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Pointers (single pointer)

 Declaration (int* ptr; )

 Pointer dereferencing (cout<<*ptr; )
 Pointer Arithmetic (cout<<ptr++;)
 Accessing arrays through Pointers: int A[5] = {0}; (int* p = A;)
for(int i=0;i<5;i++) cout<<A[i]<<”\t”<<p[i]<<endl;

Reference Variables
 Declaration of Reference variable: int a = 10; (int & ref = a; )
 How to access local variables of a function in other function

Functions (excluding Recursion)

 Built-in functions VS User defined functions
 Function Definition, Function CALL, Function Prototype
 Pass by Value
 Pass by Reference (Arrays are always by reference)
 Passing Arrays to Functions
 Default Arguments
 Function Overloading (based on parameters)
 Local Variables VS Global Variables
 Scope and Life Time of Local and Global Variables

Arrays (excluding 2D Arrays)

 Arrays of Integers/Float
 Operations on Arrays
 String and Character Arrays (various built-in functions)
 Searching Technique (Linear/Sequential)
 Sorting Techniques (Bubble Sort, Selection Sort)
 Practice Examples from daily life

Loops (all types with examples)

 For
 While
 Do-while

Decision Making Structures (all types with examples)

 If
 If-else
 Sequence of if’s
 Nested if-else
 Switch
 Ternary operator

All basic concepts learned from day-one till last Lecture

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