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Mrs Laurie,

I am writing to you with great enthusiasm to express my strong interest, primarily for the role of head girl.
During my time at GHS, I have come to appreciate their pivotal role in fostering a sense of community and
school spirit amongst pupils – stemming from my perspective as a Year 3 looking for a role model, as well
as, later, a Lower Sixth able to see the tangible impact of such work. For me, effectively communicating
with the rest of the school, on both an individual and collective basis, is paramount to fulfilling the
responsibilities of head girl. My experience in public speaking, gained through being an active participant
in MUN, and significant contributions to whole school assemblies (such as the recent Holocaust Memorial
Day), has been invaluable in developing the crucial skills required for this role. Beyond this, it is
imperative for the head girl to establish a strong presence within the school community. My involvement in
creating and running Journalism Club (aimed at years 7-9), participation in various orchestras and choirs,
and serving as a languages ambassador (engaging all year groups in MFL-related activities, particularly in
the recent MFL week) has enabled me to build relationships across the whole school. This is something I
am keen to further expand within the role – particularly in welcoming prospective parents and students.
Open Days in particular were always a highlight for me, as they allowed me to express my genuine
affection for this school and its vibrant community, and to showcase the welcoming and warm atmosphere
that defines GHS.

I firmly believe, however, that the role of head girl is dynamic and ever-changing and presents key
opportunities for new perspectives and initiatives that I’d be keen to bring to the table. Specifically, I’d
really like to enhance the current level of inter-year group interaction, in order to create a greater, more
robust social web across the school. One approach to realising this involves reinventing the mentor system,
making it more readily available for those lower down the school, whilst making it simultaneously seem
more appealing to those higher up. This could not only be a great way of improving the general sense of
community, but also a means of facilitating enduring and meaningful friendships. Furthermore,
collaboratively engaging with House Captains, establishing a wider range of inter-year house competitions
is something I’d be keen in achieving. The fun, relaxed atmosphere of these events presents an opportune
moment to help foster strong friendship bonds across the years – a goal that I am committed to achieving
as head girl. Lastly, in pursuit of attaining this goal, I’d like to see an increase in the array of social events
available to students. Inspired by the success of the recent winter formal event, this is something I’d
especially like to adapt and refine to contribute positively to the wellbeing and social connections of all our
pupils. I would like to create a calendar filled with a diverse range of events that cater to the varied
interests of our students, that will serve, not just as entertaining experiences, but also in fostering and
nurturing the vibrant community that distinguishes GHS. This could include (but is not limited to):
(themed) social mixers, increased support for student-led initiatives and events, and more community-
based events.

I’d also like to express my interest for the role of School Council Representative. Similarly to that of head
girl, this position resonates with me in its commitment to implementing visible change. However, my
specific interest lies in giving the school council a louder voice in our community. As it stands, I feel that
the council is hardly recognised by the broader school community: my aspiration is to reform this so that
pupils feel that their opinions and voices hold significance in shaping our environment. To achieve this, I
would like to introduce: greater visibility (such as through posters, assemblies, or a regular newsletter),
more open forums to generate feedback, and regular surveys to ensure that all ideas can be put forwards.

In conclusion, my desire to serve on the Senior Prefect Team is driven, fundamentally, by a commitment to
having a positive impact on our school community. Given my immense affection for the school, I am
inspired by the dynamic role of head girl in the opportunities it presents to create meaningful change. If
given the opportunity, I would like to further the presence of the SPT in being key role models for younger
students, and I am keen to expand the sense of community and the importance of communication in our
school environment. Thank you for your time and consideration – I am keen to contribute my skills,
experience, and enthusiasm to the continued development of the GHS spirit, as head girl.

Best wishes,
Hannah Clayton

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