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Dear Mr.


I enrolled in the college back in Year 8, and ever since, I have become increasingly grateful and appreciative of
Rosmini from the bottom of my heart. Entering at the start of Term 2 was already a recipe for a shaky start, but I had also just
migrated from the Philippines, and our family was not yet stable financially. I was worried about a few things, such as making
new friends, getting accustomed to the unfamiliar society I had found myself in and, most of all, being able to attend college in
the first place. Looking back, I remember walking into your office with my father a few weeks before the beginning of the second
term and how nervous I was, unsure whether or not our application for financial aid would be accepted. However, I was proven
wrong, and we walked away with a smile and an approved application. Since then, the college has only continued to give good
things to me; I had settled in quickly with a friend group I am still in, and the teachers have been kind and understanding.
Because of this overwhelming sense of indebtedness, I would like to apply for a position among the Top 8. The college has
always been giving, so now it’s time I give back. I want to serve this wonderful community in my final year and hopefully pay
back even a bit of the warmth and dedication displayed during my time here.

I am applying for the prefect positions of Deputy Head Boy, Catholic Character Leader, and Arts and Culture Leader. I
have the skills and experience suited to every one of these roles. I also promise to give my maximum effort and commitment if I
am to be selected. Over my secondary school years, I have developed numerous skills that suit me in these roles, including
strong leadership, teamwork, and clear communication. I am currently a member of the youth leadership team at St Mary's
Catholic Church in Northcote and have gained experience in leading the youth during our monthly Youth Night. During these
nights, each member of the team is assigned a segment, whether it be games or prayer, which they are in charge of facilitating.
This includes keeping games fun, but also within the time limit and helping create a more solemn atmosphere during prayer
time. I help out running the Mass beforehand, especially on the music side where I am one of the singers. The leadership team
also has monthly meetings to discuss the positives and negatives of each youth night so we can build on them and give a better
experience next time. From these meetings, I have learned the value of clear communication and proper management. Another
way that I have developed my leadership is as a Tagalog Teacher for Mr. Wood's classes. I was able to thoroughly plan for next
year's curriculum by helping to update the outdated Level 1 teaching plan. I have been involved since 2021 and have taken
several training classes with my fellow teachers wherein I have acquired a greater understanding of teacher-student
communication and the merit of proper planning. I was also a member of Rosmini's Pompallier Shield Team, which travelled to
Whangarei for a day, showing my involvement in the RE department. During the event, a valuable lesson was given to me:
prayer and worship have the power to bring people together. I am also very involved in the music department within several
areas, namely as a member of two school rock bands, the Chamber Choir, and the Orchestra. This led to my engagement with
school events such as Filo Night and the Starlight Talent Show, where my respective bands and I have performed. I also
travelled to Rotorua with the Chamber Choir to compete in the prestigious Upper North Island Cadenza and to the Holy Trinity
Cathedral with the Orchestra for the KBB Music Festival which has led me to appreciate the arts better and be more
appreciative of the opportunities given at the college. Last year, I gained an excellence certificate endorsement for Level 1,
which I am also aiming for this year. This shows that I can efficiently juggle my responsibilities, competently completing all my
tasks for every one of them.

If you select me for one of the roles, I promise to take my tasks seriously and carry them out with dignity, integrity,
and fairness. As Deputy Head Boy, I will do my best to be more involved in the 'Brotherhood'. I will attend sports games, music
events, fundraisers, and other college-organised activities to show my support. On that note, I will do every bit I can to support
the future Head Boy in everything he does, easing the weight off his shoulders. Communicating regularly with the Senior
Leadership Team will be a number one priority so that there are no misunderstandings, and it will also set a basis for how I am
to assist the Head Boy. If you select me for Catholic Character Leader, I will do my best to aid the RE Department in hosting the
2024 Pompallier Shield at the college. I feel this will be an important task for next year because this is the first time that Rosmini
has hosted such an event in my tenure here. I also plan to address the issue of how fast the Year 7s speak the school prayer
during assemblies compared to the Year 13s, which is part of a greater goal to instil a more prayerful atmosphere throughout
the college. Prayers can’t be said as just another daily occurrence. One of the ways I plan to achieve this is by encouraging
classes to say a prayer before the start of every lesson. I also hope to help during lunchtime masses on Wednesdays and
encourage more students to attend. With my skill set, I believe I can aid the RE department to a greater extent in terms of
retreats and school masses. Lastly, if you select me for Arts and Culture leader, I believe this will maximise my talents as I am
more inclined to this aspect of the school. Especially in the music department, I can help promote this facet of the school that is
often overlooked compared to sports. I vow to fix the issue with music equipment that the department has been suffering under
for a long time to help sustain its growth. This can be achieved through increasing the number of fundraisers and having more
special events centred around music. One specific idea could be having a “Music Mufti Day” during National Music Week and
having the gold coin donations to help fund our equipment shortage. I also wish to continue the development of our drama
department that our current Arts and Culture Leader, Connor Sheridan, has rigorously cared for. Ultimately, I want to repay the
college for being something that has helped me grow as a person and a leader. And this is one of them: by becoming a leader
that the youth of our college can look up to and strive to become, a role model.

Kind regards,
Johann San Diego

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