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Answers 297

3 Upper boundary 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000
Cumulative frequency 0 25 56 100 157 231 389 444 470 488 500






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000
Gross registered tonnage (tonnes)

500  1
(a) median  th  250.5th  2100 tonnes
(b) lower quartile  125.25th  1380 tonnes
upper quartile  375.75th  2880 tonnes
 interquartile range  2880  1380
 1500 tonnes
(500  320)
(c) % exceeding 2500 tonnes    100  36%.

1 (a)

density 3

0 20 40 60 80 100
Weight (kg)
298 Answers

(b) Bimodal distribution, probably because passengers who would

have taken just over 35 kg of luggage have taken less to avoid
excess charge.

0 20 40 60 80
Luggage weight, kg
(d) The box-and-whisker plot does not illustrate the feature described
in (b). The histogram is a better diagram for this data.

2 (a)



frequency 60



50 100 150 200

Time (s)

(b) Estimated median 131 seconds, interquartile range 38 seconds;

(c) Second jigsaw takes longer on average so more difficult, also times
taken are more variable;
(d) 137 seconds.
It is possible to estimate the median of the times of the 116 children. It
is not possible to calculate the arithmetic mean as the times for the
slowest 16 children are unknown.
3 (a) A has lowest variability, median just over 5, apart from 4 outliers B
has low variability and lowest median, C has large variability and
median close to 6, it is negatively skewed.
(b) Choose A as it has low variability and no outliers. The mean can
be adjusted to bring it to the required value.
4 (a) 1280;
(b) (i) bar chart,
(ii) Very small proportion of Victoria Records’ sales. Similar
proportion of Ron’s sales to tapes and records.
5 (a) 80, 1.4;
(b) (i) Employment status is qualitative not quantitative,
(ii) 239°,
(iii) 1.3 cm.
6 (a) 105.9 million;
(b) (i) The number of sites seems to exhibit some random variation
but no trend,
Answers 299

(ii) The number of screens shows an upward, approximately

linear trend.
The average number of screens per site has increased steadily
from just over two in 1988 to just over four in 1998.
(c) £2.77;
(d) The revenue per admission has increased from £1.89 to £3.64 from
1988 to 1998, an increase of 93%.
The retail price index has increased from 106.6 to 163.4, an
increase of 53%. There has been a substantial increase in admission
prices even allowing for the effect of inflation.

7 (a) 9.7 thousand tonnes;

(b) £7002 thousand;
(c) (i) Quantity of plaice landed has shown a downward trend with
some indication that this trend has now levelled out,
(ii) Quantity of sand eels landed has shown a steep but erratic
upward trend;
(d) (i) £743 per tonne, (ii) £542 per tonne;
(e) (i) £3260 per tonne, (ii) £4490 per tonne;
(f) Since the quantity of brill caught is given to only 1 sf the actual
quantity is between 0.45 and 0.55. There could be an error due to
rounding in the answers to (e) of up to about 10%.
(g) There was an increase in the RPI of 13% between 1992 and 1997.
There has been a reduction of 27% in the average price of haddock.
In real terms this reduction is even greater. There has been an
increase of about 38% in the average price of brill. This comfortably
exceeds the increase in the RPI (even allowing for possible
rounding errors) and so represents a real increase in the price.

8 (a) The number of sites shows an upward trend. The rate of increase
has been accelerating up to 1993. From 1993 to 1996 the rate of
increase has reduced;
(b) The number of councils participating showed an upward,
approximately linear trend until 1990 but then levelled off;
(c) Local government reorganisation reduced the number of councils
in 1996;
(d) In 1979 only a small proportion of councils were participating
whereas in 1985 a large proportion of councils were participating.
It is therefore impossible to maintain the rate of increase in the
number of councils participating;
(e) 1977 – 2.8, 1982 – 5.3, 1988 – 8.8, 1995 – 31.2.
As well as an increase in the number of councils participating there
has also been a marked increase in the number of sites per
participating council.

9 (a) 30%;
(b) 22%;
(c) The bigger the household income the bigger the proportion of
women who have never smoked;
(d) As with women the bigger the household income the bigger the
proportion of men who have never smoked. For any given
household income group, the proportion of men who have never
smoked is smaller than the proportion of women who have never
300 Answers

10 (a) (i) 4.1 million tonnes;

(b) (i) Downward, approximately linear trend,
(ii) Relatively little use of gas up to 1992 then a marked upward
(iii) A relatively slow upward trend.
(c) 6.3°. This sector would have been much larger in 1988 (32.2°);
(d) Since the figure for hydro is given to only 1 sf the use in each of
the years 1988 to 1991 may not have been the same but could
have varied between 0.35 and 0.45 (million tonnes of oil
equivalent). The increase from 0.4 to 0.5 might be almost entirely
accounted for by rounding error;
(e) 1.9 million tonnes.

11 (a) (i) 4.5 g, (ii) 95.5 g, (iii) 91 g;

(b) (i) 0.0401, (ii) 0.000 03;
(c) The average contents are less than the nominal quantity, more
than 2.5% are non-standard. Requirements not met.
(d) More than 2.5% non-standard (8.5%), more than 0.1% inadequate
(0.6%). Conditions not met.

12 (a) 18 536 000;

(b) £478;
(c) Advantage – it eliminates affect of inflation from the data.
Disadvantage – the amounts shown for years other than 1995 are
not the actual expenditure;
(d) The ratio of constant 1995 prices to current prices should be the
same in any given year. In the table, this ratio is 1 for spending
in the UK in 1998, but 1 for spending overseas;
(e) • The number of visits has increased from 1988 to 1998 (both to
and from the UK).
• Expenditure has increased from 1988 to 1998 both in actual
and in real terms.
• More UK residents visit overseas than overseas residents visit
the UK.
• Average expenditure of overseas residents in the UK has
increased in real terms.

13 (a) 7 367 000;

(b) 563;
(c) Expenditure from public funds has increased by about 26% from
1993–94 to 1998–99. The Retail Price Index has increased by less
(16%), showing a real increase in expenditure from public funds.
(d) • The total number of dentists has steadily increased from
1993–94 to 1998–99.
• The number of registered patients has decreased (both adults
and children); particularly in the last year.
• The number of courses of treatment has increased.
• The increase in expenditure is similar to the increase in the RPI,
i.e. there is little change in real terms.

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