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1. Write questions for these answers.

1. I can’t swim. 

2. Katy can play the piano. 

3. We can’t speak Japanese. 

4. Charlie can ski. 

5. They can’t play hockey. 

6. Your mother can’t ride a bike. 

2. Choose the correct answers.

1. Can they play tennis? 1. ☐ No, they don’t.
1. ☐ Yes, they can. 2. ☐ No, he can’t.
2. ☐ No, he doesn’t. 3. ☐ Yes, they can.
3. ☐ Yes, we are.

2. Can you sing songs?

1. ☐ Yes, I am.
2. ☐ No, they can’t.
3. ☐ Yes, we can.

3. Can Jack ride a horse?

1. ☐ Yes, he does.
2. ☐ No, they can’t.
3. ☐ Yes, he can.

4. Can Samantha play the guitar?

1. ☐ Yes, they are.
2. ☐ No, she can’t.
3. ☐ No, she isn’t.

5. Can you write with your left

1. ☐ No, I can’t.
2. ☐ Yes, I do.
3. ☐ Yes, we are.

6. Can they speak Spanish?

3. Complete the sentences with can or can’t and the correct verb.

1. 4.
She I .


He the
violin. 6.

He a We
bike pictures.

4. Write the correct short answer.


Can Sally take photos?
Can Jilly play the piano?

Can Henry swim?
4. 5.

4 Can Mike spell television? Can Freddie draw?

6 Can Lily and Keith play tennis?

5. Complete the sentences. Use can or can’t.

I ____________ speak Hungarian, but I ____________ speak Spanish.

You don’t have to shout. I ____________ hear you very well.

I ____________ watch TV because I work.

He ____________ ski because he is in the hospital.

He never eats at restaurants because he ____________ cook.

____________ your dog sing a song?

I ____________ dance because my legs are not broken.

We don’t need a calculator. We are good at Maths and ____________ count very well.

She’s very good at music. She ____________ play the piano and the violin too.

I ____________ draw. Could you help me?

They ____________ go on holiday, because they don’t have enough money.

Samantha speaks only French. I ____________ understand her.

The bears at circus are very clever, they ____________ ride a bike.

Look at the rain. We ____________ leave our house, because we don’t have umbrellas.
Gorillas ____________ draw, but they ____________ speak.

____________ you play chess?

6. Put the words in order to make sentences.

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