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Message list allarm/warning of the machine

Electrical drawing
Message code Problem solution Pag.
In Out
(A001)Door open, lack start Check that the safety guards are close and check
that the machine is restored.
(A002)Arm not in phase Do the general reset or check the sensor of phase. 39B5 2
(A003) Carriage not down Do the general reset or check the sensor ok down 49B5 5
(Carriage 1)
(A004) Prestretch carriage open Close the carter of prestretch or check the extrarun. 49B2 3
(Carriage 1)
(A005)Film broken or ended Change the film reel if the allarm still, check that 69B1 3
when the film is ended the roller don’t move and
(Carriage 1) check the analogic sensor
(A006) Arm deceleration too Correct the time of deceleration or check the 39B5 2
sensor table in phase.
(A007)Contrast not in position Do the general reset, check the sensor and that in 194B8
home position the contras is on the clamp.

(A008)Timeout contrast Do the general reset or check the sensor contrast 194B5 11
down. 194B6

(A009)Clamp not backward Do the general reset or check the sensor clamp 29B3 11

(A010)Clamp not downward Do the general reset or check the sensor clamp 29B1 11

(A011)Timeout clamp Check the sensor clamp downward or clamp up 29B1 29Q4 11
and that there aren’t mechanical stop and also that 29B2 29Q5
upward/downward the solenoid valve work correctly.
(A012)Timeout clamp Check the sensor clamp backward and that there 29B3 29Q7 11
aren’t mechanical stop and that the solenoid valve
forward/backward work correctly.
(A013)Timeout welding unit Check the sensor of welding and that there aren’t 28B8 28Q6 11
mechanical stop and that the solenoid valve work
forward/backward correctly.
(A014)Cut not up Bring the cut up before to do the cut forward. 11
(A015)Welder not back Do the general reset or check the sensor welder 28B8 11
(A016)Pressure not up Do the general reset or check the extrarun 159B4 9/10
pressure up.
(A017)Timeout pressure Check the extrarun pressure up and that there 159B4 9/10
aren’t mechanical stop.
(A018)Lifter not down Do the general reset or check the sensor lifter 79B2
(A019)Timeout lifter Check the sensor of lifter down and that there 79B2
aren’t mechanical stop and that the solenoid valve
upward/downward work correctly.
(A021)Fault inverter, Do the general reset anche check that there aren’t
overload anomalies in the circuit.
(Conveyor In/Out)
(A022)Pallet transit in infeed Evacuate the pallet in manual and do the reset of
(A023)Pallet transit in outfeed Evacuate the pallet in manual and do the reset of
(A024)Wrong pallet positioned Check that the pallet is positioned correctly and 59B4 8
that the photocell are ON. 59B6

(A025)Control rotation infeed Check that the photocell read correctly and that is 59B3 8
(A026) Control rotation outfeed Check that the photocell read correctly and that is 59B7 8
(A027)Pallet in transit Costumer move the pallet, but the signal
‘’Conveyor run’’ is OFF.

(A028)Fault inverter, Do the general reset and check that there aren’t
overload anomalies in the cover circuit.
Magnetothermic (Cover)

(A029)Cover carriage not up Bring the cover carriage on the top before to do the 379B5 2
movement cover forward.

(A030)Cover carriage not back Do the general reset or check the sensor cover 369B6 2
(A031)Cover carriage not downw Do the general reset or check the sensor of cover 379B5 2
carriage down.
(A032)Cover cutting not back Do the general reset or check the sensor of cover 401B7 2
cutting back.
(A033)Cover towing pliers not Do the general reset or open the towing pliers with 401Q3
manual operation.
(A034)Cover block clamp not Do the general reset or close the block clamp with 401Q1
manual operation.
(A035)Cover carriage out of Move up the carriage before to do the operation of
cutting cover.
cutting zone
(A036)Wrong cover positioned The pallet with the product is too hign, or check the 402B2 2
photocell of forward safety cover.
(A037)Arm not in fase 2 Try to press the manua to move the arm in position 403B1 2
2 or check the sensor of phase 2.

(A038)Film cover ended Change the film reel if the problem still check the 401B5 2
sensor of end film.
(A039)Timeout cover cutting Check the sensor Check the sensor of cutting 401B5 2
backward or forward or that there aren’t mechanical 401B6
forward/backward stop and that the solenoid valve work correctly.
(A040)Profinet comunication Check the profinet comunication, contact
(A041) Ethernet comunication Check the ethernet comunication, contact
(A042) Lack date cover program The program haven’t the correct date to the over
cycle, correct the program.
(A043)Timeout encoder roping Check the correct function and that the sensor read 191B6 4
all the pulses.
(A044)Timeout clamp TFG Check the sensor of clamp up/down and that there
aren’t mechanical stop and that the solenoid valve
upward/downward work correctly.
(A045)Timeout chain TFG Check the sensor of chain up/down and that there
aren’t mechanical stop and that the solenoid valve
upward/downward work correctly.
(A046)Clamp TFG not down Do the general reset or check the sensor of clamp
(A047)Error sensor chain fase Do the general reset or check the sensor of chain
in phase.
(A048)Chain not up Move up the chain before to do the rotation of
(A049)Chain not down Do the general reset or check the sensor of of
chain in phase.
(A050)Anomalies chain encoder Do the general reset or check the counter sensor.

(A051)Chain not in phase Do the general reset or check the sensor chain in
(A052) Eletrical cabinet The selector of eletrical cabinet is on OFF when the
display and the PLC are ON with UPS.
disconnector OFF
(A053) Anomalies power supply UPS system malfunction signal.
(A055) Cut arm not backward Do the general reset or check the sensor cut arm

(A056) Timeout cut arm Do the general reset and check the manual if with
the movement cut forward the sensor backward is
forward/backward free.

(A057) Cut arm not forward Check that the sensor of position forward read.

(A058) Fault inverter, Do the general reset and check that there aren’t
anomalies overload in the circuit of wrapper.
Magnetothermic wrapper
(A059) Pressure switch Check the pressure switch, regulate it on 4 Bar or 100B4 1
check that the general air develops 4 Bar.
(A060) Timeout encoder carriage Do the general reset or check the counter sensor . 49B6 5
(Carriage 1)
(A061) Emercengy infeed barrier Check that the barrier are aligned or evacuate the
pallet whit the selector of bypass on the eletrical
(A062) Emercengy outfeed Check that the barrier are aligned or evacuate the
pallet whit the selector of bypass on the eletrical
barrier cabinet.
(A063) Encoder for cover Check counter sensor of the cover 369B7 2
carriage forward/backward
(A064) Encoder for cover Check counter sensor of the cover 379B7 2
carriage upward/downward
(A065) Request open door Turn the key of request open door.
(A066) Data error PLC lost the date, call the assistence.
(A067) Fault inverter, Do the general reset and check that there ren’t
anomalies overload in the circuit of the roping.
(Roping device)
(A068) Emercengy button Check that the emercengy buttoni s not pressed
and in case reconected.

(A069) No carriage available Carriage disabled on sysdata.

(A070) Safety downward cover Check the correct function of the photocell or
modify the deposite quote of the cover foil.
(A071) Error position sensor Check the counter sensor of forward/backward 369B7 2
forward/backward cover
(A081) Carriage not down Do the general reset or check the sensor carriage 2 169B5 7
(Carriage 2)
(A082) Carter prestretch open 2 Close the prestrech carriage or check the sensor 169B2 7
carter 2 close.
(Carriage 2)

(A083) Film broken or ended Change the reel film if don’t work check that when 179B1 7
the film is finish the roller are in stop or check the
(Carriage 2) analogic sensor.

(A084) Timeout encoder carriage Do the general reset or chek the counter sensor. 169B6 7
(Carriage 2)

(A105) Warehouse coner ended Check that the photocell is occupated or add the
new corner in the warehouse 1.
(A106) Warehouse coner ended Check that the photocell is occupated or add the
new corner in the warehouse 2.
(A107) Warehouse coner ended Check that the photocell is occupated or add the
new corner in the warehouse 3.
(A108) Warehouse coner ended Check that the photocell is occupated or add the
new corner in the warehouse 4.
(A109) Lost corner head 1 Check that the photocell of corner presence is on
with the corner attached to head 1.

(A110) Lost corner head 2 Check that the photocell of corner presence is on
with the corner attached to head 2.

(A111) Lost corner head 3 Check that the photocell of corner presence is on
with the corner attached to head 3.

(A112) Lost corner head 4 Check that the photocell of corner presence is on
with the corner attached to head 4.

(A113) Y1 axis not back Do the general reset, or check the sensor of
position backward.

(A114) Y2 axis not back Do the general reset, or check the sensor of
position backward.

(A115) Y3 axis not back Do the general reset, or check the sensor of
position backward.

(A116) Y4 axis not back Do the general reset, or check the sensor of
position backward.

(A117) Y1 axis encoder fault Check the correct function of the counter sensor
and the correct read of the all petals of the count.

(A118) Y2 axis encoder fault Check the correct function of the counter sensor
and the correct read of the all petals of the count.

(A119) Y3 axis encoder fault Check the correct function of the counter sensor
and the correct read of the all petals of the count.

(A120) Y4 axis encoder fault Check the correct function of the counter sensor
and the correct read of the all petals of the count.

(A121) Timeout positioning Y axis Do the reset. Try to move forward and check if
there are some mechanical stop that do not allow
the positioning of the heads.
(A122) Timeout positioning X axis Do the reset, check that the solenoid valve have
enough air to do forward/backward with the group
ok keep angle.
(A123)Interference Bring the carriage in the safety quote for coner
cycle to be able to rotate the arm o move the
Wrapper/Coner unit corner unit.
(A124) Head 1 not correctly Check that the sensor is switched on when the
angle is placed onthe corner of the product.
angled on the pallet
(A125) Head 2 not correctly Check that the sensor is switched on when the
angle is placed onthe corner of the product.
angled on the pallet
(A126) Head 3 not correctly Check that the sensor is switched on when the
angle is placed onthe corner of the product.
angled on the pallet
(A127) Head 4 not correctly Check that the sensor is switched on when the
angle is placed onthe corner of the product.
angled on the pallet
(A128) Head 1 not backward Do the general reset, check that there aren’t
mechanical stop, and that the sensor of position
backward read correctly..
(A129) Head 2 not backward Do the general reset, check that there aren’t
mechanical stop, and that the sensor of position
backward read correctly..

(A130) Head 3 not backward Do the general reset, check that there aren’t
mechanical stop, and that the sensor of position
backward read correctly..
(A131) Head 4 not backward Do the general reset, check that there aren’t
mechanical stop, and that the sensor of position
backward read correctly..
(A132)Pressure switch corner Check the pressure switch, regulate on 4 Bar or
check that input air develops more than 4 Bar.
(A133)Fault inverter, Do the general reset and check that there aren’t
anomalies or overloads on the circuit of corner unit.
(Corner unit)

(W001)Eletrical panel ventilation Eletrical panel ventilation don’t function, check the
thermic or concat the assistence.

(W002)Teleservice enabled Teleservice connected and enabled..

(W003) Connection with The connection with remote assistence from the
selector to the eletrical cabinet has been selected.
teleservice stability
(W005)Forward/backward cover Do the general reset or manual movement of cover
encored reset in progress

(W006) Forward/backward cover Do the general reset or manual movement of cover

lenght sample required
(W009) Power supply fault UPS Fault in UPS system.
(W010) Level UPS battery low The eletrical cabinet is without power supply, and
the battery of UPS in ON.

(W011) Ethernet comunication Check ethernet connection.

not enabled

(W012) Carriage not enabled Carriage 1 not enabled from sysdata.

(Carriage 1)

(W013) Carriage not enabled Carriage 2 not enabled from sysdata.

(Carriage 2)

(W017)Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
1 photocell is switched ON.

(W018) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
2 photocell is switched ON

(W019) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
3 photocell is switched ON

(W020) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
4 photocell is switched ON

(W021) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
5 photocell is switched ON

(W022) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
6 photocell is switched ON

(W023) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
7 photocell is switched ON

(W024) Minimun storage corner The quantity of corner picies is below the minimun
threshold.Refill the magazine and check that the
8 photocell is switched ON

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