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Field Experience C

Heather Griffis

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD 505: Education Law

John Gustafson

March 6, 2024

Special Education Teacher Interview

This week I worked on interviewing a special education teacher who teaches a self-

contained classroom on my school campus. Speaking with the special education teacher I learned

about her responsibilities in following the individuals with disabilities act and meeting the needs

of those students who she teaches. According to the special education teacher she is responsible

for planning educational goals and plans to meet the needs of students who hold a disability in

her classroom. In this classroom there is a wide range of student’s ability levels. As the special

education teacher who works with these students on a daily basis, she is also responsible for

taking the plans that are put together and implementing them for each individual student. Since

this class is formed of students with severe disabilities, they are in a self-contained classroom,

but they do eat lunch in the cafeteria where other students eat (Coviello, & DeMatthews, 2021).

They also attend specials with general education classes so that they are given time for

interaction with others outside of their classroom. The IDEA states these students should receive

an appropriate education that is in the restrictive environment but due to their severe disabilities

they are assigned to this classroom who houses multiple paras and support personnel who come

and render services to these students.

Principal Mentor Interview

In my second interview this week I learned how the principals handles IDEA and

students with disabilities. It is the principal’s responsibility to make sure that the school staff

know about Individuals with Disabilities Act, and they are following it with fidelity. The goal

is the success of all students on a school campus. Advocating for these students who are

struggling with sometime of disability is the job of a teacher but as well as the school

principals and the counselors. During some of the IEP meetings the principal and or assistant

principal sits in and helps collaborate between the school personnel and the students’ families.

As a former teacher and instructional coach, the principal mentor has had her fair share of

advocating for students who need special services in order to get them on the path toward

success. As a principal of the school, they are to support the families, students and as well as

the teachers in dealing with student’s education needs. Sometimes the principal must step in as

a mediator between parents and teachers because sometimes the families don’t like to hear that

their child may have a disability (Gilson, & Etscheidt, 2022).

Functions of the Principal

Ensuring that every student has the right to a free and appropriate education is a function

that a school principal must adhere to. In previous years students with disabilities were not

included into general education classroom. In 1975 the Education for all handicapped Children

Act was created to ensure that students with disabilities were getting appropriate educational

opportunities in public schools. Later it was changed to the IDEA as we know it today. This

ensures that students with disabilities receives high quality education (Coviello, & DeMatthews

2021). As a school principal there are many duties and responsibilities that are held. There are

those duties for general administration of a school for general education as well as those for

special education services.

There are many functions that a principal needs to follow in order to comply with IDEA.

They are to participate in IEP meetings, observe in special education classrooms, meet, and

collaborate with families of students with disabilities. The principal must also assist with

placement for students who fall under the IDEA. They work to place students in appropriate

classrooms that fit their learning needs. Another function the principal has under IDEA is to

make sure there is sufficient personnel available to assist with the needs of students with

disabilities. As a principal they are also supposed to ensure that each student who holds an IEP

on their campus is receiving the services, and they are being documented with fidelity. There are

some community resources that school personnel can access that will help them better serve their

student’s needs. One resource that can be utilized here in Florida would be the department of

health and the section disabilities. Another resource that could be beneficial for a special

education staff would be Florida Department of Education ESE Department.

Reflection/Implications for Future Practices

In my future endeavors as a leader on a school campus I plan to have a vast

understanding of IDEA and how to fully comply. I plan to be a leader who is committed to

bring a sense of community and collaboration to a school campus. I plan to run the school by

the books. To do my job of ensuring that every student is given the best education possible, I

will need to be up to date on school laws and how they effect the way the school is

administered. As a school leader it is my job to follow standard 5 of the professional standards

for leadership. As a leader it will be my job to build and care for a school environment, one

where everyone is given an opportunity to learn (PSEL, 2015).

As the school leader I will also work to ensure that I am following standard 7 of the

professional standards for educational leaders. I need to ensure that my staff are familiar with up-

to-date school laws and policies. I will work to have more training for those who work with our

special populations to ensure we are all in sync and following IDEA with compliance (PSEL,

2015). Not only will I work with the students and staff, but I plan to help build engagement

among families. As standard 8 states in the professional standards for leaders a school leader

works to understand and value efforts to connect community to ensure the students are on a path

to success (PSEL, 2015). Be aware and mindful of IDEA and how it effects our special

populations is something that is highly encouraged.



Coviello, J., & DeMatthews, D. E. (2021). Failure Is Not Final: Principals’ Perspectives on

Creating Inclusive Schools for Students with Disabilities. Journal of Educational

Administration, 59(4), 514–531.


Gilson, T., & Etscheidt, S. (2022). Preparing Administrative Leaders to Support Special

Education Programs in Schools: A Comprehensive Multi-Dimensional

Model. International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation, 17(1), 41–55.

National Policy Board. (2015). Professional standards for educational leaders 2015: Introduction

and ...


Resources. Resources | Florida Department of Health. (2024).


Solodev. (2024). Exceptional student education.

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