(B) Giving Encouragement

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It is very important for you (the teacher) to speak English in the classroom because students learn a
lot from the English you speak. It is very hard for students to say something in English. So it is
important to praise and encourage them where appropriate. Here are some “Encouragement”
expressions you can use. You should,

~ select 5 phrases you like (e.g. Great try, well done, much better, you’ve got it now, you did it!)
~ use these 5 phrases repeatedly in your lessons
~ after 2/3 weeks, add 1 new phrase a lesson. Students will soon start to use these phrases too

You should always accompany your words with gestures so students can understand your words from
the situation. For example, if you say Much better!, smile and give a thumbs up sign. But, if students
ask you what these phrases and words mean, tell them in Hungarian

Don’t give up

Great try

Keep trying
Keep up the good work

Much better

Well done

You can do it
You did it
You'll get it
You've got it now
You've improved
You've made progress
You're getting there
You're getting better
You've got what it takes

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