Interview Questions (1) Sarah Saeed

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Annexure 1

Research Title: Challenges to Women Contestants in the First Local Government

Elections 2022 in Wana Tehsil, South Waziristan Lower.

Research Question: What challenges were faced by women in Wana Tehsil in

contesting local government elections?

NOTE: The following are some of the questions the researcher will ask
respondents, but as the interviews are unplanned and semi-structured, the
researcher will not strictly follow this pattern and questions.

Interview Questions

Interview Questions for Women Contestants

Please introduce yourself, name and area of living: My name is Shabana
Saleem, and I reside in Dobkot, Wana, South Waziristan. I take pride in being the
first female counselor from my village and one of the pioneering women who
participated in elections from South Waziristan. My journey reflects a commitment
to breaking gender barriers and contributing to positive change in my community.
Education: Master
Political Party: Awami National Party
Q1. What motivated you to take part in the elections or the political
I am motivated to participate in elections and engage in political activities because
I am passionate about women's empowerment, particularly in my village where
gender equality is often overlooked. I believe that by actively participating in the
democratic process, I can advocate for policies that support women's rights,
education, and equal opportunities. I am committed to breaking barriers, ensuring
that the voices of women in my community are heard, and contributing to positive
change for a more inclusive and equitable society

Q2. What was the response of people (family, relatives and peer group)
around you when you decided to contest the election?
First and foremost, the permission and support of one's family are necessary. I
obtained cooperation and permission from my father. My decision was also
accepted by my brothers, other relatives, and people, as my father holds a
significant position in the community.

Q3. Who supported you most in your decision?

My father provided the most support in my decision.

Q4. Who provided you with the funds for the election campaign?
I have been employed in the private sector, and I personally funded all the
expenses related to the election.

Q5. Was campaigning easy for you in the highly patriarchal and conservative
society of Wana?
Itis difficult for women to seek votes in religious and conservative societies. To
the extent that female candidates have to write the name of their father or husband
on banners and posters to identify themselves. So campaigning was not really easy
but thanks to my family members who supported me.
Q6. Did you approach men and asked for votes in Wana during your election
campaign and what was their response towards your political activities?
I chose not to directly interact with men during my election campaign, taking into
account the cultural values of the patriarchal society in Wana. Instead, I enlisted the
support of my nephews and other family members who actively campaigned on my
behalf among the male population of Wana. Additionally, the support from the
Awami National Party regional committee of Dobkot played a significant role and
cannot be overlooked.

Q7. What issues did you face during the election campaign? Did you face any
security issues while campaigning for elections?
No, I didn’t face any issue while campaigning.

Q8. Were you offered a party ticket by any Political Party? If yes, which? And
why didn’t you use the platform of a political party?
Awami National Party offered me a ticket

Q9. If you have contested elections from the platform of a political party, how
did they support your candidature?
I ran for election as a representative of the ANP, and they provided substantial
support during the campaign. I received votes from all ANP supporters, and their
endorsement played a crucial role in my candidacy.

Q10. What is the biggest hurdle/challenge you faced in contesting your first
The most significant challenge I faced in contesting my first election was
navigating the deeply rooted patriarchal norms and conservative values in the
community. Overcoming the resistance to women participating in political
activities and convincing voters to embrace a change in traditional dynamics posed
a substantial hurdle during my campaign.
Q11. Is there women wing of the major political parties in Wana? Do you
think its important to have a women political wing for the uplift of women in
political process?
No, currently, there are no women's wings associated with any major political party
in Wana. However, I strongly believe that establishing women's political wings
within these parties is crucial for the upliftment and active participation of women
in the political process. Having a dedicated women's political wing would not only
provide a platform for addressing women-specific issues but also encourage and
empower women to contribute more significantly to the political landscape.

Q12. What do you think is the reason behind low turnout by women voters
despite very active and rigorous campaign by female contestants?
The low turnout of women voters despite active and rigorous campaigns by female
contestants can be attributed to the conservative, patriarchal, and highly religious
nature of Wana's society. In many cases, women are not permitted to vote by their
family members, reflecting deeply ingrained cultural norms and restrictions.

Q13. Do you think the religion and cultural practices, such as Pakhtunwali
discriminate against women’s political participation? How?
Yes, the cultural practices and religious aspects, such as Pakhtunwali, can be
attributed to the discrimination against women's political participation. The
influence of religious clerics, particularly during the era of Soviet and U.S. attacks
on Afghanistan, played a significant role in reshaping the interpretation of
Pashtunwali – a code of life among Pashtuns. The original Pashtunwali was not
aligned with the restrictive views we witness today. The distortion of cultural
norms, fueled by historical events, has contributed to the marginalization of
women in political spheres, limiting their active participation and opportunities for
leadership roles.
Q14. What steps are needed to be taken to increase the political participation
and representation of women?
To enhance the political participation and representation of women, it is crucial to
limit the influence of religious leaders, or Mullahs, to their respective places of
worship. Once their involvement in cultural and political matters is curtailed, the
next step involves comprehensive societal reeducation. This process should focus
on challenging and reshaping existing cultural norms, fostering gender equality,
and promoting the active engagement of women in political processes.
Additionally, implementing affirmative action policies, providing education, and
creating a supportive environment for women in political spaces will contribute to
a more inclusive and representative political landscape.

Q15. Where do you see yourself in the next five years in your political career?
In the next five years, I envision myself playing a more influential and impactful
role in the political landscape. I aspire to continue advocating for the rights and
empowerment of women, contributing to policy changes that address the needs of
the community. Whether through legislative initiatives or grassroots efforts, I hope
to be a driving force for positive change, fostering inclusivity and equality within
the political sphere. My goal is to further amplify the voices of underrepresented
communities and work towards building a more progressive and equitable society.

Questions for Journalists

Introductory Questions

Q1. How do you see the participation of women in elections at the local
government level.
Q2. What do you think were the major hurdles/challenges towards women in
contesting their first local government elections?
Q3. What are the motivating factors encouraging women’s political participation?
Q4. How did the print and electronic media respond to the women contestants in
the local government elections?
Q5. What do you think are the reasons behind low turnout of women voters in local
government elections, 2022?
Q6. What was the common narrative about the participation of women in Local
Government Elections, 2022?
Q7. How do you think women’s political and electoral participation can be
Q8. What are the cultural and religious views of the people regarding women’s
political participation in Waziristan?
Q9. What problems were confronted by the women contestants in the last local
government elections in Waziristan?
Q10. What are your recommendations for improving women’s political
participation in elections in Waziristan.

Questions for Political Party Leaders

Name and Political Party:

Q1. How does your party see the women’s participation and representation in the
recent Local Government Elections in Wana Tehsil?
Q2. Did your political party approach any female contestant for party ticket? Or
promised any kind of support to the contestants? If yes, whom? If no, why?
Q3. What is your political party’s policy for the upcoming general elections
regarding women’s political participation?
Q4. What factors do you think are responsible for the lack of commitment of
political parties towards women’s political growth in Wana Tehsil?
Q5. What challenges were faced by the women contestants from your party and
other parties in their election process and campaigning?
Q6. Do you think our cultural practices, including Pakhtunwali is a hurdle in the
way of women’s political participation.
Q7. Do you think our religion places constraints on women’s political
Q8. What recommendations do you suggest for increasing women’s political and
electoral participation in upcoming general elections?

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