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DR. JULIE BROWN Leveraging ChatGPT for Classroom Productivity A teacher’s guide to using ChatGPT in the classroom. Hey there! Thanks for downloading my ebook. I am a seasoned teacher with a Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction. After 9 years in the classroom, I decided to make the switch to content and instructional coaching. Recognizing the transformative power of Al in education, I created this ebook to empower all teachers to leverage the benefits of Al by using ChatGPT. Join me in exploring the intersection of technology and education to save you time, create more engaging lessons, and prevent teacher burn out. Cored & El lin) ©2024Dr.JulieBrown, IwrRODUCTION To CHATGPT HOW TO WRIT RE EFFICIENT PROMPTS CHATGPT Pnoner EXAMPLES ©2024Dr.JulieBrown INTRODUCTION TO CHATGPT ©2024Dr.JulieBrown ChatGPT is a powerful language model created by OpenAl. It's designed to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. Imagine having a conversation with a computer program that can understand your questions, provide detailed responses, and even generate creative content. ChatGPT uses advanced artificial intelligence techniques to process and generate text, making it a valuable tool for various applications, including assisting teachers in creating engaging educational content, answering queries, and facilitating interactive learning experiences. Need fresh ideas for lesson plans? ChatGPT can brainstorm with you. Struggling with crafting engaging content? Let ChatGPT help you with creative writing. It's a fantastic tool for answering student queries, providing instant feedback, and even assisting in generating fun and interactive activities. With ChatGPT, teachers can leverage the power of AI to enhance their teaching experience, making it more dynamic, resourceful, and enjoyable for both educators and students. alike. (©2024DrJulieBrown HOW TO WRITE MORE EFFICIENT PROMPTS (©2024DrJulieBrown Firstly, it's crucial to understand that ChatGPT is not a search engine. It doesn't _ fetch information from the web but instead generates responses based on the patterns it learned during training. This means that the effectiveness of your interaction depends on the quality of your prompts. When it comes to crafting prompts, specificity is your secret weapon. The more specific and detailed your prompt, the better = ChatGPT —_ can comprehend your request. Being specific in your prompts helps narrow down the focus WRITING EFFICIENT PROMPT EXAMPLES Cre grade plan on cells Create a lesson plan that compares prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ensuring that ChatGPTr understands the context and delivers relevant information. Specific prompts also enable you to guide the language and tone of the response, tailoring it to your teaching style and the needs of your students. Specificity minimizes the risk of ambiguous or off-target responses. By providing clear details, you enhance the chances of receiving a response that aligns precisely with your requirements, saving time and streamlining the creative process. You are an 8th grade who is You are an 8th grade science teacher who is an expert in biology and skilled at ereating engaging lessons. Create a lesson plan that compat prokaryotic and cukaryotic cells. The lesson should include a bell ringer, hands on activity, and exit ticket. Provide differentiation for ESL/ELL, approaching and mnced learners, ad ©2024DrJulieBrown, Creating effective prompts for ChatGPT is key. Here are some tips to help you craft prompts that yield useful and relevant responses: 1, Be Clear and Specific: Provide clear instructions in your prompts. The more specific you are, the better ChatGPT can understand your request. Instead of a vague question, include grade, subject, topic, standard, type of activity, etc. in your request. 2. Break Down Complex Requests: If your prompt involves multiple steps or components, break it down into smaller, more manageable parts. This helps ChatGPT focus on each aspect individually. 3. Use Examples: Include examples in your prompts to give ChatGPT a better understanding of the context or style you're looking for. 4, Guide the Tone: Indicate the desired tone for the response. For example, formal, casual or humorous. This will help ChatGPT sound more human and less like a robot. 5. Specify Length: If you have a preferred length for the response, make it clear in your prompt. 6. Ask for Multiple Ideas: Instead of a single response, ask for a list of ideas or options. 7. Provide Context: Briefly introduce the context or background information related to your prompt. This helps ChatGPT understand the specific context and generate responses that align with your needs. 8, Iterate and Refine: Don't hesitate to iterate and refine your prompts. If the initial response is not exactly what you're looking for, consider tweaking your prompt to provide additional details or clarification. Remember, the key is to guide ChatGPT effectively with clear and thoughtful prompts. Experiment with different approaches to find the style that works best for your specific teaching needs. ©2024Dr.JulieBrown CHATGPT PROMPT EXAMPLES In the following prompts, be sure to complete all information in parenthesis with information applicable to the area you teach. If there are any extra details you can provide, add them to the prompt. Remember, the more detailed you are with your prompt, the better output you will get from chatGPT. ©2024DrJulieBrown, f CHAT GPT pan SONA ES) You are an instructional coach. I need to create a syllabus for (grade and subject). Ask me questions about my course then create a syllabus for my students. You are an instructional coach skilled at crafting classroom policies. Create me a late work policy for (grade and subject). {note if you have any preferences such as percentage off or how many days late please include that information in your prompt} You are a (grade and subject) teacher who wants to (build classroom environment, engage students, etc.) on the first day of school. Brainstorm some icebreaker activities with a description of how to carry them out with students. You are an instructional coach skilled at crafting classroom policies. Create a cell phone policy suitable for (#) graders along with consequences that are equitable, fair and build classroom culture. You are an expert at (subject) and skilled at curriculum and instruction. Design a curriculum map for (grade and subject) The curriculum map should fill (#) days. The units should include (list out the units or topics you plan to teach). [For a more detailed map you can include your list of standards as well] ©2024DrJulieBrown 4 / CHAT GPT PROMPTS You are an expert at (subject/topic). Design a [lab/ activity/game/worksheet] for [grade] grade students on [topic] that aligns to the following standard [insert standard]. jand objective (insert objective). You are an expert at (subject /topic). Create a lesson plan for (grade) grade students on (topic) that aligns to the following standard (insert standard) and objective (insert objective). The lesson plan should follow the 5E format and include a bell ringer and exit ticket to assess student learning. The lesson plan should incorporate (collaboration, hands-on learning, a simulation, research, etc.) You are an expert at (subject/topic). You are about to teach a (grade) grade lesson on topic with the following standard: (insert standards) that align to the the following objective (insert objective). Identify any misconceptions students may encounter and how to address them. You are an expert at (subject/topic). You are teaching a (grade) grade lesson on (topic) that teaches the following standard (insert standard). Break the standard down into knowledge and skills the students should learn, Then provide (#) objectives students should master. You are an expert at (subject/topic). You are teaching a (grade) grade lesson on (topic) that teaches the following standard (insert standard) and aligns to the following objective(s). Create an activity that includes (#) stations. Stations should include a variety of activities that hits different levels of blooms taxonomy and takes into account all types of learners. ©2024Dr.JulieBrown / CHAT GPT PROMPTS You are an expert in differentiating lessons for (grade level). Write a (subject) lesson on (topic) using the following standard (standard). Provide differentiation ideas for approaching students, proficient students, exceeding students and ESL/ELL students. You are an expert in differentiating lessons for (grade level). Write a (subject) lesson on (topic) using the following standard (standard). Create a list of (number of activities) activities for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. You are an expert in differentiating lessons for (grade level). You are teaching a (subject) lesson on (topic) using the following standard (standard). Brainstorm 5 questions for each DOK level. You are an expert in differentiating lessons for (grade level). You are teaching a (subject) lesson on (topic) that address the following standard (standard). For this lesson students will (describe the lesson). Offer suggestions on how to scaffold the lesson. You are an expert in differentiating lessons for (grade level). Design a choice board for a (subject) lesson on (topic) using the following standard (standard). The choice board should include options of varying difficulty to address students of varying skill levels, all activities should align to the standard, and must Include a wide range of student learning styles. ©2024DrJulieBrown, 4 CHAT GPT PROMPTS FOR SS a You are a (grade and subject) teacher skilled at (insert skills you are looking to grade such as grammar, spelling, mechanics, etc.)A student wrote an essay on (topic). Please profide feedback on the following student writing: (copy and paste students writing). You are a (grade and subject) teacher. Brainstorm (#) feedback sayings that are similar to Good job that I can write on a students work. You are a (grade and subject) teacher. Your students did a writing assignment on (explain assignment type such as CER, argumentative writing, informative essay, etc.) Provide a glow and grow feedback comment for the following student writing (copy and paste student writing here) You are a (grade and subject) teacher. You would like your students to learn how to reflect on their assignments. Brainstorm a list of activities I can incorporate into my classroom to help students learn how to reflect and improve their work. You are a (grade and subject) teacher. You want your students to review each others work and provide feedback. Write a list of feedback sentence stems students could use that lead to constructive feedback and helps build a positive classroom environment. ©2024Dr.JulieBrown, f CHAT GPT PROMPTS FOR ASSESSMENTS: [am You are an expert at teaching (subject) for grade (#). Create a study guide of (#) questions over the following topics: (list out topics, standards, and/or objectives). Questions should be a variety of (multiple choice, fill in the blank, short answer, matching, etc.). The questions must include all 4 DOK levels. Include answers and explanations at the end. You are an expert at teaching (subject) for grade (#). You have created an assignment in which students will (describe activity). Design a rubric on (topic) that meets the following (standards/objectives). The rubric should have (#) criteria levels and be based on a (3.4.5) point sck You are an expert at teaching (subject) for grade (#) and designing effective assessments to assess student knowledge. Create an assessment that consists of (#) multiple choice questions and (#) short answer questions that aligns to the following (standards /objectives). Include an answer key with explanations. You are an expert at teaching (subject) for grade (#) and designing effective assessment questions. Create an exit ticket that aligns to the following objective (objective). The exit ticket should consist of (#) questions and include (multiple choice, open response, modeling, etc.) at a DOK level (#). ©2024Dr.JulieBrown, 4 Write an email newsletter to parents for my (grade /subject) class. Newsletter needs to include the following announcements (insert any upcoming events, assignments, due dates, tests, school closures, etc.) You are a (grade and subject) teacher who needs to send out an email to parents for students who have (low grades, missing assignment, behavior, etc). Create an email template. You are a (grade and subject) teacher skilled at communication. i have a student who (explain student situation such as behavior, not submitting work, etc.). Give me advice and a prompt to use to discuss the issue with the student while building relationship and maintaining a positive environment. You are a (grade and subject) teacher who did an activity on (describe activity). You have pictures to post on social media from the activity. Generate a fun caption. You are an expert in communication. Please respond to this parents email using a polite and friendly tone. Include that the actionable steps I am taking are (include whatever you are doing in response to the email or how they can assist) ©2024Dr.JulieBrown, CHAT GPT PROMPTS agi CLASSROOM You are an instructional coach with extensive experience in classroom management. I must establish classroom rules and norms for my (#) graders. Brainstorm a list of (#) rules with creative ways to present them to my class. You are an instructional coach with extensive experience in classroom management. I must establish classroom rules and norms for my (#) graders. Brainstorm a list of (#) rules with creative ways to present them to my class. Create groups of (#) for the following students (insert letter of first name, initials, or other identification factor. Do not use student full names). Students (insert above identifiers) should not sit together. (add any other information about your class to help form effective goroups). You are an instructional coach with extensive experience in classroom management. You have a student who (list behavior issue such as repeat tardiness, talking out of term, etc.). Brainstorm some effective ways to address this behavior equitably that will also help build our relationship. You are an instructional coach with extensive experience in classroom management. I teach (grade and subject). Brainstorm a list of consequences for students who break classroom rules. The consequences should be respectful and promote a safe, equitable classroom environment. ©2024DrJulieBrown 4 ChatGPT can be an efficient way to boost your productivity and save you time, so you can spend more time outside of the classroom doing things you love. Remember it is always best practice to fact check information given by any AI and to use your best judgement. For Al tutorials that you can use in your classroom, be sure to follow me on TikTok and Facebook by clicking on the links below!. d Fi ©2024DrJulieBrown

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