Tripp 1968

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National L a b o r a t o r y . P r o f e s s o r T . B . Day of the D. R. O. Morrison, M. Schneeberger, and S. de Una-

U n i v e r s i t y of Maryland was of g r e a t a s s i s t a n c e in muno, in the Proceedings of the Sienna International
our initial u s e of the p r o g r a m s TVGP and SQUAW. Conference on Elementary Particles (Society Italiana
de Fisica, Bologna, Italy, 1963), Vol. 1, p. 271.
M r . Michael Church and M r . David F a l c o n e r
^G. Lynch, Po Eberhard, G. Kalbfleisch, J. Lannutti,
m a d e i m p o r t a n t contributions in the p r o g r a m m i n g B. Magli6, J. Shafer, M. L. Stevenson, and N. Xuong,
and data collection p h a s e of the e x p e r i m e n t . Phys. Rev. 131^ 1287 (1963).
Most of all we thank our staff of s c a n n e r s and ^T. M. Church et al., "Hyperon Production in pp Col-
m e a s u r e r s for t h e i r dedicated work. Finally we lisions Near 2 GeV/c,'* to be published.
thank P r o f e s s o r G. Kane for invaluable d i s c u s - •^O. Dahl, L. Hardy, R. Hess, J. Kirz, D. Miller, and
sions. J. Schwartz, Phys. Rev. 163, 1430 (1967).
^D. Clitie, C. Moore, and D. Reeder, Phys. Rev. Let-
ters 19^, 675 (1967).
^A. S. Carroll, J. Fischer, A. Lundby, R. H. Phillips,
*Work supported by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commis- C. L. Wang, F. Lobkowicz, A. C. Melissinos, Y. Naga-
sion. shima, C. A. Smith, and S. Tewksbiory, Phys. Rev. Let-
tAddress unknown. ters 21, 1282 (1968).
t Present address: Carnegie-Mellon University, i^J. K. Kim, Phys. Rev. Letters 1£, 1079 (1967).
Pittsburgh, Pa. ^^V. Barger and D. Cline, Phys. Letters 25B, 415
^J. Lys, J. Chapman, D. Falconer, C. T. Murphy, (1967).
and J. C. Vander Velde, Phys. Rev. Letters 21^, 1116 ^^Comparison of our data with the preliminary results
(1968). of these other experiments and speculations on the p o s -
^V. Domingo, G. P. Fisher, L. Marshall Libby, and sible existence of a resonance in the system may be
R. Sears, Phys. Letters 25B, 486 (1967). found in C. T. Murphy, Argonne National Laboratory
% . M. Katz, B. Format!, and T. Ferbel, Phys. Rev. Report No. ANL/HEP 6812 (unpublished). Complete
Letters la, 265 (1967). details pertaining to the analysis of this experiment are
^O. Czyzewski, B. Escoubes, Y. Goldschmidt-Cler- available in Michigan Bubble Chamber Research Note
mont, M. Guinea-Moorhead, T. Hofmokl, R. Lewisch, 81/68.


R o b e r t D. T r i p p , R o g e r O. B a n g e r t e r , Angela B a r b a r o - G a l t i e r i , and T e r r y S. M a s t
Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, California
(Received 31 October 1968)

A measurement has been made of the relative signs of the resonant K^p-* STT reaction
amplitudes coming from partial waves corresponding to 2(1385), A(1405), and A(1520).
From this it is shown that A(1405) and A(1520) are to be described as predominantly
SU(3) singlets.

One of the t r i u m p h s of SU(3) has been the c o n - A (1405) and A (1520) a r e c o n s i s t e n t with t h e i r c o n -
sistently c o r r e c t prediction of the r e l a t i v e signs ventional a s s i g n m e n t s a s SU(3) s i n g l e t s .
of r e s o n a n t r e a c t i o n a m p l i t u d e s a s d e r i v e d from In this a n a l y s i s we follow the p r o c e d u r e adopted
formation e x p e r i m e n t s . In p a r t i c u l a r , all the by Watson, F e r r o - L u z z i , and Tripp^ of p a r a m e -
b e t t e r e s t a b l i s h e d F * r e s o n a n c e s formed in K^p t r i z i n g the l o w - m o m e n t u m K^p coupled-channel
r e a c t i o n s and placed into s i n g l e t s , o c t e t s , and amplitudes by constant complex s c a t t e r i n g lengths
decuplets a c c o r d i n g to m a s s f o r m u l a s have c o r - and constant r e a c t i o n p h a s e s , a p a r t from the DQS
r e c t r e l a t i v e signs between r e s o n a n t a m p l i t u d e s amplitudes c o r r e s p o n d i n g to A (1520) which a r e
a s m e a s u r e d in t h e i r STT and ATT decay modes.^>^ w r i t t e n a s B r e i t - W i g n e r r e s o n a n c e s . All p a r t i a l
Breaking of SU(3) often a l t e r s the p r e d i c t e d decay w a v e s through J = I a r e included.^ The old e x p e r -
r a t e s c o n s i d e r a b l y ; however, u n l e s s it i s s e - i m e n t a l data^ spanning the m o m e n t u m region 250-
v e r e , the r e l a t i v e s i g n s a r e unaffected. In this 513 M e V / c ( c m . energy 1470-1570 MeV) have
L e t t e r we investigate the i n t e r f e r e n c e s between been g r e a t l y augmented (about one-hundredfold
the J'-^=|"*' r e s o n a n c e S(1385), the J ^ = i"" r e s o - at 390 MeV/c) by our m o r e r e c e n t b u b b l e - c h a m -
nance A(1405), and the J ^ = | " r e s o n a n c e A(1520) b e r e x p e r i m e n t in the r e g i o n 300-450 M e V / c .
a s m e a s u r e d in the r e a c t i o n K'^p-^Zji. Taking T h i s p a r t i a l l y completed e x p e r i m e n t h a s so far
S(1385) to be in a decuplet, we s h a l l find that yielded new angular d i s t r i b u t i o n s in the K%,


Table I. Coupling coefficients of F* for various w h e r e the coefficient of the coupling of each c h a n -
SU(3) representations. nel to the F * may be obtained from the C l e b s c h -
Gordan coefficient of SU(3).'' Table I shows each
^ATiCy* g^S7rrt= of these couplings for a decuplet F^*, i.e., S(1385),
and for a FQ* belonging to a singlet, octet, o r 2 7 -
Fl* (2) Decuplet -(T)^^VIO (i)*'Vio plet. The s u b s c r i p t s on t h e s e r e a l coupling c o n -
Fo* (A) Singlet ig^ (D'^Vi s t a n t s indicate to which multiplet each belongs.
We s e e that for the reaction KN-^ S(1385) - STT
-ii)^\^ the n u m e r a t o r in the amplitude in (2) i s negative:
(D and F)
-gj/e. Similarly for ^Ar--A(1520)^2:7r if A (1520)
27-plet (3/20)''V27 -{1/40)^'%^ is a u n i t a r y singlet, the n u m e r a t o r i s (^)^''Vi^>
and if A(1520) i s a 27-plet, it is -(3/800)^/^^27^.
Thus in the i n t e r f e r e n c e between a decuplet and
2±,o^±,o^ and ATT channels, and p o l a r i z a t i o n s in the a singlet the n u m e r a t o r s a r e of opposite sign; b e -
channels containing S"^, S°, and A hyperons.^ A l - tween a decuplet and a 27-plet they a r e of the
though the question of r e l a t i v e phase of the r e s o - s a m e sign. F o r an octet F^* the sign of the n u -
nant amplitudes e n t e r s for this p a r t i c u l a r study m e r a t o r depends on the r e l a t i v e s t r e n g t h s of the
only in the K^p -^ TJTJ r e a c t i o n s , we have included D and F couplings. F o r A(1520) the only known
o t h e r channels in the a n a l y s i s in o r d e r to e s t a b -
octet into which it could possibly fit
lish simultaneously the b e s t v a l u e s for the a m p l i -
would make the sign^ the s a m e a s for the d e c u p -
let. F o r the possibility of an octet A(1405), the
The reaction amplitudes for K^p -^ STT may be p a r t i a l l y completed octet h a s an insuffi-
w r i t t e n in t e r m s of the / = 0 and / = 1 STT r e a c t i o n cient n u m b e r of known decay r a t e s ^ to fix the D
amplitudes^ a s and F couplings and t h e r e f o r e to p r e d i c t the r e l a -
tive sign.
Figure 1 shows the Argand d i a g r a m s for the
(1) 5QJ,
•^01? P ^ ^13?3 , and D^^ amplitudes (the s u b s c r i p t n o t a -
tion i s L I, 2 J') in the KN and ZTT channels. The
If the amplitude is r e s o n a n t , it i s p r o p o r t i o n a l to t r a j e c t o r y of the D^^ amplitude in energy is shown
by the dashed c i r c l e with a v e c t o r indicating its
value at r e s o n a n c e ; the v e c t o r s labeled S^^. and

K N,-*K N

FIGo 1. Amplitudes for the reactions KN-'-KN and Ktf-^ shown inside the unitary circles for the three p a r -
tial waves of interest in this Letter. The correspondences are 2(1385) =^^3, A(1405) = SQI, and A(1520) = Z)Q3. The
latter is parametrized as a resonance whose trajectory in energy is shown as a dashed circle. The overall arbi-
trary phase for the reaction amplitude KN-^'Eir is fixed by taking DQS to be imaginary at resonance. The SQJ and
Pi3 amplitudes are here parametrized as constant complex scattering lengths. Their phases in the STT channel are
left free to be determined by this experiment. It is these phases which show A(1405) and A(1520) to have the same
relative sign, and S(1385) and A(1520) to have the opposite relative sign. Crosses near the heads of the arrows
show where the SQ^ and P^^ amplitudes would reach if parametrized as Breit-Wigner resonances, as described in
the text.


Pj3 are shown at 395 MeV/c (corresponding to the

energy of the D^^ resonance). The KN amplitudes 1490 1500 1510 1520 1530 1540
in Fig. 1(a) are not relevant to this discussion
since the relative signs are always positive.
However, they do show that the elastic channel
amplitudes do have the correct orientations to be
described by the behavior beyond resonance of
A(1405) and 2(1385). The STT amplitudes in Fig.
1(b) display the signs with which we are concerned
in this Letter, namely that relative to the D^^
amplitude of A(1520), the S^^ amplitude r e p r e -
senting the high-energy tail of A (1405) has the
same sign. The P^^ amplitude given by the high-
energy tail of 2(1385), however, shows that at
its resonant energy this amplitude is negative
imaginary, i.e., opposite in sign to A(1520),
which demonstrates that the signs of the STT am-
plitudes for A(1520) and A(1405) relative to
2(1385) are as expected from unitary singlets.
It also excludes the assignment of A (1520) in the
I"" octet or the assignments of A(1520) or A(1405)
into 2 7-p lets .^
Having seen that the S^^ and P^g amplitudes at
our energy have phases in both KN and ETT which
are quite consistent with an interpretation that
they are the high-energy tails of their respective
300 350 400 450
resonances,® we have altered the parametrization PK-( MeV/c)
of these states from the previous constant-scat-
tering-length description to that of simple Breit- FIG. 2. Data from this experiment showing most
clearly the interference between A(1520) and the high-
Wigner resonances. Threshold dependences
energy tails of 2(1385) and A(1405). (a) The difference
were given by appropriate phase-space and cen- between the A^/AQ coefficient of the Legendre poly-
trifugal-barrier factors. Reminimization of all nominal expansion of the 2"''7r"" and S^TT"^ angular distri-
amplitudes yielded fits with higher x^ than the butions. This arises primarily from P^^-DQ^ interfer-
previous parametrization/° but nonetheless grat- ence. The solid curve shows the best fit to all the data
ify ingly good considering the simplicity and high- measured in the experiment; the dashed curve results
ly constrained nature of this model, in which from reversing the P^^ phase, (b) AgMo ^^^ 2^^^« This
there are no free phases for the resonant ampli- arises primarily from SQ^--DQ^ interference. The solid
curve is the best fit to all data; the dashed curve is
tudes. In these fits we have fixed the masses and the fit with the phase of SQ^ reversed.
partial widths at resonance of 2(1358) and A (1405)
at their experimental values,^^ whereas the KN
partial widths (of course below 1423 MeV) were terference. From Eq. (1), if we take the differ-
left free to be determined by this experiment. ence in the A^ coefficients between 2"^7r" and
For 2(1385) the ratio of the reduced KN width 2""7r''", the interference occurs only between
thus obtained to that expected by SU(3) was 1.5, states of different isospin. Since the 1=1 D am-
and for A(1405) it was 8.0. This indicates that plitude is small, this quantity comes almost
deviations from SU(3) symmetry are small for purely from 2(1385)-A(1520) interference. Fig-
2(1385) but are quite appreciable for A(1405), as ure 2(a) displays the data expressed as a ratio
has been noted previously.^^ AQ/AQ (we do not yet have measurements of the
It is perhaps worthwhile to exhibit the/data that partial cross sections) and the curves c o r r e -
are most relevant to the sign determination. The sponding to the two choices of relative sign. The
interference between 2(1385) and A(1520) appeal's large excursion from positive to negative, p a s -
most clearly in the A^ coefficient of the Legendre sing through zero at 385 MeV/c (just before r e s -
polynomial expansion of the angular distribution, onance), requires the P^g amplitude to be as in-
since this coefficient arises only from P^-^s i^" dicated in Fig. 1(b). Similarly the / = 0 2 V angu-


lar distribution best shows the interference be- A(1690) (a presumed member of the f~ octet) there is
tween A(1405) and A(1520). Figure 2(b) shows reasonably good evidence for some singlet-octet mix-
the ^ / A Q i^atio that a r i s e s primarily from the S ing between these two states, as noted by Ref, 1 and by
G. B. Yodh, Phys. Rev. Letters 18^, 810 (1967). In
and D states and their interference, since the P
order to alter the sign of the resonant A(1520) ampli-
amplitudes are small compared with S and D. tude the mixing angle would have to exceed about 45
The curves correspond to the two choices of r e l - deg. The estimate for this angle is about 16 deg. For
ative sign of A (1405) with respect to A (1520). It A(1405) there is evidence for much stronger SU(3)
is clear from the data that beyond resonance the symmetry breaking, as discussed later in this Letter.
two amplitudes must be nearly in phase, as is The conclusion of our experiment concerning A (1405)
required if both resonances are SU(3) singlets. is that the symmetry breaking is not so severe as to
alter the sign of the resonant amplitude.
^J. Kadyk, Y. Oren, G. Goldhaber, S. Goldhaber, and
G. Trilling [Phys. Rev. Letters 17, 599 (1966)] have
*Work supported under the auspices of the U. S. investigated the ATT channel in the reaction K2^p^ ATI:^
Atomic Energy Commission. at low energies and find that the angular distributions
^R. Tripp et al., Nucl. Phys. B3, 10 (1967). An up- require a substantial P^^ amplitude whose magnitude is
dated version of these SU(3) comparisons of baryon consistent with the tail of 2(1385). A similar interpre-
resonances will appear in the Proceedings of the Four- tation based on their data and those of Ref. 3 has been
teenth International Conference on High Energy Phys- put forward by J. K. Kim, Phys. Rev. Letters Id^, 1074
ics, Vienna, Austria, 1968, to be published. (1967). We may also note that there are at present no
^The method of employing relative signs for SU(3) other known P^3 resonances which could contribute a
classification was first used by A. Kernan and W. substantial amplitude in the vicinity of 1520 Mev.
Smart, Phys. Rev. Letters r7, 832 (1966). ^^The ratio x^Ax^) (where (x^) is the expected chi
^M. Watson, M. Ferro-Luzzi, and R. Tripp, Phys. squared) for the constant-scattering-length parametriz-
Rev. 131, 2248 (1963). ation is 1.23, indicating either that detectable differ-
'^There are no indications that higher partial waves ences with this constraining parametrization are begin-
appear in detectable amounts at the low energies con- ning to appear, or that the data in their preliminary
sidered here. We have altered slightly the analysis form have some additional biases. The resonant pa-
method of Ref. 3 by emplojang the appropriate c.m. rametrizations have yielded ratios of 1.38 for Pi^ pa-
momentum for each channel in the decay widths of the rametrized as a resonance and 1.85 for SQ^ param-
resonant amplitudes, using a fixed radius of interac- etrized as a resonance.
tion of 1 F in the expression for the centrifugal b a r r i - ^^Particle Data Group, University of California Radia-
er. tion Laboratory Report No. UCRL-8030 Revised, 1968
^2"^ polarizations from this experiment have been (unpublished).
published in R. Bangerter et al., Phys. Rev. Letters ^^C. Weil, Phys. Rev. 161, 1682(1968). For this
JL7, 495 (1966). A(1405) ratio which should be 1 in exact SU(3) Weil ob-
^We reverse the convention used in Ref. 3 to make it tains 11.1 by use of the SQ^ scattering lengths of J. K.
more appropriate for discussion of unitary symmetry. Kim [Phys. Rev. Letters 14, 29 (1965)]. A more recent
^J. J. de Swart, Rev. Mod. Phys. 35^, 916 (1963). analysis by J. K. Kim and F. von Hippel (to be published)
^From the known branching fractions of A (1520) and yields 6.8 ±1.0 for this ratio.


Stanley Mandelstam
Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California
(Received 30 October 1968)

By representing a scattering amplitude as a sum of terms of the Veneziano tj^e, we

can cancel alternate trajectories and remain with trajectories spaced by two units of an-
gular momentum. This result is obtained without imposing a supplementary condition
and without introducing poles in the Regge residues at nonsense wrong-signature inte-

Veneziano^ has proposed a formula for a scat- trajectory parameters which would remove alter-
tering amplitude which has Regge asymptotic be- nate trajectories. A somewhat different formula
havior in all channels. The Regge trajectories in for an amplitude with Regge asymptotic behavior
such an amplitude are normally spaced at unit in all channels has been proposed by Virasoro.^
distance from one another in a, but Veneziano Virasoro's amplitude has trajectories spaced by
has proposed a supplementary condition^ on the two units, even though he does not impose a sup-


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