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Electrolyse your soul assessment3



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This apparatus is called a Hofmann voltameter. It is used to collect the gases produced when an electric
current passes through a solution of dilute sulfuric acid.

(a) (i) Name the process that takes place in the Hofmann voltameter.
(ii) State why zinc should not be used for the electrodes.

(b) (i) Describe a test to show that the gas produced at the positive electrode is oxygen.

(ii) Write an ionic half-equation to represent the reaction that produces hydrogen at the negative

(c) An ionic half-equation for the reaction at the positive electrode is

2H2O → O2 + 4H+ + 4e–

Calculate the maximum volume of oxygen that could be formed at room temperature and pressure
(rtp) if a charge of 0.010 faraday is passed through the dilute sulfuric acid.
[molar volume of oxygen gas is 24 000 cm3 at rtp]

maximum volume of oxygen = ........................................................ cm 3

(d) The ionic half-equation for the reaction at the positive electrode is sometimes shown as

4OH– → O2 + 2H2O + 4e–

Suggest why this half-equation is not the best way to show the reaction at the positive electrode when
an electric current is passed through a solution of dilute sulfuric acid.



(Total for question = 8 marks)


This apparatus is used to electrolyse a concentrated solution of sodium chloride.

(a) The ionic half-equations for the reactions at the electrodes are

(i) State how these ionic half-equations show that equal volumes of the two gases should be



(ii) Suggest why the volume of chlorine collected is less than expected.


(iii) A sample of the solution near to the negative electrode is tested with phenolphthalein indicator.
Explain why the phenolphthalein turns pink.




(b) The table shows two methods of testing for chlorine.

Complete the table by giving the observation made in each test.

(c) (i) State why chlorine is sometimes added to water supplies.



(ii) Chlorine is used to manufacture hydrogen chloride gas, HCl(g).

Write a chemical equation to show the formation of hydrogen chloride from hydrogen and chlorine.

(iii) How is hydrogen chloride gas converted into hydrochloric acid?



(Total for question = 9 marks)


This apparatus can be used to investigate electrolysis.

(a) Name the particles that move through the connecting wires to form an electric current.

(b) The electrodes are made of platinum, which is an inert metal.

State what is meant by the term inert.


(c) Explain why the electrolytic cell containing PbBr2 needs to be heated before electrolysis can occur.




(d) When NaCl(aq) is electrolysed, two gases form at the positive electrode and one gas forms at the
negative electrode.
The formulae of the species in NaCl(aq) are Na+, Cl–, H+, OH– and H2O.
(i) Name the gases formed at each electrode.
positive electrode

............................................................ and ............................................................

negative electrode

(ii) Give ionic half-equations to show the formation of each gas.





(e) The ionic half-equation for one of the reactions in the cell containing copper(II) sulfate solution is

Cu2+ + 2e– → Cu
During the electrolysis, a charge of 0.040 faradays passes through this cell.
Calculate the mass of copper metal formed.

mass of copper = ........................................................... g

(Total for question = 11 marks)


Potassium chloride, KCl, is very similar to sodium chloride, NaCl. They have the same type of crystal
structure, and their aqueous solutions can be electrolysed to give similar products.

(a) The diagram shows part of the structure of potassium chloride.

The plus (+) sign shows the position of one potassium ion.
Complete the diagram using a plus (+) sign to show the position of each potassium ion, and a minus
(–) sign to show the position of each chloride ion.
(b) The diagram shows apparatus used to electrolyse aqueous potassium chloride in the laboratory.

(i) Chlorine is formed at the positive electrode.

Describe a test for chlorine gas.



(ii) Hydrogen gas is formed at the negative electrode.
Write an ionic half-equation for the formation of hydrogen.
(iii) The solution used in this electrolysis contains phenolphthalein. During the electrolysis, the colour
of the solution around the negative electrode goes pink.
Explain why the solution goes pink, and give the formula of the ion responsible for causing the colour




(c) The ionic half-equation for the formation of chlorine at the positive electrode is

2Cl− → Cl2 + 2e−

In one experiment a charge of 0.0250 faraday is passed through an aqueous solution of potassium
(i) Calculate the amount, in moles, of chlorine formed.

amount of chlorine = ..................................................... mol

(ii) Calculate the volume of chlorine formed at room temperature and pressure (rtp).
[The molar volume of a gas is 24 dm3 at rtp.]
Give the unit in your answer.

volume of chlorine = .............................unit................

(Total for question = 11 marks)


Bromine is an element in Group 7 of the Periodic Table.

(a) (i) State the number of outer electrons in an atom of bromine.

(ii) Identify an element in Group 7 that is a solid at room temperature.


(iii) Identify an element in Group 7 that is more reactive than bromine.


(b) Bromine is formed by the electrolysis of molten lead(II) bromide.

The diagram shows the apparatus used.

(i) Solid lead(II) bromide contains ions.

Why does solid lead(II) bromide not conduct electricity?

(ii) The formula of lead(II) bromide is PbBr2.

During electrolysis, brown fumes of bromine appear at electrode A.
The ionic half-equation for the reaction at electrode A is

Why is this reaction described as oxidation?


(iii) Write an ionic half-equation for the reaction at electrode B and describe the
appearance of the product.
Ionic half-equation
Appearance of product

(c) Sodium bromate is a compound of sodium, bromine and oxygen.

A sample of sodium bromate contains 2.3 g of sodium, 8.0 g of bromine and 4.8 g of
Calculate the empirical formula of sodium bromate.
Empirical formula is ...........................................................

(Total for question = 10 marks)


A teacher uses this apparatus to demonstrate the electrolysis of molten zinc chloride.

A student records these observations.

 crystals of a shiny, grey solid form at one of the electrodes

 a pale green substance forms at the other electrode
 the lamp goes out after the teacher stops heating the zinc chloride

(a) State what is meant by the term electrolysis.





(b) State why graphite is more suitable to use for the electrodes than magnesium in this electrolysis.




(c) Which of these is a correct statement for this electrolysis?

A the pale green substance is chloride
B both products are elements
C the pale green substance forms at the negative electrode
D the shiny grey solid is zinc chloride

(d) The student writes this ionic half-equation for the reaction that forms the pale green substance.

Identify the two mistakes in her ionic half-equation.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(e) The lamp goes out after the teacher stops heating the zinc chloride, because electrons are no longer
flowing through the wires.
Explain why electrons are no longer flowing through the wires.




(Total for question = 8 marks)


A student investigates electrolysis using this apparatus.

(a) The student electrolyses KCl(aq) and collects samples of any gases formed.
Complete the following diagram to show how to assemble the apparatus.
Label the diagram to show the potassium chloride solution.

(b) The table shows the half-equation for the reaction at one electrode.
Complete the table to show the half-equation for the reaction at the other electrode and the polarity (+
or –) of each electrode.
(c) Describe a test to show that the gas collected is hydrogen.


(Total for question = 6 marks)

Mark Scheme



(Total for question = 6 marks)

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