconceptions, expectations, assumptions, and personal biases
should be set aside to avoid adverse effects on the study findings.

Afterward, the researchers proceed to horizontalization. In this process, the

researchers began reading and re-reading the interviews, then highlighted statements that
form a cluster of meanings (Creswell, 2013 as cited by Alase, 2017)

The next phase was coding it is a process by which the researcher brackets the
data into chunks (Rossman & Rallis, 2012; Creswell & Creswell, 2018), segmenting it
through categories, and labeling each category with a theme that is usually based on the
actual stated by the participants. These significant statements were clustered into
structural descriptions. Structural descriptions emphasized the how and were more likely
imaginative. Each theme was supported with descriptions and direct quotations from the
participants as evidence. The textural and structural descriptions were combined to form
the “overall essence” of the studied phenomena.

Lastly, the researchers talked again with the individuals so that the participants
themselves could clarify and fix their responses, so the validity of the essence was
established, thus establishing credibility.


In order to establish trustworthiness, several strategies were employed. First,

rigorous data collection methods were employed, including the use of multiple sources of
data. The researcher took meticulous notes during data collection and maintained a
detailed record of the research process to ensure transparency and accuracy.

Second, to enhance the credibility of the research, the researcher engaged in

prolonged engagement with the research participants. This involved spending a
significant amount of time in the field, building rapport with participants, and gaining a
deep understanding of the context in which the research was conducted.

Third, to establish dependability, the researcher employed various techniques to

ensure consistency and coherence in data analysis. This included the use of coding
frameworks and analysis which facilitated the systematic organization and interpretation
of the data.

Finally, the researcher actively engaged in reflexivity throughout the research

process. This involved critically examining their own biases, assumptions, and
preconceptions, and considering how these might have influenced the research process
and findings. By acknowledging and addressing potential biases, the researcher aimed
to enhance the objectivity and trustworthiness of the study.



The treatment, analysis and interpretation, and verification of data are generally
aligned with the approach of Creswell & Creswell (2013) as cited by Alase (2017) as
previously discussed in Chapter 3. This definition explains that research is a process of
steps used to gather and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or
issue. A research is a methodical way to find a solution to a problem and that solution
assists in contributing to the available knowledge. Forming an issue, gathering data to
address it, and analyzing that data to draw conclusions about it are all steps in this
methodical process.

The bracketing as contractual, many of them are also doing their responsibility in
teaching, which also depends on how they are cared for and treated, establishing the
connection. within Cabuyao University. However, they also said a lot, and as a researcher,
you can understand their situation once you hear their perspective on being a contractual
teacher. Apart from the fact that you love teaching, that is why the procedures in a school
also have a standard, and their knowledge and skills are tested. In addition to that, they
also sacrifice their happiness just for what they are doing, how they handle it, and how
they can motivate themselves to continue. Furthermore, as a contractual teacher, there
are also many unexpected things regarding what they experience inside the school, as
well as
the friends and beloved students who are with you every day, whether it is an online class
or face-to-face.
The horizontalization the participants shared multiple perspectives regarding
understanding the Contractual Teaching in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao but the same point
regarding a fixed hiring period. The participants also shared their different experiences
and challenges as contract teachers regarding the roles and duties of Teaching
Permanent and Contractual Teachers. Moreover, it does not affect the choice of teaching;

teachers need help in the space to handle online classes because of the reason that is
having limited space and the contractual teachers' expectations, negative and positive,
due to the educational institution at Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. Fundamentally, each
participant considered a deeper understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of
contractual teachers.
The participants also shared the experiences of contractual teachers with
contractual teaching agreements affecting the quality of education of school management.
These include strategies for work-life balance and well-being of contractual teachers to
adopt effectively handle their workloads through time management and having a healthy
workplace, relationships with people around with their colleagues and students,
passionate in teaching, and passionate teaching participants claim to enjoy their work in
addition to working for the pay and other benefits. Furthermore, participants suggest
enhancing working conditions and appreciation of the contract of service teachers.
Improving working conditions is crucial; this pertains to both the work environment and the
employee's performance. Participants' desire promotion and appreciation from
management are among the things they need the most.
The data were analyzed by highlighting significant participant statements and
clustering them into relevant themes. The themes were used to describe the research
problem: teachers under contractual perceived life at the University of Cabuyao. The
researchers categorized ten theme clusters from the intensive analysis of the fifty (50)
significant statements.
1. Contractual teachers perceive life at the University of Cabuyao
theme 1. Fixed period
All participants says that the contractual teacher is fixed period of being hired,
Contractual teaching refers to an appointment issued to an appointee who shall teach
specialized subjects in secondary education on a part-time basis. The inclusive period
shall be indicated on the appointment for purposes of crediting service. The 5 participants

“When it is said to be contractual, it is not permanent because it has a limit. The word
contractual means you have a contract, and you are being contracted.”
“Contractual teaching refers to a teaching arrangement where an individual is hired on a
contractual basis rather than as a regular, permanent employee. Contractual teaching
positions are often offered to individuals who are hired for a fixed period or for a specific
project or course.”
“This is not a permanent status ang binabayarang serbisyo mo eh yung kailangan lang for
example kailangan ka lang sa pag tuturo yun lang ang babayaran nila sayo at may specific
na time frame lang yon kung apat na buwan lang yung serbisyong kailangan nila yun lang
yung ibibigay nila sayo.”
“Contractual means it’s a service of contract for semester it’s renewable every semester.”
“So question number one what is my current understanding pertaining to contractual
teaching in pamantasan ng cabuyao basically what i understand about the contractual
teaching based from the contract of service is that we are going to render our services
either teaching or not teaching within a specify time or tenure for example we just have to
sign a contract for six months and bearing you after six months if ever our performance is
outstanding and worth, they of its renewal.”
Contract teachers are hired on a temporary basis instead of having a permanent
contract. Even though they are not civil servants, they are usually employed by the
government as well.
In various contexts, there is a wide range of arrangements under the term contract
teachers, 'including volunteers, parents, community members, student teachers, recent
trainees fulfilling national services obligations, expatriate teachers, and retired teachers.
In some countries, contract teachers are paid precariously through the communities
through the parents, leading to uncertain salary conditions. In other countries, there [are
much more formally instituted government approaches to contract teacher hiring and
payment' (Chudgar et al., 2018). Usually, contract teachers cannot apply for professional
advancement, although in certain countries, processes have been developed to 'recruit
contract teachers as permanent staff, who can then benefit from the career schemes in

place.' (Tournier et al., 2019: 25). In many contexts, contract teachers represent a
significant percentage of the teaching workforce. Indeed, as a response to the substantial
expansion in admittance to training throughout the past many years, many countries
increased their teaching workforce 'often by lowering entry qualifications and recruiting
non-professional and contract teachers, loosening the standards for entry into the
profession, and reducing the length of teacher training. This, in turn, contributed to a
certain de-professionalization of the occupation, ultimately reducing its status and appeal'
(Tournier et al., 2019, p. 19).
Theme 2: Responsibility and duties
This theme explains that there are participants whom there is no difference in the
responsibilities, duties and Roles of COS and Permanent Teachers as a whole we can
see the same role and their duty is to give their teaching responsibility to be effective. The
5 Participant Shared Statement:
“My role as contractual in the University of Cabuyao is to fill the needs of the students, and
it is my responsibility to expand my knowledge and skills even though I am only contractual
and not permanent.”

“As a new employee here in PNC I don’t see any comparable roles and responsibility
between Contract Of Service and permanent employee. I work here as Instructor at
college of engineering. Also, I am the secretary of graduate school department.”

“Siguro as a contruactual minsan kasi kami nag poprovide ng equipment namin. Minsan
nasa school kami, minsan wala naman. Unlike yung mga permanent na lagi silang nasa
school. Pero not pecific na lahat ng permanent is laging nasa school kumbaga experience
ko lang sya. Sa responsibilities naman responsible kaming punan kayong mga studyante
ng sapat na knowledge kahit may span yung pagiging contractual namin.”

“I have the same set of responsibilities in terms of academic or teaching duties as well as
a non-teaching duties or task such a going outside for classroom observation and other
caring of documents and monitoring for evaluation.”

“Basically, our roles and responsibility as contractual is not so different from those with
regular and permanent teaching and non-teaching personnel is our duty to comply with
the regulation and policies of the institution, we have to fulfil our duties and responsibilities
to teach, we are on the teaching, and we have to avid on a different regulation stipulated
under the management”
Good achievement in the development of the education sector and function cannot be
separated teachers. Educators assume a significant part in planning students to face their
future. The effectiveness of the task implementation by the teacher leads to the
implementation of teaching tasks in accordance with certain procedures, techniques, and
methods to achieve learning outcomes that are consistent with the goals set. Moreover,
the improvement of education quality is determined by the readiness of human resources
involved in the education process. Therefore, the teachers are required to have the
effectiveness of work that should be able to provide and realize the expectations and
wishes of all parties that are involved, especially the public who have trusted the school
institutions and teachers in fostering their children as learners. If the effectiveness of
teacher work is not achieved, it will lead to students obtaining low-quality education.
Achieving the quality of good education is strongly influenced by the effectiveness of
teachers in performing their duties so that the effectiveness of the teacher's work becomes
an important factor to succeed in the educational process schools, teachers are the main
force in addition to other education personnel who determine the good and bad quality of
education, so the effectiveness of teacher work needs special attention.
This urgency is impossible to negotiate because the key to improving school quality
is the quality of the teacher (Tilaar, 2018). Therefore, teachers are required to work
professionally in running the task of learning in the classroom. Professional teachers will
be committed to their tasks and have a high sense of responsibility for creating effective
learning in schools. Teachers can perform tasks according to their roles and functions in
the education process. Then it is expected that the teacher will be able to teach their
subjects excellently to achieve the purpose of education in the school. Meanwhile,
Schermerhorn et al. (2019) revealed the concept of work seen from the involvement of

individual work as follows: "Job involvement is the extent to which an individual is

dedicated to a job." Job involvement is the extent to which a person can dedicate himself
to his work. Champoux (2020) defines the effectiveness of work as: "Work effectiveness
is the behavioral outcome closely associated with internal work motivation. Internal work
motivation is a feeling of self-reward from doing the job itself. Work effectiveness is the
result of behavior most closely related to internal work motivation. The motivation for
internal work is a feeling of self-esteem for the achievement of the work that has been
done by themselves. The effectiveness of teacher work, in this concept, is understood as
the effectiveness of the implementation of teaching tasks.
Theme 3: Influence of choice
When it comes to the prevalence of contracts affecting their decision, participants
consistently emphasized their passion for teaching and their desire to impart knowledge
regardless of their contractual status. They mentioned that their decision-making was not
significantly influenced by the presence of a contract. Additionally, participants expressed.
enjoyment and satisfaction in their current positions, with a focus on fulfilling their
responsibilities and contributing to the institution's mission and vision.:
“It does not affect my decision because I love teaching, giving knowledge and this is my

“Cos or permanent, as of now I have nothing to say, this is my first work ever, I am enjoying
my position right now.”

“As a contractual hindi naman talaga napektuhan yung decision making ko kasi nag turo
ako kasi gusto ko and passion ko talaga so ayon”

“It not a really matter of decision making.”

“Regardless being of contractual or non-contractual teacher, which is number 3, I guess if
doesn't affect me. my decision after all, I have to passion to teach so, whether we're
contractual or regular the design is always after on how we can impart our knowledge to

the students and how are we going to teach them to be globally competitive and attain the
mission, vision and core values of the institution.”
The multidimensional approach to measuring teacher participation in decision-
making revealed quite high actual participation in decisions concerning students' and
teachers' issues but low levels of participation in managerial decisions. The discrepancy
between the actual and desired levels of participants showed significant deprivation
across all decision‐making domains. Greater participation in decisions concerning
teacher. Issues and lower levels of deprivation of participating in managerial issues were
associated with teachers' perceptions of better leadership and higher collegiality in
schools. The strongest predictor of both teachers' sense of efficacy and job satisfaction
was their participation in decisions concerning teacher issues (Jasmin-Olga, 2019)
2. Teachers describe their experiences at the University of Cabuyao
Theme 4: Difficulties and challenges
This theme explains that most of the participants do not face any challenges or
difficulties at university, except for a lack of space because the space for their teaching in
online classes is limited, making it difficult to manage the online class. They also do not
face any problems because of proper management of their salaries. The Participant
Shared Statement:
“In the few years of teaching at University of Cabuyao, I really have challenges to face.
But because I have kind co-workers, and enthusiastic students, I won’t feel the hardships
and challenges as a contractual teacher.”

“I Don’t experience any difficulties here In Pnc”

“In terms of payment or salary there is no problem but of course we don’t have benefits
here maybe that’s the one biggest difficulty that i have here in Pnc since we are not
receiving a side for our salary itself.”

“Yes, this is being experienced by contractual and non-contractual teachers this is a

difficulty in space in to handle online classes because we have limited facilities for that.”

“Any challenges or difficulty by contractual teacher, I guess none so far because well the
administration has been fair with us, they have also given it us teaching loads and
responsibilities in which we can be a develop our professional skills, professional
development they tend to engage us different activities and they also consider our talent
and skills even though I am contractual.”

A school is a place where the teachers and the students live in secure closeness.
The teachers and the students live under the umbrella of the process of teaching and
learning. It is a location where a person receives formal education. The school provides
facilities the more real learning will be taken place. It is the classroom where students from
diverse sections of society come in close contact with one another. Individual, as
well as group studies take place in a classroom. Well, the planned and controlled
classroom is an indication of effective learning. Teachers must build up the capability to
generate helpful learning opportunities for effective teaching in the classrooms (Eilam &
Poyas, 2006). Kersting, Givvin, Sotelo, & Stigler (2021) opinioned that professional vision
is a significant requirement for effective teaching. In an overcrowded classroom is that
having the quantity of understudies surpasses the ideal level to such an extent that the
teaching-Learning process is hindered. Khan and Iqbal (2019) concluded that effective
teaching was impossible in overcrowded classes, and the greater part of teachers face
several problems such as instructional, discipline, physical, and evaluation problems for
the delivery of effective instruction.
Around the world, teachers are facing problems regarding the delivery of
instruction, administration, and judgment in overcrowded classrooms (Benbow & Moshiro,
2018). Amarat (2021) is of the view that the teachers face the most serious problem in
public schools is overcrowded classrooms. The students show negative attitudes in
overcrowded classrooms due to frustration as they are despondent and discouraged as
well (Oliver, 2019). Shah and Inamullah (2022) revealed that overcrowded classes directly
affect the process of teaching and learning. Overcrowded classrooms are not only the
cause of the bad performance of the students but also put huge stress on teachers.

According to Fin (2023), teacher morale and enjoyment of their profession are
negatively affected in overcrowded classrooms. In overcrowded classrooms, teachers
face many challenges in the classroom.
According to Lannoy and Hall (2020), the number of students in a class is directly
related to the quality of education. An overcrowded class has a lot of effects on teachers
as the quality of teaching and learning diminishes in an environment that is overcrowded.
In the larger the class, it is difficult for the teachers to know the circumstances of each
student. Mtika (2020) says that smaller classes allow teachers to interact more with the
students and provide individual attention to the students.
Theme 5: Expectations
Fundamentally, each of the participants considered the deeper understanding
about advantage and disadvantage of hiring contractual teachers that had been shared:

“For me, the advantage of hiring a contractual teacher at Cabuyao University is that the
contractual teachers will work hard because if you don’t do it, you will be fired sooner. The
disadvantage is that there is a span and limitation.”

” I think the advantage is more flexible and disadvantage is having a lack of continuity “

“Advantages in a sense that, as a teacher if your status is contractual then technically.

you can always look for better environment that you dont need to leave your job. Hindi
mo kailangan iwan ang trabaho mo kasi kung mag sawa ka lilipat ka na lang sa iba. Find
better opportunity pero syempre yun ay perspective ko lamang as an individual na ayaw
mag commit. Pero syempre mas maganda pa rin yung permanent ka.”

“Disadvantage of being a contractual employee is I don’t have secure of tenure so it’s like
I’m not secured every time because I can easily dismiss if I have done something wrong
or if I have some administrative case just like that. Advantages is that if I experience at job
dissatisfaction or if I realize that I am not satisfied anymore with my job I just declined the
renewal of contract.”

“In my own opinion, basically the disadvantage of hiring contractual teacher is that, I guess
the contract has to end. so, they cannot pursue the responsibility if ever they're continuing
responsibilities that they must fulfill within the specify a tenure and for the
advantage of hiring contractual. well, they have the freedom to hire or re-hire this specify
the contractual teaching personnel.”
There are many different arrangements that fall under the umbrella of the phrase
"contract teachers" in diverse situations, including "volunteers, parents, community
members, student teachers, recent trainees fulfilling national service obligations,
expatriate teachers, and retired teachers." Contract teachers [are] [paid] precariously
through the communities, through the parents, which results in questionable wage
conditions] in some countries. According to Chudgar, Muralidharan, and Honeyman
(2018), "there are much more formally established government approaches to contract.
teacher hiring and payment."
There are numerous arrangements that are included in the umbrella of the phrase
"contract teachers" in diverse situations, including "volunteers, parents, community
members, student teachers, recent trainees fulfilling national service obligations,
expatriate teachers, and retired teachers." Contract teachers [are] [paid] precariously
through the communities, through the parents, which results in questionable wage
conditions] in some countries. According to Chudgar, Muralidharan, and Honeyman
(2021), "There are much more formally established government approaches to contract
teacher hiring and payment." Although in certain nations, procedures have been devised
to "recruit contract
teachers as permanent staff, who can then benefit from the career schemes in
place" Tournier et al. (2019: 25), contract teachers are typically not eligible to seek for
professional advancement.
Contract instructors make up a sizable portion of the teaching workforce in many
situations. In fact, many nations increased their teaching workforce in response to the
significant expansion in access to education over the past few decades by recruiting non-

professional and contract teachers, lowering entry requirements settling for what is most
convenient option for passage into the calling, and shortening teacher training programs.
This ultimately decreased the stature and appeal of the occupation and led to a certain
de-professionalization of it (Tournier et al., 2019)
Theme 6: Quality of education
There is some progress being made in addressing the politicization of higher
education, teacher recruitment and enrollment fraud, and political dissatisfaction among
students. Recruitment and retention of top-notch professors as well as the incentive
systems that recognize and reward achievement in higher education have received much
less attention. On the context, gaining the quality education of contractual teaching
arrangement affect to each participant it should discussed:
” Contractual teachers do not have any bad effects. Because contractual and permanent
are almost the same. The only difference is the tenure.”

“I think papasok dito yung Expertise and Experience of Contractual teachers they can
bring specialized skills and expertise to the classroom, which can enhance the quality of
education in specific subjects or areas “

“Actually, kung sa epekto nito masisipag ang mga contractual teachers dito sa
pamantasan ng cabuyao a I can say it, kasi ako nag start ng part time at sa bagong
administration nabigyan kami ng chance para maging contractual meaning buo

yung sweldo namin monthly at isa yon sa biggest blessings namin.”

“No, it doesn’t affect that all because all of the teachers that are working with Pamantasan
are highly qualified and the administration is make his Oise or consistent in making,
ensuring that all teachers gave a quality of education regardless of its position in
“I guess there are no negative affect of the quality of education provided by the contractual
teaching personnel because I’ve said they have to do the outstanding performance in

order to deliver and fulfill responsibilities as teaching personnel they have to teach at their
utmost skills as what is indicated in their contract sign, given this specify time and tenure.”
A job's quality is based on a wide range of factors relating to the workplace or
working environment. They consist of pay, working conditions, contractual agreements,
the physical and social environment of the job, the level of work intensity, opportunities.
for career advancement, employee autonomy, decision-making participation, teamwork,
and trust. For workers, businesses, and societies, good working conditions are crucial.
(Cazes, Hijzen, and Saint-Martin, 2019; Eurofound and International Labour Organization,
2019) They are favorably related to productivity and skill development in teaching. In the
case of teachers, by contributing to their motivation, engagement, and well-being, the
quality of the working environment is also crucial to fostering effective learning
environments (Fraser, 2020).
Theme 7: Time management
The teachers under contract of service have a different strategy on handling their
workloads and this theme explains that most of the participants effectively handle their
workloads through time management and having a healthy workplace. The 3 participants
“I think my strategies on how to perform better to handle my workloads is not all about I’m
a COS, it is all about my passion and time management. Cos is not a big deal to me like
what I said earlier nageenjoy naman ako as it is my first job.”

“I manage my time carefully so that I can handle everything smoothly so with the good
system of managing your time and the task that I always prepare everything in advance
so I don’t need to hurry for that, and I don’t so that I can prevent stress.”

“Basically, the strategies to handle workloads is the contract of service is that all about
time-management is how you manage your time, how you manage your resources and
In today's fast-paced corporate world, time management skills have become
increasingly essential for employee wellbeing. The ability to efficiently allocate time and

prioritize tasks is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and promoting a
positive work environment. (Global health care 2023)
Managing time means engaging activities that generate greater benefits to human
beings and benefits which encompass life, nation, and the entire world as well as life
hereafter (Islam et al., 2021).
The workload is the all-encompassing and wide-ranging activity that consumes
employees’ time. This includes but is not limited to executing professional duties and
responsibilities, as well as the direct/indirect pursuit of work-related interests. (Pace et al.,
2019; Sallehuddin et al., 2019).
Time organizing strategy is associated with activities to be achieved, and making
sure the actions help finish duties and responsibilities on time and accomplish all tasks
and duties without delay (Noe et al., 2018).
The work environment is a significant part of how people thrive in the workplace,
can work and how their health is affected. A good working environment promote the
individual's development and prevents against ill-health, injury, and accidents in the
workplace. It is significant that employers review work environment and adapt it to the new
working methods and requirements placed on employees. To keep up with
globalization and to compete with other companies without affecting the employee's
health and well-being in the workplace (Skrivelse Regeringen, 2020).
In today's fast-paced corporate world, time management skills have become
increasingly essential for employee well-being. The ability to allocate time efficiently and
prioritize tasks is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and promoting a
positive work environment. (Global health care 2023)
Managing time means engaging in activities that generate greater benefits to
human beings and benefits that encompass life, nation, and the entire world as well as life
hereafter (Islam et al., 2021).
The workload is an all-encompassing and wide-ranging activity that consumes
employees' time.This incorporates yet isn't restricted to executing professional duties and

responsibilities, as well as the direct/indirect pursuit of work-related interests. (Pace et al.,

2019; Sallehuddin et al., 2019).
Time organizing strategy is associated with activities to be achieved and making
sure the actions help finish duties and responsibilities on time and accomplish all tasks
and duties without delay (Noe et al., 2018).
Workplace conditions play a significant role in how people thrive in the workplace,
can work, and how their health is affected. A good working environment promotes the
individual's development and prevents ill health, injury, and accidents in the workplace. It
is significant that employers review the work environment and adapt it to the new working
methods and requirements placed on employees. To keep up with globalization and to
compete with other companies without affecting the employee's health and well-being in
the workplace (Skrivelse Regeringen, 2020).
3.Coping mechanisms in dealing with these experiences in the University of
Theme 8: Relationships with colleague
All participants says that their relationships with their colleagues and students are
goods. Apparently, the participants found good administrations and good relationships
with the people around them. The 4 participants shared:
" Will I be adoptive quite well because the administration is very supportive as well
as I have great company and great group in the college of education who really supporting
me and very cooperative in assisting of new employee like me?"
" For me I have strengthened it more since I have been at the University for several
years and I can say that I have had many experiences. The way I work, the way I care
about the development of my students and seek for learning."
" Well, I adopt in very easiest way because all of my collogues are all
approachable, kind and not difficult for me to adjust my perspective about contractual
teachers in cabuyao as well."

" It’s just all about you understand your contract, you understand your
responsibility, your duties as a contractual teacher, it’s all about how you communicate
and raise concerns if there are relative to your work."
Your partners can be an incredible wellspring of help to you throughout your
teaching career, especially in your first few years. Developing positive and professional
relationships with your colleagues is critical to you surviving and thriving in your teaching
career. University to School can be a time of adjustment for many beginning teachers, for
as Jenkins, Smith, and Maxwell (2009, p64) explain, 'many are transferring from student
to professional employee and teacher while experiencing unfamiliar roles requiring them
to forge new relationships with their students, colleagues, and community.'
In addition, as they go on to explain, the age gap between many beginning
teachers and their more experienced colleagues can make communication between them
somewhat difficult (Jenkins et al., 2009). Check that the information you share is
appropriate and showcases you in a professional manner. Overall, as with any
relationship, it takes time to build positive relationships with your colleagues. Remember
to always act professionally, value and respect them, and work with them, and you will be
well on your way to increasing positive. and supportive relationships with your colleagues.
Theme 9: Passionate teaching
All the participants say they love their work because they are passionate about it.
Not only do they work for the salary and other bonuses, but they also say that they love
their work. The 4-participant shared:
“You should be passionate as a contract teacher and accept everything you are asked to
do, because if you do what you do, you will embrace it with all your heart.”

“For me the strategy to overcome some challenges I think being resilient also by always
trusting myself that all challenges facing I can handle It by always believing myself at every
situation or challenges as Contractual teacher

“ Kailangan mong maging passionate, tanggapin mo lahat lahat. Kasi kung ang habol mo
lang naman talaga sa pag tatrabaho is yung sahod, bonuses ay wag na. Dapat mas mahal

mo ang trabaho mo kasi diba yan ang passion mo. Lagi mo lang mamahalin ang trabaho
mo kahit na contractual ka lamang or kahit anong posisyon ka pa. Dahil diba passion mo
ang mag teach, mahal mo ang pag tuturo.”

“Again, you must understand your contract, you must embrace your responsibility, you
have to be passionate to teaching because if you just after with the compensation with the
benefit then it will compromise basically your primary objective which is to teach just to
impart. just to catharsis change. so, it’s all about embracing and loving your work despite
your status. employment status and that no problem after all.’
One way to succeed professionally is education is to teach part-time. If it does not
cover all your expenses, it probably should not be the only component, either. Business
visionaries, specialists, and agreement instructors all need to have a solid understanding
of reality with regard to funds.Figure out how to enhance your pay if teaching does not
meet your needs. It could be writing, editing, or anything else. You might adore instructing;
however, energy doesn't pay the home loan. Learn to think like an entrepreneur and look
for new contracts, new customers, and anything else you must transform your pastime
into a career. (Eaton 2019)
Your School or department head is not responsible for ensuring that you can pay
your bills. It really depends on you. If you decide to pursue a career as a contract teacher
(and it is fundamental to recognize that you have, in fact, made a decision on some level),
you will not only require sufficient income each month to cover your expenses, but a small
amount will also need to be set aside. each month to cover times when you may not have
a teaching assignment.
4.Recommendations could be provided to improve the working conditions of
teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao.
Theme 10: Promotion and Appreciation
Working condition enhancement is very important this include the condition that
work is performed, as well as the performance of the employee. Beside of that this theme
explains that some of the participant’s wanting to be promoted and appreciation from the

management and to those with permanent and non-permanent teachers is the one of the
most they needed. The 5 participants shared:
“I hope that those in management will see the performance of contractual teaching, that
they will work hard and be given attention.”

“To have clear and transparent policies.”

“Siguro kahit contractual sila may makukuha pa rin parang maliit na kunwari during
december may nakukuha pa ring maliit na bonus kasi nakakatulong din yun sa mga
teachers kahit na yung benifits mo like yung christmas bonus mo na cacompute sya doon
a month na nirender mo o ipinasok mo.”

“Well I’m hoping that they would see how one contractual teachers is working I hope that
the administration see or would assess the performance of the teacher in line with its
position and also I would hope the management and administration gave permanent
positions with teacher’s faculty so that they could have long term they would have
sufficient workforce to support the institution because if teachers are always being non-
renew or having non-permanent position teacher would have tendency to not give his/her
full potential because of security of tenure issue. So, I also hope that the institution will
provide better facilities or would add or improve the facility in terms of teaching to support
teaching like bigger facility and the internet should be improved that’s all.”

“Well perhaps, the management known very well on how to appreciate and how to give
enough priority to the contractual teachers and there are not leaving us behind, they are
always uplifting us, they are giving us the professional development some with the other
regular and permanent teachers.”
People who work are affected by various working life factors that are physical, such
as heavy lifting or other physical work operations performed by the body. Social and
psychosocial working life factors are support from colleagues and managers, a
collaboration between colleagues, and feeling involved in the workplace. It is the
employer's responsibility to ensure that employees are surrounded by a good work

environment, but it is everyone's responsibility at the workplace that a good work

environment is maintained. Employee's commitment to their work increases if they
experience a good work environment, which has a positive effect on employees' health
and prevents recovery from stress (Ariussanto et al., 2020)
Studies show that school facilities have an impact on the overall school experience
of students and teachers. Penn State University's article says school facilities affect
teacher recruitment and retention. More importantly, they also affect the health, behavior,
and engagement of the students. Thus, adequate facilities make it easier for the school to
deliver better education (Archival Andrews, 2019).
The need of focusing on human asset advancement in schooling systems can't be
overemphasized. An ongoing commitment to teacher professional development and
enhancements to working and employment conditions are two of the strategies for action
that will directly contribute will straightforwardly add to an improvement in the quality
education. (International Labor Organization (ILO), 2023)
Table 1.
Ten Theme Clusters Matrix
1. Contractual teachers perceive life at the University of Cabuyao

Theme 1: This theme explains the • Contractual teaching is renewable

Fixed period meaning of contractual every semester.
teachers. Most of the • Only lass for a certain of time
participants have the same • Hired for specific project or course.
knowledge about • Time management
contractual. • It’s not permanent cause it has
This theme explains that • same set of responsibilities as cos of
there are participants whom academic duties as well as non-teaching
there is no difference in the duties .

Theme 2: responsibilities, duties and •Cos is sometimes in school sometimes

Responsibility Roles of Cos and Permanent are not, as the responsibilities both are to
and Duties

Teachers we can see the fill students with enough knowledge .

same role and their duty is to •I don’t see any comparable roles and
give their teaching responsibility.
responsibility to be effective. • Basically, our roles and responsibility as
contractual is no different from those
regular we fulfill our duties and
responsibilities to teach.
• My role as contractual in the University of
Cabuyao is to fill the needs of the
students, and it is my responsibility to
expand my knowledge and skills even
though I am only contractual and not
Theme 3: This theme explains how the • It doesn’t matter of decision
Influence of prevalence affect the making.
choice. decision of every participant. • The decision making was not really
Most of the participants affected.
answered that it doesn’t • They are enjoying the position.
affect this in their decision • Doesn’t affect them their decision.
making. • does not affect my decision
because I love teaching
2. Teachers describe their experiences at the University of Cabuyao
Theme 4: This theme explains that • being experienced by contractual
Difficulties most of the participants do and non-contractual teachers this

and not face any challenges or is a difficulty in space in to handle

Challenges difficulties at university, online classes because we have
except for a lack of space limited facilities for that.
because the space for their • In terms of payment or salary there
teaching in online classes is is no problem but on course we
limited, making it difficult to don’t have benefits here maybe
manage the online class. that’s the one biggest difficulty that
They also do not face any I have here in PnC since we are
problems because of proper not receive
management of their • I don’t experience any difficulties
salaries. here in PnC.
• I guess none so far because well
the administration has been fair
with us.
• this is being experienced by
contractual and non-contractual
teachers this is a difficulty in space
in to handle online classes
because we have limited
Theme 5: This theme explains • don’t have security.
Expectations everyone about their • technically always find to look
different perspectives in the better environment.
school management on how • should flexible
they • the contract has come to end.
• do always your responsibility
handle and experience as
contractual teacher.

Theme 6: On this theme given • Highly qualified to making

Quality of explanation of everyone consistent and ensuring the
Education again the quality of school knowledge of teachers.
on how may affect to their • Given a chance being a
employee. freedom/fair.
• Bring specialized skills and
expertise to the classroom.
• You should do an outstanding
performance as a contractual
• Contractual and permanent does
not bad effects maybe difference is
the tenure
Theme 7: This theme explains that • I manage my time carefully so that
Time most of the participants I can handle everything smoothly
management effectively handle their so with the good system of
workloads through time managing your time and the task
management and having a that I always prepare everything in
healthy workplace. advance so I don’t need to hurry
for that, and I don’t so that I can
prevent stress.
• I can handle it better because I
have a healthy workplace, of
course even if you have a lot of
workloads and if the people around
you are healthy, I can say that I
enjoy my job more.

• I think my strategies on how to

perform better to handle my
workloads is not all about I am a
COS, it is all about my passion and
time management.
• The strategies to handle
workloads is the contract of service
is that all about time-management
is how you manage your time.
• Based on participant number 5
Time management is effective in
handling workloads.
3 Coping mechanisms in dealing with these experiences in the University of Cabuyao
This theme explains the • Administration is very supportive.
Theme 8: participants experiences • Care about development of student
Relationship about their relationship with • Colleagues are all approachable,
with the people around. Most of kind and not difficult to adjust the
colleague the participants experiencing perspective about the contractual.
good relationship with their • How you communicate and raise
colleagues and students. concern.
• understand the responsibility as a
contractual teacher, and as a
Theme 9: This theme explains how the • Manage the time carefully.
Passionate participants love what they • Should love your job more.
teaching are doing, as a teacher you • Trusting and believing yourself
are in this field because you • Embrace your responsibilities.
love this profession, and you

can show it by imparting • should be passionate as a contract

some knowledge to your teacher and accept.
everything you are asked to do.
4. Recommendations could be provided to improve the working conditions of
teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao
Theme 10: This theme explains that • Well, I’m hoping that they would
Promotion some of the participants see how one contractual teacher is
and want an appreciation from working I hope that the
Appreciation the management and to administration sees or would
those with permanent and assess the performance of the
non-permanent teachers. teacher in line with its position.
Enhancing of working • I would hope the management and
condition is the most administration gave permanent
suggestion of COS teachers. positions with teacher’s faculty so
that they could have long term they
would have sufficient workforce to
support the institution and to have
clear and transparent policies.
• I also hope that the institution will
provide better facility or would add
or improve the facility in terms of
teaching to support teaching like
bigger facility and the internet.
• I experience how the management
known very well on how to
appreciate and how to give enough
priority to the contractual teachers.

• I hope that those who are

promoted will see the performance
of contractual teaching, that they
will work hard and be given

Structural Description
The question on contractual teaching experiences in Pamantasan ng Cabuyao
revealed ten themes: Theme 1: Fixed Period, Theme 2: Responsibilities and Duties,
Theme 3: Influence of choice, Theme 4: Difficulties and Challenges, Theme 5:
Expectations, Theme 6: Quality of education, Theme 7: Time management , Theme 8:
Relationships with colleague, Theme 9: Passionate teaching, and Theme 10: Promotion
and appreciation. While they are contractual teachers, they have good experiences since
all teachers have experience in teaching. Especially if you are in the teaching field, here
we can find that the respondents have many experiences in school. Here we can see their
different experiences with their co-workers and students, how they teach and get along
with their co-workers, and the school administration.




This chapter presented the summary of findings, conclusions, and

recommendations to further enhance the concepts and the facts discussed in the
preceding chapter as provided by results of analysis of data for the research.
The study focused on describing and understanding the participants’ reality of
teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao
To solve the main problem, the researcher worked out the following central
Central Question:
1.How do contractual teachers perceive life at the University of Cabuyao?
Collorary Question:
2.How do these teachers describe their experiences at the University of Cabuyao?
3. What are their coping mechanisms in dealing with these experiences in the University
of Cabuyao?
4. From the findings, what recommendations could be provided to improve the working
conditions of teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao?
5. What themes emerge based on the share experiences of the participants?
Summary of Findings
The significant findings of the study were as follows:
1. As to the contractual teachers perceive life at the University of Cabuyao
This study sheds light on the Teachers under contractual perceived life at the
University of Cabuyao. After reading and analyzing the verbatim transcriptions several
times and highlighting significant statements with their meanings, three themes emerged
describing the experiences of Contractual Teachers Theme 1: Fixed period of being hired.

Essentially this is The Contractual Teachers. They only have a set period to renew the
contract or term. Theme 2: The Responsibility and Duties in Teaching of Permanent and
Contractual Teachers describe that the same set of responsibilities as cos of academic
and non-teaching duties is to give their teaching responsibility to be effective. Theme 3:
Doesn’t influence the choice. It is about the prevalent effect of their decision to choose
their path in their teaching career.

2. As How teachers describe their experiences at the University of Cabuyao

Four relevant themes emerged explaining How teachers under contractual
perceive life at the University of Cabuyao Theme 4: The Difficulties, Space, and
Challenges Facing Contractual Teachers This is all about some Problems or Difficulties
experienced by Contractual teachers on how to handle different situations inside the
university. Theme 5:
The contractual teachers’ expectations due to the educational institution at
Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. This is about the different perspectives in the school
management on how they handle and experience as contractual teachers. Theme 6: The
quality of education to contractual teachers. This is all about the contractual teaching
arrangement affecting the quality of education provided by the Pamantasan ng
Cabuyao. Theme 7: The time management and healthy workplace strategy for workloads
emphasize that Contractual Teachers handle their workloads as Contractual Service

3. Coping mechanisms in dealing with these experiences in the University of

Two relevant explaining the Coping mechanisms in dealing with these experiences
in the University of Cabuyao Theme 8: Relationship with the people around This is all
about the experiences of Contractual service of teachers about their relationship with the
people around. with their colleagues and students. Theme 9: Passionate in teaching. This

is all about the Teacher's Work Fervently and Give dedication and Compassion to their

4. Recommendations could be provided to improve the working conditions of

teachers under contractual in the University of Cabuyao
One Theme Stated how to improve the working conditions of teachers under
contract at the University of Cabuyao Theme 10: Promotion and Appreciation for
contractual teachers. It is all about the improvements or changes they’ll want to enhance
the working condition for the betterment of permanent and non-permanent teachers.

The researcher came up with the following conclusion based on the textural and
structural descriptions: 1. Being contractual, they lived experiences on their
administrations on how they manage and assist their teacher, even if it is contractual or
permanent. Based on the participants, the contract must end, but they can renew every
semester or year if they want it. However, according to the answers we gathered from
other participants, it still depends on whether you can restore when you violate something
in the school. It still depends on a contractual teacher whether he will continue teaching
at that school. All contractual teacher participants agree that their choice doesn't influence
continuing their teaching profession due to their position; they love what they are doing.
Teachers engaged and smoothly handled, and they even said that this administration has
also been fair, unlike other teachers, in how they treated not as being different from other
people. They also passionately teach their skills and potential to share knowledge with
students inside the Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. In addition, the University's quality has been
standard and high expectations to them. As a researcher, we want to know their side that
may be experienced in the University, on they face the challenges, especially in space or
facility where they are teaching the expectations to them for doing their best and their
responsibilities they continue to do.

and prepare as much as they can because they love and eager about their profession.
Additionally, participants whose roles, responsibilities, and obligations as Cos and
Permanent Teachers are identical can be seen as having the same duty to ensure that
their teaching is effective.

2. Since education is familiar to contractual teaching all over the world, many teachers
experience many hurdles in coping with it. As the participants revealed, they found some
improvement in student political dissatisfaction, teacher recruiting and enrollment fraud,
and the politicization of higher education. Less focus has been placed on acquiring and
retaining excellent academics and incentive programs that acknowledge and reward
success in higher education. This means that gaining quality education in a contractual
teaching arrangement does not affect each participant because their being contractual
teachers has nothing to do with the knowledge they already have to share with students;
they give their best and give a high and quality education. Therefore, teachers under a
contract of service have a lot of different strategies for handling their workloads to have
work-life balance and well-being.
Also, most of the participants proved to be able to effectively manage the workloads were
having an online learning environment or face-to-face made them responsible, primarily
through time management and a healthy workplace. Hence, every participant affirms that
their interactions and relationships with coworkers and students are good. The participants
experienced good administration and good relationships with others around them. To
succeed, it is crucial to establish positive working relationships. Improved cooperation and
working relationships will make you happier, more engaged, and more productive. Thus,
every participant in this interview
claims to be passionate about their work and to love it. They claim to enjoy their jobs in
addition to working for pay and other benefits. Trusting themselves and being resilient
also means they can overcome whatever obstacles they face, including those they face in
the role of a contract teacher. Remarkably, participants have some suggestions revealed
that they want to enhance working conditions and appreciation for contractual teachers.

In addition, some participants expect the administration to pay them attention and
recognize that they deserve to be promoted due to their hard work.

1. It is recommended to the administration to have additional faculty room for the
teachers at the university, with the goal of helping them perform better. In addition
to having their facilities, it is also recommended to have a good Wi-Fi connection
within the facilities because there are times when the contractual teachers are
doing something in the school while also teaching something online.
2. It is recommended that PnC management have clear and transparent policies on
contracts of service for employees.
3. It is recommended to the university management to give more attention or
appreciation to contractual teachers so that they don’t feel left behind.
4. The researchers recommend that future researchers who conduct the same or
related research do it in a different context, locale, and culture. This research study
can serve as a foundation, with a larger sample size, to address the shortcomings
of previous research.
Reflexivity Statement
As they conduct these studies, by using reflexivity statements, researchers
perform to be as transparent as possible about the sources of their thinking. Instead of
having a long-term contract, contractual teachers are hired temporarily. They typically
work for the government, although they are not employees. We were curious about this
subject because we wanted to learn more about the circumstances and experiences of
teachers employed on a contract. To learn more about their experiences, we want to
interview the contract of service teachers at our school. Our participants in this study are
contractual professors at the University of Cabuyao, so we may also find out if their
responses to their experiences are similar or different. As researchers, we are interested
in learning about their perspectives on their culture, a set of shared attitudes, standards,
and behaviors at work as contractual teachers. That illustrates how an organization's

people abide by written and unwritten rules. When collaborating, you and your coworkers'
collective thoughts, statements, and actions make up the school organization's culture
students who want to can use it. Become teachers in the future as well as future
researchers who might become interested in the same subject. This study attempts to
understand the actual experiences of teachers who are now employed so that it can be
helpful to students who want to become educators and future researchers who could be
interested in the same topic.

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contract teachers: A grounded theory research,



Department: Department of Education

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Arañes, Hazel Jane D.

BSED-Social Studies 3SEDS-A

Blk 62 Lot 93 Phase 14 Brgy. Banay-banay Cab. Laguna

Email: hazeljanearañ

Personal Information

Date of birth : May 24, 2002

Place of birth : Bangkal, Makati City

Age : 21 years old

Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5’4

Weight : 50 kg

Religion : Catholic

Educational Attachment


Name of School: University of Cabuyao (Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)

Address: Katapatan Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao Laguna

Year expected to Graduate: 2023-2024

Senior High School

Name of School: Asian Institute of Technology Science’s and the Arts, INC.

Address of School: B.T Librojo Bldg., P. Burgos St., Brgy. Poblacion Uno, City of
Cabuyao Laguna

Year Graduated: 2019-2020

Junior High School

Name of School: Southville 1 Integrated National High School

Address of School: Blk 54-55 Southville 1 Niugan Cabuyao City of Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2017-2018

Primary School

Name of School: Southville 1 Elementary School

Address of School: Blk 32-33 Southville 1 Niugan Cabuyao Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2013-2014



Mrs. Jocelyn Dotollo Arañes


Block 62 Lot 93 Phase 14 Brgy. Banay-banay Cab. Laguna


I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

Hazel Jane D.

Costillas, Lore Ann S.

BSED- Social Studies 3SEDS-A

Blk 48 Lot 139 Southville 1 Niugan, Cabuyao Laguna


Personal Information

Date of birth : June 07, 2001

Place of birth : Bangkal Makati City

Age : 22 years old

Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5’2

Weight : 65 kg

Religion : Catholic

Educational Attachment


Name of School: University of Cabuyao (Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)

Address: Katapatan Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao Laguna

Year expected to Graduate: 2023-2024

Senior High School

Name of School: Asian Institute of Technology Science’s and the Arts, INC.

Address of School: B.T Librojo Bldg., P. Burgos St., Brgy. Poblacion Uno, City of
Cabuyao Laguna

Year Graduated: 2019-2020

Junior High School

Name of School: Southville 1 Integrated National High School

Address of School: Blk 54-55 Southville 1 Niugan Cabuyao City of Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2017-2018

Primary School

Name of School: Southville 1 Elementary School

Address of School: Blk 32-33 Southville 1 Niugan Cabuyao Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2013-2014



Mrs. Lorenza S. Costillas


Block 48 Lot 139 Southville 1 Niugan Cabuyao City of Laguna


I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

Lore Ann S.


Barrinuevo, Kristine C.

BSED- Social Studies 3SEDS-A

# 0419 Barangay Butong, Cabuyao Laguna


Personal Information

Date of birth : July 04, 2002

Place of birth : Butong, Cabuyao Laguna

Age : 20 years old

Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5’2

Weight : 50 kg

Religion : Catholic

Educational Attachment


Name of School: University of Cabuyao (Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)

Address: Katapatan Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao Laguna

Year expected to Graduate: 2023-2024

Senior High School

Name of School: New Sinai School and Colleges

Address of School: Baranggay Tagapo City of Sta. Rosa, Laguna

Year Graduated: 2019-2020

Junior High School

Name of School: Bigaa Integrated National High School

Address of School: Purok 5 Bigaa City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2017-2018

Primary School

Name of School: Butong Elementary School

Address of School: Purok 3 Butong City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2013-2014



Mrs. Cristina C. Barrinuevo

Baranggay Staff

# 0419 Barangay Butong, Cabuyao Laguna


I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief

Kristine C.


Lopez, Joy Ann K.

BSED- Social Studies 3SEDS-A

# 464 purok 7 Gulod, Cabuyao, Laguna

Email: lopezjoyann07@gmail .com


Personal Information

Date of birth : January 07, 2001

Place of birth : Gulod, Cabuyao Laguna

Age : 22 years old

Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5’0

Weight : 41 kg

Religion : Roman Catholic


Educational Attachment


Name of School: University of Cabuyao (Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)

Address: Katapatan Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao Laguna

Year expected to Graduate: 2023-2024

Senior High School

Name of School: CITI Global College

Address of School: Publacion Uno, Cabuyao, Laguna

Year Graduated: 2019-2020

Junior High School

Name of School: Gulod National High School

Address of School: Purok 3 Gulod, Cabuyao, Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2017-2018

Primary School

Name of School: Gulod Elementary School

Address of School: Purok 3 Gulod, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2013-2014


Mrs. Jesusana, Lopez


# 464 Purok 7 Barangay Gulod, Cabuyao Laguna


I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

Joy Ann Lopez


Javier, Camille P.

BSED- Social Studies 3SEDS-A

# 129 Purok 1 Mamatid, Cabuyao, Laguna



Personal Information

Date of birth : May 27,2002

Place of birth : Mamatid,Cabuyao Laguna

Age : 21 years old

Gender : Female

Civil Status : Single

Height : 5’0

Weight : 50 kg

Religion : Catholic

Educational Attachment


Name of School: University of Cabuyao (Pamantasan ng Cabuyao)

Address: Katapatan Homes, Brgy. Banay-banay, Cabuyao Laguna

Year expected to Graduate: 2023-2024

Senior High School

Name of School: St.Vincent College of cabuyao

Address of School:Mamatid, Cabuyao, Laguna

Year Graduated: 2019-2020

Junior High School

Name of School: Gulod National High School

Address of School: Purok 3 Gulod, Cabuyao, Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2017-2018

Primary School

Name of School: Mamatid Elementary School

Address of School:Mamatid, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

Year of Graduated: 2013-2014



Mrs. Amor P. Javier

# 129 Purok 1 Mamatid Cabuyao Laguna


I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

Camille P. Javier


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