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As per Teaching Plan: S.No.01 Lecture No. 01-02

 Introduction to wireline logging and formation evaluation parameters

 Course Outline
 Course Description
 Assessment Pattern
 Objectives of the Subject
 Introduction to well logging
 Formation evaluation

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.02 Lecture No. 03-04

 Working principles of Basic Wireline Logging tools

 Well logging system
 Probe
 Active and passive devices

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.03 Lecture No. 05

 Basic rock properties

 Porosity and its classification
 Permeability and its classification
 Saturation
 Capillary pressure

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.04 Lecture No. 06-08

 Bore hole environment

 Bore hole size
 Drilling mud
 Mud cake
 Mud filtrate

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.05 Lecture No. 09-10

 Archie’s Equation

 Formation resistivity factor

 Formation index factor
 Problem

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.06 Lecture No. 11-13

 Resistivity log
 Introduction to resistivity and uses
 Lateral logs and Focused logs
 LL3, LL7, LL8 Dual Lateral log
 Log interpretation

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.07 Lecture No. 14

 Induction log
 Working mechanism
 Log interpretation

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.08 Lecture No. 15-18

 SP Log
 Introduction to SP log
 Natural battery
 Operation
 Working principle
 SP curve
 Log interpretation
 Shale volume Calcultions

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.09 Lecture No. 19-21

 Determination of Rw from SP curve

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.10 Lecture No. 22-24

 Calliper logging
 Working principle
 Log interpretation
 Factors influencing Caliper log response

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.11 Lecture No. 25-27

 Gamma ray log

 Introduction
 Working principle
 Log interpretation
 Shale volume calculations

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.12 Lecture No. 28-29

 Spectral Gamma ray log

 Introduction
 Working principle
 Log interpretation
 Determination of lithology
As per Teaching Plan: S.No.13 Lecture No. 30-1

 Density log
 Introduction
 Working principle
 Log interpretation
 Determination of porosity

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.14 Lecture No. 32-34

 Neutron log
 Introduction
 Working principle
 Log interpretation
 Butterfly Effect
 Tools (GNT, SNP, CNL)

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.15 Lecture No. 35-38

 Sonic log
 Introduction
 Working principle
 Log interpretation
 Pore pressure calculations
 Mud weight designing (Problem)

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.16 Lecture No. 39

 Moveable oil calculations (Problem)

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.17 Lecture No. 40-41

 Cross-plot Techniques
 Introduction
 Shaly sandstone cross-plot
 Neutron-density cross plot
 Sonic-density cross-plot
 Sonic-neutron cross-plot

As per Teaching Plan: S.No.18 Lecture No. 42-44

 Cement bond log and variable density log

 Introduction
 Log interpretation
 Examples (Cases)

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