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Mia: I thought it will help you move

Ely: Move on from what?
Mia: From everything that's keeping
you from moving on!
Ely: Why? What do you know? Do you
know what I’m going through? No! So
stop acting like you know my pain,
stop acting like you own it. That you
can say when I will move on__ even
Celine who is with me who knows
everything doesn't interfere with my
Mia: I’m not Celine__ so stop
comparing me to her.
Ely: Right__ you’re not Celine and you
will never be Celine
Mia: Celine is dead__ she will not come
back__ but until now you’re acting like
she’s still here
Ely: She’s here__ because she’s here
Mia: If she’s there then where am I?
What place do we stand as people who
want to love you?
Cady: Regina, wait__ I didn't mean for
that to happen.
Regina: To find out that everyone
hates me? I don't care.
Cady: Regina, please__ Regina, stop__
Regina: No__ Do you know what
everyone says about you? They say
that you're a home-schooled jungle
freak Who's a less-hot version of me.
Yeah. So don't try to act so innocent.
You can take that fake apology And
shove it right up your hairy–
Regina: No__ Do you know what
everyone says about you? They say
that you're a home-schooled jungle
freak Who's a less-hot version of me.
Yeah. So don't try to act so innocent.
You can take that fake apology And
shove it right up your hairy–
King George: I am a madman. I am a
danger. In my mind, there are
different worlds creeping in. The
heavens and Earth collide. I do not
know where I am.
Queen Charlotte: Do you love me?
King George: You do not wish a life
with me for yourself. No one wishes
Queen Charlotte: George! I will stand
with you between the heavens and the
Earth. I will tell you where you are. Do
you love me?
King George: I love you! From the
mo___ From the moment I saw you
trying to go over the wall___ I have
loved you desperately. I cannot
breathe when you are not near. I love
you, Charlotte. My heart calls your
Athena: Kenjie, it’s not like that, it’s
not like it!
Kenji: Then what__
Athena: Kenjie can’t you really
Kenji: What__
Athena: The truth!
Kenji: That what__
Athena: I want to stop this because it’s
becoming real!
Kenji: Real, what__
Athena: That I’m really falling for you!
A comma is a punctuation mark
that indicates a pause in a
sentence or separates items in
a list. It is also used to
separate two complete
sentences joined by a
conjunction (and, but, or, nor,
or for, and sometimes yet and
An ellipsis (three dots)
indicates that part of the text
has been intentionally been left
A question mark is used at the
end of a question.
A period is used to note the end
of a declarative sentence.

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