Sample of Literature Review of A Research Paper

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Crafting a literature review for a research paper is a demanding task that requires meticulous

attention to detail and a deep understanding of the subject matter. It involves critically analyzing
existing literature, synthesizing ideas, and presenting a coherent overview of the current state of
knowledge on a particular topic. However, for many students and researchers, writing a literature
review can be a daunting challenge.

One of the primary difficulties in writing a literature review is the sheer volume of literature
available on most topics. Sorting through countless articles, books, and other sources to identify
relevant material can be overwhelming. Additionally, synthesizing diverse perspectives and findings
into a cohesive narrative requires strong analytical skills and a clear understanding of the research
questions at hand.

Furthermore, ensuring that the literature review is comprehensive, well-organized, and effectively
communicates the significance of the research can be a time-consuming and arduous process. It often
involves multiple rounds of revisions and careful attention to detail to ensure that all relevant
literature is adequately addressed and that the review adds value to the overall research project.

Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review, many students and researchers turn
to professional writing services for assistance. ⇒ ⇔ offers expert assistance in
crafting literature reviews that meet the highest academic standards. Our team of experienced writers
specializes in conducting comprehensive literature reviews and synthesizing complex information
into clear and compelling narratives.

By entrusting your literature review to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time and energy while
ensuring that your review is of the highest quality. Our writers are skilled at navigating the vast
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refining your writing style, ⇒ ⇔ is here to help.

Don't let the challenges of writing a literature review hold you back. Order from ⇒
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contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.
It is good to scrutinize the arguments in order to provide own reactions. Step 1: Choose a topic to
write about—focus on and explore this topic. Critique papers contain a summary and a critical
analysis of a source or concept. You need to have an idea of what you will be reviewing in order to
effectively search for references and to write a coherent summary of the research on it. Making it the
most accurate and reliable proofreading tool for students. At the meso level, several practices could
be used to share power. Does it confirm, add to, or challenge established knowledge. There are also
several extra points that may be clarified with the literature review examples. Literature reviews can
also help the writer learn about a given topic while in the process of preparing the review itself.
Perhaps the counselor will offer you some guidance or manuals you may use to work with. It also
ensures neither the research analysis was done before nor it is a replication study. Lamb, Sandra E.
1998. How to Write It: A Complete Guide to Everything You’ll Ever Write. A good literature review
cannot be a summary of the contents. Such literature reviews are generally a bit broader in scope and
can extend further back in time. You can also use this method to consider what is currently of
interest to scholars in this field and what is not. However, it is debatable whether social media can be
classified as an intervention or just a different way of delivering an intervention. The subsections
might include how they are personified, how their proportions are exaggerated, and their behaviors
misunderstood. For instance, some journals such as Annual Review of Psychology, Psychological
Bulletin, and others typically publish full-length review articles. This includes scholarly articles,
books, conventions, conferences, dissertations, and theses—these and any other academic work
related to your area of study is called “the literature.” Step 3: Analyze the network of information
that extends or responds to the major works in your area; select the material that is most useful. An
rQES typically focuses on direct evidence, except when only indirect evidence is available 28 ( table
2, item R4). For example, a literature review that focuses on continuing research about the emergence
of German economic power after the fall of the Soviet Union. Ask your professor questions such as:
“If you had to read only one book from the 90’s on topic X, what would it be?” Questions such as
this help you to find and determine quickly the most seminal pieces in the field. Article critique
example, apa article critique: Example of social psychosocial theories or concepts critical thinking.
Umbrella literature review: This review is used to provide a broad overview of a large and diverse
body of literature on a particular topic. Making it the most accurate and reliable proofreading tool for
students. It is our hope that our descriptive account will serve as a valuable source for those
conducting, evaluating or using reviews in this important and growing domain. A literature review is
a survey of scholarly sources (such as books, journal articles, and theses) related to a specific topic or
research question. For example, if you are researching the relationship between ecological
environments and human populations, provide models and theories that focus on specific aspects of
this connection to contextualize your study. Does the work ultimately contribute in any significant
way to an understanding of the subject? II. This can lead to an incomplete or biased picture of the
Cite this Scribbr article If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click
the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.
Varieties of Participation in Public Services: The Who, When, and What of Coproduction. The
authors state that such a low-tech intervention may be useful in low- and middle-income countries
where paper records are more likely to be the norm. Implementing guidelines on physical health in
the acute mental health setting: a quality improvement approach. Second, many papers referenced
the need for “strong” leaders, and the skills and behaviours of individual leaders were noted. Add
Links Send readers directly to specific items or pages with shopping and web links. Give your
interpretation of how and why certain developments occurred. This means that the results that are
presented depend on the methods used to measure, report, and synthesise them. An annotated
bibliography is a list of source references that has a short description (called an annotation ) for each
of the sources. Analyzing and synthesizing data: As a final step, members of the review team must
collate, summarize, aggregate, organize, and compare the evidence extracted from the included
studies. It is often used in evidence-based practice and systematic reviews. It should at least give
you a general idea about what the article is about. Now consider some typical ways of organizing
the sources into a review: Chronological: If your review follows the chronological method, you could
write about the materials above according to when they were published. For professionals, they are
useful reports that keep them up to date with what is current in the field. As a publication, a lit
review usually is meant to help make other scholars’ lives easier by collecting and summarizing,
synthesizing, and analyzing existing research on a topic. In addition, community members’ level of
involvement was flexible—they could be participants or take on additional roles as volunteers, paid
staff members or directors of organizations. How To Write A Journal Article Review APA Style literature review reviews advantages disadvantages research assessment based
hkust journal learning reference cei build write writers cooperate enjoy professional results. Their in-
depth analysis of the literature signalled that there is little solid evidence from randomized
controlled trials or other studies through the use of phr s. Integrative Review Considered a form of
research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes representative literature on a topic in an integrated
way such that new frameworks and perspectives on the topic are generated. The images or other
third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless
indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. Validity -- are the author's arguments and
conclusions convincing. The usefulness of this review is questionable because it cannot provide
evidence of what is an effective opinion leader, whether teams of opinion leaders or a single opinion
leader are most effective, or the most effective methods used by opinion leaders. Whether the search
is comprehensive or not, whether it involves a methodical approach for data extraction and synthesis
or not, it is important that the review documents in an explicit and transparent manner the steps and
approach that were used in the process of its development. Much of the information used in an
annotated bibliography can be used also in a literature review, so you’ll be not only partially drafting
your lit review as you research, but also developing your sense of the larger conversation going on
among scholars, professionals, and any other stakeholders in your topic. To identify the most
important publications on your topic, take note of recurring citations. Critical Evaluation Critical
evaluation involves assessing the quality and validity of the literature. Writing a literature review is
not usually a linear process—authors often go back and check the literature while reformulating their
ideas or making adjustments to their study. Literature Review Outline literature
review paper example sample write template research outline tips nice slideshare 50 Smart Literature
Review Templates (APA). How many people volunteer in Australia and why do they. You start with
some articles about the physiology of sperm whales in biology journals written in the 1980’s.
However, how opinion leaders had an impact could not be determined because of insufficient details
were provided, illustrating that reporting specific details in published studies is important if diffusion
of effective methods of increasing evidence-based practice is to be spread across a system. The
template follows the standard best-practice structure for formal academic research papers, so it is
suitable for the vast majority of degrees, particularly those within the sciences. Specifically, whenever
a QES is abbreviated or accelerated, a team should ensure that the review question is agreed by a
minimum number of knowledge users with expertise or experience that reflects all the important
review perspectives and with authority to approve the final version 2 5 11 ( table 2, item R1). Public
services management and co-production in multi-level governance settings. In conclusion, to create
more equal power relations over time, we must challenge our current practices and work deliberately
to enhance the capacity of individuals and groups to effectively engage in coproduction leadership.
How To Write A Journal Article Review APA Style literature review reviews
advantages disadvantages research assessment based hkust journal learning reference cei build write
writers cooperate enjoy professional results. They reported that the use of social media resulted in a
significant improvement in knowledge and compliance with evidence-based guidelines compared
with more traditional methods. Future studies featuring a thoughtful choice of leadership and
complexity models as well as a broader methodological repertoire are thus necessary (see Table 2 for
an overview). All other authors (IS, JN, CH, FC) contributed to revisions of the document. Learn
how to write a review of literature Sample 1 (PDF) A brief literature review within a political
scientists' National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship grant Sample 2 (PDF) A
several-page literature review at the beginning of a published, academic article about philosophy
Sample 3 (PDF) What is a Literature Review. Evaluating the Prosper peer-led peer support network:
a participatory, coproduced evaluation. Data were synthesised using descriptive and narrative
techniques to identify themes and patterns linked to intervention strategies, targeted behaviours,
study settings and study outcomes. That overview is typically known as a literature review.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2019.. Arditi C, Rege-Walther M, Durieux P, et al. Fink, Arlene.
Conducting Research Literature Reviews: From the Internet to Paper. Hamilton (1988) asked
students to complete sentences that required them to fill in pronouns that agreed with gender-neutral
antecedents such as “writer,” “pedestrian,” and “persons.” The students were asked to describe any
image they had when writing the sentence. Here it is: Narrative Essay: Business Literature Review
Example Pdf narrative College Essay: Essay About Literature Example literary samples Literature Review For Apa Format
apa museumlegs essay template findings qualitative summarizing papers vlsi summarize. The
following provides a brief description of the content of each: Introduction: Gives a quick idea of the
topic of the literature review, such as the central theme or organizational pattern. The stage was set
for a more balanced style of evaluation. HOW THIS STUDY MIGHT AFFECT RESEARCH,
PRACTICE OR POLICY This paper offers guidance for researchers when conducting a rapid QES
and informs commissioners of research and policy-makers what to expect when commissioning such
a review. Findings revealed that there were over 77,000 medical informatics articles published during
the covered period in numerous journals and that the average annual growth rate was 12%. Third,
add transitions between the paragraphs, as well as an introductory and concluding paragraph. 1 A
literature review that is part of a larger research paper typically does not have to be exhaustive. We
searched for themes both within and across individual articles, and our goal was interpretative rather
than purely aggregative. English for academic and professional purposes: What is a critique paper. It
should address the purpose, method and results that will be found in the article. When you’ve
answered the main questions and achieved the set goals, sharing your thoughts is a wise solution,
especially if you disagree with something and need to support any points of view. The review
explored how these affected professional practice and patient outcomes. Use evidence In the
example above, the writers refer to several other sources when making their point. Overall, all
literature reviews, whether they are written as a part of a larger work or as separate articles unto
themselves, have a common feature: they do not present new research; rather, they provide an
overview of prior research on a specific topic. Two independent reviewers appraised the quality of
included studies using a quality assessment checklist.
Once you’ve decided on the organizational method for the body of the review, the sections you need
to include in the paper should be easy to figure out. Definition: A literature review is a systematic
examination and synthesis of existing scholarly research on a specific topic or subject. For instance,
the review might examine whaling from pre-1600-1699, 1700-1799, and 1800-1899. They’ll be glad
to develop new custom literature review examples for your personally. Convey it to your reader A
literature review may not have a traditional thesis statement (one that makes an argument), but you
do need to tell readers what to expect. How The Diverse Labor Force Management Improves
Individual. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication. Co-production in
health policy and management: a comprehensive bibliometric review. Yet Another Writing Tip When
Do I Know I Can Stop Looking and Move On. Fourth, protocols, checklists and bundles are used —
most effectively when local ownership is encouraged. Be Selective Select only the most important
points in each source to highlight in the review. Analysis of Performance Appraisal Systems on
Employee Job Productivity in Pub. For a stand-alone literature review, this may mean highlighting
the concepts in each article and showing how they strengthen a hypothesis or show a pattern.
Review the abstracts of research studies carefully. Data supplement 1 Contributors All authors (AB,
IS, JN, CH, FC) have made substantial contributions to the conception and design of the guidance
document. An exploration of the longer-term impacts of community participation in rural health
services design. A methodological scope will influence either the types of documents in the review
or the way in which these documents are discussed. Additionally, use one of the four Wordvice
citation generators below, choosing the citation style needed for your paper: Wordvice Writing and
Academic Editing Resources Finally, after you have finished drafting your literature review, be sure
to receive professional proofreading services, including paper editing for your academic work.
Besides, your review should contain a reasonable critique, not a summary of every used source.
What you include in each depends on the objective of your literature review. Step 4: Describe and
summarize each article—provide the essential information of the article that pertains to your study.
No matter what your another alternative is to point out questions that the researchers failed to answer
in the discussion section. Health care services and the coproduction puzzle: filling in the blanks.
Description of related relevant research Include a description of related research that shows how
your work expands or challenges earlier studies or fills in gaps in previous work. Literature reviews
are set up similarly to other academic texts, with an introduction, a main body, and a conclusion.
Literature sources may also be grouped based on similar arguments or conclusions. Below are the
general guidelines on which this part is usually based. Or, does is merely add more of the same thing
being said. A literature review, like a term paper, is usually organized around ideas, not the sources
themselves as an annotated bibliography would be organized. The body of literature includes all
studies that address related or identical hypotheses or research problems. A well-done integrative
review meets the same standards as primary research in regard to clarity, rigor, and replication.
Study protocols were excluded because we wanted to capture lessons drawn from implementation,
and conference papers were excluded because they lacked sufficient detail. The authors state that
such a low-tech intervention may be useful in low- and middle-income countries where paper
records are more likely to be the norm. Health Sci J. 2015;9(1):1. Google Scholar Redwood S,
Brangan E, Leach V, Horwood J, Donovan JL. Purpose of Literature Review Some of the specific
purposes of a literature review are as follows: To provide context: A literature review helps to
provide context for your research by situating it within the broader body of literature on the topic.
Now what is the most effective way of presenting the information. The basic research question —
what works? — which is usually associated with systematic reviews changes to: what is it about this
intervention that works, for whom, in what circumstances, in what respects and why. Theories may
be unearthed within the topic search or be already known to team members, fro example, Theory of
Planned Behaviour. 29 Options for managing the quantity and quality of studies and data emerge
during the scoping (see above). In yet other cases, research is discussed in terms of opposing views
(such as when different research studies or researchers disagree with one another). The authors then
extracted data from the selected articles and created several tables, one for each outcome category.
Varieties of Participation in Public Services: The Who, When, and What of Coproduction. However,
if you are writing a review in the humanities, history, or social sciences, a survey of the history of the
literature may be what is needed, because what is important is how perspectives have changed
through the years or within a certain time period. Try sorting through some other current
bibliographies or literature reviews in the field to get a sense of what your discipline expects. Issuu
turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging content for every channel. ILL-
Odum Express GIL Express Dissertations and Theses Government Resources Managing Your
Research APA Citation Help RSCH 9871 Students. Try to analyze patterns, turning points and key
debates that have shaped the direction of the field. However, some signs of change towards a
broader view should be noted. Some databases to search for journals and articles include: Your
university’s library catalogue Google Scholar Project Muse (humanities and social sciences) Medline
(life sciences and biomedicine) EconLit (economics) Inspec (physics, engineering and computer
science) You can use boolean operators to help narrow down your search: Read the abstract to find
out whether an article is relevant to your question. Our case necessitates avoiding interference in the
work of volunteers, rather than. Several practices identified in this research, such as genuinely
valuing diverse perspectives, promoting mutual transformative power sharing and welcoming
conflicts, require a complex mode of meaning-making that results from psychological development.
Read them to get a sense of the types of themes you might want to look for in your own research or
to identify ways to organize your final review. Health Sciences: In health sciences, literature reviews
are used to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments, identify best practices, and determine areas
where more research is needed. You can check out the methodology section of the blog here. An
rQES typically focuses on direct evidence, except when only indirect evidence is available 28 ( table
2, item R4). Three leadership models have been proposed: leadership as enacted by individual
leaders, coleadership and collective leadership. Use caution when paraphrasing When paraphrasing a
source that is not your own, be sure to represent the author’s information or opinions accurately and
in your own words. How many people volunteer in Australia and why do they. Primary research
articles have the following sections. Download Word doc Download Google doc Before you begin
searching for literature, you need a clearly defined topic. For instance, in the humanities, authors
might include more overt argumentation and interpretation of source material in their literature
reviews, whereas in the sciences, authors are more likely to report study designs and results in their
literature reviews; these differences reflect these disciplines’ purposes and conventions in
scholarship. In summary, senior leaders sponsor and support coproduction.
You can check out the methodology section of the blog here. Preventing cerebral palsy in preterm
labour: a multiorganisational quality improvement approach to the adoption and spread of magnesium
sulphate for neuroprotection. You can use their samples to improve your literature review or order a
custom one. However, if you are writing a review in the humanities, history, or social sciences, a
survey of the history of the literature may be what is needed, because what is important is how
perspectives have changed through the years or within a certain time period. If you consider it, you
are surrounded by all kinds of examples. Systematic literature review: This is a rigorous and
structured review that follows a pre-defined protocol to identify, evaluate, and synthesize all relevant
studies on a specific research question. They noted that a wide selection of different healthcare
professionals and patients engaged with this type of social media and its global reach may be
significant for low- and middle-income countries. Second, the paper considers five steps for
developing a review: defining the main topic, searching the literature, analyzing the results, writing
the review and reflecting on the writing. The only difference here between a “chronological” and a
“thematic” approach is what is emphasized the most: the development of the harpoon or the harpoon
technology.But more authentic thematic reviews tend to break away from chronological order.
Throughout this paper, although we acknowledge the distinctions associated with the concepts and
origins of the notion of codesign, we use the broad term coproduction to refer to some form of
collaboration or partnership between service providers and service users or citizens. We thus created
a table (Table 1 ) that illustrates potential reflective questions in this context. Help Center Here you'll
find an answer to your question. Even when paraphrasing an author’s work, you still must provide a
citation to that work. V. Common Mistakes to Avoid These are the most common mistakes made in
reviewing social science research literature. Literature Analysis The literature analysis is the main
body of the literature review. There is an increasing interest in the visual aspects of social media. The
nine leadership practices identified can be enacted by different people and in different ways. When
you begin to write your literature review section, you'll be glad you dug deeper into how the research
was designed and constructed because it establishes a means for developing more substantial
analysis and interpretation of the research problem. Subjective interpretation: Literature reviews can
be subjective, and the interpretation of the findings can vary depending on the researcher’s
perspective or bias. The already difficult challenge of developing the capability (suitable processes.
Current Cochrane guidance informs selection of tools for quality assessment and of synthesis
method. The literature that is reviewed contains: books, articles, academic articles, conference
proceedings, association papers, and dissertations. Published books may also be helpful, but keep in
mind that peer-reviewed articles are widely considered to be the “gold standard” of scientific
research. This handout will explain what literature reviews are and offer insights into the form and
construction of literature reviews in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. Knowledge
translation strategies used by healthcare professionals in child health settings: an updated systematic
review. This task requires a restructuring of health and welfare services to equalize power between
providers and other stakeholders with an interest in the design and provision of these services. Like
any other academic text, your literature review should have an introduction, a main body, and a
conclusion. Such a literature review is often indistinguishable from the Introduction itself—the
literature is INTRODUCING the background and defining the gaps your study aims to fill.
Literature Review Outline literature review paper example sample write
template research outline tips nice slideshare 50 Smart Literature Review Templates (APA). A study
of the characteristics of Nottingham Recovery College. This process resulted in three themes
pertaining to coproduction leadership models and nine coproduction leadership practices.
Based on your reading and notes, you can look for: Trends and patterns (in theory, method or
results): do certain approaches become more or less popular over time. The type of information you
choose to mention should relate directly to the research problem, whether it is thematic,
methodological, or chronological. Many student writers struggle to synthesize because they feel they
don’t have anything to add to the scholars they are citing; here are some strategies to help you: It
often helps to remember that the point of these kinds of syntheses is to show your readers how you
understand your research, to help them read the rest of your paper. In conclusion, to create more
equal power relations over time, we must challenge our current practices and work deliberately to
enhance the capacity of individuals and groups to effectively engage in coproduction leadership. In
an RRL, you discuss knowledge and findings from existing literature relevant to your study topic.
Reviewing progress in public involvement in NIHR research: developing and implementing a new
vision for the future. BMJ Open. 2018;8(7):e017124. Byrne L, Stratford A, Davidson L. Download
citation Received: 01 November 2023 Accepted: 05 January 2024 Published: 19 February 2024 DOI:
Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a
shareable link is not currently available for this article. The template’s structure is based on the tried
and trusted best-practice format for formal academic research papers. Does it confirm, add to, or
challenge established knowledge. Leadership by individual leaders A leader-centric view has been
the dominant interpretation of leadership in the field of coproduction. Finally, there are
epistemological differences across the papers and the reviews. The literature review gives you a
chance to: Demonstrate your familiarity with the topic and its scholarly context Develop a
theoretical framework and methodology for your research Position your work in relation to other
researchers and theorists Show how your research addresses a gap or contributes to a debate
Evaluate the current state of research and demonstrate your knowledge of the scholarly debates
around your topic. If it concerns invasive species, choose material that is focused in this direction.
Collective action for implementation: a realist evaluation of organisational collaboration in
healthcare. It contains the most pertinent studies and points to important past and current research
and practices. A summary is a recap of the important information of the source, but a synthesis is a
re-organization, or a reshuffling, of that information. While these two approaches are often described
in a similar way, they are actually quite distinct from each other as the former report how multiple
strategies may be strategically combined in pursuance of an agreed goal, whilst the latter report how
different strategies may be incidentally used in sometimes contrasting settings in the pursuance of
similar goals. The critical evaluation of each work should consider: Provenance -- what are the
author's credentials. Developing Theoretical Framework: Literature review helps researchers develop
a theoretical framework for their research. Definition: A literature review is a systematic examination
and synthesis of existing scholarly research on a specific topic or subject. Our framework also has
some practical implications for coproduction leaders and participants. The third worked in peer
support and had personal experience with mental health services. Relational leadership: an analytical
lens for the exploration of co-production. For example, what might cultural anthropologists say about
the continuing conflict in the Middle East. Fink, Arlene. Conducting Research Literature Reviews:
From the Internet to Paper. The protocol should always be publicly available ( table 2, item R2). 24
25 Formal registration may require that the team has not commenced data extraction but should be
considered if it does not compromise the rQES timeframe. How will you further your research as a
result of the review? IV. Are you aware of literature review models, types, and elements. For
example, if your research paper is describing an experiment on fear conditioning, then you will
probably need to provide an overview of prior research on fear conditioning. Add Links Send readers
directly to specific items or pages with shopping and web links.

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