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Now Try This!

Lecture 2 - Colligative properties

1. 0.515 g of naphthalene (C10 H8 ) is dissolved in 60.8 g of chloroform
(CHCl3 ). (Assume that naphthalene is non-volatile compared to chlo-
roform. The vapour pressure of chloroform at 20°C is 156 mmHg)

(a) Calculate the vapor pressure lowering of chloroform at 20°C by

the addition of naphthalene.
(b) What is the vapor pressure of the solution?

2. 35.0 g of ethylene glycol (HOCH2 CH2 OH) is dissolved in 500.0 g

water. What is the vapor pressure of the solution at 32 °C?
(The vapor pressure of water at 32 °C is 4.76 kPa. Ethylene glycol is

3. The vapour pressure over a mixture of 2 mol of hexane and 1 mol

of octane is 9.6 kPa at 313 K. An equimolar solution has a vapour
pressure of 8.2 kPa at the same temperature. What are the vapour
pressures of the two pure liquids?

4. The vapour pressure of pure toluene is 0.0285 bar at 20 °C and that

of benzene is 0.0974 bar. One mole of each compound were mixed
and formed an ideal solution. Calculate the mole fraction of each
compound in the vapour over the solution.

5. A solution of 0.50 g of haemoglobin in 100 cm3 of water exerts an

osmotic pressure of 193 Pa. Assuming that the solution is dilute and
acts ideally, estimate the molar mass of haemoglobin.

6. The transport of water up a tree occurs partially through osmosis; the

concentration of sugar in the tree sap is higher than the water around
the tree roots. The sap in a certain species of tree can be represented
as a 30 g dm−3 solution of sucrose (gfm = 342.3 g/mol) in water. Find
the osmotic pressure generated by this solution at 298 K.

1. (a) ∆P = 1.22 mmHg
(b) P = 154.78 mmHg

2. 4.67 kPa

3. phexane = 12.4 kPa poctane = 4.0 kPa

4. χbenzene = 0.77 χtoluene = 0.23.

5. Molar mass = 64100 g/mol

6. Π = 2.17 bar

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