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 Definition:


 GERM free! Everything Nice and clean!

 The process of following practices to prevent illness
 _____________ hands
 Using ____________ soapy water
 Storing food safely
 Using proper food handling processes
 Tying back _____________
 Wearing an _______________

Washing Your Hands

1. Wet hands
2. Lather up! Use soap!
 sing (Twinkle-Twinkle, ABC’s, Happy Birthday)
 watch the clock for ______________________
3. Scrub. In between fingers, back and front of hands, in fingernail beds
4. Rinse with hot water
5. Towel dry
6. Turn off water using a ________________________
Washing Dishes

 Fill sink with _____________soapy water

 Scrape all food into the garbage
 Wash the cleanest dishes first, and the dirtiest dishes _______________
 Rinse the dishes clean with _________
 ____________ is the most sanitary way to dry dishes
 Change water if ________________
 NEVER PUT A ______________IN THE SINK

Foodborne Illness

 Foodborne illnesses, also known as food poisoning, are caused by eating food
containing harmful _________________
 Can be mild to fatal
 Bacteria are the most common cause of ______________
 Bacteria need 3 conditions to multiply, _________________________________
 These organisms can only be seen under a __________________ but they are
still there.. GROSS!
 These organisms can be found in food, water, and in and on
__________________, animals, and birds


 Stomach cramps
 Nausea
 _______________
 Vomiting


 ________________________________ after You…

 Go to the ___________________
 Blow or wipe your nose
 Vomit
 _______________
 Touch raw meat, poultry, fish, or ________________
 Use gloves, tongs, and utensils when handling ____________________ food
 Cook foods until _______________________

 Keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold

 Temperature danger zone
 __________________
 Allows rapid growth of bacteria and production of toxins
 Do not hold food in this zone for more than _________ hours!
 The SAFEST way to defrost frozen food is in the ________________ Place the
frozen food on a _________, and place it in the refrigerator __________in
 Clean and sanitize all surfaces and equipment that contact food

Common Types and Locations

 E.Coli – from __________________________

 Salmonella – from uncooked eggs and ________________
 Botulism – dented or _________________cans
 Staph – ______________ and ______________ while handling/preparing
 Perfringens- “buffet germ”, grows rapidly in _______________ of food

Cross Contamination

 Definition: _______________________________________________________

 NEVER use the same utensil or cutting board for both ____________ and
___________ meats, poultry, fish or eggs
 ____________ can transfer bacteria from raw to cooked foods
 Utensils and hands can also carry traces of food that your classmates are
____________ to
 Always wash your hands and utensils thoroughly
Four Steps/Components of Food Safety


 Personal Hygiene
 Washing Hands in hot soapy water, ________________ scrub
 Washing hands before, ____________, and after preparing food in the
 Wash hands if you sneeze, cough, or touch your _____________ in any
 Kitchen
 Clean and ___________ all surfaces and utensils in hot, sudsy water


 Separate cooked and ready to eat foods from _____________

 Do not taste or sample anything during the cooking process!
 Never use the same utensil, cutting board, or plate for raw and


 Cooking raw meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs to a safe,

___________________________ can kill harmful bacteria.
 Do not taste uncooked or partially cooked dishes
 Reheat foods __________________, to 165° or above.


 Do not allow food to sit in the temperature danger zone longer than
 Refrigerators should be kept at ____________ or below
 Freezers should be kept at ____________ of below
Safety in the Kitchen
Sink Rules

 Never place a _______________ in the sink

 Wash knives ____________________
 Handle all glass objects with extreme care
 If glass breaks, tell a teacher. Do not _________________it!
 Never place a cold glass in hot water, it will _________________

Stove Rules

 When removing items from the oven use oven mitts, pot holders, or hot pads…
 Always use a dry oven mitt, NEVER a _______ one.
 Open the oven all the way to avoid ________________
 Keep flammable objects away from the range such as, towels, recipes,
____________________, loose clothing, ____________, and utensils
 When using pots on the range…______________ should be turned ________________
 When removing a lid from a pot, always open it ____________your face
 In the event of a grease fire…_________________ will smother the flames!
Immediately tell a teacher if a fire occurs.

Cutting Rules

 Always use a ________________________

 Never use the same cutting board for two different food items—
 Always use a sharp ______________, it is safer than a dull knife
 When giving a knife to another person, place it on the counter and let the other
person ________________________.
 Use extreme care; watch your fingers
 Never place a knife in a _______________

Other Safety Concerns

 Always plug in and unplug appliances by holding the _____________, not the cord
 Never get anywhere near the ___________ with electrical appliances
 When cleaning a small kitchen appliance, such as a hand mixer, ___________ it and
remove the beaters. Wash the beaters and wipe down the base with a ___________

Mrs. Knox’ Three Non-Negotiable Rules

 Tie hair back-Away from face and food

 No throwing or “shooting” ____________________
 No chewing gum

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