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1- Although the pens�on was very reasonably 9- I st�ll th�nk �t's a long way to go
pr�ced, �t was certa�nly not uncomfortable. w�thout tak�ng a break .......... they
........... �t had a beaut�ful shady garden and a are to take turns at the wheel.
roof terrace w�th a splend�d v�ew of the area.
A) even �f B) whether
A) Therefore B) Even though C) so that D) desp�te
C) Otherw�se D) Moreover E) yet
E) Nevertheless
Baarmak için YESDĐL! Eskiehir

10- ............. perform�ng all the funct�ons of a

2- The coach was full and the weather very hot, standard vacuum cleaner, th�s model w�ll also
but the a�r cond�t�on�ng wasn't work�ng. ......... clean your carpets, Madam.
the passengers were uncomfortable and many
of them compla�ned. A) Regardless B) However
C) In add�t�on to D) See�ng as
A) On the contrary B) Nevertheless E) Furthermore
C) Consequently D) Otherw�se
E) Furthermore 11- I'm glad that we phoned to check the
date of the�r wedd�ng; .......... we
3- They could eas�ly afford to stay at the best would have m�ssed �t.
hotels, ......... they preferred to stay at small
fam�ly run guest houses. A) consequently B) �n case
C) although D) however
A) as B) yet E) otherw�se
C) for D) therefore
E) so 12- They d�dn't buy that house because �t �s a long
way from any schools; .......... �t needs a fortune
4- The 35th US Pres�dent, J. F. Kennedy, was spend�ng on �t.
shot by a lone gunman .......... tak�ng part
�n a process�on �n November, 1963. A) nevertheless B) regardless
C) whereas D) furthermore
A) �n order to B) dur�ng E) on the other hand
C) ow�ng to D) unt�l
E) wh�le 13- In the�r op�n�on, they presented the best
proposals, ....... they d�dn't get the contract.
5- We are unable to send you a brochure but we
w�ll send you one .......... stock arr�ves. A) �f B) yet
C) as D) for
A)before B)unt�ll E) so
C) as soon as D) wh�le
E) although 14- There w�ll be a shortage of water ........ we get
some ra�nfall soon.
6- ........ how many d�fferent precaut�ons you
take, you cannot avo�d be�ng b�tten by A) as �f B) �n case
m�dges �n Scotland at th�s t�me of year. C) whenever D) unless
E) by the t�me
A) No m a t t er B) Nevertheless
C) Whatever D) Regardless 15- The lungs are never completely empty. ....... the
E) Instead most v�gorous exp�rat�on, they st�ll conta�n
about 983 cub�c cent�metres of a�r.
7- We are, from th�s date forward, cancell�ng your
company's cred�t fac�l�ty w�th us .......... your A) Even after B) As though
poor payment record. C) However D) Whereas
E) Even �f
A) on account of B) even though
C) �n add�t�on to D) �n sp�te of 16- ........ wr�t�ng techn�ques and vocabulary can
E) bes�des be taught, no amount of �nstruct�on can
make up for a lack of natural creat�ve talent.
8- Dave caught malar�a .......... he was work�ng on
a construct�on project �n Afr�ca. A) Soon B) Hardly
C) Wh�le D) No matter
A) dur�ng B) wh�le E) S�nce
C) by the t�me D) as soon as
E) unt�l 1

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