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Annual General Meeting Pack

Parawai Marae 26 November 2011 10:00AM

Page 3 4 5 6 7-13 Details Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2011 Election of Trustees - process Agenda of the Annual General Meeting 2011 Nomination form for proposed Trustee Minutes from the previous Annual General meeting held on 20 November 2010 Enrolment FormNgti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Beneficiaries Register


NOTE: The Chairmans report, Annual Plan, Audited accounts and financial report will be available on the day of the meeting.

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Notice is hereby given that the FIFTH AGM will be held at Parawai Marae Saturday, 26th November 2011 10.00am

1. Apologies 2. Receive and approve the 2010 AGM minutes 3. Election of three Hapu Trust Trustees 4. Receipt of Annual Reports and Accounts 5. Appointment of Auditor 6. General Business Hone Newton & Paiaka Te Tamaki retire by rotation and are available for re-election, re- nomination is not required The third vacancy exists due to a trustee resignation. Nominations close 5.00pm Friday 18th November 2011, Send nominations to the: Returning officer Mr Nero Panapa PO Box 6097 Rotorua 3043. Nomination forms are available via (1)Ngongotaha Hauora Phone reception 07 3574946 (2) E-mail (3) Website: http:// Takarei Te Tamaki Chairman

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Is held in accordance with the provisions of the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Deed of Trust constituted at a General Meeting of Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap held at Parawai Marae on 29th day of October 2006 and duly signed by the inaugural trustees on the 26th day of November 2006. The Trust Deed is available for viewing at the Ngongotaha Hauora reception Nominations for two (2) Trustees Hone Newton and Paiaka Te Tamaki are both up for re-election as per the Trust Deed. Nominations for beneficiaries to fill these vacancies must be made in writing on the nomination form available and shall be signed by three parties: 1. the nominator 2. the seconder 3. the candidate. The nomination forms and registration forms are available from Ngongotaha Hauora reception Phone: 07 3474946 http;// Nomination forms must be completed and posted to The Returning officer Nero Panapa P.O Box 6097 Rotorua 3043 No later than 5:00pm Friday 18th November 2011. Eligibility to hold office of Trustee To be eligible to hold office as a Trustee, a nominee must be registered on the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Beneficiary Register this register is held by the Hapu Trust Please note you are to be a registered descendant to be a nominee to be a nominator to be a seconder If you are registered on the Te Pmautanga o Te Arawa Beneficiary Register. The nominee must not be precluded from holding office under the terms of the Deed of Trust, Schedule 1 and Clause 5.1 Closing of Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Beneficiary Register The Beneficiary Register will close for the purpose of this Annual General meeting at 5:00pm on Monday the 23rd November 2011 Voting Every election will be by way of ballot of Adult Registered Beneficiaries with votes to be cast at the Annual General meeting on the Election Voting forms provided Postal voting and, or proxy voting is not permitted. Each Adult Registered Beneficiary present at the Annual General Meeting is entitled to cast only one vote per nominee and only one vote per vacant position

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The Annual General Meeting of beneficiaries will be held as follows: Date: Venue: Time: Saturday, 26th November 2011 Parawai Marae Ngongotaha 10:00am to 1:00pm


Distribute reports Distribute Nominees Curriculum vitae Karakia timatanga Mihi Receive and approve the minutes from the Inaugural General Meeting held 20th November 2010 Election process explained Introduce Returning officer(s) and scrutineers Voting process - Choosing the right people Who is entitled to vote? One vote only per candidate Vote for ) candidates Valid and an Invalid vote Voting forms to beneficiaries Nominees leave the room Each Nominee returns one at a time and speak for up to 5 minutes on their skills and experience for this role. Questions from the floor. He or she will then return to the Whare kai All Nominees return Voting commences Reports for consideration and approval: Chairpersons report 2011 Financial report 2011 Annual Objectives for 2011-2012 Appoint an Auditor for the next Financial year General Business Outcome of the vote - written declaration Karakia whakamutunga CUP OF TEA

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Please return to the Returning Officer Nero Panapa Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust PO BOX 6097 Rotorua 3043 Closing 5:00pm 18th November 2011

WHANGA 1 - To be completed by the person nominating I, (full name)................................................being a registered beneficiary of the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust, hereby nominate as a proposed trustee; (Candidates name): ................................................................. Date: / /2011

Signed: _____________________

WHANGA 2 - To be completed by the person seconding I, (full name)................................................being a registered beneficiary of the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust, hereby second the nomination of the above candidate. Signed: _____________________ Date: / /2011

WHANGA 3 - To be completed by the Candidate I, (full name)................................................being a registered beneficiary of the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust, hereby agree to my nomination as a proposed trustee. (full name): (full address): ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. ................................................................. Date: / /2011
Candidate info form sent Letter declining

Signed: _____________________
Secretary only:
Date Form recd Ben Register checked Valid form

Receipt issued

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N g t i T u r a, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust Hui

Saturday, 20 November 2010, 10.10am, Tarukenga Marae Karakia Mark Kahu Mihi Ron Roberts Ron asked the Hapu Trustees to stand and introduce themselves Himself(till the end of the Hui), Wariki Mackie, Takarei Te Tamaki, Paiaka Te Tamaki, Mark Kahu and Materoa Peni. Hone (John) Newton Jnr gave apologies (listed below). In Attendance As per the signed attendance register
Arrived late: Hone (John) Newton Snr, Lena Mackie, Mihi Fraser - 10.30am Dinty Whare, John Jensen, Mere, Leo Rika - 10.48am.

Apologies Kerry Te Tamaki, Sonny Rangikatipa Te Tamaki, Hone (John) Newton Snr - late, Hone (John) Newton Jnr, Lily Wetere, Puti Peni, Linda Rika, Lena Mackie - late, Mihi Fraser late, Richard and Hilda Newton, Anatoria and James Scott, Kahu Wickliffe, Stewart and Teresa Te Tamaki, Rob Beckett, Cora Stenning, Wikitahi Rapata, Ena Rapata, Dinty Whare - late, Margaret Palmer, Carol Matthew, Mackie and Te Tamaki whanau Auckland, Waitoe and Sands Auckland and Palmerston North, Te Tamaki whanau Wellington, Pep Thompson-Karathas, John Hohepa, Esmay Wilson, Puti Mckensie (nee Taui). Motion that the apologies be accepted David Newton/ Takarei Te Tamaki Carried Minutes of the meeting held 06 December 2010 Ron asked Gypsy Roberts to read the minutes out to ensure all in attendance had an understanding of what happened at the 2009 AGM. Motion that the minutes of the above date be accepted as a fair reflection of the Hui Takarei Te Tamaki/Geoff Rice Carried Matters arising

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Ron Roberts asked for any matters arising, Geoff Rice noted that there is likely to be some, shall we let the meeting take its course and address issues as they arise. Ron agreed and meeting went on as per Agenda.

Trustees Election Outcome: Takarei Te Tamaki and Ron Roberts retired by rotation and were available for reelection for 3 year terms and did not require renomination. Ron has submitted his resignation as Trustee and Chairperson, as per the Chairmans Report. There was only one nomination received and accepted, from Materoa Peni. Therefore Takarei Te Tamaki continues as a trustee and Materoa Peni is newly elected as a trustee for the next 3 years. Ron Roberts: asked if there were any issues around the election process, this are listed below. David Newton noted that he did not receive any written notification re: nomination of Materoa as chairman and wanted to know why. Takarei Te Tamaki, through the chairman addressed this and noted the confusion. He confirmed that Materoa Peni is not chairman, a new chairman has not been appointed, this will occur when the trustees meet at a later date. Takarei, Paiaka and Ron went on to address the previous nomination process, Trust Deed Amendment process to change Rotational terms and TPoTA process that occurred earlier this year. Questions from the Whanau present were asked. Geoff noted that there has been some confusion, as he thought the nominations made for six new trustees, as per previous nomination process, were to be included in this election process. Geoff noted that this whole process has caused confusion; however he is happy for the process to continue, if everyone is happy and it means moving forward for the trust and our people. Geoff Rice noted his concern and confusion re: nomination process. Paiaka also noted that that this had been feedback to all Marae hui as well. David Newton noted that he does not get the post and would have liked a pack to know what is happening. David Taui raised an issue regarding notification to whanau. He questioned when notification was sent out, and tabled that he had not received any notification via mail or email. Takarei and Gypsy responded and Gypsy will check email addresses, to ensure has his correct address Takarei addressed this and asked for email addresses to be updated and added to Attendance Register today. Geoff noted that this the current and previous confusion is a reflection of the process that occurred, with TPoTA not the current trustees, and is happy for the current process to continue He would like for the Chairperson from each Marae to be coopted onto the trust, with voting rights. Discussion occurred amongst Whanau, regarding the place for the Chairperson of each Marae and the option to Coopt within whanau. This included feedback from, Leo Rika. Leo asked that the trustees seriously consider the option of Coopting as this will support the work to move forward and doesnt require the need for a change to our trust deed. Geoff Rice also added that the Marae chairperson will support the control of the 100K for each Marae. Ron gave feedback.

Funding for Marae: John Jensen queried why Tarukenga hadnt received a grant from trust. Feedback from trustees and discussion amongst whanau. Ron noted that the money has always been there and the proposal was just received today. Paiaka spoke to proposal delay and why it was just tabled today, this was in order for the Marae committee to get the proposal process right. Questions asked by whanau re: plans being established and redevelopment plan Paiaka confirmed.

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Weekend of the 4th and 5th December. John Jensen: asked a question re: money Geoff spoke re: Ngati Pukenga and retrospective payment. There is no funding available retrospective. Ron agreed and responded.

Chairperson Report 2010 Ron Roberts Ron Roberts: Read and tabled the chairmans report. As a part of the report Ron will has tendered his resignation as Chairman and Trustee for the Hapu Trust. Geoff acknowledged the report and asked if Ron was willing to change his mind. Ron said No. Takarei acknowledged on behalf of the trust and hapu katoa, Ron, his work prior to the hapu trust being formed and within the current hapu trust, and the report Ron tabled. Motion that the Chairperson report be accepted Ron Roberts/Wariki Mackie Carried Financial report Takarei Te Tamaki Motion that the auditors report be accepted Takarei Te Tamaki/ Geoff Rice Carried Geoff queried the $1million did this include the interest. Takarei: Yes and was split into 2 term deposits. David Taui queried the conflict of interest that Marae trustees have when sitting on the Hapu trust, with regards to approving and reviewing applications/proposals for funding. There was lengthy discussion amongst Whanau. Geoff queried the tax earned and paid. Fred asked what the 200K is for Marae? Takarei confirmed. And what is the 90 odd K for? Takarei noted that this is all Hapu trust putea. Leo asked is Hapu holding the putea of TPT Takarei responded that we hold the putea. Takarei let the bank statement be reviewed by all in attendance. Materoa queried if the GST will be included in applications/proposals for funding and what is the interest rate for the term investments. Takarei responded - No GST will be charged or claimed from marae proposals. He also noted our No for Profit Status and made comment re: Charitable Trust status. Materoa also queried what is better for us Charitable trust or Maori trust status where are the best benefits for the hapu. Takarei reiterated that we are a Not for Profit trust at present.

Motion that Allen Jeffs be considered as the Auditor for the next years accounts Takarei Te Tamaki/Pererika Haumaha Carried

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General Business Information Board for Pou Leo gave comment to the board re: Rob RIkas comment re: Ngati Tura. Could the hapu please revisit this, as whakapapa and whakairo speak for itself. Leo asked for feedback from all. And through this Hui can we readdress this take and the hapu trustess do this. David addressed that the Lighting was never taken into account. Response that this could be a safety issue. Motion that the NTNT Hapu Trust, address RDC on 1) Information Board, the content regarding Artists is replaced with the content re: Ngati Tura Ngati Te Ngakau pukorero. 2) Lighting of our Pou and the Information Board. Leo Rika/Materoa Peni Carried David asked that Leo be involved in this process Leo noted that the trustees will organize. Whanau at Tarukenga Marae: this was tabled by Stewart. He and his wife are currently occupying land next to the Marae. He received permission from his Trust that runs along our lands and Nanny Hine, and he just wanted to let he whanau know that he was here. He also acknowledged the mahi of Koro Ted and that he was here to help him look after the Marae. Takarei thanked Stewart for his korero. Nanny Lena Mackie stood and noted that Steward will need to move his Caravan to another area, Stewart agreed and noted that Nanny Hine had advised him of this. Pou: Geoff acknowledged the unveiling of the POU. TPT representation: Geoff was unhappy with the process that occurred, re: that TPT can elect a representative after our trust went thru a process to appoint our own. We are in charge of our destiny not others. Takarei responded re: process. New Trustee: Materoa Peni stood and addressed the whanau, Ron and the Hapu Trust as the new trustee of the Hapu Trust. Materoa aired his feelings and whakaaro regarding the current nomination process. Materoa formally apologized to Takarei regarding his whakatau on to TPT. Ngongotaha Trout Festival David Taui tabled the above kaupapa and spoke to the project plans, completion rate, achievements to date, and general logistics of the project. Date: Easter Weekend 2010, Where: Ngongotaha Domain. David noted a big achievement for the project to date - is the approval for the closure of state highway 36 thru Ngongotaha township. There was discussion amongst Whanau and questions asked i.e: Cost on entry at the festival? - Yes. Opportunity for the Marae to fundraise at this Festival? - Yes. Ngati Tura Ngati Te Ngakau kapa haka possibility. Alcohol free on the Friday night. David also noted that he is currently working with RDC to organize an annual Ngongotaha Day i.e. Easter Saturday. Ron thanked David for his submission. Tarukenga Marae Funding Proposal:

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Tabled by Paiaka for Tarukenga Marae upgrade and for consideration. Ron thanked Paiaka for this and noted that the proposal will be reviewed by the Hapu Trust at the next Hapu Trust meeting. Work and Income Programme - community max training programme. Leo Rika tabled this Kaupapa and gave an overview. Leo is currently working on this development with, Wera Consultants, Israel Hawkins and Takarei via Work and Income. The programme is centered within our surrounding Ngongotaha Marae - Tarukenga, Parawai, Waiteti, Tarimano and Waikuta. It will provide our youth with an opportunity to gain trade skills and possibly support redevelopments at the Marae. Leo explained that he needs consent from each Marae for the programme to go forward. There was discussion amongst Whanau. Takarei noted that that this can be tabled at our hui, however it needs to be tabled at the Marae Trustees hui in order for this occur on the Marae, it is not for the Hapu trust to decide. Takarei then spoke to the programme as per his role at Work and Income explaining that this is for a specific age group - 18 to 24, this is a Six month project and is considered paid work for community based involvement, however if successful there is the opportunity for the project to be rolled over. A proposed date has not been set at present. Leo stressed that the goal is to also place them within Ngongotaha businesses in order to support them with longterm employment and/or training. John Newton Snr feedback regarding the similar mahi he has done. Leo would like to base the project at Parawai Marae. Christmas in the skatepark. Mark tabled the event for all our whanau to attend. Saturday 11 December 10am to 1pm. No cost to support community and whanau time and fundraise for one of our mokopuna. Wananga: Paiaka tabled that the Hapu Trust will be holding a Wananga early next year. The Kaupapa of the Wananga is to start/find a Kaupapa. Date: 12-13 February 2010. Venue: Parawai Marae Gypsy to confirm booking. All information regarding this wananga will be distributed to Whanau. Koeke Lunch: This is scheduled for Saturday, Dec 11th at 1pm, straight after the Christmas in the Skatepark event. Venue: Parawai Marae. Information to be sent out to Whanau by Tuesday 23rd December. Urupa: Koro Dinty stood and acknowledged all our Whanau, the trust and the work of Mark with our teenagers in the Ngongotaha area. Koro Dinty informed all Whanau that he is currently working with a group of Naughty Boys at the Urupa. To help clean it up etc. He also noted that he supports - Tautoko - all korero re: Leo and Marks general business items. Lands: (leased here in Ngongotaha) David queried the renewing of the leases. Ron noted that Hone (John) Newton Jnr is currently investigating this for the Hapu Trust and he will update the trust. David noted that it would be sad to lose our land and asked that we do something about this before we do.

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Karakia Whakamutunga Mark Kahu 12.48pm

Written Reports tabled o o o Chairmans report for 2010 Financial Report for 2010. Audited report for the period ended on the 30th September 2010

Next AGM meeting: Date TBC Next Trustee meeting: TBC, where action steps will be discussed.

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ENROLMENT FORM BENEFICIARIES REGISTER Ko Te Arawa te Waka Ko Ngongotaha te Maunga Ko Parawai te Awa Ko Te Arawa te Iwi Ko Ngati Tura te Iwi Ko Ngati Te Ngakau te Hapu

Purpose of this Information form The Ngti Tura Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust (hereafter referred to as NTNT Hap Trust) was, on the 26th of November 2006, mandated to represent and to negotiate any settlements on behalf of the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap. The Hap Trust has established a register of people who affiliate to Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap and we encourage all descendants to register on this form. The register referred to is called the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Beneficiaries Register and is held by the Ngati Tura Ngati Te Ngakau Hapu Trust. Registration allows you: To identify yourself as a Hap member To access education and charitable purposes grants that may be offered in the future To have a say Hap members, 18 years and over can vote on Hap matters To stand for election to the Hap Trust Registration allows us: To improve communications to Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau whnau whnui Update beneficiaries on the progress and development of the NTNT Trust. It is important that all whanau register including dependants 18yrs and over should complete their own registration form Please note ensure addresses are updated Should you have any queries please e-mail Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hapu Trust PO Box 190 Ngongotaha 3041 E-mail: Web htpp://


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Please complete this form in full and return to; The Secretary Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap Trust P.O Box 190, Ngongotaha 3041 WHANGA 1 - Personal information and contact details Surname: First names: Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms (Please circle) Sex: Male/Female (Please circle)

Maiden name: (if applicable) Home address: Date of Birth: Postal address: (if different from home address) Phone numbers: Work: Home:

Mobile phone:

Email: WHANGA 2 - Your children (aged 17 years or younger) FULL NAME SEX DATE OF BIRTH M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F / / / / / / / / / /


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ENROLMENT FORM BENEFICIARIES REGISTER - page 3 Please indicate your Tupuna/Tpuna who is/are of Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau descent only. Please give as much information as you can, going as far back as possible. If you do not provide enough information you may be asked to complete this form again OR you may not be able to register

Great Grandfather



Great Grandmother

Great Grandfather


Great Grandmother

Your Name

Great Grandfather


Great Grandmother


Great Grandfather


Great Grandmother

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ENROLMENT FORM BENEFICIARIES REGISTER - page 4 WHANGA 4 - Your rights and declaration Any information received will be held by the NTNT Hap Trust their successor and any related body You do have the right under the Privacy Act 1993 to view and correct personal information that the NTNT Hap Trust holds about you. Should you have any queries please contact the NTNT Hapu Trust chairman. I declare that the information given in this form is correct and that I am of Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau descent. For the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993, I consent to the above information and details being included as part of the Register and to be used at the discretion of the NTNT Hap Trust. If you wish your information to remain confidential, indicate by ticking here ( ). I acknowledge the above and consent to the addition of my details to the Register Signed: Office use only: ENDORSEMENT BY A KAUMTUA OF NGTI TURA, NGTI TE NGKAU HAP As kaumatua of the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Hap I confirm that the above named is a member of this Hap and of our Marae and therefore endorse the inclusion on to the Ngti Tura, Ngti Te Ngkau Beneficiary Register. Name: Signature: Ngati Tura Ngati Te Ngakau Hapu an affiliate of Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa. Please note the NTNT Hapu Trust registration form does not register your details onto the Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa beneficiaries register. Date:/../. Date: /./...

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