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Fed: 32072024 12:50 PM ‘Tammy MeBrayer, Distt rk utoinson County, Texas By Adessa Francis cause NOo88? PAUL BLANKENSHIP, Individually IN THE DISTRICT COURT and As Representative of the Estate of JOYCE BLANKENSHIP, Deceased Plaintiff ®4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT XCEL ENERGY SERVICES INC., SOUTHWESTERN PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY, and OSMOSE UTILITIES SERVICES, INC. Defendants HUTCHINSON COUNTY, TEXAS PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION, JURY DEMAND, AND RULE 193.7 NOTICE Plaintiff Paul Blankenship, Individually and As Representative of the Estate of Joyce Blankenship, Deceased. files this Original Petition. Jury Demand, and Rule 193.7 Notice against Defendants Xcel Energy Services Inc., Southwestern Public Service Company. and Osmose Utilities Services. Inc. (collectively “Defendants”) and shows the following: 1, DISCOVERY CONTROL PLAN LEVEL 1. Discovery in this matter may be conducted under Level 3 of Tex. R. Civ. P. 190. Il, PARTIES AND SERVICE 2. Plaintiff Paul Blankenship is an individual who is a resident of Texas. Plaintiff is the surviving son of Decedent Joyce Blankenship. Plaintiff thus has standing and brings this suit Pursuant to the Texas Wrongful Death Statute and Texas Survival Statute. He may be reached through his undersigned counsel Defendant Xcel Energy Services Inc. (“XES*) is a foreign corporation registered to conduct business in the State of Texas with its principal place of business located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Defendant XES may be served with process by serving its registered agent. Corporation Service Company d’bla CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service Company. at the following address: 211 E 7" Street, Suite 620, Austin, Texas 78701. Plaintiff additionally asserts all rights and requests relief under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 28 and demands that Defendant answer in its true name, if it differs from that outlined above. Plaintiff requests a citation. 4. Defendant Southwestern Public Service Company (“SPS") is @ foreign corporation registered to conduct business in the State of Texas with its principal place of business located at 790 S Buchanan Street, Amarillo, Texas 79101. Defendant SPS may be served with process by serving its registered agent, Corporation Service Company d/b/a CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service Company. at the following address: 21! E 7" Street, Suite 620, Austin, Texas 78701 Plaintiff additionally asserts all rights and requests relief under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 28 and demands that Defendant answer in itstrue name, ift differs from that outlined above. Plaintif? requests a citation, 5. Defendant Osmose Utilities Services. Inc. (“Osmose”) is a foreign corporation registered to conduct business in the State of Texas with its principal place of business located in Atlanta, Georgia. Defendant Osmose may be served with process by serving its registered agent, Corporation Service Company d/b/a CSC-Lawyers Incorporating Service Company, at the following address: 211 E 7 Street, Suite 620, Austin, Texas 78701. Plaintiff additionally asserts all rights and requests relief under Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 28 and demands that Defendant answer in its true name, fers from that outlined above. Plaintiff requests a citation. III, JURISDICTION AND VENUE 6. The subject matter in controversy is within the jurisdictional limits of this court 7. This court has personal jurisdiction over the parties because this lawsuit arises out of a tort committed by Defendants in the State of Texas. PLAINUIFES ORIGINAL PETION, JURY DEMAND, AND RULE 1937 NOMCE Pack 20F79 8. Venue in Hutchinson County is proper in this cause under Section 15,002(a)(1) of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code because Hutchinson County is the county in which all or a substantial portion of the acts and/or omissions giving rise to this suit occurred. 9. This case cannot be removed to federal court because no federal question is present, and diversity jurisdiction does not exist as Defendant SPS and Plaintif¥ are both citizens of the State of Texas, as demonstrated above. See 28 U.S.C § 1332{a). § 1441(b)(2). Removal would therefore have no basis in law or fact, and an improper removal would subject Defendants to an award of costs, expenses, and fees, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees under 28 U.S.C. § 1447(c). IV. FACTS 10. ‘This lawsuit is necessary as a result of a preventable, massive wildfire that killed Joyce “Joy” Blankenship, a mother and grandmother who was loved by all that had the fortune of knowing her. 11, Onor about February 27, 2024, a decayed, wooden power line pole splintered and snapped fat the base. causing the power lines to hit the ground. Once the power lines hit the ground, 2 PLAINTIFFS ORIGINAL, PEITTION. JURY DEMAND, [AND RULE 193 NONE Paci 30 1 ited and quickly burned over 2,000 , uncontrollable fire, known as the 687 Reamer Fire, acres south of Stinnett, Texas before merging with the Smokehouse Creek Fire. Just like the 687, Reamer Fire, the Smokehouse Creek Fire was also caused by a decayed, wooden power line pole snapping. ‘The largest wildfire in Texas history was caused by a power line after a pole that “appeared to be decayed at the base” fell into a grassy area, a Texas A&M Forest Service investigator concluded ina report released Friday. Hhwww. 1s-News ken-power-pole-downe ‘smokehouse-creek-fire-renal 42579. 12, The resulting uncontrollable destruction caused by the two fires was catastrophic and ires-caus burned more than 1 million acres of property. 13. On February 27, 2024, Joyce Blankenship was at her home south of Stinnett, Texas. ‘Tragically, the fires spread so rapidly that Ms. Blankenship was unable to escape and burned alive when the flames engulfed her home. 14, The decayed, wooden poles and power lines were at all relevant times owned, maintained, PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION, JURY DEMAND, ‘AND RULE1999 NOTICE PAGEAOF operated, and/or controlled by Defendants XES and SPS. Upon information and belief, Defendants XES and/or SPS hired Defendant Osmose to inspect and report on Defendants” power poles, including the two decayed. wooden poles in question, 15. The fires in question and Ms. Blankenship’s resulting death occurred as a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ tortious conduct. Nothing Ms. Blankenship did or failed to do ‘caused or contributed to the fires or her tragic death in any way. Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer immensely as a result of losing his mother. V. NEGLI T DEFENDAI TS XES, SPS, AND OSM CE AGAL 16. Plaintif® incorporates all other paragraphs by reference here fully 7. Pl ? would show that the overhead power lines and power poles in question were ‘owned, operated, maintained, and/or controlled by Defendants XES and SPS. As such, Defendants had a duty to construct, install, operate. inspect. maintain, and control the poles. power lines and the associated equipment and components in a proper and safe manner. Further, Defendants had a regulatory duty to conform to the National Electric Safety Code and other standards that are generally accepted by the electric utility industry 18. Plaintiff would further show that Defendant Osmose had a duty to inspect and report on the poles. power lines and associated equipment and components in a proper and safe manner. 19. Decedent's death and Plaintiffs resulting damages were proximately caused by Defendants’ negligent, careless, and reckless disregard of Defendants’ duties. The negligent. careless, and reckless disregard of Defendants’ duties consisted of, but is not limited to, the following acts and/or omissions: a. Failing to comply with applicable safety regulations, industry standards, customs, and best practices with respect to the use of wooden poles: b. Failing to establish, implement, and/or enforce adequate policies and PLAINTIFE'S ORIGINAL PETTTION. JURY DEMAND. ANDRULE 1939 NONCE PAGES OF procedures for maintaining, inspecting, repairing, replacing, and/or reporting on the subject power lines, poles, and associated equipment; c. _Failing to properly inspect and report on the subject power lines, poles, and associated equipment; d. Failing to properly maintain, repair, and/or install the subject power lines, poles, and associated equipment; €. Failing to replace the decayed wooden poles with fiberglass poles: f Failing to comply with requirements of the Public Utility Commission of Texas (“Texas PUC"), including storm hardening requirements in Texas Administrative Code § 25.95, and a failure to comply with its plans in that tegard filed with the Texas PUC: g. Failing t comply with Texas Administrative Code § 25.101 and the National Electrical Safety Code, among other regulations and statutes: h, Failing to disclose the dangers associated with the use of wooden pol Failing to properly inspect in order to discover and eliminate dangerous conditions: J. Creating a dangerous condition at the time of the incident with respect to the decayed, wooden poles; k. Failing to eliminate the dangerous condition; |. Failing to warn Decedent and others that a dangerous condition existed: m. Failing to use ordinary careas reasonable companies would under the same or similar circumstances: and n. Such additional acts of negligence. which will be established as this case progresses. 20. Plaintiff further alleges that Defendants are liable under the doctrine of res ipsa loguitur. ‘The character of the incident made the basis of this suit is such that it would not ordinarily occur in the absence of negligence, and Defendants had management and control over the instrumentality and activity in question. 21. One, some, or all of the foregoing acts and/or omissions or others on the part of these PLAINTIFP'S ORIGINAL. PETITION. JURY DEMAND. AND RULE 129 NOTICE PAGE EOF TT Defendants constituted negligence and such negligence was a proximate cause of the occurrence. Decedent’s death, and Plaintiff's resulting damages. 22, Plaintiff incorporates all other paragraphs by reference here fully. 23. Defendant XES is the corporate parent of Defendant SPS and owns 100% of its shares. As the corporate parent, Defendant XES engaged in affirmative, direct control over the aspect of the operations of Defendant SPS, which gave rise to the failure of the power lines and poles in question, the resulting fires, Decedent's death, and Plaintiff's resulting damages. 24. In sodoing, Defendant XES acted negligently, and such negligence was a proximate cause of the failure of the power lines and poles in question, the resulting fire, Decedent's death, and Plaintiff's resulting damages. ANTS XES, SPS, AND OSMOSE vu E NCE A Re 25, Plait incorporates all other paragraphs by reference here fully. 26. ‘The acts or omissions described above, when viewed from Defendants’ standpoint, involved an extreme degree of risk, considering the probability and magnitude of the potential harm to Decedent and others. Defendants had actual, subjective awareness of this risk but nevertheless proceeded with conscious indifference to the rights, safety. or welfare of Decedent and others. 27. Plaintiff would further show that Decedent's death and the damages that Plaintiff sustained as a result of the incident in question were caused by the gross negligence of Defendants acting by and through their employees, agents officers, and representatives in the course of employment for said Defendants. 28, Plaintiff would further show that Defendants ratified and failed to repudiate their agent's PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION. 1URY DEMAND, AND RULE 37 NOTICE Pack 70F19 gross negligence. As such, Defendants are grossly negligent and should be subjected to exemplary damages, vin WRONGFUL DEATH 29. PlaintifY incorporates all other paragraphs by reference here fully. 30. Plaintiff Paul Blankenship is the surviving son of Decedent Joyce Blankenship. Thus. Plaintiff is a statutory beneficiary under Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 71.004, the Wrongful Death Statute, 31. The tortious conduct of Defendants, outlined elsewhere herein more fully. caused the untimely death of Decedent. Plaintiff therefore bring this wrongful death action, individually and ‘on behalf ofall other statutory wrongful death beneficiaries and all other parties entitled to recover. 32, Asa direct and proximate result of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit, Plaintiff has suffered severe injuries and damages. Plaintiff depended on Decedent forlove, companionship. affection, and support. Plaintiff accordingly prays for the following damages: a. Mental anguish in the past; b. Mental anguish which, in all reasonable probability. will be suffered in the future: ©. Pecuniary losses, including, but not limited to, the loss of care, maintenance, support, services, advice, and counsel that would have been received from the Decedent, had Decedent lived: 4. Loss of companionship and society from the date of the incident to the time of trial including, but not limited to. the loss of positive benefits flowing from the love, ‘comfort, companionship, and society that would have been received from the Decedent, had Decedent lived; e. Exemplary damages; and f. Any and all other damages to which Plaintiff is justly entitled, in law or equity, as shown through the course of this proceeding, PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAI. PETITION. JURY DEMAND. AND RULE 103 NOMICE Paci agent SURVIVAL 33. Plaintiff incorporates all other paragraphs by reference here fully. 34. Plaintiff is a legal heir to the Estate of Joyce Blankenship and thus brings this survival action under Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 71.021. the Texas Survival Statute. 35, Asa direct and proximate result of the occurrence made the basis of this lawsuit, Decedent uch ‘was forced to suffer severe injuries and damages, for which Plaintiff now seeks to recover. damages include the following: ‘a. Reasonable medical care and expenses sustained by Decedent in the past: b. Physical pain and suffering sustained by Decedent in the past; ¢. Mental anguish sustained by Decedent in the past: d. Funeral and burial expenses: e. Exemplary damages: and Any and all other damages to which Plaintiff is justly entitled, in law or equity, as shown through the course of this proceeding. X. RULE 47 STATEMENT OF MONETARY RELIEF SOUGHT 36, Plaintiff prefers that the jury determine the fair amount of compensation for Plaintif?'s damages sustained as a result of Decedent's tragic death. It is too early in this case to be assessing the full nature and scope of damages. and Plaintiff places the decision regarding the amount of, compensation to be awarded in the jury’s hands. Rule 47 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, however, requires Plaintiff to provide a statement regarding the amount of monetary relief sought. Accordingly. Plaintiff’ states that monetary relief of over $1.000,000, in an amount to be determined by the jury. is being sought. XI. DEMAND FOR TRIAL BY JURY 37. Pursuant to Rule 216 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff demands a trial by PLAINTIFES ORIGINAL PETITION, JURY DEMAND, AND RULE 198 NOTICE PAGE 9 OF jury and has/will tender the appropriate fee XIL NOTICE TO PRESERVE EVIDENCE 38. Plaintiff hereby demands that all Defendants preserve and place a documents, tangible things, and electronically stored information that arise out of or relate to the incident made the basis of this suit, further described elsewhere herein. Failure to do so may subject Defendants to sanctions. XIII. DUTY TO DISCLOSE 39. Pursuant to Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 194.1, Defendants are required to provide the information or material described in Rule 194.2, 194.3 and 194.4 without awaiting a discovery request from Plaintiff. XIV. RULE 193.7 NOTIC 40. Pursuant to Rule 193.7 of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff hereby gives actual notice to Defendants that any and all documents produced may be used against the Defendants producing the documents at any pretrial proceeding and/or at the trial of this matter without the necessity of authenticating the documents. XV. RESERVATION OF RIGHTS 41. The above allegations against Defendants are made acknowledging that investigation and discovery, although undertaken, are continuing in this matter. As further investigation and discovery are conducted, additional facts may be uncovered that necessitate further, additional, and/or different allegations, including the potential of adding additional parties to the case or dismissing parties from the case. The right to do so, under Texas law. is expressly reserved. XVL PRAYER 42. For the foregoing reasons, Plaintiff prays that Defendants be cited to appear and answer, PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION, JURY DEMAND, AND RULE 193 NOTICE PAGE 0F 1 and that judgement be entered against Defendants for: a, Actual damages above the jurisdictional minimum of the Court, further outlined above b. All costs of court expended herein; ©. Pre-judgment and post-judgment interest at the maximum rate allowed by law; 4. Exemplary damages: and €. All other relief to which Plaintfl is justly entitled. Respectfully submitted, WEBSTER VICKNAIR MACLEOD By: 4/ Jason C. Webster JKSON C. WEBSTER State Bar No, 24033318 HEIDI O. VICKNAIR State Bar No. 24046557 RYAN S. MACLEOD State Bar No, 24068346 BRETT O. HARGIS State Bar No. 24138943 6200 Savoy Drive, Suite 150 Houston, Texas 77036 713.581.3900 (telephone) 713.581.3907 (facsimile) Service: -and- THE WARNER LAWFIRM Michael A. Warner State Bar No. 20872700 101 SE 11" Avenue, Suite 301 Amarillo, Texas 79101 Telephone: (806) 372-2595 Facsimile: (866) 397-9054 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION. JURY DEMAND, IAND RULE 1937 NOTICE, PxGr 190 14 Automated Certificate of eService This automated certificate of service was created by the efiling system. The filer served this document via email generated by the efiling system on the date and to the persons listed below. The rules governing certificates of service have not changed. Filers must still provide a certificate of service that complies with all applicable rules. Envelope ID: 85759211 Filing Code Description: Petition Filing Description: PLAINTIFF'S ORIGINAL PETITION, JURY DEMAND, AND RULE 193.7 NOTICE- FILED BY JASON C. WEBSTER AND THE WARNER LAW FIRM, ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFF. Status as of 3/20/2024 1:13 PM CST Associated Case Party: PAUL BLANKENSHIP, INDIVIDUALLY AND AS REPRESENATIVE OF THE ESTATE OF JOYCE BLANKENSHIP, DECEASED Name BarNumber | Email TimestampSubmitted | Status JASON WEBSTER FIUNGEWHLAW.Com | 32072024 LosOT PM | SENT JASON WEBSTER IWEBSTER@WWMLAW.COM | S2OD024 FO5OT PM | SENT BRETTHARGIS BHARGIS@WVMLAW.COM | 3202024 T0507 PM | SENT

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