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The exploitation of three-dimensional flow in

turbomachinery design

J D Denton* and L Xu
Whittle Laboratory, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK

Abstract: Many of the phenomena involved in turbomachinery flow can be understood and predicted
on a two-dimensional (2D) or quasi-three-dimensional (Q3D) basis, but some aspects of the flow
must be considered as fully three-dimensional (3D) and cannot be understood or predicted by the
Q3D approach. Probably the best known of these fully 3D effects is secondary flow, which can only
be predicted by a fully 3D calculation which includes the vorticity at inlet to the blade row. It has
long been recognized that blade sweep and lean also produce fully 3D effects and approximate
methods of calculating these have been developed. However, the advent of fully 3D flow field calcu-
lation methods has made predictions of these complex effects much more readily available and
accurate so that they are now being exploited in design. This paper will attempt to describe and
discuss fully 3D flow effects with particular reference to their use to improve turbomachine perform-
ance. Although the discussion is restricted to axial flow machines, many of the phenomena discussed
are equally applicable to mixed and radial flow turbines and compressors.

Keywords: three-dimensional flow, turbomachinery, turbines, compressors, design


A blade aspect ratio Quasi-three-dimensional (Q3D) blade-to-blade flow cal-

C blade chord culations predict the flow on a stream surface on the
C blade axial chord assumption that the surface is a surface of revolution;
F force acting on blade or flow i.e. its radius at any axial position is constant. The thick-
H blade span ness of the surface, which is more easily considered as
p static pressure the perpendicular distance between two adjacent axisym-
r streamline curvature metric stream surfaces ( Fig. 1), must also be accurately
V velocity specified. Conventional throughflow calculations often
have difficulty in predicting this thickness with sufficient
a flow angle accuracy to avoid introducing significant errors into
r fluid density blade-to-blade solutions.
In general, stream surfaces that are axisymmetric
upstream of a blade row will become twisted on passing
m in meridional direction
n normal to streamline
r in radial direction
rel relative
s in streamline direction

h in circumferential direction

The MS was received on 23 March 1998 and was accepted after revision
for publication on 13 August 1998.
* Corresponding author: Whittle Laboratory, Department of
Engineering, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge
CB3 0DY, UK. Fig. 1 Axisymmetric stream surfaces
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through the blade row ( Fig. 2) and so the assumption blade loading. Qualitatively the blade loading would be
of axisymmetric surfaces within the row is seldom exactly expected to be reduced when the twist is such as to
correct. Despite this it is found that methods based on increase the stream surface thickness near the suction
this assumption give good solutions when compared surface, as is the situation near the casing in Fig. 2.
with most experimental data. Only when the stream sur- For a blade row in a parallel annulus the stream sur-
face twist becomes large does it have a significant effect face twist will only be zero if the flow is free vortex.
on the blade loading. Large stream surface twist in itself Otherwise twist will be induced by either shed vorticity
does not seem to affect the blade surface pressures (which must produce opposite spanwise velocities on the
severely; it is shown below that it is the pitchwise two blade surfaces at the trailing edge) or by secondary
variation in stream surface thickness caused by the flow arising from inlet vorticity.
twist that has the dominant effect. Stream surface twist can arise in an irrotational flow
Considering the flow in Fig. 2, the blade loading at owing to either spanwise components of velocity or span-
mid-span will be little affected by the twist because the wise blade forces. These result from blade sweep and
blade-to-blade (S1) stream surface thickness remains blade lean. A blade is considered to be swept when the
almost constant across the pitch and the spanwise veloc- line of the leading edge is not perpendicular to the inci-
ities associated with the twist are small compared with dent flow or if the line of the trailing edge is not perpen-
the axial and tangential velocities. Hence, neither the dicular to the leaving flow. It is leaned if the intersection
continuity equation, which includes the thickness vari- of the blade surfaces with a plane perpendicular to the
ation, nor the momentum equations, which include the axis of rotation is inclined to the radial direction ( Fig. 3).
spanwise velocity, are significantly affected by the twist. Almost all blade rows have some degree of sweep and
However, near the endwalls the thickness varies con- lean but the amounts are generally small unless these
siderably in the pitchwise direction. This causes the features are deliberately introduced into the design.
streamlines on the blade-to-blade surface to move
towards the blade surface with largest stream surface
thickness and so alters the blade-to-blade streamline cur- 2 EFFECTS OF BLADE SWEEP
vature and hence the pitchwise pressure gradient and
A major cause of stream surface twist is flow with a large
spanwise velocity within the blade row. This case is ana-
logous to a swept wing as illustrated in Fig. 4.
As the flow passes through a blade row there is a
natural tendency for the spanwise component of velocity
to remain constant, as it would do if the span were infi-
nite. The axial component of velocity, however, will
increase on the suction surface and decrease on the press-
ure surface. Hence, streamlines passing close to the suc-
tion surface must have a lower pitch angle (tan−1 V /V )
r x
than those near the pressure surface and the stream sur-
faces must become twisted as illustrated in Fig. 4. The
major effect of this is well known [1] to be that the flow
Fig. 2 Stream surface twist near mid-span of high aspect ratio blades is best treated

Fig. 3 Definitions of sweep and lean

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near both endwalls in the manner described qualitat-

ively above.
A thorough discussion of the effects of sweep on the
flow through blading is given by Potts [1]. Detailed
experimental measurements on a swept turbine cascade
are reported by Gotthardt [2] and results for swept com-
pressor cascades are given by Sasaki and Breuglemans

2.1 Use of blade sweep in design

There are few reports of the deliberate use of blade sweep
in the design of subsonic blade rows. In general, leading
edge sweep, as illustrated in Fig. 7, could be used to
reduce leading edge loading, and trailing edge sweep in
the direction shown will reduce trailing edge loading.
Figure 6 shows the magnitude of this effect for a tur-
Fig. 4 Stream surface twist due to sweep bine cascade, but the leading edge effect is much more
pronounced for a compressor cascade where the leading
edge loading is higher. Figure 8 compares the surface
as an axial flow with a superimposed constant spanwise pressure distribution of a compressor blade with forward
velocity rather than as a Q3D flow. The major effects of leading edge sweep with that of the same blade section
twist on the blade loading appear near the endwalls with no sweep, showing the reduction in leading edge
where the twist varies across the pitch. loading and the movement of the peak suction point
A different way of looking at the effects of sweep is away from the leading edge. In the example illustrated
to consider that the pressure gradient perpendicular to the reduction in loading is sufficient to prevent the for-
a plane endwall must be zero, since there can be no fluid mation of the weak shock wave that occurs on the
acceleration perpendicular to the wall (V dV /ds=0). unswept blade. The reduction in loading should make
s n
Hence, referring to Fig. 5, the blade loading near the the leading edge more tolerant of the changes in inlet
lower wall must be reduced near the leading edge where angle due to skew near the endwalls. This design feature
the loading rapidly falls to zero (no blade) with move- has been extensively used in high-speed fan stators [4]
ment perpendicularly away from the wall. Conversely, to alleviate the effects of the high inlet Mach number
the loading on the lower wall will tend to be increased near the stator root.
near the trailing edge since there can be little pressure There are no known reports of the use of a swept back
difference between it and the more highly loaded region trailing edge, as illustrated in Fig. 7, to reduce trailing
above it. The opposite effect occurs near the upper wall. edge loading, but LeJambre et al. [5] report the use of
Corroborating this argument, Fig. 6 shows the results a cut back trailing edge (the opposite to that in Fig. 7)
of a three-dimensional (3D) calculation on a turbine cas- on compressor stator blades to improve the stall margin
cade with a constant blade section. For illustrative pur- of a multistage compressor. The effect they obtained was
poses the blade is swept forward at the lower wall and a reduction in axial velocity near the blade root and a
backwards at the upper wall. The blade surface pressure consequent increase near the tip and was probably more
distribution at mid-span is close to that obtained from due to the change in blade (i.e. metal ) exit angle than
a two-dimensional (2D) calculation but it can be seen to the change in loading distribution.
that the pressure distribution is considerably modified One important effect of sweep is on the shock losses

Fig. 5 Effect of sweep on blade loading

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Fig. 6 Static pressure distribution on a swept turbine cascade

Fig. 7 Use of sweep to reduce leading or trailing edge loading

of a transonic compressor or fan. Figure 9 shows a typi- an extra pressure rise by diffusion which will generate
cal fan shock structure at mid-pitch. The shock is clearly extra boundary layer losses. Hence the net effect on over-
swept in the meridional plane but it is also swept in the all loss is not obvious.
blade-to-blade plane and so estimation of its exact incli- Another factor which reduces the potential benefits of
nation to the flow is complex. shock sweep is the fact that the shock is not usually
It is well known that the shock loss is a strong function strong enough or oblique enough to reflect from the
of the Mach number component perpendicular to the endwalls and so it must bend to intersect the endwalls
shock front [6 ] and for a given incident Mach number perpendicularly; this can be seen in Fig. 9. Any effects
this is clearly reduced by any sweep of the shock. This of sweep on the shock loss are therefore lost at the
effect is claimed to give a reduction in shock loss for endwalls where the Mach number and shock loss are the
transonic compressors and it clearly must do so for a greatest. This is clearly shown by the results of Dawes
fixed value of the relative Mach number upstream of the [7] who studied the transonic flow over a swept non-
shock. However, it must be remembered that the press- lifting blade. As a result of this interaction with the
ure rise across the shock also depends on the normal endwall, the potential benefits of shock sweep for a fan
Mach number component, in fact the shock loss is a rotor are greatest if it is applied around three-quarter
unique function of the shock pressure rise. If the shock span where the Mach numbers are still high enough for
pressure rise and hence the shock loss are reduced by shock loss to be significant but the shock has not yet
sweep, then at a constant pressure ratio there must be bent to become normal to the casing.
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Fig. 8 Effect of leading edge forward sweep on the surface pressure distribution of a compressor blade row

Fig. 9 Static pressure contours at mid-pitch of a transonic fan rotor

Wadia et al. [8] present a detailed study of the per- loss of stall margin owing to the shock being closer to
formance of a range of transonic compressors with both the leading edge. Conversely, the swept forward blade,
forward and backward sweep. The effects on efficiency where the shock is further from the leading edge, has an
were not great but the swept back compressors suffer a increased stall margin and good efficiency. Overall the
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effects of sweep on transonic compressors are not yet may become dangerously low. This is an axisymmetric
fully understood and this remains an area of active effect that is best explained in terms of the streamline
research. curvatures induced by the lean. Referring to Fig. 11, let
there be a radial blade force F per unit mass of fluid
acting inwards on the flow; i.e. the blade lift has a radial
3 BLADE LEAN outward component acting on the blade. Notice how a
radial inward blade force acting on the flow causes the
The effects of blade lean, i.e. non-radial blade stacking, streamlines to move outwards contrary to the intuitive
on blade loading can be very powerful and are discussed expectation.
in detail by Walker [9] and Harrison [10]. The effects The radial equilibrium equation may be written as
can be explained by considering what would happen if 1 dp V2 V2
the flow were two-dimensional, so that for an untwisted F+ = h+ m (1)
r r dr r r
but leaned blade the pressure distribution at each span- c
wise position was the same as for a 2D cascade of the where V is the swirl component of velocity and r is the
h c
same pitch and section. This hypothetical situation is radius of curvature of the streamlines. Considering the
illustrated in Fig. 10. small changes in velocity and pressure between an un-
It can be seen that if such a 2D flow existed it would leaned blade row (F =0, r =2) and a leaned one, the
r c
have a significant pressure gradient perpendicular to the mean value of V does not change because of continuity
endwalls. Away from the endwalls this pressure gradient and hence, if the blade angle a is unchanged, the mean
would produce an acceleration and hence velocity com- value of V is also unchanged. If r is initially infinite,
h c
ponents towards the upper wall in Fig. 10. This would equation (1) becomes
induce both spanwise and pitchwise variations in stream
1 dDp V2
surface thickness which are inconsistent with the initial F+ = m (2)
hypothesis of two-dimensional flow. The relative impor- r r dr r
tance of the axisymmetric variations in stream surface where Dp is the change in static pressure introduced by
thickness that can be predicted by Q3D methods and of lean. The change in velocity on the endwalls may be
the fully 3D pitchwise variations has not been assessed. related to the change in pressure by the Euler equation
However, there is no doubt that in practice the complex
flow is most easily predicted by fully 3D methods. (Dp) =−rV (DV ) sec2 a (3)
wall m m wall
The effects of blade lean are not confined to flow where a is the blade angle, assumed constant. The
within the blade row. The resulting stream surface shifts change in V on the endwalls may be related to the
can induce large streamline curvatures that decay outside m
streamline shift Dr by the continuity equation, assuming
the blade rows with a length scale of the order of the small changes in density:
annulus height. Hence, at high aspect ratios the effects
may be significant for adjacent blade rows. This effect is 0.5HV =(0.5H+Dr)[V +0.5(DV ) ]
m m m wall
discussed in more detail in the next section. i.e.
H (DV )
Dr#− m wall (4)
3.1 Use of blade lean to increase reaction 4 V
One of the most common applications of 3D flow in Although the exact streamline curvature at mid-span
design is to use blade lean to change the spanwise vari- cannot be predicted on a simple basis, the axial length
ation in stage reaction. This is particularly useful for low
hub–tip radius ratio machines where the root reaction

Fig. 10 Pressure distribution in a hypothetical leaned blade

row with no spanwise variation in flow Fig. 11 Effect of blade lean on streamline curvature
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scale over which the streamline shift occurs will be the that the resulting change in streamline curvature will be
blade axial chord C and thus small and the radial blade force will be opposed mainly
by the increased radial pressure gradient within the blade

1 Dr
D =K (5) row. Hence the blade loading at the root will be reduced
r C2 and that at the tip increased. This effect can be very
c x
where K is a constant whose value can be estimated, by powerful within the row but will not persist significantly
assuming parabolic streamlines, to be of the order of 10. upstream or downstream of the row.
Combining these equations to express the streamline The former effect, i.e. increased streamline curvature
curvature term on the right-hand side of equation (2) in for high aspect ratio blading, has been extensively used
terms of the change in pressure on the endwalls, we to increase the root reaction for LP steam turbines as
obtain described by Grant and Borthwick [11]. The hub–tip
ratio of these machines tends to be very low and the root
2Dp Dp KH reaction is in danger of becoming negative. By leaning
F= + cos2 a (6)
r rH r 4C2 the stator blades so that the pressure surface faces the
hub streamline, curvatures as illustrated in Fig. 12 are
This equation can be used to show qualitatively how the
set up and can greatly increase the pressure on the hub
effects of the added radial blade force F are shared
r between stator and rotor. The lean may either extend
between a change in radial pressure gradient (the second
over the whole blade span or may be concentrated near
term) and a change in the streamline curvature acceler-
to the hub. Figure 13 illustrates the results of a 3D pre-
ation (the last term). The ratio of these two terms is
diction of the effects of overall lean on the flow at exit

Change in streamline curvature term K H cos a 2 from a LP steam turbine stator. The reduction in nozzle
= exit Mach number is quite dramatic, the root reaction
Change in pressure gradient term 8 C
x is increased and the very high tip reaction is reduced.
Very worthwhile improvements in efficiency have been
The constant K is of the order of 10 and so the last term made by reblading operating turbines with blades leaned
is of the order A2 cos2 a, A being the aspect ratio based in this way.
x x
on the axial chord. It should be emphasized that this is The same type of stator lean is also beneficial as
a very approximate relationship designed to show only regards tip leakage because the pressure drop over the
the trends and it should not be used for quantitative rotor tip and stator root are both decreased. It may
calculations. thus also be beneficial for machines that do not suffer
At high aspect ratios the streamline curvature term from low root reaction. The spanwise variation in inlet
will dominate and the change in the radial pressure flow angle to the rotor is also reduced and stator lean
gradient within the blade row will be comparatively may be used to avoid having to twist the rotor in cases
small. However, the streamline curvature cannot end where this would otherwise be necessary to optimize
abruptly at the trailing edge and will decay upstream performance.
and downstream of the blade row with a length scale
approximately equal to the annulus height. The resulting
flow will be as shown in Fig. 12. 3.2 Use of blade lean to control endwall losses
The streamline curvatures induced by the lean with
pressure surface towards the hub will increase the hub The effects of non-radial stacking on the loading of low
pressure and decrease the casing pressure well upstream aspect blades can be easily understood by viewing the
and downstream of the blade row, and hence the press- pressure distribution in a plane perpendicular to the axis.
ure on the hub at exit from the upstream row and at Figure 14 shows the calculated pressure distribution for
entry to the downstream row will be increased. a turbine nozzle blade with a constant blade section but
If the aspect ratio is small, the above equations show three different stackings. It is clear that despite the
changes in geometry the dominant effect is for the con-
stant pressure lines to remain closely radial and to be
almost frozen relative to the average blade section. This
is easily explained by the fact that the curvature in the
blade-to-blade plane is at least an order of magnitude
greater than that in either the meridional plane or in the
plane perpendicular to the axis, i.e.
V2 /r &V2 /r and V2 /r (8)
rel cb h m cm
where r is the streamline curvature in the blade–blade
plane, r is that in the meridional plane and r is the
Fig. 12 Effect of radial blade force at high aspect ratios local stream surface radius. Hence, the pressure gradient
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Fig. 13 Predicted Mach number distribution after the last stator of a large steam turbine

Fig. 14 Computed static pressure contours through a turbine stator with different stackings (the suction
surface is to the right of the blade-to-blade passage)
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perpendicular to the endwalls must be small compared endwall loss in turbines is still not clear. Many different
with the blade-to-blade pressure gradient. explanations have been put forward. These are reviewed
The net effect is that, at low aspect ratios, different by Walker [9] and Harrison [10].
blade stackings may be considered as moving the blade A simple explanation, often cited, is that the increase
within an almost frozen pressure field. For the straight in load at mid-span and reduction near the endwalls
leaned blade illustrated in Fig. 14 the root section has causes more work to be done by the most efficient part
been moved into a region of low velocity and hence its of the blade, i.e. near mid-span, and less by the least
loading is reduced, while the tip section has been moved efficient part near the endwalls. This does not explain
into a region of high velocity and its loading increased. why the local loss coefficient, as opposed to the loss flux,
Figure 15 illustrates the same principles by showing the is generally decreased near the endwalls and increased
computed effect of 15° straight lean on the tip loading near mid-span when compound lean is used.
of a turbine rotor blade. The predicted peak Mach A second common explanation is based on the redistri-
number is increased from 1.1 to 2.0. bution of the low-energy fluid, which is generated near
The bowed blade (also called compound lean) shown the endwall, by the spanwise pressure gradients.
in Fig. 14 is of a type that is nowadays often adopted Compound lean, with the lean such as to reduce the
for HP gas and steam turbines [12, 13]. By moving the loading near the endwalls, generates a spanwise pressure
blade sections at both hub and casing into regions of gradient acting towards mid-span. Hence the low-energy
increased pressure it succeeds in reducing the loading at fluid in blade and endwall boundary layers will tend to
both endwalls at the expense of an increase in loading migrate towards mid-span more strongly than it does
at mid-span. due to conventional secondary flow. This may prevent
Despite its widespread use, the exact mechanism by loss accumulation and local separation occurring near
which 3D stacking, especially compound lean, reduces the endwalls. It is also argued that the resulting blade

Fig. 15 Effect of 15° lean on the Mach number contours in a turbine rotor
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exit flow is more uniform, i.e. the secondary loss cores at mid-span due to both increased loading and spanwise
are not so concentrated, giving lower mixing losses, and migration of loss from the endwalls and a consequent
that a more uniform flow causes less loss to be generated reduction in loss near the endwalls. The exit flow is on
in the next downstream blade row. This is plausible but the whole slightly more uniform for the compound
is hard to substantiate. lean blade.
A third explanation is based on the fact that entropy Harrison’s measurements showed that neither type of
creation (i.e. loss generation) per unit surface area is stacking gave an overall mixed out loss significantly
proportional to the local relative velocity raised to the different from that of the original blade. Hence it seems
power of n, where n is of the order of 2 or 3, depending that the performance benefits claimed for leaned blades
on the state of the boundary layer [6 ]. When compound cannot always be explained in terms of loss reduction in
lean is used, the surface area exposed to a reduction in the leaned blade row, in which case they must come from
velocity, i.e. the endwalls and the blade surface near the reduced losses elsewhere in the machine.
endwalls, is substantially greater than the area of surface Bowed stator blades have also been used in com-
exposed to an increase in velocity, i.e. near mid-span. pressors [14] where the unloading of the endwalls can
Hence the overall entropy production is reduced while be used to suppress the blade–endwall corner separa-
the overall load and hence work remains constant. This tions that are prevalent in many designs. This may give
explanation is convincing but may be complicated by some improvement in efficiency but the main effect is
changes in the local state of the boundary layers, i.e. by likely to be an improved surge margin. The effect has
transition or separations induced or suppressed by the also been investigated in cascade by Sasaki and
change in loading. Breuglemans [3] who obtained modest reductions in loss.
Figure 16 shows the stagnation pressure loss distri- However, because compressor endwall flows are domi-
bution measured by Harrison [10] downstream of three nated by skewing of the inlet boundary layers, these cas-
turbine cascades, all with the same blade section (107° cade results may not be applicable to real machines.
turning) but different stackings. Harrison’s measure-
ments included careful traverses within and downstream
of the blade passage to determine the growth of loss and 3.3 Use of lean to reduce tip leakage loss
to locate the origin of any significant changes in loss
with changed stacking. Figure 16 shows the expected The unloading of the blade tip that is produced by lean-
changes in loss distribution. The straight leaned blade ing the pressure surface towards the endwall may be
has a spanwise pressure gradient acting from the lower expected to reduce the effects of tip leakage on blades
to the upper wall within the blade passage. This causes with plain tip clearance. For such blades the leakage flow
low-energy fluid to move along the span towards the and loss is mainly dependent on the pressure difference
more highly loaded upper endwall, but it is not obvious between pressure surface and suction surface at the tip
that the total loss generated on either wall is any differ- [6 ] and this can be significantly reduced by localized lean
ent. The compound lean blade shows an increase in loss concentrated towards the blade tip. This has been used

Fig. 16 Measured stagnation pressure contours behind three turbine cascades with the same 2D section but
different stacking: contour interval=0.05×(P −P )
01 2
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by Staubach et al. [15] for turbines and by Bolger [16 ] 4.2 Compressor end bends
for compressors, both of whom report significant
reductions in tip leakage loss. Compressor end bends are an important example of
For shrouded blades, localized lean will have little using localized blade twist to alter the blade camber and
effect on the tip leakage but global lean of turbine stator stacking near the endwalls. This can be an effective
blades, with the pressure surface inwards, will reduce the means of improving both efficiency and stall margin [19,
pressure drop across both the stator root and the rotor 20]. The arguments originally used to justify it were very
tip and so should be doubly beneficial. As previously simple. The local incidence near the blade tips tends to
discussed, this effect has been used to improve root reac- be increased both by the lower meridional velocity in the
tion but there are no known instances of its being used endwall boundary layers and by the overturning due to
specifically to reduce tip leakage. secondary flow in the upstream blade row. Hence there
is an immediate benefit in increasing the blade stagger
near the endwalls since this both matches the blade inlet
4 LOCALIZED BLADE TWIST angle to the local flow direction and reduces the over-
turning due to secondary flow. In practice, three-dimen-
sional effects are important and the amount of twist
Localized blade twist must be considered a 3D effect if
required cannot be predicted on a 2D basis. Spanwise
the twist occurs over a spanwise distance that is small flow due to the local radial pressure gradients provides
compared to the blade chord. In such cases the flow a relief to the positive incidence [21] and so its effects
cannot redistribute in the spanwise direction sufficiently
are not as bad as one would expect from a 2D viewpoint.
rapidly to establish two-dimensional flow and the result Also, locally increased stagger may reduce the throat
is similar to that illustrated in Fig. 14 where the blade is
area of the blade and so drive the incidence to even
moved within a frozen pressure field. Such localized
higher values. Overall the problem is best addressed by
changes have been used to control both the local pressure multistage 3D design methods which model both the
distribution and the blade outlet angle.
endwall boundary layers and the interaction between
blade rows and allow the blade ends to be tailored to
the local flow.
4.1 Application to turbines
Localized blade twist near the endwalls has been used
to reduce the endwall losses of low aspect ratio turbine 5 USE OF ENDWALL PROFILING
blades. Singh et al. [17] argue that closing the blade
throat near the endwalls will cause less fluid to pass Profiling of the endwalls to reduce secondary losses in
through the high loss region and more to pass through axial turbines (Fig. 17) has been known for many years
the more efficient region near mid-span. This tends to [22] and has been extensively used over the past decade,
make the flow leaving the stator row more non-uniform e.g. by Cofer [23]. The effect of endwall profiling on the
with low axial velocities near the endwalls and high ones inviscid flow is predominantly axisymmetric and the
at mid-span. It also reduces the area of the endwalls but endwall curvature changes the local stream surface thick-
increases the surface area of the blades due to the locally ness in a way that can in principle be predicted by
increased stagger. They obtained significant efficiency throughflow calculations. The surface velocity distri-
improvements from a combination of design changes bution can then be predicted by a Q3D blade-to-blade
and it is not clear how much of it comes from the calculation. However, in practice there is little doubt that
above effect. the flow is more easily and accurately predicted by fully
Wallis et al. [18] obtained a significant efficiency 3D calculations.
increase of low aspect ratio, 50 per cent reaction blading The effect of profiling similar to that illustrated in
from almost the opposite type of blade twist. Based on Fig. 17 on the surface pressure distribution of a turbine
Harrison’s work, they argue that the net loss within the stator is shown in Fig. 18. This shows the predicted
modified blade row is unchanged and any benefits come pressure distribution on both endwalls and compares
from a more uniform flow entering the downstream row. them with the same blade without endwall profiling. It
Consequently they used 3D calculations to design the can be seen that the profiling has a very powerful effect
blades, twisting them so that the pitchwise average flow on the curved endwall and the greatly reduced loading
leaving them was uniform even in the presence of strong over the upstream half of the casing should reduce sec-
secondary flows. This involved opening the blade throat ondary flows. On the plane endwall (hub) the effect is
at the endwalls and closing it in the region of underturn- not significantly different from that produced by a
ing some distance away from the walls. However, they straight contraction of the stream surfaces, but the sig-
also made several simultaneous design changes, so it is nificantly reduced loading should still be beneficial.
not clear how much of the improvement came from the A detailed experimental and computational study of
more uniform flow. the effects of endwall profiling in a turbine cascade is
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Fig. 17 Endwall profiling in a turbine stator and a compressor rotor

Fig. 18 Effect of endwall profiling on the pressure distribution in a turbine stator

reported by Atkins [24]. He found that the local effect energy fluid under the influence of the radial pressure
on the contoured endwall could be used to correct any gradient caused by the swirling flow. However, it is not
undesirable features in the 2D surface velocity distri- obvious whether this radial migration is a good or bad
bution on the blade, but it was difficult to do this without feature of the flow. The main benefits of endwall con-
introducing undesirable features elsewhere. For a blade touring almost certainly come from the improved veloc-
with a good 2D surface velocity distribution, little ity ratio across the blade row rather than from any subtle
improvement over the effects of a uniform contraction effects of 3D flow.
was possible. If endwall contouring of the type shown in Fig. 17 is
Atkins also found no significant reduction in the to be used on any but the first blade row of a multistage
endwall loss generation within the cascade, despite using machine, then the annulus must be diverged elsewhere
endwall profiles that were very carefully chosen on the to restore the flow area for downstream stages. In the
basis of 3D calculations. The reduction in overall loss case of low reaction turbines this divergence can probably
that was obtained came from a reduction in the loss take place within the highly accelerating stator blades with
entering the cascade in the endwall boundary layers. This little penalty on performance. However, in other types of
is an obvious result of the reduction in inlet velocity that machine the annulus divergence will generate diffusion and
must accompany endwall contraction with a fixed blade increased losses that may cancel any benefits from the con-
exit velocity. It is also claimed that the reduced pressure traction. Cofer [23] claims efficiency benefits from the use
on the casing endwall near the trailing edge, as seen in of multiple stages with endwall contouring but shows no
Fig. 18, opposes the radial inwards migration of low- details of the geometries used.
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