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Catalina Frol

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Bachelor of Science in Biology – Applied Lab Science - Brigham Young University - Idaho
GPA: 3.6 April 2019 – December 2022
Relevant coursework
● Microbiology with Lab:
Conducted fungal and bacterial Inocula on, Incuba on, Isola on, and Iden fica on of an bio c-producing
species and an bio c-resistant species using proper asep c and sterile lab techniques
Performed sample dilu on, bacterial culture, smear prepara on, disk diffusion, simple staining lab techniques
● Lab Techniques in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology:
Designed and conducted an independent Research Project in collabora on with 3 team members
Used posi ve and effec ve communica on in our team to problem solve
Reviewed test results to look for experimental errors and proceed with troubleshoo ng and repeats
Planned our daily work tasks in reference to our me-based experiments so as to stay ahead of set deadlines
Recorded and documented accurate, clear, and complete experimental data, methods, procedures, and results
Independent Research Project
● Assessed and compared people’s saliva SARS-COV-2 IgA levels between those only vaccinated, only infected, both,
and neither - u lizing an ELIZA test- to test which group shows a more robust immune response against COVID
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, GE103 – Rexburg, ID January 2020 – December 2020
● Taught 90 undergraduate students how to develop teamwork, me-management, and goal se ng skills
● Used collabora ve teamwork, posi ve a tude, and problem-solving skills to conduct hands-on ac vi es and
discussions in weekly gatherings
Acquisi ons assistant – BYUI McKay Library, Rexburg, ID September 2019 – April 2020
● Developed effec ve communica on by assis ng patrons’ needs and providing clear and concise instruc ons
● Received about 30 weekly incoming FedEx Shipments to the Library
● Entered, updated, and created invoices for new books, materials, and working supplies orders on the Library’s
Catalog database system and Excel spreadsheets
Dance workshop – Southern Interna onal School February 2018 – November 2018
● Instructed a group of 16 high school students on an extracurricular Ballet and Jazz dance class
“Abril Solidario” - Non-Profit Organiza on April 2016 – November 2017
● Designed, planned out, organized, and carried out volunteering ac vi es with a team of 22 people to help our
community gain educa on, develop social skills, and get access to food and hygiene products
Church Choir leading – The Church of Jesus Christ of La er-Day Saints May 2017- September 2017
● Taught 9 people for the Soprano’s part of a choir composed of 27 people
● Spanish: na ve speaker
● Italian: intermediate (reading, listening, wri ng); basic (speaking)
● Portuguese: Intermediate (reading, listening); basic (speaking, wri ng)

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