Vestido Cutencuddly

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Crafted with passion, Created with love


Baby dress, headband and booties pattern

​ Aradhna Shukla © 2015

Baby Dress
With headband and booties

Designed by Aradhna Shukla

Skill Level: Intermediate

For 0-6 Months, 16’’-18” chest,

(Can be made bigger using a size 5 mm crochet hook to make in size 6-12 months to
fit 18”- 20”chest)


100 grams ball of King Cole, Light weight Double knitting, baby yarn in 5 colours,
colour, abbreviated as CA (green) and CB (red), 30 gms of each CC (white) and CD
(darker green), and 15 grams of CE (yellow).

4mm crochet hook for 0-6 months

5mm crochet hook for 6-12 months (with thicker yarn, can also be made for 2 yrs)

Gauge: ​
14 dc = 3 inches

6 rows of dc = 3 inches. (pattern used dc)

You can change your hook and yarn to obtain gauge, if it’s loose or tight.

This pattern is written in standard American crochet abbreviations.

Stitches and abbreviations used:

Chains= ch Right Side = RS

Single crochet = sc Wrong Side = WS

Double crochet= dc Half double crochet = hdc

Stitches = sts yarn over = yo

Slip stitch = sl st Skip = sk

3dc Shells = 3dc, ch2, 3dc 5dc shell = 5dc in the stitch

Foundation double crochet = fdc spaces = sps


Foundation Row: ​ With CA​ do 72 foundation dc (pattern below) for the foundation

row (optional, you can ch 74, dc in the 3ch from the hook, dc across to make 72
dc). Join in with a sl st. With the help of the tail at the beginning, join the top end
of the first fdc with a sl st. Don’t turn.

Foundation dc: ​ ch2, yo, insert the hook into the second ch from the hook, yo, draw up a
loop, yo, and draw through one loop on your hook, (first ch st. made, for next foundation dc
we are going to insert the hook in this st. only), yo, draw through 2 loops on the hook, yo,
draw through 2 loops on the hook (first foundation dc made).
Next Foundation dc:​insert the hook in the under the two loops of the ch st, yo, draw up
a loop, yo, draw through one loop, (second ch st. made), yo,draw through two loops, yo, draw
through the last two loops on the hook. Second foundation dc made. Repeat this pattern 70
more times. 72 fdc made.)

Round 2: ​ ch3, (counts as first dc), dc in each of the next 71 sts. Join in with a sl
st in the top of the first ch3. (72 dc made)
Round 3-5:​ Repeat round 2 (72 dc made)
Round 6:​ Join in colour CC (optional) in the sl, st just made, ch5, (counts as first dc
and a ch2 sp), sk 2 sts, dc in the next st. *Ch 2, sk 2 st, dc in the next st* repeat
from *to* 21 more times, ch2, sk next 2 sts, sl st in the top of the first ch3, sl st
to the ch2 sp (sl st in the next 2 dc, sl st in the ch2 sp) of the same shell. (24 ch2
spaces, and 24 dc made) ​ Fasten off.
This completes the bodice.

Photo 1: Bodice

Round 7​ : Join in CB in the sl st just made, ch3 (counts as first dc), 2dc, ch2, 3dc
(first 3dc shell made), 3dc shell in the each of the next 23 dc. Join in with a sl st
in top of the first ch3. Sl st to the ch2 sp of the same shell. (24 3dc shells made)
Round 8:​ ch3 (counts as first dc), 2dc, ch2, 3dc (first 3dc shell made), 3dc shell in
the each of the next 23 3 dc shell. Join in with a sl st in top of the first ch3. Sl st
to the ch2 sp of the same shell. (24 3dc shells made)
Round 9-12:​ Repeat round 8. This completes the dress length for 0-3 months. For
3-6 months continue to round 13 & 14 repeating round 8. For 6-12 months size,
continue to round 15 & 16, repeating round 8. ​ Fasten off.

Photo 2: Body in progress


Round 1:​ Join in CC in the same centre space of the shell, ch1, sc, ch1, sc, sc in
next 6 dc, *sc, ch1, sc in the ch2 sp of the next shell, sc in next 6 dc,* 22 more
times. sl st in the first sc, sl st to the ch1 sp. ​
Fasten off.
Round 2: ​ Join in CA in the ch1 sp, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc in the same
st. Sk 4 sc, sl st into the next sc, *sk 4 sc, (now you must be in the centre sp of
the next shell) dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc in the same st. Sk 4 sc, sl st
into the next sc.* Repeat from *to* 22 more times, sl st into the very first dc in
the very first shell. Sl st into the next ch3 sp.
Round 3:​ sc,hdc,sc in all the ch3 sp, of all the shells around. Each shell has 4 of the
ch3 sps, so it must have 4 sets of sc,hdc, sc in those 4 ch3 sps. (Total 96 sets of
sc, hdc,sc made in 24 shells) ​Fasten off.
Please see the photos below for guidance.

Photo3: bodice and body completed with edging

Photo 4: edging up close

Upper Edging: ​ Working at the opposite side of the bodice (neck edge), join in CA
in the top of the first fdc, of the foundation row, ch1, sc in the same st, *sk2
sts,5dc shell in the next st, sk 2 sts, sc in the next st* repeat from *to* 10 more
times, sk 2 sts, 5dc shell in the next st, sk 2 sts, join in with a sl st into the first
sc. (12, 5dc shells made, 6 shells each at the front and back)
Match up the shells, aligning them properly on top of each other, you should have 6
5dc shells on top of 6 5dc shells. The straps are going to be made in the second
shell from the left as well as from the right, leaving two shells in the middle and
one shell at each side. ​
Fasten off.

Straps (make 2)

0-3 and 3-6 month size: ​ join in CA in the middle dc of the second shell from any
side, ​
drop the ch off the hook, insert the hook in the coinciding shell
(second one from the side) on the back facing RS, pull the dropped ch through and
join in with a sl st making sure not to twist the chs.. Now working in the rounds (as
we work on the booties) *sk 2 chs, 5 dc shell in the next ch, sk 2 chs, sc in the
next ch*. Repeat from * to * 3 more times, this sc should be in the st where we
started the ch. Now working in the opposite sides of the chain. *sk 2 chs, 5 dc
shell in the next ch, sk 2 chs, sc in the next ch*. Repeat from * to * 3 more times.
This sc should be in the st, where we picked up the chs on the hook. Fasten off. (4
shells made)
6- 12 months size:​
​ join in CA in the middle dc of the second shell from any side,
ch30,​ drop the ch off the hook, insert the hook in the coinciding shell (second one
from the side) on the back facing RS, pull the dropped ch through and join in with a
sl st making sure not to twist the chs.. Now working in the rounds (as we work on
the booties) *sk 2 chs, 5 dc shell in the next ch, sk 2 chs, sc in the next ch*.
Repeat from * to * 4 more times, this sc should be in the st where we started the
ch. Now working in the opposite sides of the chain. *sk 2 chs, 5 dc shell in the next
ch, sk 2 chs, sc in the next ch*. Repeat from * to * 4 more times. This sc should be
in the st, where we picked up the chs on the hook. Fasten off. (5 shells made)


Inner Side:​ Join in the CB with sl st, in the centre sc at the back, ch1, sc in the same st,
sc in next two dc, 2sc in the 3rd (middle) dc, sc in the next 2dc of the 5dc shell, sc in sc,
sc in the next two dc, keep going at the inner side of the strap, sc in the next three st,
2sc in the middle dc of the shell, *sc in the next 5 sts, 2sc in the next (middle dc of the
shell) st* repeat from *to* until the end, join in with a sl st, into the first sc. Fasten off.

Outer Side (on either side): ​ Join in CB in the sc between 2 5dc shells, ch1, sc in the same
st,sc in next two dc, 2sc in the 3rd (middle) dc, sc in the next 2dc of the 5dc shell, sc in
sc, sc in the next two dc, keep going at the outer side of the strap, sc in the next three st,
2sc in the middle dc of the shell, *sc in the next 5 sts, 2sc in the next (middle dc of the
shell) st* repeat from *to* until the end, join in with a sl st, into the first sc. Fasten off.
Photo 5: straps and finishing up close

Strawberry applique (Make 7):

Row 1:​With CB, make a magic circle, ch1, 2sc, (pull up the tail tight so there is no
hole visible in the magic circle), (2 sc made) turn,
Row 2:​Ch1, 2 sc in the first sc, 2 sc in the last sc. (4sc made) turn.
Row 3: ​ Ch1, 2 sc in the first sc, 1 sc in the next two sc, 2 sc in the last sc. (6sc
made) turn.
Row4:​ Ch1, sc in each sc across (6sc made). Turn
Row 5:​ Ch1, 2 sc in the first sc, 1 sc in the next 4sc, 2 sc in the last sc. (8sc made)
Row 6:​ Ch1, sc in each sc across (8sc made). Don’t turn
Keep working around the strawberry, doing 1sc in the ends of each row (5sc), work
3sc at the bottom tip , work sc up along the strawberry at the opposite side, doing
1sc in the ends of each row (5sc), join in with a sl st in the first sc of row 6. (21sc
made). Fasten off.
Strawberry Leaves (Make 7):
With CD, make a magic circle, *ch3, dc,ch3, sl st into the magic circle*, Repeat
from *to* twice more, pull up the tail tight so no hole is visible. Fasten off.
Sew two of the strawberry appliques with two leaves on top of them at the centre
of the front bodice. The third strawberry and the leaf is going to be used for the

Strawberry Flowers (make 6): ​

With CE, make a magic circle, Ch 1, 9 sc on the same
ring. Join with a sl st to the first sc. Fasten off. Join in CC, ch 1, sc in the sl st just done,
*5 dc in next sc, sc in next st * repeat * to * then sl st in the first sc. Five petals made
with five dc, and 1 sc in between each petal. Fasten off. 4 flowers are going to be used for
the dress and 2 for the booties.
There are 12 shells each at the front and the back, Sew the first flower on the second
shell from the right in the last second row of CB, sk 2 shells, sew the next flower on the
5th shell of the same row, sk 2 shells, sew the third flower on the 8th shell of the same
row, sk 2 shells, sew the fourth flower on the 11th shell of the same row.

Tie: ​With CD ​ ch4, join with a sl st, to make a circle, ch3, dc, ch3, sl st in the circle, 3
times, ch 154, join in with a sl st in the 4th ch from the hook to make a circle, ch3, dc, ch3,
sl st in the circle, 3 times. Fasten off, Weave the tie in round 6, in ch2 spaces around the
dcs.​ This completes the dress.

Photo 6: Completed dress

Row 1: With CA, ch 61, dc in the 4rd ch from the hook (first three chs count as first dc),
dc in all the chs. (59 dc made)

Row 2: Turn, ch3 (counts as first dc), dc in next dc, *2 dc in next dc, 1dc in next two dc*.
Repeat from *to* until the end. (78dc made)

Row 3:​
Turn, ch3, 1 dc in each dc across. (78 dc)

Row 4:​
Repeat round 2. (104 dc made)

Row 5:​
Repeat row 3. (104 dc made)

Row 6: ​ Turn, ch3 (counts as first dc), dc in next 2 dc,*2dc in next dc, 1dc in next three
dc* . Repeat from *to* until the end. (130 dc made)

Row 7: Turn ch3 (counts as first dc), 1 dc in next 16 dc, sk 30 dc, dc in next dc (first
armhole made) 1dc in next 35 dc, sk 30dc, dc in next dc (second armhole made), 1 dc in
next of 16 dc.

Row 8: Turn, ch3(counts as 1st dc), sk 3 sts , *3dc shell in the next st, sk 3dc*. Repeat 7
times, sk4 sts *3dc shell in the next st, sk 3dc*. Repeat 7 more times, 1dc in the last dc.
(16 3dc shells made). Fasten off.

Join CC in the centre back, between 2 3dc shell, (back has 8 3dc shells so
Round 9: ​
from where you joined CC, there should be 4 3dc shells on each side), 2 sc in next
2 sts, sl st into the ch2 sp of the same shell, *sc, ch1, sc in the ch2 sp of the same
ch2 sp, sc in next 6 dc*. Repeat from *to* 7 more times, sc, ch1, sc in the ch2 sp
of the same ch2 sp, sc in next 4 sts. Keep working towards the dc rows (front right
side), sc in the dc, 2 sc in the ends of the each row, (15 sc made), Keep working at
the neck edge, sc across in each st. Keep working towards the dc rows (front left
side), 2 sc in the ends of the each row, sc in the dc (15 sc made), sc in next 3 sts,
sl st into the ch2 sp of the same shell, *sc, ch1, sc in the ch2 sp of the same ch2
sp, sc in next 6 dc*. Repeat from *to* 7more times,sc, ch1, sc in the ch2 sp of the
same ch2 sp, sc in next 3 sts, sl st in the first sc. Sl st to the centre ch1
sp.Fasten off CC.
Round 10: ​ Join in CB , [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc]in the same st. Sk 4
sc, sl st into the next sc, *sk 4 sc, (now you must be in the centre sp of the next
shell) [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the same st. Sk 4 sc, sl st into the
next sc.* Repeat from *to* 6 more times (8 shells made),
Working towards left, sl st into the lower corner sc of the right front, sk 2 sc,
[dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next sc, sk 3 sc, sl st into the next sc,
sk 3 sc, [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next sc, sk2 sc, sl st into the
right upper corner sc on the neck edge.(2 shells made).
Photo 7: Shrug and schematics, showing where to start & finish the edging, how many
shells on each separate section and where to join in for sleeves.

Working towards left, *sk 3 sts, [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next
st, sk 3 sts, sl st into the next st.* Repeat from *to* 1 more time, sc 3 sts, [dc,
ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next st, sk 4 sts, sl st into the next st, sk
4 sts,[dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next st, *sk 3 sts, sl st into the
next st, *sk 3 sts, [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next st, sk 3 sts, sl
st into the next st.* Repeat from *to* 2 more times, (7 shells made) this sl st
should be into the left upper corner sc on the neck edge.
Working towards left, sk 2 sc, [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the next
sc, sk 3 sc, sl st into the next sc, sk 3 sc, [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in
the next sc, sk 2 sc, sc in the lower left corner( 2 shells made).
Working towards left again, *sk 4 sc, (now you must be in the centre sp of the next
shell) [dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc, ch3, dc] in the same st. Sk 4 sc, sl st into the
next sc.* Repeat from *to* 7 more times, (8 shells made). Join with a sl st in the
first dc. [Total of 27 shells made in round 10]

Round 11:​ Sc,hdc,sc in all the ch3 sp, of all the shells around. Each shell has 4 of
the ch3 sps, so it must have 4 sets of sc,hdc, sc in those 4 ch3 sps. (Total 108 sets
of sc, hdc,sc made in 27 shells) Fasten off.
Sew the remaining 4 strawberries with leaves on top at each side, either as shown
in the photo or as done at the dress front. See photo 7 for guidance
Ties (Make two) : ​ With CD​ ch4, join with a sl st, to make a circle, ch3, dc, ch3, sl

st in the circle, 3 times, ch 154 (for the ties that’s for the neck edge ch 100), join
in with a sl st in the 4th ch from the hook to make a circle, ch3, dc, ch3, sl st in
the circle, 3 times. Fasten off, Weave the ties in rounds 1 (shorter one) and 7
(longer one).

Sleeves (make 2):

Round 1: ​ Join in CA between the shells, (as shown in photo 7) in the armhole, ch3 (counts
as first dc), dc in each dc across. Join in with a sl st, in the top of first ch3. (30 dc)
Round 2: ​ ch3, 2dc, ch2, 3dc (counts as first 3dc shell) in the same st, sk 5 st, *3dc, ch2,
3dc in next st (3 dc shell), sk 5 sts*. Repeat from *to* 3 more times, join in with a sl st
into the top of the first ch3, sl st to the centre sp of the shell. (5 3dc shells made).
Round 3-7 :​ Repeat round 2. This completes the sleeve length for 0-3 months. Skip round
8-9, and continue to finishing.
Round 8: ​ Repeat round 2. This completes the sleeve length for 6 months.
Round 9:​ Repeat round 2. This completes the sleeve length for 12 months.
Round 1:​ ch3, (counts as first dc, 6 dc in the same shell (7dc shell made), 7dc shell
each shell across, Join in with a sl st. Fasten off. (5 7dc shells made)
Round 2:​ Join CB, with a sl st, sc in the next 3 dc, sc, ch1, sc in the centre dc, *sc in next
6 sts, sc, ch1, sc in the centre dc* Repeat from *to* 4 times, sc in next 3sts. Join with a sl
st into the first sc. Fasten off.

Headband: ​
With CA, ch 60, join in with a sl st,making sure not to twist the chain, sc in
the same st, *sk 2 chs, 5dc in the next st, sk 2 chs, sc in the next st*. Repeat from *to*
until the last 5dc shell. join in with a sl st in the first sc. Now working at the opposite end
of the ch, join in with a sl st, sc in the same st, *sk 2 chs, 5dc in the next st, sk 2 chs, sc
in the next st*. Repeat from *to* until the last 5dc shell. join in with a sl st in the first sc.

Photo 8: Headband up close

Join in CB, in the sl st just made, sc in the next 3 st, 2sc in the middle dc of the shell, sc
in the next 5 sts, 2sc in the next st, 9 more times, sc in the next 3 sts, join in with a sl st
in the first sc. Sew the strawberry applique with the leaf at the top of the joints.

Booties (make 2): ​

For 0-6 month size, use size 4 crochet hook, for 6-12 month size
use a size 5 mm hook.

Round 1: with CB ch 10, sc in second ch from the hook, sc in next 7 ch, 5 sc in the last ch
(for toe), working in opposite sides of the chs, sc in next 7 ch, 2sc in the last ch, join with
sl st in the first sc. (22sc made)

Round 2: Ch 2 (counts as first hdc), hdc in the same st, hdc in the next 7 sts, 2hdc in each
of the next 5 sts, hdc in next 7 sts, 2hdc in each of the last 2 sts, join with sl st in top of
ch 2. (30 hds made)

Round 3: ch2, hdc in the first st, hdc in next 12 sts, 2 hdc in each of the next 3 sts, hdc
in next 12 sts, 2 hdc in each of the last 2 sts, join with a sl st. ( 36 hdc made)

Round 4-5:​
Ch 2, hdc in each st around. This makes the sides. (36 hdc made)

Round 6: Ch 2, hdc in next 11 sts. (dc in next 2 sts together) 6 times, hdc in last 12 sts,
join. 30hdc

Round 7: Ch 2, hdc in next 10 sts, (dc next 2 sts together) 4 times, hdc in last 11 sts, join
with a sl st. 26hdc
Photo 9 : Booties
Round 8: Join CA, ch 4 (counts as first hdc and ch 2 space) *sk 2 st, hdc in next, ch2* 9
times, join with a sl st in the top of first ch2. 9 hdc with 10 ch2 spaces made. Fasten
off.Sew the remaining two flowers in the centre front of the booties.

Ties (make 2):

With CD ch4, join with a sl st, to make a circle, ch3, dc, ch3, sl st in the circle, 3 times, ch
60, join in with a sl st in the 4th ch from the hook to make a circle, ch3, dc, ch3, sl st in
the circle, 3 times. Fasten off, Weave the tie in round 6, in ch2 spaces around the dcs.

Weave the ties in the 2ch spaces between the hdc and tie in a bow at the outer side of
each bootie.

is designed by : Aradhna Shukla © 2015

Is the sole property of Cutencuddlyoutfits / Aradhna Shukla


This pattern is protected against any unauthorized duplication by any means whether
printed or by any other electronic means by the federal copyright laws.

Buyers can sell the finished item but they can not sell, forward, or share the pattern with
anyone else.If you have any problems with this pattern please contact me at​ , or contact the seller of cutencuddlyoutfits shop (thats me) at
Etsy or Ravelry.

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